
Identifying Bugs in Human Hair?

Does anyone have black specks in their hair?


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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
April 26, 20195 found this helpful

You could have lice or fleas. You need to use a lice treatment to get rid of it.

June 9, 20193 found this helpful

I have tried 4 bottles of different treatments but it doesnt work

July 3, 201926 found this helpful

Isnt there a way to upload a video. I have a video of exactly what they are! I have a dog and they seem to bother her more than me, but they do hurt when they bite and when theres so many on your body it feels like your body is so sore. My dog trembles they hurt her so bad. Ive had two bug guys come out, went to two doctors and three vets and everyone thought I was crazy but I finally have a clear video of what they are.


I kept seeing the pictures I have attached the last three weeks and I thought those are the bugs, but those are way bigger than what the bugs actually are

July 16, 201911 found this helpful

What are they? Did you get rid of them? Where did you get the video? Thanks!

August 5, 201918 found this helpful


August 20, 201922 found this helpful

I have been having this infection for several years. And it has caused quite a bit of stress in my life. They are I believe some kind of parasite or bug that have been in my hair. I thought they would have been life, but they are not, as it seems like I have been treating them as if they were, but to no avail. I still have the infection in my hair. They are very annoying. They seem to live on hair follicles and more recently have found them to be burrowing into my scalp. I have found clusters on top my head, temple area, around the ear s. And they also seem to be layered throughout my scalp. Now I have tried almost anything and everything I can think of. And still have this infection. I feel them crawling through my hair and body.


They are very itchy. I notice that when I'm treating them like washing them they fall off and I can feel a bite or a sting and they seem to burrow very fast into my skin. When washing hair, sometimes I feel them gather in a cluster and think oh good now I can get them. But they will gather and very hard to remove,vtheir is like a sticky goo or something like that and still can't get rid of them. Washing hair using all necessary products to help. And at times I get a very smelly aroma from that. So please, please if anyone can help cause this is causing a very traumatic stress to my everyday life. I feel like ok, they won me over and I can't do anything but accept it as is. Frightened and very scared.

August 22, 201918 found this helpful

help - exactly my problem - photos are identical - what can we do? any advice welcome. no one else seems to know what I am talking about

August 22, 201913 found this helpful

oh goodness I feel just like you. I am at the end of my tether and cant get rid of them.

August 23, 201912 found this helpful

So what is it ? I have same .

August 25, 201910 found this helpful

I am in the same boat. any advice?

August 30, 201916 found this helpful

Please can you share the link to this video as I have had the same problem and told I am delusional, I bombed my house and vacuumed regularly also deflead and dewormed myself and my cat, I also saw a tiny red spider type mite which I am assuming came from the small yellow casings but still no definite identification of anything specific so please can you tell us what were dealing with???

August 30, 201911 found this helpful

I have pics just like micro white specs in a microscope..anyway....Noxima skin scream and epsome salt body wash...This makes sleeping soooo much better...and you feel bug free during the day..i scrub from top to bottom with Noxima....every inch of skin covered standing in bathtub.I stau covered for several minutes.then rinse...also aloa vera will make them leave your can rub them off by the hundreds. But will return...noxima and epsome salt work best.but uf I skip a back where i now ..i only use naxima to wash with ever from now on.

September 6, 20199 found this helpful

Ericaenters6 omg ..... The 2 nd picture u have I have slides I also have been trying to figure out what this is u have any updates?

September 10, 201922 found this helpful

your not the on same thing here. i have finally received reports back as to what is taking place. scary i have two blood infections in my blood stream, yeast infection in my bloodstream and three parasites. on top of this i have raised levels of ecoli and because of the infections it is causing mutation of the micro organisms in my body that are normally there and we live with. one is a rarity to see in humans. i have been fighting this for over two years.


( i had to send samples into a lab in the United States to do a study). one how do i get rid of this and two how do i find out the source to prevent this.

fingers crossed that with a combination of holistic supplements and finally some western medication I can fight this. loosing 14.5 kilos in 9 days is not fun. have these things extract from all aspect. of your body is painful. needle pricks for the small white shards i call them and then the hair like structure and orange ones with little black hair type things burning through the skin and this shit pops out. if i can get the treatment which is a combo of three medications and it works ill be back to post more details.

im sick of doctors loooking at men liked i am an idiot. when i have over 10000 pictures and video of this happening to my body.

September 19, 201914 found this helpful

I had been dealing with these things for a couple of years, they are not fleas, I'm not sure what they are but they are alive. I found that using Maui shampoo with coconut oil and Shea butter really irritates them.. they hate coconut oil and sea salt. Salt salt salt put it in your body soap and shampoo. Leave on you for about 10 mins then rinse with the hottest water you can without burning your skin and scalp. Then gradually lower faucet temp to almost all cold.


The hot water opens your pores and rinses the bugs out then the cold water closes your pore... This helps to keep as many as you can off you. I feel your paint I'm going through it. I thought I was crazy now I know this is not a subject that many talk about but many suffer in silence. Look up margellons disease, this is party to it. Good luck! It takes dilagence and persistence.. don't give up!

September 21, 201911 found this helpful

I am researching these parasites. Does anybody hear smoke cigarettes, have animals, and do you have spotted lantern butterflies in your area. I am trying to figure out where these things are coming from and Im starting to narrow it down.


Community such as this one will help me gain information for my further research. Thank you

September 24, 20193 found this helpful

What are they? I have identical have the same thing.

October 6, 20199 found this helpful

Oh may i thank you
I bow can show my family they are ready to commit me to the nut house.
Itq only bzen about 3 weeks now for us me and my dog are the only one that get bit and whem i sgow pzople they think i am nuts and i have hundreds them. In my walls make little hole to hide or something tgey shoot out at me when i start to spray with rad in my bed the one dog gets bit and she shakes as welm only me and her get bit the 4 other in the house are now ready to comimit me as they dont believe me and think i am crazy
I was thinking bed bug at firqt i have called this bug like 4 things now bed bug bat bug horse worm and now hair bug.
Would a university not take them to find out what they are

October 6, 20194 found this helpful

Oh may i thank you
I now have proof to show my family, they are ready to commit me to the nut house.
Its only been about 3 weeks with this problem the dog and i are the only one that get bit .when i show people, they think i am nuts. i have hundreds them. In my walls make little hole to hide or something they shoot out at me when i start to spray with rad in my bed the one dog gets bit and she shakes as well. only me and her get bit the 4 other in the houise dont believe me and think i am crazy
I was thinking bed bug at first i have called this bug like 4 things now bed bug bat bug horse worm and now hair bug.
Would a university not take them to find out what they are
I live in alberta and my son has them at his house as well he had the dog for a few months as it was his dog but do to being 20 he was not able to have time to spend with her and when he returned her a few days in she started to et bad ear problem then the things started to show up i have white thing that i beleave are the eggs they look like that but haed white and flat

October 10, 20198 found this helpful

Please email me on what this is!! I am desperate!!

