
My Dachshund Has Behavior Problems?

April 15, 2007

Dachshund puppy plays with shoe outside in grass.I have an 8 month old mini-dachshund who still cannot be trusted for very long in the house without urinating somewhere. I have crate trained her, but she still has submissive/excited urination as well as urination done "on purpose" when she is mad at me. Yesterday she actually came up to me and peed on my foot.


What does this behavior mean? I have a part time job and give a lot of attention to my 4 year old son. She also bites him sometimes during "play" and hurts him. I scold her for this, but then she pees on my foot or something. I'm at the end of my rope with her, what do I do?



April 16, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

The dog needs to be in the crate when you go out.
It may take a while to break him of peeing but stick it out! It is also good to train him to go into the crate on command. You may need to have the door open to bring in groceries. This way you don't have to worry about him getting out or underfoot.

April 16, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

If you do not want your dog to dig all over the yard or under the fence try this.
Pick an are where you will let him dig. Bury treats here now and then. This will direct him where you want him.


I am not sure you can get him to stop digging all together.

By Doggy (Guest Post)
April 17, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

Urinating on you is a sign of alpha behavior, as is biting your child. I have no doubt you love your dog, but you may have to chose between your dog and your child. Your child has a right to be safe in his own home. A dog who has bitten is not a safe companion. The bites might have been minor so far, but you cannot predict with 100% certainty that the next occurrence won't be a major bite or attack. I urge you to find a loving adult for the dog, with people who understand alpha behavior and can control it.

I was in the same situation 30 years ago, and it broke my heart to have to place my beloved pet, but a childs safety must come first.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 418 Feedbacks
April 17, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

My terrier years ago "marked" my pants leg only once, and that was while I was standing in a neighbor's yard talking. I think he was literally marking his territory - me. Dogs are pack animals; they need to know that you're the boss of the pack and that you will take care of them always.


If you have to have a dog, maybe an older dog would be better, one whose history you can find out from the animal shelter. Good luck to you.

By Me (Guest Post)
April 16, 20071 found this helpful

First of all, she's a puppy. They all act nuts. She just needs to be trained & you need to be respected as the mom. I would suggest a puppy training course. It will be well worth it. You will end up w/a different dog. They are usually taught locally. Yes it costs money but the benefits will be life long, so really it doesn't cost much. Most people take them on to adult classes but I doubt it will be necessary. Once you are both trained you'll know what to do as she gets older too. Just make sure they use ONLY the reward methods. If there's any punishment or hitting or jerking on the leash, RUN.


Those are archaic cruel methods. If you really really can't afford it there is a wealth of info. on the internet that you could train her with. It takes time but the bonding that will take place makes it worth it. And all will be happier. Dogs like to learn & I'm thinking this dog doesn't get enough attention as it is, unless it's negative, so she's trying to get it any way she can. They are just like kids. A dog is a life long committment to give them the best of everything that we can. They deserve it & we owe it to them.

By (Guest Post)
April 16, 20070 found this helpful

I had a dachhound too and her name was Puddles. They do pee a lot when they get excited. Eventually Puddles was trained but still squirted a little out if someone used that cutesy excited voice talking to her, shed pee on their shoe out of joy!


I always encouraged guests to speak to her in a calm manner, which helped immensely! Good luck, some dogs take longer than others.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 174 Feedbacks
April 16, 20070 found this helpful

Jerking on a leash is not cruel. It doesn't take much of a jerk to get the dog's attention. She has a child to raise, but the dog and she will be trained to work together for a happy family.

April 17, 20070 found this helpful

She has seperation anxiety which is not uncommon in some dogs. She wants your attention and will get it any way she can, just like a child will.


Doctor Foster's which is a great pet website has herbal calming pills which might help you out.

By Glory Lyn (Guest Post)
August 11, 20080 found this helpful

I too have a miniature dachshund, his name is tol-tool, and he is now on his 5 months old, its a matter of how close you are to your dog. Tol-tool is very naughty puppy, he sometimes squirt in our bed if he wanted to make a revenge on me ( late feeding) heheh, but anyways, I trained my tol-tool to pee at the back of our PAD, and by then, he every morning, he will then run at the back of our pad just to pee and leave his dirt waste. At least I've taught him to do the right manner.

