
Cleaning Ink Out of a Dryer

I mistakenly washed and dried an ink pen. I have in on some clothing and the dryer has ink all over the drum. I've tried kitchen cleaner to remove stains on the dryer drum with no luck. Can this be removed or is my 2 year old dryer shot? Any suggestions would be welcome.




Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol will remove the ink. I got ink in the dryer, too, and used rubbing alcohol, and it worked. I got the tip from the book: How to Clean Practically Anything. (07/24/2004)

By Nikki


I used window spray or windex on my Maytag dryer, worked fine but I wasn't so lucky with the clothes. (08/23/2004)



Thanks for the info on getting ink out of the dryer, the hairspray helped a lot. It doesn't take out all of the blue of the pen, I think that is now a permanent feature, but it does remove the ink that is on the surface causing the spots on the laundry.

As for getting out the ink already on the laundry try using Carbona's Stain Devils #3 Ink & Crayon. It is absolutely awesome at getting out ink stains. It also removed the ink in the dryer however hairspray is a lot cheaper.


Carbona also has other spot removers such as chewing gum & glue, fat grease & oil (awesome!!!), make-up & grass, fruit & wine and many others.

These MIGHT be found at your local Wal Mart, ShopKo etc... however I can only find them at JoAnn's Fabrics and Crafts. They are about $3.49 for 1.7 fl. oz., well worth the price when your clothes are on the line. (12/29/2004)

By Sarah

Rubbing Alcohol

I just wanted to let everyone know that I used the rubbing alcohol and it's working! I'm trying it on the clothes as well and it's taking some of it off. I'll have to work at it because it's all over! Thanks so much for everyone's help! (02/25/2005)

By Happy

Rubbing Alcohol

I used Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser and rubbing alcohol. Worked perfect with not much scrubbing.

By leirej


Rubbing Alcohol

Try regular rubbing alcohol. (05/04/2005)

By Heitzler2

Lysol Spray

Hair spray worked, but lysol spray disinfectant took all the blue color out. (08/07/2005)

By Rebecca

Magic Eraser

We tried all of the above suggestions but ultimately the only two products that worked for us were Lysol and nail polish remover. Lysol was effective on the thick spots to loosen the ink only. However, the nail polish remover (non-acetone seemed to work better) soaked on a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (with a lot of elbow grease) eventually removed all of the ink stains on the dryer drum. (09/04/2005)

By John Paul

Magic Eraser

I used the Mr Clean magic eraser with non-acetone nail polish remover and it worked like a charm. It took the blue ink out of my white dryer completely. I couldn't believe how it just came right out. The one thing that I do urge is for anyone else who may have to do this - make sure you ventilate your area as much as possible and do this task in stages - the fumes from the nail polish remover can really get to you if you don't. (09/07/2005)


By Cindy


Read the label on the inside of your dryer door. DO NOT EVER USE A FLAMMABLE SOLVENT IN THE DRYER. Even a slight residue can catch on fire. BEWARE. (10/02/2005)

By Betty


Oust and a roll of paper towels worked great. then I wiped out the dryer with a damp cloth to get the Oust out.

By Barb

Java Hand Cleaner

Java Hand Cleaner (red pump bottle) (removes grease, ink etc.) used by my husband after working on the car. Does take elbow grease but works even better than the nail polish remover because it has a "grit" in the product. Dryer is still stained but the majority of ink is gone. (12/09/2005)

By Laurie

Magic Eraser

I would also like to thank Cindy for her assistance. After trying Clorox Cleanup, Clorox Bleach, alcohol, Simple Green and calling the manufacturer, that was not helpful, I tried Mr. Clean Magic Eraser with non-acetone nail polish remover. All of the ink came out of my dryer. I had so much ink I had to use two erasers but it worked. Thanks Cindy. (03/12/2006)


By Stephanie V


I just want to say thanks to the super solution. I went out and purchased the remover and a magic eraser and within 30 minutes you could hardly tell there was a problem. You guys really saved my rear end, because I live with my girlfriend and she would have killed me. (07/29/2006)

By BigD


I just tried the non-acetone and Magic eraser. WOW! I also wiped out the dryer with soft scrub and water. Then about an hour or two later wiped it all out with 1/4 cup bleach and water to remove any residue from the cleaners. (08/07/2006)

By Kari.