October 14, 20196 found this helpful

Hi- have you received diagnostics from the lab yet? I have the orange and black specs also- thanks

October 21, 20191 found this helpful

If they are burrowing into you scalp, they are most likely scabies.

October 21, 20194 found this helpful

Have your house inspected for mold!

October 22, 201914 found this helpful

This is exactly what I have and have had for over 6 years now no doctor can identify it and it is NOT DELUSIONAL

October 22, 20195 found this helpful

Please let us know the name of lab in USA

October 26, 20196 found this helpful

What ever it is .it's living orgsnism because the samples I put in tiny plastic sealed container..when I open the container it smalls of death! .rotting decay if life stench.dead body.

October 29, 20193 found this helpful

Looks like Morgellons debris. Look it up.

November 4, 20193 found this helpful

Please send me details of where you sent sample. So I can start my process of ilimination too. Thank you in advance

November 4, 20197 found this helpful

Omg I know EXACTLY what your going through!!!! And yes that 1st pic I see ALOT in my bath water when its intense. Theres days that arent so bad but other days its sooo intense. I used to go into the bathroom or a closet and cry from it cuz people would tell me I'm on meth or something like that smh. Now I try so hard to pretend I dont feel them but I do. I thought I had bird mites but thats not what I see. I take ALOT of baths in Epson salt detoxification to where my daughter said my skin is sooo soft. I went and got tested for various things but nothing has came back odd but i feel these thing almost as if they're in me now.

November 4, 20194 found this helpful

Ditto to the above situation I've been dealing with this problem since I was 25 and I am now 35....closest answer that could be possible mites

November 5, 20194 found this helpful

Hello did you ever figure out what it was or is in your hair ???? Im going thru exact same thing n its driving me completely insane and for some reason they duplicate when Im in my period

November 15, 20194 found this helpful

I have them also. Aloe jell makes the come out to the surface of your skin. So does witch hazel. You can also freeze them out. Either an ice bath or spray yourself down with bio freeze. Careful you will be very cold. I reccomend doing this in a tub. When the come to surface immediately rinse them off be careful not to stand in the water. Immediately get out of tub but leave water from shower running to keep them going down drain. Poor boiling hot water down tub several times

December 4, 20193 found this helpful

How did you get them I think I have them to makes me feel dirty so gross

December 7, 20194 found this helpful

I also have black specks in my hair that are driving me nuts. I have tried everything imaginable to get rid of them, but nothing has worked. Now they have migrated south if you know what I mean. Can anybody help.

December 10, 20192 found this helpful

I have the same thing going on, I got plenty of pics

December 13, 20190 found this helpful

What state do you live in? Are you getting any better or any relief? Prayers

December 27, 20192 found this helpful

Onion juice is anti microbes, anti fungi and anti viral : Go YouTube:

December 29, 20194 found this helpful

I have been researching it for about 5 years and I am onto something too. I have been trying to get ahold of the Oklahoma University research center but no response. I believe this is a parasite/fungus or a fungus that attracts parasites. They also have a very long tail so some of the fibers are They use this tail to twist with others so when a sore drains - they sometimes come out in multiples. I know they are parasitic because they relocate on my body if 1 area is treated too much.

December 30, 20194 found this helpful

I have the EXCAT SAME THING SAME PICS .....ITS BEEN A FEW YEARS FOR ME TOO...Nothing works do n.v u have any leads...text me 2548005810...thos flaky tan yellow things seem like the little black bugs are inside right and like they have a tail ...

January 10, 20204 found this helpful

I have these identical parasites. I do smoke and I do have a dog. I to have exhausted every effort to rid them from my home. They increase in numbers rapidly and resilient to chemicals, fogger, dust Demetrius Earth, heat, steam, alcohol, tea tree oil. They come out at night but seen during the day occasionally. They are never seen moving but appear everywhere. I am highly allergic and have welts and scars all over. I am mentally emotionally drained and exhausted I dont sleep hardly anymore. Please if there is anything I can help you with in your research contact me. Please also keep me updated on what you discover. The only thing is that they are not in my hair but bite my body.

January 16, 20207 found this helpful

I have Exact same thing nobody knows what it is your photos brought me to tears just to know i am not crazy and there is someone else who has this.. i have photos also and they are identical to yours .. i almost wonder is it isn't a fungal infection internally.. for me these thing's appear out of nowhere as if they come out of pores or are in the air . I have battled this for 6 years the doctors are stumped and it literally is/has ruined my life no matter what i do it gets worse not better. If you have ever found what this is PLEASE PLEASE .. CONTACT ME.. OR REPLY HERE.. best of luck

January 17, 20200 found this helpful

I have the same thing and Ive been told by OSU entomology that its most likely bird mites. Its not lice or fleas.

January 19, 20204 found this helpful

I think this is morgellons disease. Google Images! Could also be collembola / springtails or related. You could have mold / fungus that attracts the collembola. I have the same 'stuff' crawling and biting me now for three years. I have tried just about everything and now i am trying MMS (Jim Humble), Theo

January 22, 20207 found this helpful

Omg I have the same things in my bed on me in my hair in the carpet in my clothes it's driving me crazy and I have done everything to get rid of them but they won't go away my dog even has them, no one understands they all think I'm imagining it and I have pictures and the bugs stuck to tape to prove they are real, I at this point can only cry. Have you found any answers to what they are and how to get rid of them? I'm tired of being bit and feeling them crawling on me.

January 22, 20205 found this helpful

The only relief I have found to stop them from biting and getting rid of them to some point is eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle with warm water. I spray everything including myself and my dog, furniture, carpets, bed, I even take my bedding and clothes and spray them down then throw them in the dryer on hot for 10 minutes or more and when I wash them I wash with 1/2 cup salt to wash and this does seem to help out of everything I have tried.

January 28, 20202 found this helpful

What are they ? As I have them too.

