I took this Sweet Pea photo a few weekends ago.
The woman who gardened here before I arrived thirteen years ago planted Sweet Peas that grew up a string scaffolding behind the garden shed. I've never maintained the string so the Sweet Peas come back year after year and meander through the garden. Though that woman is long gone, it is comforting to think her artistic spirit still haunts this garden.
I planted the Rosemary many years ago and it has grown three feet tall and at least as wide. Neither the Sweet Pea nor the Rosemary require any attention from me other than admiration. For many summers to come, the two plants will mingle and reflect the artistic vision of all who have tended this garden.
By Dineen
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What a beautiful photo, the color of the Sweet peas is so pretty among the rosemary. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Beautiful!!!! Also, such a way with words, have you ever thought of writing for a living???
Pretty the rosemary is something that I would not
thought of, great tip. The photo is nice and your
description was very nice.
I always enjoyed the scent of sweet peas when just
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