
Getting Rid of Tiny White Biting Bugs?

My mom keeps saying that there are bugs in her home. She says little white things bite her in her clothes. She says there are like white to yellow things on her floor that move. Her dog is scratching all the time. I don't know what to do.


Please help.

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 8, 20190 found this helpful

If this is a major issue she should have her home sprayed. Small white or yellow bugs like this could be a bug called a no seem em. They are horrible and when they bit it stings. The bites can swell up and get liquid in them. I would get a person over there to check out the home and speay it for her. Also get the dog to the vet and get hime some sort of spray for this too.

July 7, 20210 found this helpful

I have had this same problem for the last year. I have tried everything. I finally started using neem butter all over my body. I could see them coming out of my pours. The have left scars and broken blood vessels. I them rub myself down with tea tree oil. It sounds crazy, I know.


I believe we are hosting them in our bodies and once we rid our bodies of them we are free of them. I keep my house freezing cold. Take lots of showers. This has all been very helpful for me. The sad part is when they leave your body one is left with red spots and scars.

July 7, 20210 found this helpful

I have had this same problem for the last year. I have tried everything. I finally started using neem butter all over my body. I could see them coming out of my pours. The have left scars and broken blood vessels. I them rub myself down with tea tree oil. It sounds crazy, I know. I believe we are hosting them in our bodies and once we rid our bodies of them we are free of them. I keep my house freezing cold. Take lots of showers. This has all been very helpful for me. The sad part is when they leave your body one is left with red spots and scars.

February 16, 20220 found this helpful

Same thing here. I was told no see ums. I bought bug machines sprayed for them etc
It's not. I believe these are chyatella mites that indeed go into the skin. I use neem oil as well. I put it in a sprayer with citric acid, salt, a little dawn dish soap and 1/2 bottle of 90%alcohol, peppermint oil and water. Neem hardens so run sprayer under hot water to unclog sprayer before you spray. I spray the ceilings, walls, chairs, floors, clothes, myself and car. Vacuum car a lot. It leaves streaks etc. I'll wash the walls when this is over for good I put 1/2cup in washer. I have to turn off the cold water to my washer to get hot water. I turned water heater to 140. I let clothes, towels, sheets etc soak for at least 1 hour or overnight., Then I have to turn cold water on for rinse cycle and add vinegar to rinse water 1 cup. Dry completely then dry on hot 20min put back to hot 20 more min. I got rid of bird mites doing this. Neem kills adults and makes nymphs unable to eat. So for a couple days they scrambled all over me. Vacuum every couple days throw out bag. Also put borax in any carpet or rugs always after and before you vacuum. Throw out your purse. Wipe on and under computer ,mouse and phone out of case clean case daily with alcohol daily except screen. Looks like dandruff, black spots, tiny round white spots and tiny lint you can see them fly off of clothes when you fold maybe just one or two. I spray any that do that.


What's weird is you don't see these on you. But you can wipe them off of you and feel the little burgers between your fingertips. I spray any that do that. I spray dryer filter before I clean it with paper towel. I stopped the spraying as I thought it was over but it's not but sooo much better. I think I wore clothes that still had them in there. I also went to a store and could feel them swarming me. One day I was so fed up I put Clorox cleanup in my hair till wet. Rinsed out after 3 minutes. Lots of tiny hairs and weird stuff were in the sink. I do not recommend this for safety reasons but the relief was epic. Also I sprayed on baseboards and around where ceiling and floor meet.Spray cyonara all over outside on house and 8 feet from foundation out into yard. Do porches, outside walkways by dryer vent, by and in trash can. Be careful with Neem it can be bad for liver and kidneys. For skin I put a tablespoon Neem oil in 1cup coconut oil warmed to be liquid and put on body overnight. I put in hair and shower cap overnight. Dawn to wash it out. Try not to use conditioner or body moisturizer as they like it. Rinse body and hair with vinegar. I put borax all over couch and soft chairs until I feel like vacuuming them. A week or two. This is hell. I try to stay out of stores. I see people here and there with the dreaded trying to get them out of their nose dance. Good luck!

March 9, 20220 found this helpful

I have had the same issue and do evdrything you have stated. Im sorry you had to do all that because i know what you went through to get to all them points and research endlessly i still am. huge and probably the best to kill anything is food grade peroxide.


I put it in a pump sprayer and went to town ..seems like after a week they come back but it you stay on it for a month or so and spray everything like every 3-4 days as well as do everything else you stated its a world of difference. Hope all is well ..good luck

April 8, 20230 found this helpful

Good answere tea tree oil helps , I beat this three time's . Shower in dish soap , and strong mouth wash . I had to get new under wear and socks and shoes new hats new couch , and new bed , new bed sheets too ! DONT forget to wash car seats with hand sanitizer. Lavender anything seems to work really well . Please pay me back if I saved your life by replying so I'll know to reply back to you . Good luck y'all


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 8, 20190 found this helpful

I would take your mom to the doctor and the dog to the vet and have them both checked out. Doctors/vets can look at the bites and tell what is going on and then you can figure out if you need a flea bomb, a professional exterminator, or just a top to bottom house cleaning.


Every situation is different and if there are bites involved, best to start with the medical/vet world and go from there!

