
Using ThriftyFun

Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
November 12, 2010

ThriftyFunThis is a celebration of ThriftyFun and our ThriftyFun Family. I've been working on it, off and on, for a couple of months and am finally happy enough with it to share. I hope you enjoy!


Ode to ThriftyFun

'T' is for Thrifty which means to be lean
'H' is for Hearts that are pure sweet and clean
'R' is for Receptive, what more could you want
'I' is for Ideal and indeed a very fun jaunt
'T' is for a Trusted place to share and to learn
'Y' is for Yarn, Yard, Yeast, or to Yearn
'F' is for Friendship and Folk who are just
'U' of course stands for every single one of Us

    And last but definitely not at all the least

'N' is for Nesting help from West and from East

Deeli 11/7/10

By Deeli from Richland, WA

Editor's Note: D is for Deeli! ThriftyFun wouldn't be the same without you and your wonderful contributions. Thank you for sharing your poem with the rest of us.

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This page contains the following solutions.

November 23, 2006

I wanted to show my appreciation for this website! Thank you so much for a place to go and find out anything we need to make our life easier! I don't visit many sites, I spend a lot of time here, I know when I get bored I can come here and learn a lot from people all over the world!


We all appreciate your hard work to keep this site going. Thanks so much!


Now I find it interesting when someone lists their location along with their name. Especially if they're in another country. Heck, I'm proud, I give my name and location. But here's the thing: So often questions are asked and and someone replies 'I don't know where you are, but . . .' Or 'I don't know if you're in a large city or small town, but . . . .' So many times, answers are predicated on your location. Especially if you're in another country. If you're from Nigeria or Australia, I can't very well tell you to go to your local Walmart, right? How about going in and beefing up your profile a bit - tell us where you're from.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
September 5, 2017

Recently we have been receiving far more submissions than is usual and our editors have had to make some hard choices about which submissions to keep. Because of this, we are announcing some new changes to our photo bonuses and contests.


This should allow us to pay for the very best content we receive, while still allowing all our members to have a voice when sharing tips. Here are the changes, effective September 1st.

A woman in glasses looking up at a lightbulb.

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
April 29, 2014

We have discovered a major glitch in our newsletter subscription service. This is affecting people who have accidentally unsubscribed from our newsletters as well as people who have tried to change their email address for newsletter delivery.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
November 8, 2017

Get ready to share your creativity this holiday season. We are excited to announce our holiday bonus program for Christmas or holiday craft submissions.


We are looking for instructions for making wreaths, ornaments, centerpieces, stockings, and decorations of all types.

Felt Christmas tree ornaments that have been hand crafted.

June 26, 2006

We are happy to announce a new feature on ThriftyFun for people that track our site using an RSS reader. We now have RSS feeds for every topic. This means you can target which information you would like to read in your RSS reader. For example, if you just want to be informed when new articles are post in Gardening section you can subscribe to the Gardening RSS feed. For a list of available RSS feeds visit:


Debra Frick
April 16, 2007

We all love ThriftyFun, right? Lots of times I have thought, "WOW, I would never have thought about that", "What a cute idea" or "What a great tip". I vow that this is something I am not going to forget.

How To Use ThriftyFun Effectively


August 28, 2008

This page will feature a list of updates, changes and fixes to the ThriftyFun websites.


January 6, 2003

Welcome to our new site! We have worked hard to test the site and make sure that everything is operation. If you encounter any problems, please let us know.


You can post them below in the feedback forum or email them to us by using our contact form.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

Susan - Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
January 28, 2002

We've been running ThriftyFun and it's origins for nearly 5 years now and are looking for ideas to make ThriftyFun and our newsletters better. What parts (newsletters, website sections) do you like and/or not like?

Because there are more and more sites of this type online, are there any ways in which you find it's existence still important. Please be honest. Because ThriftyFun has been based on reader participation, all of your comments positive or negative are very important to us. Please include how long you have been receiving our newsletters.


January 28, 20020 found this helpful

I have been getting ThriftyFun for almost a year now & like it so much that I have it saved in my Favorites. What I would like to see though is at the bottom of the page instead of 900 pages is some way to go to a page without having to use next all the time. I would like to see all the tips from #1 on but don't want to flip through all 900 pages..

January 29, 20020 found this helpful

I like the newsletter because it is small and it comes daily. There are
many sites which carry the same type of information. Most are bigger
and have more to offer - but I rarely find time to read them. When
Thrifty Fun comes I know it will only take a minute to read through it.

I also like the way you can get more immediate responses. On a website if someone asks a question it may sit there for months before a response is forthcoming. Here a Brainstorm is proposed and put out there.