Driving me crazy

January 29, 20206 found this helpful

My husband thinks I am crazy too , until he saw all of your posts on this site!! I know what you are going through and I have been dealing with this for 3 years;(Thanks for sharing and your not alone

January 30, 20200 found this helpful

I have the same issue

February 2, 20205 found this helpful

Were this video how do u kill them I have the black things al over bed an hair sometimes reddish guess from eating me plz help spent lots of money nothing working

February 5, 20205 found this helpful

I've had the same thing for 2 years making my life hell mentally wearing me down, nothing I do seems to help nothing kills these things I find this hard to believe that these are fleas. I have all over my house different shapes. They're coming from my neighbor upstairs he has them really bad... some seem to have some kind of worm thing coming out.. even pest control does not know what they are.. did you get a definite diagnosis ?! Am desparete .. I really would really appreciate your help.. thank you ..

February 5, 20206 found this helpful

I'm with you I have the same thing in my hair.. I've taken pictures of my head I see all these white things some like long white things.. and all these black pieces come out I use white vinegar I let it sit on my head with a towel on it.. maybe next time I'll wash it and use a fine-tooth comb and all these white pieces come out I get some relief from this but then it starts all over again and yes it does cause an infection they will also get into your eyes.. they give off some kind of mucus.. unfortunately I got these for my neighbors upstairs.. just from getting a ride a few times .. I definitely believe these are a parasite they also get under your skin ..doctors think I'm crazy.. so what's a person to do..!? It's been two years with this mental anguish, loss of sleep.. health problems ..but yet doctors do not believe me. I've tried everything even parasitic medicines .. the only relief I get is when I use vinegar.. hope this helps. If you find out anything new please let me know thank you!

February 5, 20205 found this helpful

Same thing here like shards of glass.. fly in your skin this started when pest control sprayed under my countertops it started all this.. apparently my neighbor upstairs above me has the same thing.. I feel like I'm walking around with fiberglass all over my body doctors think I'm crazy..

February 5, 20202 found this helpful

These are not scabies!!!!

February 5, 20203 found this helpful

I find that using white vinegar or vinegar let it sit on your head with a shower cap or a towel for a night.. put leave on conditioner in your hair and use a fine-tooth comb watch what comes out.. it's disgusting all this white stuff.. hope this helps

February 5, 20202 found this helpful

Went to the vet it is not bird mites!! That's ridiculous bird mites are little red things. This is a parasite.

February 5, 20200 found this helpful

How do you post pictures..?? Ty

February 5, 20200 found this helpful

Springtails ! Cause this ..


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
February 6, 20200 found this helpful

You can upload photos on any comment. The link is right below the text box, with a blue camera icon.

February 7, 20200 found this helpful


February 7, 20200 found this helpful

Scabies or springtails

February 7, 20200 found this helpful

Bactrim antibiotic (sulfur drug) gets rid of them. New lice SKlice antibiotic no comb out. Also TGel sulfur shampoo at Walgreens for dandruff helps kill scabies.

February 7, 20201 found this helpful

Ivermetin perscription for humans - 2 treatments by pill. Ivermetin perscription for dog. Also works for scabies (dog mite scabie - mange)

February 7, 20200 found this helpful

Google. or

Tea tree 100% put drops in spray bottle & mix coconut oil & spray hair. says tea tree oil actually works. The Australian bush men use tea tree paste to help with scabies.

February 7, 20201 found this helpful

Use vinegar wash hair or rinse to kill springtails in hair which dries their skeleton & they die

February 9, 20200 found this helpful

I haven't the same thing. Im so.glad I'm not the only one. Has anyone figured out how to get rid of them? I know borax helps wash them off. But they come right back. I got rid of them for like 2 days by mopping my whole house with a.miticide. It's called compare and save. .it's a concentrate. So I added more than your supposed to of it to mop water and mopped the whole house. The next day they seemed gone. But they were back 2 days later.

February 11, 20209 found this helpful

did you get any reply from oklahoma university?
i think we should create an assotiation and contact with oklahoma university.
We are too many people.
we have to fight together in order to achieve a research.

February 11, 20205 found this helpful

I have same thing as well. Your photos are identical to what I have seen, been experiencing and infested with. I read an article on dry rot. Dry wood rot produces white cotton like substance, strands of orange dust like things- I believe there are 2 issues, one being a wood boring beetle and the second is a fungus that is caused by the weakness in the wood. The beetles feed on the fungus as well. I just do NOT understand why no physicians are willing to offer anything helpful .....another pill, IS NOT THE ANSWER! I did read the beetles and wasps are released to eat other predators.

February 14, 20200 found this helpful


February 15, 20201 found this helpful

What is the treatment they have you on?

February 15, 20202 found this helpful

I have a dog and smoke cigarettes

February 21, 20200 found this helpful

I own a parrot sorry to say these are not bird mites bird mites are red and look like lice

February 27, 20202 found this helpful

I have those exact things all of them in my dust pan when I sweep what are they

March 1, 20200 found this helpful


March 3, 20202 found this helpful


March 5, 202010 found this helpful

I know exactly what you are talking about. Its horrible. My neck and face and upper back are the worst areas. Everyone thinks I'm crazy because you can't see anything. Its miserable. And I know that I am not crazy because I have actual bites. I dont have any animals (for it to be fleas) and it's not bedbugs...I am 100% sure.
This didn't start until my husband and 3 stayed at a hotel. They leave whit dandruff looking stuff in your hair but it's not head lice. I have bumps all over my scalp and am loosing my hair but nothing is visible.

March 11, 20203 found this helpful

Hello there. I had that it is sometimes beyond painful. It took me a long while to discover that if I cover my scalp with petroleum jelly if I am home for the day.
J also wash it every day with white vinegar and shampoo and then just cover the hair with a towel.
I rinse it out with a full open hand shower. J repeat the shampoo and rinse itnout the 2nd time. Them pour about 125 mls of vinegar on the hair and leave it on for about 35 seconds tinseniff and then co dictionary. Rinse off.
I work from home and I do the hair wash at night immediately after drying my hair' j put on petroleum jelly again and wrap in scarf.
Did it for a month, my hair started to grow again. Those things are in ine little patch now
Please dont ever pull the scab off there are millions of tiny white spores....God Forbid they should be ang kind of egg, ...they will just flood your scalp again it's more than a nuisance

March 19, 20202 found this helpful

There is more than one species of bird mites and they are parasites. The d-gallinae mites are red but others are whitish. I dont know if thats what they are but if you look at it describes what Im going through. Also, there are people on YouTube that have bird mites and its horrific.