Post back with updates. Prayers to all for healing!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 8, 20191 found this helpful

It could be mites. Have an exterminator come in.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
November 9, 20190 found this helpful

You need to call a exterminator for this! The comfort and well being of your family is everything! Not doing this could have other underlying issues later!

December 10, 20190 found this helpful

every time i try to give answer that help some program keeps cutting me off and i lose everything, it pops up aw snap. so if you want to know what i have done, and will try give me a email at ezyone69@gmail. com and i will reply.


i been battle for yr now.

April 4, 20201 found this helpful

Please tell me what you did for it. I can sleep and Im losing my mind. I see these thing go into my skin right in front of my eyes. It feels like a bad dream. Please help me.

April 20, 20201 found this helpful

Hey, me too as far as seeing black specks disappear into my skin. I have not seen anyone else mention this. My struggle has been going on for over 6 years. I understand desperation, hopeless feelings.
I use 1500 heat gun on my clothes and bedding. ( Much practice to not burn holes into material) I add ammonia to all my laundry. Recently bought a heat lamp. Finally see black specs coming out of skin. Recently started using Off with 98% DEET, and pure camphor on skin. I sleep with my blow dryer in bed with me to keep air flow during sleep. I Have felt Suicidal and threatened to relapse after 40 years of sobriety. Dont lose hope! Docs and psychiatrists and family say delusional! We all know better! Read that Docs call patients that bring samples into office as having match box syndrome and delusions. So, I do not discuss with Docs. Occasionally, I visit Morgellons web site because this is a possible explanation. Worst part was when I blamed God, but now know He is in this with me and is my greatest ally.

November 18, 20201 found this helpful

Im the same way I feel sad because my husband don't believe I'm losing my and feeling very depressed I don't know what to do anymore I just want to give up

January 11, 20211 found this helpful

They have always been there! Its not that you are going crazy, its that theyve been there all the time. And thats why everybody sees nothing and you keep saying some thing is there. Something may have triggered you to notice these thing and now your noticing them all the time. and youre seeing what was normal in a different view/light. I went through this too and everybody thought I was going crazy. It wasnt until I figured it out after using different a couple microscopes and a handful of apps, I realized they have always been there. Because you keep looking for it, you keep finding it and or you think you see it moving. Im sure you have been researching online only to here other going thru the same thing. Just believe me your not crazy, they have always been there. Im hoping others will read this and see for themselves the answer to their non-imagined bugs. By the way when say theyve always been there I mean they as in dust, our dry skin flakes , dandruff, and it may be spices from foods. Buy a cheap microscopes from Amazon and see for yourself.

May 24, 20212 found this helpful

What had always been there...this mite n these fibers? Then what are they?

July 4, 20210 found this helpful

Could also be Morgellons that is possible but they also have clothes moths that eat fabric.Use a strong pesticide .Use foggers even let off 10 ,stay away for a day launder all clothing in hot water .If that does not work consult a good bug also

November 25, 20212 found this helpful

They are attracted to dark color clothing.
V shape white and have a shiny exterior too. Brown spots in the middle white looks like little worms. They are in the clothing, cabinets, kitchen counters also in your car.
Will try anything to get rid of this nuisance.
They come in different colors red, blue , beige. They will also burrow in your skin.
The dermatologist has to give you a prescription for a special shampoo also a strong antibiotic preventing infections.

October 14, 20220 found this helpful

Stronglyde pledora

April 8, 20230 found this helpful

Wow , I beat it with dish soap has lotion , mouth wash , yea tree oil and lavender anything helps a ton . Yes I get bites at kitchen sink . Hand sanitizer and get all new stuff , dont forget to wipe car seats

June 25, 20220 found this helpful

YES! U are describing exactly what I'm going through too! My family is basically disowned me and they all think I I'm crazy. I've been to several doctors and all of them say it is nothing. They won't even look at what I have to show them. It is awful! I'm tired exhausted depressed and think that there is no hope in sight

April 8, 20230 found this helpful

First I feel a sting getting stronger then I see a floating but controlled string like thread lint size. At peak Ill have tiny white flakes or hair folical size crust in my hair. I feel crawling in various places. Tingle in my nose. Even hear hundreds of popping noise in my ear wen laying on pillow. Often have crust in my eye . They say it could be meth exposure and Im just hallucinating? But it went away wen I use tea tree oil lavender hand sanitizer mouth wash or dish soap on myself. Plus got new tshirts socks under pants and shoes . I was cured. Maybe its the cheap tissue I assumed ? Seems to return with cheap tissue . DONT forget to wipe down car seats . And get all new stuff sorry

April 8, 20230 found this helpful

' LISTEN UP don't cry it's not bad has bedbugs ok, seen the string float away ? Burning stings ? Grappling crawls ? U see tiny flakes ? Nose crusted ? Yep I beat this 3 times . Start off by contact tracing clothes , bedding, shoes, socks, hats. Everything must go sorry! Get new clothes. Yes wash seats n car with hand sanitizer. Couch and bed ? Damn gotta go! (If you still have constant sensations). At the same time shower with dish soap . Lysterine (mouth wash) . Tea tree oil helps 76%. And that lavender really works great ! <END>Bless you all you can repay me by replying so I'll respond to you one day in the future. P.S. don't forget to wash out car '. And I had to get new under wear socks tshirts pants hats coat ''''


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