By Lisa (Guest Post)
October 10, 20081 found this helpful

I just got a Dachshund, she is two months old, and so far, she has been easy to train to use a pad for peeing. Once she gets that down, the next step is outside. She still has little accidents, but she is a puppy and is still learning. These dogs can be a bit stubborn, but working with them constantly, staying on top of them is key. It is frustrating at times, but you have to stick with whatever way you decide to go. It sounds like she just needs some attention, whether it's training her, or playing with her.

By Barb (Guest Post)
October 12, 20080 found this helpful

I have good news and bad news. I now have my second miniature dachshund and I love her a lot. We got her at age 2 and we've had her one yr. now. My first one was a boy and lived to be 16 yrs. old. Both of mine did that "nervous" pee pee thing when we came through the door or guest came over. I now know that all doxies (boy or girl) have a nervous bladder thing that will always be an issue. What makes it livable for me and my husband, is that we have learned that when you or someone else comes through your door into your house, make sure EVERYONE ignores your doxie and without scolding or begging or any words at all--just walk back outside and let the dog follow you outside to allow a chance to go pee-pee.

DO NOT GIVE UP and go back indoors UNTIL THE DOG DOES GO PEE. Next, make sure no body stoops down or reaches down to "pet" your dog, instead, let that person sit on a chair or sofa and call the dog up on their lap to begin the greetings to the dog. Our doxie does not do that "excited" pee-pee on our laps, only on the floor. So now we just ignore her until she follows us back outside, does her pee-pee thing, and then loves on us on our laps. We do not have any urine problems now on any floors as long as we keep up with this.

Girl doxies are easier to deal with, when they do that excited kind of peeing- because it just goes straight out the back of them onto the floor or sidewalk or where ever, "Boys" on the other hand, can squirt pee over their own tummy and towards you if their head is at your feet during their time they are on their back submitting to you. We warn all of our company to ignore our little doxie and everyone understands why. I use a pet taxi (med. size) for our doxie girl's bed and for stays at home alone. When we come home, all we do is reach down to open the door on it and ignore her all the way to the front door and out onto the lawn. We do not talk to her or boss her, we just lead the way out.

Once she is on the lawn, we repeat the command "go pee pee Amy" until she does. When we are back indoors, we sit down and she just jumps up onto our laps and gives kisses without urinating at all. When all of our loving and "greetings" are over, she is calm and just walks around satisfied and normal. Our first doxie grew up with our six month old son and was always compatible. We did not have aggressive issues at all. We taught the dog to be sweet and social and took him everywhere with us that we could- even on vacations. The one I have now was sick when I got her and she had 4 previous homes before us. I know that she hates children and growls at strangers. She is extremely loving with my husband and myself, so we will continue to socialize her in a very safe and controlled manner because we ARE her "forever" home that she deserved in the first place. She is in my "loving" boot camp now (Hee Hee).

I am sold on doxies! They are a very cute, funny and special breed. Not everyone understands this breed, but for everyone who does, and who has one, we know that it is almost an addiction. Good luck even if you have to place yours in another home. Just do what works for you, your child and that little doxie. Safe is always better than sorry. Patience is key. Motherhood alone is a huge challenge, but we all get through that too, don't we. Sincerely, "'Been there-done that"

By (Guest Post)
October 15, 20080 found this helpful

Erin, I have a 6 month old boy doxie, and I have to say none of this strange behavior has ever happened to me. What you may want to try is if you have a petsmart store near you, try taking her to obedience class. Good luck!

By jimmy (Guest Post)
November 13, 20080 found this helpful

I have two ten month old dachshunds as well as their mother. The puppies have been extremely well behaved and easily trained. My concern is that Savannah (runt of litter of five-if this may have any bearing) continually wants to chew and suck on her mother's ears, and just recently has begun attempting to chew on her sisters' ears. I can't find any info on this behavior on the net and am hoping someone else might have experienced this.