April 6, 20206 found this helpful

We are having same problem at my house more my lady and my dogs than me . I also notice big toe goes numb as well . Neem oil helps but doesn't cure it , did everything from dr to vets to pest companys. So I went downstairs looked at my exterior wall "drywall" and cut a hole out and noticed black mold behind the wall. Looks good from our side but not so much behind the drywall. So we are leading to Possible black mold spores floating in the air and when the furnace turns on they get sucked up and pushed throughout the house. That's what I'm going with for now thats all I got . Any suggestions would be awesome

April 10, 20200 found this helpful

I've seen this very thing on me did you ever find out what it is?

April 11, 20202 found this helpful

Hey, do you mind telling me the name of the three parasites you mentioned? I'd also like to know how you developed the blood infection or what caused it. Im currently dealing with the same thing. Thanks!

April 12, 20200 found this helpful

I smoke, same issue. Any updates on research? Please respond via email. Thanks

April 18, 20204 found this helpful

This is exactly what's going on with me, I have very similar pictures, I thought I was the only person on earth having to deal with this. I have tried everything, and when I say everything, I have spent so much money on this and that. sometimes it works, (for a few days) it's to the point, it takes a day to clean just one room, by the time I get to the other parts of the house, its shameful. (I tend to think, I didn't clean an area well enough, and that's why they are still bothering me) I get so focused on that, that i let other stuff go. Smh. I have thrown everything away, i have moved several times, i have bombed, sprayed, washed, put in plastic bags out in the sun, in the freezer, or just leave stuff in air tight bags for months, trying to get rid of this. So I have concluded their on me, in me, and I'm just contaminating everything I clean. But the crazy thing is NO ONE around me, seems to catch it, or have it. My boyfriends, my family, the people I'm around. So what is this? I do have 2 cats, one has it, and the other does not. I didn't have this till I got the cat. She has been treated, examined, and they say she must have allergies. Can any of you help?

April 19, 20200 found this helpful

Are u well now plz tell me how I have had the same problem for four yrs

April 19, 20204 found this helpful

I have the same issue! I thought I was going crazy! Anyhow I think I know what it is! Coz I had a bath today and was looking at the debris left once water drained and there were a few what looked like brown hairs but I am blonde - when I looked really close they were worms! Basically a parasite in tummy - do you suffer with digestive issues eg constipation? And itching all over? Your dog has given you worms and mine was from the cat
The black dots I think is their waste coming outta you and the white dots are females laying eggs Im ringing doctor tomorrow and will update
Either that or I am completely going mad! But itch like hell continuously which is them moving! maybe have a bath and scrub skin with flannel thoroughly and drain water and see if there are any hair strands / worn type looking things! Let me know! Torturous though isnt it!

April 21, 20200 found this helpful

omg i have the same exact i mean exact problem what are we going to do

April 23, 20205 found this helpful

comes out of my skin

April 23, 20203 found this helpful

comes out of my skin

April 23, 20203 found this helpful

pokes out my skin and found around my house ive been suffering for years need help

April 23, 20202 found this helpful

your not crazy its in my skin and blood this is what they look like

May 20, 20202 found this helpful

I have been dealing with the same exact thing. I have been to 3 dermatologist 2 er visits and my regular dr the all want me to have a phyic evaluation and I know I am not crazy. I went yesterday to another dermatologist and wanted them to scrape my scalp but they wouldn't and told me I had a flea infestation but no please. Please help.

May 27, 20202 found this helpful

These are exactly what I have at my house I've pulled my carpet I've done everything but burn my house down I need help or I am going to go insane and they are literally killing me and everyone thinks I'm crazy some friends right I dont sleep anymore and I take care of my 80 year old mother which is suffering also I just tried 400 dollars in big bombs sprays dry bombs everything help me please someone please please

May 27, 20201 found this helpful

I know exactly what you are going through for I am to idk what to do I'm scared to and I'm constantly being bit by these things your pictures are the same thing i have here and I'm watching my cats suffer as well

June 3, 20209 found this helpful

I have this too, it's been over 2 years now and it has changed me drastically. I started keeping it to myself because everyone looks at you like your crazy when you try and explain. At one point I considered ending my life but now just take pictures and notes everyday and pray that this will be figured out. My dog has it too and it breaks my heart to see her suffering with it. There's probably not anything I havnt tried to get rid of them. My body is all scarred up. I have seen a handful of doctors who have either talked to me about mental illness or being on methamphetamine. I begged them to take my blood and see because these things are in my blood. None of them would even touch me. Everytime I think I'm getting somewhere in figuring this all out . Something happens that shoot my theories about the window. I'm so sorry all of you are going through this I will pray you for you please say prayers for me.

June 9, 20203 found this helpful

I understand your pain all too well. Here are a few things that I do to keep my sanity and survive this nightmare.

1. Borax (boric acid)- it's found with the laundry soap, it's a powdered color safe bleach. I ALWAYS have at least 2 boxes on hand. I sprinkle it on EVERYTHING (vacuum up later), add it to washer for EVERYTHING that I can't add bleach too, I use it as a body scrub (takes away itch and skin is left super soft), ECT. This is what I turn to 1st, Everytime

2. Red clay skin mask scrub - I've used a couple different brands that have worked the same. Found them at local grocery store. First used on my face and it pulled out all of the red when I scrubbed it off. So I used it on my entire body. BEST decision on my life. I had things scrub / fall off my skin I didn't even know we're on me.

3. The new liquid color safe bleach by Clorox - I LOVE this stuff. Use is as a cleaning spray, hand wash, and with all my colored clothes. Read bottle for directions to properly dilute.

4. Vinaiger- use it in all laundry and to wash my hair occasionally.

5. I'm not a Dr nor do I advise anyone do anything without Dr consent or approval. When it got REALLY bad and I wasn't sent home by numerous hospitals as delusional, I turned to other ways to get doctor strength medication. Ivemectrin is used for animals and sold online and at animal feed stores as pastes. I mixed the paste with a thick body butter lotion so it went further but if I had an itch, I applied it and itch was gone instantly. Use at your own risk. During my hardest day and desperate time, well you can guess. Says it tastes like apples but I'd say petroleum jelly. It doses out in up to 250lb clicks for horses usually which is the same dose that pharmacy websites posted for human dosage. Permetherin spray can be bought in the camping isle as well as highly concentrated in pet area that needs to be diluted. My sister and I dilute it and use it as a spray for our entire house. It is strong and I don't recommend it if you have kids or pets around. Be cautious and smart.

Good luck and best wishes. Don't give up and it's a continuous battle unfortunately. I'm going on over a year, my sister is at 3 years. I truly wish I believed her and distanced from her way back when.