Dawn Power Desolver

A different solution that worked great. Dawn Power Desolver and a little elbow grease got the ink right out. And no bad fumes! In less than 30 minutes the dryer looked like new. (08/25/2006)


By Diane

My Experience

I too ran into this problem in my almost new dryer. My 16 year old daughter washed and dried some clothes and came to me that there was a pen in the dryer and red spots all over the dryer drum and clothes. I read most of your posts and did a quick test on a few spots with different cleaners. Clorox Bleach® seemed to work best. BUT - I did not then rub every spot - that would be amazingly tedious. The dryer tumbles! I took an old white bath towel and put it in a pail of bleach and water (I used 2 cups to 1 gallon), squeezed it until it was not too heavy but still dripping wet and threw the towel in the dryer on Fluff (no heat) cycle. after (4) 20 minutes cycles my dryer was perfectly clean! I then dried an old blanket that i did not care if a last remnant of the stain got on for a few hours to make sure it was all out - it was! Good luck! Now off to the dry cleaners. (09/13/2006)

By Master Guru


I recently dried a black ink pen in our brand new dryer, less than a week old. There was ink everywhere, after an hour of scrubbing with little result, the stains had lightened but that was it, I went to bed to try again in the morning. I used the non acetone and magic eraser after running my dryer for 10 minutes to heat the ink and UNBELIEVABLE! I wiped the stains away in less than 10 minutes, no scrubbing. Thanks for the advise. (09/13/2006)


Corningware Cleaner & Conditioner

I used Corningware Cleaner & Conditioner to remove the ink marks from my dryer drum. I use this stuff on my Ceran top stove, so figured it would be gentle enough to use on the dryer drum. Worked great and didn't take much elbow grease! (10/14/2006)

By L.E.


Thank you all for the brilliant suggestion of using nail polish remover and Mr Clean magic erasers. I had already used soft scrub with bleach, oxi clean, and the magic erasers and got some of it off but it looks perfect now with the nail polish remover. I left a pen in my scrub top, and away it went in to the washer and dryer. If you do this use the others recommendations of using a fan to air the room out and open all the windows. I am SO THANKFUL for all of your help. (10/15/2006)

By Lisa

Wait To Use Dryer After Cleaning!

Give it at least an hour after cleaning so that the fumes can dissipate. Leave the door open. (10/30/2006)

By Amanda

Acetone Nail Polish Remover

I had to remove quite a bit of blue ballpoint pen ink from inside my dryer drum. I read the posts and what I found our was this. A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works with non-acetone nail polish remover, but only so well. I then used an acetone based nail polish remover with the eraser and it did a WAY better job!
After 98% of the ink got removed, I washed a big towel in very bleach water then I dried it on the cool setting for 20 minutes, 3 times. This removed any chemical traces and got the drum as good as it could be! The best solution that I've found is to double check your pockets before washing!

Good luck! (11/11/2006)

By Big Mike

Stains on Clothing

"And has anyone tried removing the ink from clothes? Some of our clothing got stained and I was wondering if there was an easier way to get rid of it instead of bringing it to the cleaners or scrubbing it for hours in cold water."

My daughter's husband washed a gel pen. White shirts with ink stains went thru the dryer. Used 409 on the dryer and for the shirts they soaked them in BIZ stain remover. Worked great.


By Pam

Two Step Process

After trying everything I found a solution that works!

It is a two step process.

Step One: Put rubbing Alcohol in a spray bottle - spray drum, let stand for a few minutes with door shut. Open to air out with window open than clean. Or take a more longer less smell method and clean with a rag soaked in alcohol.

Step Two: Use straight bleach. Pour bleach in a large mouth measuring cup - fits in dryer well. Apply to dryer with a old rag completely soaking & covering surface, shut dryer let stand for 30 min. If necessary repeat, soak up bleach with old towel and wash drum out completely.

Test dryer with old colored towel to make sure bleach is completely washed out before using.

Your dryer is white once again! (11/20/2006)

By guest

Kaboom Cleaner

Thanks for the info, also found that using Kaboom cleaner takes the ink right out, heat the dryer first, then use the bleached towel afterwards to make sure all the cleaner comes out. Don't use the Spray Kaboom, use the cleanser version in the squeeze bottle that looks like an upside down ketchup bottle. (01/17/2007)

By Derek

Magic Eraser

Magic eraser and nail polish remover! WORKS LIKE A CHARM! Let the dryer heat up for about 10 minutes then go to work. No elbow grease needed. You are left with a spotless dryer and a little bit of a headache from the fumes. (01/27/2007)

By Jessie P


Gojo (abrasive orange garage soap/cleaner) works great! No need to de-fume or heat up dryer before hand. Just use a kitchen sponge to scrub on and a wet washcloth to wash off and you're all done! (01/28/2007)

By Tara

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