
Treating a Pond Goldfish with Dropsy?

Can anyone enlighten me as to whether there is a cure for dropsy in a pond goldfish, it has not gotten to the stage of the scales lifting as yet.


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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 18, 20190 found this helpful
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Oh, this is a sad situation and from experience I know that it is painful to watch these babies going through this ordeal so I hope you can save this one.

There is a lot of information floating around but please be sure when you move the baby to new water that everything is correct before the transfer.
If the new water is tap water be sure it is treated and has no chlorine or other unwanted parts. Many people say to not use tap water but that may be all you have.


You may have had to treat the water before.

Be very sure the temperature is correct and this takes several hours if done properly.
Please use ONLY Epsom Salt as regular salt may kill your fish.

The following link has excellent step by step instructions and each one is important.
I sincerely hope your little goldfish survives this ordeal.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 18, 20190 found this helpful
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There are several reasons for dropsy and it is possible your pond is not the cause of the dropsy but if goldfish are in a pond they tend to get much larger so if you have a large goldfish I hope you can find a container to place him in as that may be the only way to save the goldfish.


I hope you have figured out a way because time is of the essence with a situation like this.

Also, I mentioned about using regular table salt and others are saying it is okay but I had a bad experience with salt but I could have used it incorrectly but I have never had a problem with Epsom Salt.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 18, 20190 found this helpful
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This is very challenging when the fish are in a pond.

Is it a small home made pond that you can drain and clean or is this a real pond (like a natural one)?

Either way the only chance is to get the fish out of the pond and into a controlled water situation and get them into a treatment with an anti parasite medicine and an antibiotic for the possible bacterial infection. You will need either a vet that knows fish or a pet store that where they specialize in fish to give you the correct dose for the size and type of coy/goldfish.


If it is a homemade pond, ask the vet/pet store how to clean it so that someday it could be livable again.

In a natural pond, you most likely are just not going to be able have fish in it again without risk.

Post back with an update. Prayers!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 29, 20190 found this helpful
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First off the pond needs to be treated and the water will need to be changed. The fish need to be moved out of the pond that are sick and put in another bowl while they are being treated. I have always used sea salt when teating my gold fish. I raised gold fish for years and once a week I would sprinkle rock salt or sea salt that is in the rock form in the pond.


This did keep ut a lot of the infections gold fish can get. This is an excellent vidoe on the treatment of dropsy.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
September 17, 20190 found this helpful

Put the fish in a separate tank from the others.Put a teaspoon of salt per gallon of water, and follow complete instructions here:


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