June 10, 20201 found this helpful

Hi !I hope this helps !I think I had this and went on a 11 day lemon cleanse and was cured

June 15, 20207 found this helpful

No, if it were so simple.
It's MORGELLONS. With the government pushing planes to off load chemicals into the sky we (man kind) have been the living Guinea pigs for their experiments.
These are fibers, living fibers that attack the pores.
What worked for me was BENEDRYL (a really good ANTI HISTAMINE, and to heal the wounds PURE VITAMIN E.
I itched so bad I had to regrow my eyebrows & eyelashes. This situation leaves the victim with scars.
This is not an imaginary issue, though my doctor (bless her heart) couldn't understand what was happening. MORGELLONS wasn't spoken of back in 2005.
THIS IS REAL! It's a chemical bio agent released on mankind.
Many have been threatened with psyc evaluations, a lot live in a bubble or stop going out. Many do not understand or know what to do.
I found what worked for me by pure accident.
Baths with epsom salt are comforting.
But they last only so long.
These are living fibers that come through your pores. Attacking the hair follicle it's itchy, painful, and a test on one's sanity. Especially when you don't find help, or who is supposed to be 'for you' threatens you with the padded room.

June 15, 20200 found this helpful

What was the three parasites?

June 17, 20208 found this helpful

When you shower wash hair body do you rinse of black and suds turn gray.. How much you keep rinsing it just keeps rinsing black Ive had this for three years now I have these little tiny black dots theyre like little seeds lake tiny poppy seeds and theyre like you cant see them they seem to like be under the skin in the knee, and its aggravated when you wash and then it releases and then just like thousands and thousands start coming out its just horrible and its itchy and its caused me to have eczema now and it I dont know where I got it Im so happy I found this website what relief because everybody thinks Im nuts and the doctors never see anything..its real and Im suffering Now in my eyebrows and eyelashes its all over anywhere that theres hair or pubic hair its just horrible its affected my life and well-being I look forward to connecting with all of you that are going through this as well and sharing ideas on how to handle this and get a diagnosis this has been a long three years and I wanna know what this is and Im not getting any answers none apparently its a extreme case of eczema.. Maybe its turned to that as well but it something else too and I want answers today is horrible Im so itchy uncomfortable these things get into everything and everywhere not fun but I want to be happy I dont want to keep going through this and I will find answers along with all of you Im so grateful to have found this website thank you to all of you and I wish you all the best lets get this figured out together and lets go on to enjoy life and not let this control our lives as it has mine

June 17, 20205 found this helpful

Me too! Ive had it for four years now and I agree it has a lifecycle absolutely Ive been diagnosed with extreme eczema thats just what Ive developed from having this I think I picked it up from working outside in a rule area where I lived. When I base it triggers it and when I wash off everything is black I rinse off black and gray and tons of them start coming can go on for hours and hours Id have to shower over over ..And theyre just everywhere Im incredibly uncomfortable and itchy they get into anywhere on my body that has hair theyve now progressed and are in my eyelashes and eyebrows theyre just everywhere its so uncomfortable and I dont feel good nobody believes me I cant get a proper diagnosis and I am isolating its very difficult and Im really happy to a found this website and to have read yours and everybodys And theyre just everywhere Im incredibly uncomfortable and itchy they get into anywhere on my body that has hair theyve now progressed and are in my eyelashes and eyebrows theyre just everywhere its so uncomfortable and I dont feel good nobody believes me I cant get a proper diagnosis and I am isolating its very difficult and Im really happy to a found this website and to have read yours and everybodys Messages posts I really look forward to connecting with all of you on the website and trying to figure this out and be a support for each other because this is very difficult to have and if you dont have anybody else that has it its very isolating takes a lot of strength to deal with and a lot of time a lot of time! Hang in there I know I am I wanna be happy again I do try to be happy Whatever this is its time-consuming and takes forever to deal with whether its bathing or cleaning etc. because thats what youre constantly doing thats what Im doing to deal with this its crazy making I just want answers and I want to figure out how to manage it or more importantly get rid of it I look forward to connecting with all of you thank you so much

June 24, 20205 found this helpful

I have recently acquired this problem I find when I comb out my hair with a lice comb I encounter areas where the comb gets stuck it feels like there is something in my scalp

June 25, 20202 found this helpful

Honey I believe it is Morgellons or the chemtrails flu just look those up and it's exactly what you are describing ,I also am inflicted with this and its killing me no joke ,no one believes me even tho they see the symptoms but ppl dint want to believe in things they dont understand cause it really does feel like an X file case!,, and it's very hard to find Doctors that treat this but it is a recognized diseas now as it wasnt for yearssss.

July 8, 20202 found this helpful

Ive been dealing with this for 4 years now and no one will listen to me. They think im crazy. I feel so dirty and nasty. When I wash my hair the water is black. best way to describe is if you poured black dirt in my hair and decided to wash it out?! Very top of my scalp has itch bumps. If I push down with my whole finger nail on a bump I can hear or even feel a crunchy noise. Also my scalp feel squishy all over. I hear a constant chirping noise. Sounds like crickets and i can hear this all day long. I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what to do. Someone please help!!!

July 8, 20206 found this helpful

Omg me too. I show my son and my husband and they tell me it's mud, dirt, or whatever comes to their mind but they don't believe me when I say they are alive and I feel like I am being taken over by them. It's so aggravating and there are days where I don't want to get out of bed but I can feel them all over the bed the next morning. For 4 years now I've always thought I was alone in this. I have 9 grandbabies and see them rarely bc im so afraid I will infect them!!! I hate to say this but I've been so drained emotionally and physically trying to contain and get rid of whatever this is, I've even gotten to the point where I don't think i can live with this any longer. I find myself in my bathroom more and more and staying to myself, I'm just tired. So done with this ALREADY

July 11, 20200 found this helpful

Are the posted pictures magnified? Have you or anyone else found any relief?

July 16, 20204 found this helpful

I have this also. I am going crazy just keep getting bite,day and night.they are up my nose,in my hair all over my body even my privates,what else can i do?

August 8, 20200 found this helpful

Hi maam I believe Im experiencing the same thing did you find help cause I cant find help from no one doctors have lied about not seeing anything in my hair but I see them and feel them

August 8, 20200 found this helpful

Hi maam did you find out what they are Im going through the same thing

August 27, 20200 found this helpful

They are Morgellons

August 27, 20200 found this helpful

I am having the same problem, I rescue this dog? That seems to have this., as far as I know looks like Morgellons, I have tried everything, looks like they come back, Dermatologists think is dead skin, I know is not. General doctor prescribe Permethrin Cream, this is the latest.

