
Tips for Eating Less

January 24, 2009

A bowl of healthy salad.All the talk about portion control and the tips as to what proper portions really are, has brought up a question. My family is full of big eaters. Many of our old bad habits are changing since my husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. But here's the thing, how do you teach them (and me) how to be full on smaller portions?


I know we've gotten into the typical American habit of, if we don't feel like we're going to pop, we haven't eaten enough. Thank you Buffets! and Super-sizers! We all talk about how we hate that feeling but still insist on feeling that way. Any tips?

Sarah from Berrien Springs, MI


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January 24, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

I exercise and daily walk on a motorized treadmill twice a day at 30 minute intervals. So I walk 60 minutes for 6 days a week. I usually walk in the morning and in the afternoon.

I've noticed that I eat less when I exercise. Also I've set my mind not to overeat because I work too hard exercising, and I'm not exercising for nothing.

Too many of us women think that we can keep up with men by eating as much as they do. Well, we can't because our overeating will lead to OBESITY, and numerous MEDICAL PROBLEMS.


I also cut out sugar loaded desserts and I've noticed a considerable change since I'm starting to look thinner.

January 28, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

It takes about 20 mins for your brain to say FULL after you have eaten ... so with that in mind do like the French and have more than ONE course. Serve them separately (this slows the meal down), even if you end up using the same plate.

DO NOT HAVE A TV ON: The TV tends to numb us to what we are doing, and we shove food into our mouths and don't notice.

Slowing down the meal is hard, because we tend to want to eat fast and watch TV etc. Turn on music, really try to come up with ideas to talk about, this may mean checking out the weather, news, jokes etc before dinner. Talking slows the meal down, this gives the tummy time to say "I'm full"


Serve from the kitchen, this gives you better control of portions.

Put away extras in plastic containers for lunches etc - don't leave on stovetop etc or they will get noshed on.

When plating the meal, leave space between the items, it tends to make each part of the meal look nicer too.

If you have sauce, gravy put it on the dish in the kitchen, this way if they really want more THEY have to get up and get it.

PLATES: having a smaller plate gives the impression that you have more.

Put a pitcher of ice water to the table, I noticed when I did this everyone drank more water.

Start with soup at every meal (during the winter this is great because it also helps you keep warm). Try to keep the cream of X soups out of the menu. The crockpot is very handy and it will use up odds and ends of meals.


AVOID store bought soups - tons of salt

Then salad - add a little water to salad dressing to thin it down, then pour it down the sides of the salad bowl, mix the salad well - you shouldn't need to add more (saves calories)

For main meal make at least 2 veggies:
Watch out for the butter, sourcream etc those are extra calories. Use garlic, onions and spices to flavor veggies. If you put a little olive oil in pan add the spices, onions, garlic it pops the flavors, then add a little butter and the veggies.
A baked potato probably is less potato than if you cut them up for side dish (I know I will eat 1 larger potato, but if doing parsleyed potatoes I probably cut up 5-6 med for the 3 of us).

If you serve bread of any kind, put it on a plate not bringing the whole loaf or pan (I know its more dishes).

Butter or margarine whip is done by adding water and beating the heck out of it .. Soft butter spreads thinner.



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