Anyone who has something to offer does, it there are few responses you drop it and go on to something else. It stays fresh.
Peggy Hoehne, Contributing Editor

January 30, 20020 found this helpful

I really have to agree with Joan. There are times when I go to look-up and older tip that I know is around a certain post number and have to sit for some time just clicking next page after next page. Listing a page number/link at the bottom of the pages would be a great idea. Even if you only did one main page that had a link to each page of tips by number, that would be a little less work for you.
- Kathy

February 1, 20020 found this helpful

I also really enjoy the daily newsletter. It is also nice to know that you can go to the Website to look at past tips.

Maybe the website needs some kind of extensive index.

- Heather - Long Beach, CA

February 4, 20020 found this helpful

I love the Big Index and the Search Page. This will make it so much easier to look things up on the site. Thanks so much!!!

February 4, 20020 found this helpful

I like your little newsletter, and have added my 2 cents worth to the topics several times. But I hardly ever post to your site. I don't care much for the procedure you use. When I want to add something to a post, my desire is to do so when I am visiting the site. I don't like
having to go to my mailbox to find the URL that you send me to be able to post and then go back to the site to most times, I just don't bother to add my post...but just leave the site. There must be a faster and simpler way to do this. I don't have to await an email message for the many other message boards, forums, and such that I post to. Well, that is my 2 cents worth.

- Harlean from Arkansas

September 23, 20040 found this helpful

I have only been using this site for a short time but I love it!!! The tips are so helpful and I have used many of them to save time and money! Keepup the great work !

February 8, 20050 found this helpful

I've been getting ThriftyFun for 6 months or so now and really love it too. The tips are great and I've used many of them but would prefer that the recipes weren't mixed in with them. Maybe the recipes could be on a separate page?
I look forward to getting my ThriftyFun everyday...Thanks

April 4, 20050 found this helpful

Heck with American Singles!! The site is great. But I do agree with the lady before me. I have never made it to the end because I'm new to compuers and it takes too long as it ties up my phone service. Is there any way there could be a main page that could allow you to choose the main things you would like to look up, and every time I click on to something I have to go all the way to the front again.Maybe I just don't understand what I should be doing.I don't think i've ever made it past the 800's and it drives me crazy--sometimes I get up at night to try and find something I might have missed. What can I say----I'M ADDICTED!!!!!!

August 23, 20050 found this helpful

A lot of the ideas are great, plus it gets me thinking about things that I can share with others. Love it!

I don't get the newsletter, because I want to read for fun and ideas only when I want to, not just because it's there. I'm easily drawn into spending more time on the computer than I should.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 696 Feedbacks
February 9, 20060 found this helpful

I only found this site recently and must admit I'm hooked! I enjoy getting the newsletter and look forward to it. I do admit that I probably spend too much time here looking over the posts but I have found sooooo many good ideas! I've posted many ideas and comments too. Keep up the good work!

By Carol Churchill (Guest Post)
April 18, 20060 found this helpful

I just love the website - all the tips and ideas! Not so good at understanding the mechanics of the computer though, so I'll leave the proposals for improvements to those who are.

June 21, 20060 found this helpful

i absolutely love thrifty fun the best hands down of all the websites. my only gripe is that you can't type in the page number of where you want to go back to get to the tips where i left off at. and i love to read them and see what i can learn. the only thing i have figured out to do (and it isn't foolproof) is to bookmark the page under favorites with the tip number at the end. then when i finish that day put in the new tip number where i left off. only problem is when i am sleepy and forget like i did yesterday, lol.

Editor's Note: Because new tips and content is added nearly everyday, another thing to do is go to our Index by Date

You can click on the year, month and day and see the tips from there. That way you could just note the last date that you covered and move on from there. If the date is gray, there is nothing new that day, if it is green, that is the date you are on.

Susan from ThriftyFun

By Willem (Guest Post)
June 29, 20060 found this helpful

I have noticed that the same questions are asked and answered several times. Is there maybe a way to "marry" all the advice under one question so that it's not necessary to look through all the old postings to find what one wants? Good tips may be given to the same question at different times, and marrying the advice will make it easier to look up ALL advice at once. Hope I have explained well what I have in mind!

Editor's Note: Because the database in the site goes back to 2000, there's a lot of information. We always working on marrying the data but it all needs to be done by hand. One way you could help is tell us what they searched on or the web addresses of the duplication and send them in as feedback.

July 21, 20060 found this helpful

I'm pretty much a newbie to the site and the newsletter and I have nothing much to say other than thumbs up to Susan and the whole ThriftyFun crew. (Maggie too!) You're right, there ARE a lot of other sites like this out there, but the "atmosphere" here is different. No snobbing or dissing and everything feels so homey and down to earth. Judging from the comments and ideas given, the members here seem so sweet and goodhearted and truly interesting in helping others. In my otherwise fastpaced life, this site for me is like dropping in at a neighbours house for a cup of coffee and a chat on the porch. Don't ever doubt, your hard work isn't truly appreciated. Hugs to the lot of ya! :o)

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June 4, 2007

How do you get to read the profiles of the people on here? I'm new to this, but I thoroughly enjoy this site and would like to read about the wonderful people that make this so interesting.