August 28, 20200 found this helpful

I have this too. The hospital thinks I'm on drugs the doctor keeps giving me cetaphil cream which does nothing .my hair was quit long they are only on one side of my head where I'm almost bald. Please help mr

August 28, 20200 found this helpful

Bio freeze wort removal

September 1, 20202 found this helpful

Looks like morgellons

September 9, 20202 found this helpful

Please tell me if you found a cure I am so desperate' I have pulled my hair out trying to get them out it is going back slowly and I have used everything from scabies: lice and tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar it just won't go away and I have been to 3 dermatologist 2 er visits my regular doctor and as they all suggested a mental health evaluation still no help. Just wondering who is going to pay for my hair ' holes in my skin ' and stress loss of sleep it has been 3 yrs. Now and I really need help.

September 11, 20203 found this helpful

I have the same problem. Been dealing with ot off and on for twenty years. Try to get medical help, what a joke that is. Been doing research on what is called Black or White Petria. Symptoms are very similar to what I have been dealing with. They come from the soil and are also air borne. Just recently I emptied a bottle of Sea Breeze Astrigent on my hair and wow, it look like I was ronsong a hair dye from my hair. This truly works lor the scalp and for cleaning your combs, etc. I did cut my hair which helps as well. Didnt like having to do so but my hair was falling out. Whatever this is, it mutilated the hair root as well as your skin. Another disorder that is very similar is called river blindness. Very frightening. Do you have problems with skin fungus on addition to everything else?
I have telescopic pictures as well, but have no idea what I need them for. Certainly never want to deal with anyone in the medical field again. "PUNKS".

September 13, 20202 found this helpful

Ivermectin (double dose pills) DIDNT work
Permethrin 5% topical 3X DIDNT work
Permethrin 10% for Cattle DIDNT work
10 different treatments and types of head lice chemicals DIDNT work it just pissed them off
I believe I have multiple parasites and from all my research I believe it might be Morgellons related and/or Tungiasis and/or ???? Something Involving the Bird Mite which you can get lots of ways and from a variety of hosts (not just birds).
My new place was unfortunately housing a community of rats and 2 opossums and I believe that I picked up this parasite from accidentally stepping on rat poop and urine while barefoot walking through my home. Gross, I know...but it was dark!

September 16, 20202 found this helpful

Any idea what this is ? I been battling this and ready to loose my mind . Lost everything and moved and now see at new place . Please any help would be appreciated

September 26, 20202 found this helpful

Hello. I saw your comment with the pictures. Did you ever find out what those were? Im having the same problem and every one thinks Im crazy as well. I dont know what to do or where to go for advice. If you have any kind of information I would greatly appreciate it. Thank your.

September 27, 20204 found this helpful

Lice shampok will not work. Ive spent over $1000.00 so far and nothing bas worked. Im a 50yr old woman. With a very healthy, sound mind . Im having the same problem. Nothing seems to work.

September 28, 20200 found this helpful

Same here, and yeah im crazy too. Im 95% sure that they are midges gnats. Please research and let me know.

October 7, 20205 found this helpful

The second picture you have posted is a springtail or also known as Collembola. There is a huge argument in the scientific community some say they are harmless and don't infest infect or bite humans and the other half has found proof that they do infest infect and bite. I personally have been battling with them for close to a year now. There are 6,000 sub species of them some are white some are black all sorts of different colors. Some look almost like lint and others are tiny black bugs. My nightmare began when the unwanted pests came in on my dog after a check up at the veteranarian's office after coming down so ill he almost died.

October 27, 20200 found this helpful

Did u find out what they where?? And how to get rid of????

November 2, 20200 found this helpful

Did you ever find out what this is or a cure?

November 10, 20201 found this helpful

So I've been dealing with this for almost 3 years and I've since had two babies who are being affected by these parasites. Been telling my PCP forever that there is something in my hair anyway bought a microscope and have done tons of research and I believe it's a vector for something else it definitely resembles t.gondi or malaria the little things that look like starfish or octopus but I go-to a new derm next week and I hope I get some answers then I'm suing the shit out if the doctors who tried to tell me that it's formication and that my son isn't feeling anything he's fine but his hair is crazy looking

November 12, 20200 found this helpful

You sound like you have the same situation I have I have found that when I soak in a bath with light shampoo and that brings them out I went to the dermatologist they said I had demidox mites and that gave me a ketalanac shampoo as my f. A dter I'd that s ells like alcohol you put on later

November 12, 20200 found this helpful

Is there any possible way you can share with me what these are because I'm going it's my mind because folks are starting to believe I've lost it!? Any input would be greatly appreciated, ty!

November 14, 20202 found this helpful

This is horribly reassuring that I am not going to the loony place. Exactly what I am dealing with. If I hold any fruit they seep through my skin and eat my lunch. I don't even have to touch peanut butter and my arm tingles with peanut butter residual.its terrible. Hair skin eyes snd sanity are losing the battle. I now have to lie to my family because they think I have mental issues. Help needed. Only 37,and disabled. This isn't good for my self esteem to say the least. I already have them in my body watch out for a little black specks on your feet underneath your nails they almost look like little triangles. I may have multiple parasites. It's weird that my dog is only one who believes me. It feels like they go in my ears and make me feel kind of crazy sometimes. It's a numbing feeling my dog has the same thing and he has little bitty hairs that aren't usually there and all bunched up. They sting me whenever I get them out. So I guess anybody out there that knows of an answer besides quarantine and that's all together it would be very helpful for our livelihood.

November 14, 20200 found this helpful

I feel exactly the same, I also now live in the bathroom, I have a chair in there, clock, radio. I'm surrounded by, magnified mirrors, magnified glasses and numerous 'samples' of what I have found in or on my body. I haven't seen anyone since before the UK lock down back in March. Try to keep strong. Best wishes, M.

November 18, 20200 found this helpful

Id guess Parasite. Possibly pinworms

November 18, 20200 found this helpful

Id guess Parasite. Possibly pinworms

November 19, 20200 found this helpful

Tea tree does not work

November 19, 20200 found this helpful

Your story sounds a lot like mine. What's your status? Please reply.

November 19, 20200 found this helpful

Tea tree does not work

November 28, 20200 found this helpful

The top pic definitely is Morgellons

December 5, 20200 found this helpful

Ive been dealing with the black specks for 2 years. Its been extremely difficult for me. I feel crazy. I have no idea what it is. Ive done treatment after treatment. Im so extremely disgusted with the ordeal.

