
Can I Request Giftcards in Lieu of Gifts for a Shower?

Is it inappropriate to request giftcards in lieu of gifts for a shower?

By MiMi from LA


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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
August 5, 20100 found this helpful

I don't feel it is proper to request any particular type of gift for any occasion, other than at the bridal or baby registries.

August 6, 20100 found this helpful

When I got married (over 15 years ago), I read that it wasn't proper to tell guests where you are registered when sending out invitations. People will want to know, so *when they ask* it is okay to tell them where you have registered. I assume the same would apply to your situation. Don't mention gifts of any sort in your invitation. But if anyone asks, then you could tell them that you'd appreciate anything, but gift cards to (whatever store) would be particularly helpful.


You might want to talk to one or two close friends/relatives about this. It's possible a guest would ask them what you could use/would like.

Best of luck with your happy occasion. I hope your wedding and union are wonderful and long-lasting.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 399 Feedbacks
August 10, 20100 found this helpful

No. But if someone asks you can suggest gift cards.

August 10, 20100 found this helpful

I think it would be proper to ask the hostess to organize a gift card shower, she could have people cut out photos of things they would buy with the gift card and have write down why they like that (this would be like the household hint part of the shower). For instance they could place the card in a box with a homemade swiffer pad with a pic of the swiffer and a note about why she likes to use this mop. The hostess could ask them to place it into an inexpensive kitchen item for wrapping such as a disposable food container, a roll of plastic wrap etc.


This would make it fun but would also make the guests feel like they were shopping a bit for the bride. I would not be offended with this. I think this would be a fun kind of wedding shower, but the hostess would need to encourage guests to use their imagination. Good luck and have fun:)

August 10, 20100 found this helpful

It is not proper. But can be suggested if asked. (Asking for giftcards is like asking for money.) Some people are going to bring gifts anyway.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
August 10, 20100 found this helpful

When my son got married I had a "pasta and wine" shower for them. Everyone brought a bottle of wine, some pasta (there are so many different kinds!), a pasta bowl, and their favorite pasta recipe. My son and his wife were University students and lived on pasta, which they love. Everyone said that was a great idea, because they never know what to buy for anyone, since most people have moved out of their parents homes and have everything they need before they get married.


For another shower, they got 5 toasters and 3 mixers! I think, if you word it right, on the invitations, a gift card shower would be great!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
August 10, 20100 found this helpful

It is not proper to tell anyone any time what you want as a gift. Someone asks, you can suggest. And don't forget to send thank you notes, emailed or verbal don't count. Nothing is worse than people asking for money, especially when they say they need it to fund their honey moon, or to pay on their wedding. If you have to beg for funds, then you don't deserve anything, any gift, in any form.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 171 Feedbacks
August 11, 20100 found this helpful

No, it's tacky! C'mon people! Whatever happened to being grateful for getting a gift at all? Now people want to dictate what they should get or want?


Please! Let's find our way back to etiquette and decorum.

May 7, 20170 found this helpful

Before you judge, realize that things have changed over the years. I have lived with my boyfriend for 3 years and anything that we have ever wanted for our house we have bought ourselves. Now there is literally nothing to register for so it more practical to ask for gift cards to help with different projects around the house. Why should I ask people to buy brand new household items so we can get rid of perfectly good household items? When you are young I understand why you feel the need to register but people are getting married later and later in life so there is nothing wrong with asking for money and gift cards.

March 22, 20180 found this helpful

This is my exact situation for my daughters bridal shower! My problem is how do I word it on the invite or even if I put it on a separate card without it sounding tacky?


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