Thanks and have a great Monday!

Judith from Montandon, PA


By Rasta (Guest Post)
June 6, 20070 found this helpful

Hi Judith! Welcome to Thrifty Fun. I go by my cats name (Rasta). I live in Chattanooga, TN. We are retired and moved here three years ago from Maryland and love not shoveling snow. I enjoy sewing and crafting which I never had alot of time to do until now. I make things to go into Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. We enjoy going to Atlanta and working in the warehouse inspecting the boxes for overseas shipment every December. We are active in our church and in the community volunteering for various organizations. I know you will enjoy the ladies and gents and all their talents and wonderful recipes and tips for everything. Have fun!

June 6, 20070 found this helpful

Hi Judith,
I don't know if you can read profiles on here! But I will tell you a little about me. I was born in Nebr. moved to Ark. and than finally settled here in Nev. We have 5 children & 4 dogs. The kids are all grown and living on their own, the dogs are not!
I love to cook and usually try 2 recipes a week that are posted here on ThriftyFun. Some I go back to alot and others... I will NEVER make again! Lol
Welcome and hope to see you on here often
Pahrump NV

June 7, 20070 found this helpful

Hi Judith, I live in Janesville,Wi. I live by myself.My husband passed away 7 yrs ago & had to have something else to do, so i stated a garden to keep me busy. I love it. I redo some of my back yard just about every year. I have no pets & my kids are all out on there own. I've lived here most of my life. I love to cook for other people & help out as much as i can.
I love this site -- take care.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
June 7, 20070 found this helpful

hi judith
I live in central illinois
I am 45, have 3 children(all grown)and 2 adorable grandsons. one is 10 months old and the other is 2 months old.their pictures are posted here on thrifty
under "welcome to the world tresaun" I love to read and ride with the hubby on are harley. we take our 5th wheel and camp a lot.we have a cocker spaniel that is chocolate & tan and is 10 years old(spoiled baby)
this is a wonderful site and I too would like to welcome you


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
June 7, 20070 found this helpful

hi judith. glad you could join us. my name is sandy and i live in a suburb of baltimore, md called halethorpe. i have 1 dog named ally. she is my daughter 7 yrs old and very sweet. i grew up here. i did move to florida for 5 yrs but really missed it being home after my mom died. so i found this great website about 2 yrs ago. i read it faithfully and find many great tips.

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March 14, 2005

I have a question. When I want to make a comment about something someone has written about, I make sure I am logged in, and still i get the message that I am logged on a guest. What gives?



March 15, 20050 found this helpful

If you have disabled cookies, your login won't be "remembered".


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
March 15, 20050 found this helpful

That is true, ThriftyFun relies on cookies, so make sure you have cookies turned on. If it still doesn't work, please let us know. If you don't know how to check if cookies are turned on, feel free to post that request as well and we will help you with that.

By sandy (Guest Post)
March 15, 20050 found this helpful

i also have the same problem. my cookies are enabled. i got a very nice email from thrifty fun but still cant resolve the problem. well at least i can post.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
March 15, 20050 found this helpful

Sandy and Linda, what browser are you using?

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January 11, 2006

I am new to this site and just love it! I enjoy reading the profiles of all the people that have set up an account, I just wish more people would tell a little something about themselves. It is really easy to set up an account for those of you that never have, and to write a little something about yourself just click on "Your Account" and type in something interesting about yourself; do you have children, pets, or hobbies? Share with us!

Persnickety Paula from Christmas, MI

Editor's Note: Thanks for mentioning it Paula, I think that's a great idea. You can have a subscription without having an account. To register click on the button on the top of the site. It's easy and spam free.


January 12, 20060 found this helpful

Welcome Paula! This is a great site. So much useful info. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

By Jennifer,CA (Guest Post)
January 12, 20060 found this helpful

Hi Paula!
Welcome to Us Thrifties! This is a great site! Can't wait to see more of your tips and ideas!
Jennifer CA

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June 30, 2006

I was wondering how long it takes before a question is posted? I submitted a question and it hasn't been posted yet.



Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
June 30, 20060 found this helpful

Normally questions are posted within 24 hours. Lately we have been getting so many requests that it has been taking longer. We hope to get caught up on requests over the weekend.

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September 19, 2005

I suggest very strongly that folks who submit tips also submit their names. I feel like I get know the people on this site because they do put their names. I like Robin's recipes. There are several Sandy's and we all use a different moniker.

By sandy

Editor's Note: We always encourage personalizing your posts. Many people have the same first name (like me, Susan) so it's good to think of something that helps identify you like "Susan from Washington State" or "Susan-WA." It's nice to know what state or country you are writing from.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
September 23, 20050 found this helpful

I like this site because of the great people.
Robin, Teri,and so many more
your tips are great, recipes yummy and most of
all when I miss my family in CA ...I log on here
and enjoy this site. Animal pictures are so
cute and I look at them at night. My husband is
disabled so I am home alot and your site is

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