
Cat Seems To Be Sick?

My indoor cat is about 8 years old. She is fed dry food, but also a bit of wet food everyday as well. She doesn't seem to be quite herself lately, and today while cleaning her litter box, I noticed that she has had some loose stools recently. She is eating the same, but drinking slightly more water than usual. Do cats get under the weather like people and recover on their own?


Or if they're sick, do they need to see a Vet? I don't know if I am over reacting or not. This is my first cat and I got her by default. Is there a way to feel if she has a fever or can you only find out the temp. with a thermometer? What about the cold nose thing? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

Alice from Saratoga Springs, Utah

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
October 13, 20080 found this helpful

When I was working for my husband in his veterinary office and people called with vague "just not right" symptoms we often told them to watch closely for anything specific. I know you mentioned loose stools. One little "bout" of this shouldn't be cause for concern. I would watch and wait.


I know you don't want to have to look back and say, "If only I'd taken her in..." but then again you don't want to run in at every little thing. I'd watch her closely for anything else. Just one old lady's opinion...for what it's worth! =(^.^)=

By Ima. (Guest Post)
October 13, 20080 found this helpful

Most common ailment for cats seems to be
bladder and kidney trouble. Off her feed and
loose stools, you might should take her in.
Better safe than sorry. In a cat the age of
yours, I would bed on kidney infection.

By Laura (Guest Post)
October 13, 20080 found this helpful

Cats don't just get "under the weather" like we do. If the symptoms continue, you should go to the vet. Cats have an extremely high tolerance for pain and illnesses, so you don't usually see evidence of problems unless they are really uncomfortable.


Also know that your cat is now officially a senior citizen, so don't skimp on annual exams.

...from a veteran owner of many cats.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
October 14, 20080 found this helpful

Personally I think you should take her to the vet and especially since she's drinking more water than usual because this is generally a sign of kidney infection/disease or diabetes. Better safe than sorry!

October 14, 20080 found this helpful

Cats tend to get sick and be able to hide it very well, I would be more concerned if she wasn't eating or seemed very lethargic. My senior cat was like this for about 2 weeks this summer, and then just seemed to "snap out of it" and become his usual obnoxious self.


If you are concerned phone your local vet and ask, most places will let you know what they think and if they don't consider it anything serious will not insist on you bringing her in (at least that has been my experience). Hugs and purrs, Cinnamon

By petlvr (Guest Post)
October 14, 20080 found this helpful

Your cat needs to be seen by a vet ASAP. Please take her in. The previous feedback is right - cats try to hide their illness until it becomes too severe to do so.

October 15, 20080 found this helpful

You say your cat hasn't been herself lately. Does that mean 1 day or a week? If she hasn't been herself for awhile I would take her to see her vet. I have 3 cats and if one is not feeling well for a day or maybe 2 I'll wait and see.


Anymore than that and I would take her in. I know you don't want to run to the vet every time she sneezes but I believe it is better to be safe than sorry.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
October 15, 20080 found this helpful

I thought I should add one more personal post to this question. Yes, cats indeed do hide their sickness as others have posted!

I've rescued about a dozen kitties over three decades (sometimes having up to four at any given time until their elderly end days) and took each one for an annual check-up but, just like people, things can happen in between check-ups :-(

I had one precious elderly cat a few years ago that acted as if all was fine until it was too late :-( She even ate a lot and played and cuddled as usual but one day she began walking around all wobbly and it turned out her liver had completely failed and there was nothing that could be done to help her by then :-(


The fact that your baby is giving you signs via loose stool and drinking a lot of water is definitely signs of concern and those signs are actually a Blessing and even those symptoms turn out to be a false alarm should be taken seriously!

It's been a couple of days now since you posted your question so please let us know how things are going for your baby!

October 15, 20080 found this helpful

My sincere thanks to everyone for your concern and advice you posted concerning my cat, Mauwmee (pronouned Mommy). It means sweet little one in some tribal language near the rain forest. She was already named when I got her, but she really is a sweet little one. We did end up going in for a check up and Dr called today with blood results and everything was good news, She ended up coughing up a lovely hairball after returning from the vet. I think that might have been what was it was from. She is back to normal now. But better safe than sorry. I combat the hairballs with anti hairball goop and lots of brushing, but with her long hair it is tough to get rid of all of it. Thanks again for all you posts. Alice

October 16, 20080 found this helpful

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to respond to my concerns about my cat. Your message was right on. I just didn't have the confidence to wait it out and chance it this first time. Next time if similar signs appear, I will have the guts to wait it out a day or two. I did gain the reassurance from the tests that were done that she is healthy so far. From one old lady to another, I want to say thanks a lot. :(^~^):


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