By Tee (Guest Post)
November 20, 20080 found this helpful

I just got a dachshund, she's about 12 weeks old now but I can't seem to potty train her. She won't listen to me at all. I wake up 5am in the morning just to bring her to the pad and stay with her but she runs off to another corner to do her business. I bought those PEE WEE WEE training spray but it doesn't work. Now she just pees on my bed if she doesn't make it to wherever she goes or she goes on my clothes. SO I'm out of ideas of what to do. I got a pomeranian that's 7 years old and I had no problem with him. I give her a lot of attention and bring her everywhere I go if I'm out for a long time. She has a lot of toys and gets a lot of attention from us. The only issue she could have is, my pomeranian won't play with her but other than that, I'm out of ideas to potty train her.

any suggestions?

By Theresa. (Guest Post)
December 8, 20080 found this helpful

We have a 8 yr old female dashund and her behavior is bad. Is it normal for her to bark all the time? Now she pees in the floor when it is too cold to go outside? She has a doggie door to go through princesschiwaukee @ spaces)

By Brett (Guest Post)
December 13, 20080 found this helpful

I was reading Erin's question and I am nervous. My little sister has her heart set on a mini dachshund, but after reading all the comments, is it a good idea? Can anyone tell me or give me advice. I'm curious if it is nice toward our cat, if it sheds, and if it is nice, I have a feeling it pees a lot and I have been reading different sites but they all have different information!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
December 14, 20080 found this helpful

To Brett: Any dog is like any person. Different from another! I've heard from breeders of small dogs that they're harder to train and I can say with my little Lucy this was certainly true. Lucy was a little strange. She loved my husband but would scream if he bent down to pick her up. It was ok if she was handed to him. She absolutly hated anybody small! We could not figure out why because she had never had a bad experience with a small person. After she died I got my mother's doxie and she's absolutly the most perfect dog in the world. Her only problem with me is that I make her go out in the cold to potty. She doesn't want to go! We talk about it and she hangs her head and goes out and I make sure I bring her right back in so she knows it's ok to go out since she won't have to stay.
All that to say this. Each dog is different and each person is different but I would say if she doesn't have a lot of time to give to training and teaching then a doxie may not be right for her. Lots of them are biters but I've seen more really nice ones than nasty ones.

By (Guest Post)
January 23, 20090 found this helpful

I am in a relationship with a lady who has two dachshunds, we moved in together a year ago and it has been really bad. Not the relationship, but her two dogs. The pee everywhere, bark constantly, can never be trusted not to chew on anything in reach. We've taken them to obedience twice, both failed both times. We've hired a private trainer for dominance training and nothing has really helped.

The barking is less, and thankfully neither of them bite. I've read a lot trying to find a solution, but truthfully it seems most dachshunds are just really difficult to live with if you have a desire for a clean life. The poor things cannot go anywhere in our house except the tiled area, they can't own their own beds (aet them or pee on them) the only toys they can have are kongs made for panther-sized dogs. I'd never own a dachshund by choice, even my gf says never again... obviously we can't get rid of them. They are 3 and 5... so waiting out 10-12 years for a happier life with a different breed!

By ellie (Guest Post)
February 13, 20090 found this helpful

A little background: My two-year old standard doxie was difficult to housebreak-- she still has the occasional accident, but through diligence in taking her outside every time she jumped up on my leg (her signal), she has gotten much better. Like all doxies, she does the "happy to see you" pee puddle, so friends know not to pet her when they walk in the door. I take her outside for excited greetings. She is lovely and totally worth it.
Help needed:

My problem is that she has always been super sweet and lovable with everyone, people and dogs, especially with babies, but just had a mood change and now barks at friends, gets irritable with people, nips, and growls. What happened? I had been taking her to the dog park everyday, and stopped a few months ago, but would be surprised if just a few months could cause such a drastic change in her behavior. Any ideas?