December 9, 20202 found this helpful

I'm in North Carolina and have been going through the same motions as the rest of you since we moved into our rental almost 2 years ago. I have a rare Auto-Immune Disease called Behcets Disease that makes me more susceptible to everything, so the littlest things trigger a flare under normal circumstances, but THIS has been beyond HELL.
I've been through everything just as the rest of you & I just received my "Delusional Parasitosis" Diagnosis from an Infectious Disease Specialist at Duke University Health System, of all places. Everything that I've been able to research seems to be coming back looking like a combination of Morgellans, Demodex Mites, Yeast and God only knows what else. Vinegar/Water mixture opens my pores to get them out but it's extremely painful until they're out. Oral Ivermectin helps for about a week, then they're right back. Permetherin Cream seems to do the best but it's prescription like the Ivermectin. The only other things that seem to help most is a diligent routine of adding 3-4 drops of Tea Tree Oil to anything and everything I can -hand soap, hair product, daily facial/body/hair cleanser, and moisturizer & make sure the cleansers & moisturizers have at least 2% Salytic Acid in it- even if you have to combine products to make your own. It's still a nightmare, but nothing near what it was before. I've also found a product at the Tractor Supply Stores called Wisdom. It's the concentrated pesticide killer that Terminex uses to kill bed bugs, so a friend suggested it. It's $40/bottle but I mix it with a gallon of HOT water & spray from my ceilings down to the carpets DAILY & that helps tremendously until I miss a day, then I'm starting over again. I've even bought a new bed, new pillow, sheets, (all antimicrobial) plus washed my sheets with Zep Industrial Sanitizer that is Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, and is supposed to even work on mold and fungal spores in the laundry. A friend of mine who works for Johns Hopkins University Health System suggested that I request an appointment there or the Mayo Clinic, but at this point, I honestly think I'm going to contact the CDC. Not just because I'm beyond exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally from all of this, but my family has been suffering emotionally by my side. The only recent breakthrough I have seen is that my husband finally started having some of the same symptoms as I have, just not remotely as severe, so that has given me a little hope that there's light at the end of this tunnel.

December 18, 20202 found this helpful

I have been combating a condition with little black tiny specs dug into my scalp in different areas to wear it caused a wound and gave me MRSA I have bites all over my abdomen and on my buttocks 6 on one side and 2 on the other after the black center fell out it left a big gaping hole of about twice the size of a pencil eraser the dermatologist are retarded I know more than they did I did the Epsom salt thing in the bathtub with apple cider vinegar but it doesn't seem to kill the bug and yeah they look at your crazy if you tell them it's a bug but I know it's some kind of might I have them on a piece of Scotch tape when I put oil in my hair like peppermint oil mix with vitamin e it feels like sand and you look and there's these little black dots all over so you know it's something like a might I had wounds all the way down my leg that none of them are as bad as the one of my butt or the ones on my butt excuse me I guess I would have to say I had some on my back that were as bad as the ones on my butt and there's ones on my abdomen that were just as bad as the ones on my buttocks I had bought a mattress on clearance at mattress firm and I experienced problems not too long after I got that so I finally convinced them with the pictures of my butt that look absolutely horrible and they sent me a new mattress I just don't know how to seem to get rid of it and I feel like the other fellow about to pull my hair out I'm so over it just imagine if you can't sit on your ass and you don't want to lay in your bed because you're afraid you'll infect your new mattress with something even though I have a cover on it but the dermatologist doesn't even get up close and look down into your hair to see what's going on they just throw pills at you it took them forever to do that though sometimes I think it's a ringworm cuz when the scams fall off of the sores it kind of looks like a ringworm I used to be a nurse in a nursing home for 10 years and did dressing changes and took care of 30 people at once so I kind of have an idea of what I'm dealing with but I can't seem to get the medical team on board like I need to go to infectious disease doctor I need to go see a wound clinic and have somebody help me change my dressings cuz I can't see my butt but they are doing nothing and this is been going on 3 months it's it's time for somebody to be held liable and I'm sick of it they don't give two s**** about what's happening to me anybody got any suggestions how to kill it I even use dog flea shampoo and Dawn and apple cider vinegar everything I've tried everything I bought vitamin e oil at Walmart and poured the peppermint the peppermint smelly stuff in there and put that in my hair and it just agitates where they start moving down around my hairline and biting my neck and I can't get them all washed out because there's like sores there and it's like I bet they're keep coming out and I just wish somebody would scrape them out I cut all my hair off I had Farrah fawcett blonde beautiful hair with beautiful legs that are all scarred up now and I took a pair of clippers and cut my hair way down short like somebody would think I was a boy I wear it all spiky it's about comfort now as I have grown older and let me tell you this on my butt ain't too comfortable I started wondering if it was coming from my twinkie cuz I hadn't used it in 10 years lol lol lol

January 1, 20212 found this helpful

This is morgellons!!! All the way

January 2, 20213 found this helpful

Look in to Borrelia Spirochetes. If you have dogs, that is how I believe I was infected. Candida overgrowth goes hand in hand. I had to slowly lower sugar intake. I did not have fibers in sores like Morgellons. Chronic sores with strange objects in them on my upper back that went on for six years. Seems a lot of our ailments are from parasites. Candida being one of the worst. Find a homeopathic Doctor that knows about parasites.

January 5, 20211 found this helpful

You mention Morgellons, I've just came across this term recently when looking up what I'm combing out my hair. Has anyone seen anything like this?

January 5, 20210 found this helpful

Looks like carpet beetle.

January 10, 20212 found this helpful

Hi I've had the same thing for 6 years went to the hospital they thought I was crazy been to a dermatologist been through five treatments heavy pills creams I finally found what works and they're almost gone it's very simple and it almost almost makes me sad aloe vera put it all over your body once in the morning and once before you go to bed the kind that's made for if you get a sunburn also use Seventh Generation multi-surface spray it uses oils that kill him you can put it all over the house if it gets near your pets or food it's not a problem you will also need to put aloe vera in your hair because they will go on your scalp as well I hope this helps you please let me know how you're doing and the best thing you can do is cut out carbs because they Thrive all that in your body and sugars like from sodas and the last thing you must you must do the apple cider once or twice a day that will you kill them from the inside as well be blessed

January 12, 20212 found this helpful

I have exact same photos as above and many more. Everything seems affected from dust to food. I have gigs of pics and videos over 3 years suffering now. Glad to have found this page. Exhausted but determined. Tired of having to keep my mouth closed about it all for fear of judgement and doubts.

