Uses for Cheese Wrappers, a Tip Train...
The little plastic squares, they are great for greasing a pan with Crisco.
Crisco is great for diaper Rash and any kind of dry skin.
Dry scalp or hair can be alleviated by breaking a vitamin E capsule and squeezing it into your normal shampoo.
Great Shampoo can be made out of the following:
1 oz olive oil
1 egg
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar Use as a regular shampoo. Makes hair shine.
A shiny decoration for the patio can be made by using an old plastic slinky, cutting it and glueing glitter on it. Tie a string and hang it from the patio. (It's not waterproof though.). Keep away from rain and mud.
Mud can be made more manageable by making your own stepping stones out of Quickrete and throw away aluminum pie pans. Line pie pan with Crisco, and then plastic wrap. Follow directions on Quickrete bag and pour in. Put anything flat to decorate, like fern leaves or flowers on top and press slightly, but do not push under Quickrete. After quickrete dries, it is ready to pull out of the pan and use as a stepping stone... wear a mask just to be safe when making the stones, most people don't, but I would recommend it while mixing the concrete. You can dye the concrete before pouring if you like, but I like mine to be concrete looking, color does not really make a difference.
When color makes a difference, use food colors and a little dab of vegetable oil and vegetables cut into to make stamp painting, they are great, also you can paint with a brush. Vegetables to use:
apples, tomatoes, potatoes (best), rocks, other items like legos make interesting stamps too. Apples are great too, make sure seeds are out for small kids.
Apples: I am working on a way to make coke bottles into apples, because of the bottom looking just like the bottom of an apple. I am thinking of a top to use, plastic is great.
The little round things that dime toys come out of make great seed starters with a little paper towel and water enough to moisten it, close it around the seed. It will test seeds to see if they start or not. Be Patient! I read to keep them in a dark place, but I don't always do that for the first couple of days. If days seem to be getting away from you, you can make a personal calender by writing numbers 1 to 31 on a paper and writing the month, and putting it in a protective sleeve or just putting it in your wallet. When you are out somewhere you can write down any appointments for that month and then put it on your regular calendar when you get home.
Home, and the tip train is finally coming to a stop, who wants to take it from here?