By April (Guest Post)
February 18, 20090 found this helpful

Hello to all. I am a long time dachshund owner and thought maybe I should chime in here since the doxie seems to be getting a pretty bad rep here.

First of all, I implore all of you doxie owners to DO YOUR RESEARCH. This breed is very special. They are loyal and loving and SMART contrary to many things I've heard of here. When we first got our Lucy, we were adamant on crate training. Proper crate training would be that most of their day is spent in the crate. Yes, I know this seems extreme and maybe even cruel, but it is a crucial learning experience for them. They need to know that they do not run your house. They do not run you. They are your pet. You are not theirs.

Take them out every two hours to pee or poop. Otherwise, back in their crate they go. This lasted me about two weeks and afterwards we moved on to tether training.

Tethering is also something most people have a hard time observing, but once again, is also a very crucial part to training especially to young dachshunds. Clear an area designated for your doxie and only your doxie. It is recommended that this area be gated. Find a secure place to tie one end of your leash to and hook your leash to your doxie. Make sure that the length of the leash stretches far enough for your doxie to reach its water, crate, and wee pads. This is to establish ground. This is to establish that this is where they pee and poo. My dog did about two weeks of that and voila, no accidents since.

Dachshunds DO NOT respond to scolding, yelling, hitting, any of the above. it only makes them more stubborn and much more reluctant to do what you want them to do. Best way to go about discipline is as soon as they do something you dislike, you put them in their crate for a 5-10 minute time out.

Please, don't give up on these beautiful creatures. They are sweet and so smart. I've been able to sucessfully paper train Lucy, as well as teach her a bunch of tricks such as sit, stay, lay down, give me paw and other paw, roll over, stand pretty, playing dead, and also (most importantly of all) to wait for a treat instead of muscle me for it. I can drop treats on the floor and she will not eat it until I tell her I can. See? proof that these dogs are GREAT!

If anyone needs any advice or consoling, please email me at a p r i l m b 1 9 8 4 @ y a h o o . c o m (remove spaces)

By christina (Guest Post)
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

This is going to sound weird but my female dachshund (dominant) bites/ chews the back of my very submissive ratterior. The ratterrior is 4x's bigger but my dachshund will climb on top and take her neck/ back into her mouth and push with her paws. My vet doesn't know why. It's as if the ratterior is her chew toy. It's strange...anyone know? The dachshund is possessive of me, too. I've had the Ratterrior 2 years longer than the dachshund. I've had them both about 7-8 years.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
February 25, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you, April! I've been around many, many breeds of dogs and have to say that even though I love most of them Doxie's are by far my favorite. I think one reason so many people have trouble with training them is that doxie's are so smart they can out fox many people. My husband says you have to be smarter than the dog to train the dog!

By Mary N. (Guest Post)
February 27, 20090 found this helpful

I have a 3 yr. old dachund, which was previously housetrained, and this winter started going down the basement at night peeing and pooping! He goes out several times a day and late at night, but this behavior is continuing. The cat box is in the basement, so I'm wondering if he's doing this to mark the territory. He will also pee in my spare bedroom where my grandkids stay, if the door isn't shut. It sounds like I'm going to have to start putting him in a crate, and totally retrain him.
I love him like a child, and could never get rid of him, but would like to hear some more suggestions.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
March 3, 20090 found this helpful

Mary, I'd say your idea of the crate at night is best. He won't want to soil his bed as you already know. You must make sure you remove all signs and odors from the spare room he's using. Dogs like to go back to the same places. I've used Nature's Miracle with success.

June 20, 20090 found this helpful

I have a "new to me" 9 month old doxie mix, they think he has beagle and terrior in him. He is learnig quite well for a dog that had a home, and then sent to the humane society and now here, all in 9 months.
I haven't had much trouble with him peeing or pooping, he lets me know when he has to go(most of the time), My problem is my cat, he just doesn't seem to like her, and, I have to watch real close that he doesn't bite her. I don't know if it's just play, or jealousy. I crate him at night and when I am not here, which isn't very much. I have tried everything I know to get him to leave the cat alone, but, he always seems to be eyeing her with that stern look of the doxie. He very much resembles a doxie, black and tan, but, with 8-9 inch legs instead of 3 inch. Does any one have any ideas?

