
Earth Friendly Snake Repellent?

Can anyone please give me ideas on earth friendly ways to keep snakes out of my yard with things I have at home? I had a rattlesnake on my front porch one morning and now I am terrified to go outside. I do live in the country and have never seen any of this for 14 years. We have 5 cats and I thought they were suppose to keep them away. Help!


I can't move and must stick it out. Besides I do love the country life, just not these so close to my door. Please tell me what I can do. Thank you so much in advance and God Bless You.

Kay from Clyde, TX

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By M (Guest Post)
October 1, 20080 found this helpful

We've had a lot of luck with mothballs around our house. I live in East Texas near where you are, so I understand. They do stink, so be ready for that, but it's better than a snake in the house! However, it is starting to cool down, so they will be going into hibernation soon. We treat the area right around the house in March every year as it starts to warm back up.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 131 Feedbacks
February 20, 20200 found this helpful

Better the mothballs smell than a snake in the house ... Better cancer than a snake in the house ?
Mothballs consist of naphtalene or paradichlorobenzen. Naphtalene is a carcinogen. Paradichlorobenzene is a carcinogen. Mothballs sublimate into gas it is the gas that kills or repel moths. The insects don't have to touch the ball or eat it or come close to it just breathing the gas is enough to kill the insect. What you call the "smell" of the mothball is in fact that killer gas and if you smell it it means that you are breathing it.


It is carcinogen for human beings, adult or children and pets. It is known to cause the non-Hodgkin lymphoma. If you keep in mind that mothballs are a pesticide then you will not feel safe breathing it. Mothballs can be replaced by camphor. When camphor is used in small amount it is safe for human.

September 26, 20210 found this helpful

also will mothballs help to keep cockroaches away?? THANK You

October 1, 20080 found this helpful

Well I was always told to pound the ground or floor with a stick the vibrations will make a snake move I not sure if this works or not. But I always hit the ground hard with my walking stick, and have not seen a snake in my path.


Is there a nest (I think that's what they call them) around your steps, or porch, etc?

October 1, 20080 found this helpful

I agree with the use of Mothballs. It works but does smell for a while after putting them around.

By Joan (Guest Post)
October 1, 20080 found this helpful

We have had the same problem this week; I think it's because the summer is ending and they are looking for places to spend the winter.
I have always heard that if you sprinkle sulfur around the house and yard it will keep them away. Hope it works. Good luck.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 791 Feedbacks
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

I have had luck with spreading sulfur around the perimeter of my yard. It comes in bulk form and has to be spread by hand - cannot use a spreader. Good luck and God bless you.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 228 Posts
October 2, 20080 found this helpful

I used to always call the local Animal Control unit of the police dept to deal with a wide range of animals.They do so kindly!
Here is what I have called them for :


possum (got in under kitchen sink)
wasp swarm
bee swarm
rabid dog
ground squirrels (came in thru chimney flu & chewed the playpen)
a black snake (nested behind my kitchen stove)
rattle snake (in my back yard going up a patio pole after unhatched bird eggs)
I have even gotten them to remove cats & such that are hit by cars.
You might let them deal with it for you!
Here they use a pole with a hoop on the end to catch with!

By Polly (Guest Post)
October 2, 20083 found this helpful

I too live in rattle snake country and have tried all the home remedies to no avail. I have found the best way is to keep you grass mowed very short and the fields around your home brush hogged. Remove any piles of wood, construction material, and rubbish as this gives them a place to hunt and a place to hide. Keep your rodent population down and be certain that all feed is kept in metal containers when stored outside as this attacts rodents which attract snakes.


Dogs and cats help but are not match for a rattle snake. The snakes in my area are not very aggressive and will try to get away. Thats not to say they are not dangerous and should be avoided. Identify your type of snake and research it. They are very temp intolerant and that determines the time of day that they are active. Good luck and do not let this ruin your happy life in the country. Just be alert and be careful.

August 16, 20093 found this helpful

Have any of your cats had kittens, or have any gone missing lately?I ask because we had a huge rattlesnake on our back steps once,and after we killed it, I realized where our kittens had been disappearing too. Sad, but true.


If a snake is coming around, he's looking for one of two things: A place to live or something to eat. If it's hot, he will look for someplace shady (like under your house).

July 27, 20162 found this helpful

Sulpher is the best! It will eat there skin off!

May 6, 20170 found this helpful

I heard that moth balls deter snakes. Might be worth a try


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