December 29, 20100 found this helpful

Dachshund are very special dogs. Not for everyone, now on my fifth one I balance out their stubborness with the love they give me. Definitely hard if not impossible to potty train at times (hard wood floors a must) I fine they will only listen to you if they love you and don't want you upset. That means love sleep in the bed with you sit on the couch with you etc. Anytime you think they have got it, they regress and do exactly what you don't want. Please research the dog and understand this before you get one. If your not ready to share you bed, couch and get these guys to love you so they want to do nothing but please you, then you need to consider another breed. Once they love you they will try to obey but still make mistakes. Much to my vets and groomers surprise I have never had a nippy or unfriendly Dachshund. I think they require more then some are willing to give. In exchange they will love you like no other.

March 12, 20140 found this helpful

I've had a daxie for 5 years and I've noticed a clear pattern that he pees inside if people baby him! Anyone that visits and gives him an overexcited greeting, or anyone that he considers as 'helpless' and in need of his protection, will result in him peeing indoors when they leave. It was explained to me once that this is because he feels he has to protect them, and if they leave without him, he feels he's failed and will go into melt down, peeing around the house.

We had a friend with a toddler visit last weekend, and I told her "he'll pee tonight after you've gone, even though he's not done this for 6 months. I can see he's fiercely protective of your kid" and sure enough, 3 hours later, I found one in the kitchen! His problem is not one of stubbornness, he cares too much and if in panic mode when kids or elderly leave the house, because he's not doing his job! Bless!

November 25, 20150 found this helpful

Hi Everyone,

I love our little female mini to bits, she's got toys and we give her alot of attention but still she sneaks into our laundry basket and chew our underwear or drag our shoes out on the lawn. Any advice??

Someone told me that getting her a partner, a male mini, will help - what do you think?

December 6, 20150 found this helpful

ALL dogs pee, especially small breeds. Do some more research. You have to be committed

May 4, 20160 found this helpful

No!!! You don't have to get rid of your beloved pet because he has bitten your little child. Just have to teach him to play nicely and calmly with your child. Always be watching them together when they are at play and soon as he or she, the dog starts getting too rough playing then let him know very quickly that's a no no. Which ever way you have to teach the dog that you see works best that he listens too then keep on doing that approach. The dog will eventually learn he or she is not allowed to play too rough. Remember your child will get older along with your pet so therefore they both will get calmer with age. You can get in with the play time with the dog, your child and you together playing and teach the dog and your son the correct way to play together. Let them two build a close bond so the dog want be jealous of your child. No, I'm not an expert or a vet or anything to that matter but have learned from my own experiences with my dog I used to have with my two younger boys. Had to teach them how to play correct way. Really tryto get yyour Dog tought somehow that's it's not ok to bite. Let me know what you think about what all advice that I've tried to give you. Good luck to you all. Bridgette.

June 4, 20160 found this helpful

I have 2 female miniature dachshunds. Sammie is 13, Roxie is 3. Neither of them have EVER had a "nervous peeing problem". Sammie was my first of this breed and my husband and I absolutely fell in love. He was actually expecting her to "nervously pee" but she never once did. 4 months ago, someone was needing to find Roxie her furever home, and because we had Sammie, and she's getting up there in age, I thought if we got the same breed, #1 she could teach her the hunting ways that she knows (which she has done an incredible job of!) #2 it won't be AS hard when Sammie goes home to wait for us. So far, she's been FANTASTIC. She's had her indoor accidents we're still trying to completely break her from, but it's been worth it. She's so affectionate and loving, WHEN....she ISN'T getting in trouble for something. When I try to get on to her, SHE AIN'T HAVIN IT!!!! I feel like "biting the hand that feeds you" is a HUGE problem that needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY, But Idk where to even start can someone please give me some helpful advice? Thank you

July 26, 20170 found this helpful

it is a small puppy it will start potty training at 6 month as they don't get it before.. I got x2

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