January 12, 20210 found this helpful

Crabs I think

January 13, 20210 found this helpful

I have exact same issue looks exactly the same as mine what are they how can I stop this insanity

January 24, 20210 found this helpful

That's them I'm unable to get rid of and am a diabetic... The first pic comes out of huge like blisters sometimes on head neck shoulders . When hair is down they get I. Skin on my face, eyebrows, neck... Others think I'm crazy.. they will not leave my clothing throughout wash rinse n then dryer 3 times on hot.. I've used tape roller u name it ..please please please help...

January 29, 20212 found this helpful

I have had those SAME things for past 6mo (started w cat and dog and then moved on to me). Was hoping the cold months would decrease the activity but their habits and shapes seem to also change. 2 Entomologists have been to my house and each has said ....and then referred me to another bug expert. But, due to COVID, we have to show our physicians and send photos to entomologists. Drs are skeptical and waiting patiently to put you on an anti-psychotic med while the bug experts are genuinely confused. Pandemic def slowing down answers but will keep you posted if we find solutions. The bugs favorite thing is get in my hair and tangle it to all hell. Literally, it is able to twirl and tangle my hair to all hell. Would be impressive if it wasnt so gross. And annoying.

January 31, 20211 found this helpful

Don't let anyone tell you it's morgellons again! It's a plaster bugworm. They use stucco, hair, lint, plaster whatever they can get their "hands" on to create a cocoon for their eggs or themselves. There's a worm inside of it. Look them up. Ok just discovered it today! It's spreading everywhere. They lay their cocoons in stucco ceiling and then their eggs eventually fall from ceiling onto your hair. That's why you feel like you can't get rid of them. Cause their falling from the ceiling on you. Use neutrogena salicylic acid face wash on every part of your body. It kills them. But you have to do something with the ceiling (that probably has mold or moisture somewhere cause they love that). They LOVE to eat hair and clothes and pretty much anything. Good luck

January 31, 20210 found this helpful

I believe they are plaster BAGWORMs larvae. Hope that helps.

February 3, 20210 found this helpful

Its February 3 2021 I live in San Antonio TX . Has. Anyone figured out what this is'? And another thing if I may ask how old are you suffers? I'm curious I'm 43 about to turn 44 in June

February 3, 20210 found this helpful

Omg are you okay? I've had this problem for about 5 years now it sucks bad I know. I've secluded myself from the outside world because of how embarrassing I feel. Mouthwash helped for a bit so does windex. They dont go away they calm down a little bit then they come back with a vengeance. I hope you find some type of relief your not alone.

February 7, 20210 found this helpful

Explain the lemon cleanse

March 1, 20212 found this helpful

I have been struggling with something that in pictures I take and zoom in, look just yours. 2 years now. But that is only ONE of the things I've experienced, biting lower legs/ankles, crape arms that isn't crepe but bumps with a single white thing inside, specs from brushing hair, itchy scalp, fluorescent blue fibers coming out of my skin by the hundreds, black specs wherever I have slept or sat, larvae looking stuff in poop and pee, and more.....and yet 6 doctors have said I need counseling. It is called "Morgellons Disease", probably multipathogenic, fungus and yeast. It's so disgusting, I feel contaminated and dirty--I am certain there are parasites, as well as bacteria involved. Take undecylenic acid, fluconazol, fungal shampoo. Helps some, but it has infested me, my dog and everything in our house. Most horrible thing I never heard of!

March 13, 20210 found this helpful

Looks like flukes. Ivermectin Praziquintel horse paste. Dose according to bodyweight. 3 times a day for 3 days.
Do Hulda Clarke liver flush. She has a few. Repeat in 2 weeks.
You can also get food grade diatomaceaus earth and research ways to take for parisites. I like at night 2 hours after last meal. Mix it with distilled water. Online has information on dozing. I mix 1 tsp with 8 oz water.
Take 300 mg pure golden seal 3 times a day. Do charcoal enemas to help with die off. Also coffee enemas help boost glutathione. Online you can find how to do properly.
Hot baking soda epson salt baths with tea tree oil...makes you sweat. (Helps with die off)
Activated Charcoal(Helps with die off)
In addition to die off these help detox body of heavy metals and toxins
I just read neem capsules are great to rid body of any parisites and also all toxins associated with parisite and die off. I am trying it next.
Pick what ones you want to do. I am just giving options. Research South American Medicine, South Africa...very helpful. They recognize parisites and treat with modern medicine and nutrition.
Cut back on dairy, gluten, and sugar. Eat more real spices ( thyme, oregano, tumeric, clove, fennel, garlic)
Takes awhile.
Try to start every morning on empty stomach 1 lemon squeezed in hot water.
Check out bilingual beats on YouTube. They are frequency sound that repels ailments from body. They have flukes, parisites, cancer, Candida and limitless options. I do find these to work and like to do with headphones.

March 23, 20210 found this helpful

I think theres a lot of carpet beetles.

March 23, 20210 found this helpful

Check your clothes for tiny carpet beetles.

March 27, 20210 found this helpful

Any info or updates?

April 2, 20210 found this helpful

Hi did you or anyone ever figure out what this crap is?

April 2, 20210 found this helpful

What are they

April 3, 20213 found this helpful

I know the feeling well. I have thecsame issue and drs say I'm self inflicting and want to put me on antiphycotics. Been through this before. Si, when I saw it again I just couldn't believe it was back after 7 years. This time way worse. Antiphycotics do not kill parasites!!! All that does is ease the sensation to scratch but they are still there. Dah!!! I used selsen blue and lice spray all over my body last time with the antiphycotics. When it finally seemed to go away they never took me off the meds. I had to do it myself so, please don't accept that you need antiphycotics. Its not in your head you are not delusional.
I have three cream scripts for surface pain but it doesn't stop the insanity from coming back. I found an antibacterial anti fungal horse shampoo from tractor supply store 32 0z 17.00 . I also use a Dandruff shampoo and my reg conditioner to get my tangles out. I also soak everyday in ac vinegar. I take ac vinegar pills 3 am , 2 afternoon and 3 at nite. The sores have definitely supplied and all my friends have noticed the improvement. Its mostly in my face stemming from my scalp and hair. I went through chemo 10vurs ago loosing all my hair. I just can't go through that again. Its taken me 19 years to finally get it up in a clip. Now the horror of this again..its truely a pain in the rear to be disgraced by professionals when your in pain a time so bad it brings you to tears.. refused help simply because the er doctor and other drs believe your self inflicting.. I mist certainly am not. The nasty things so like yours they won't even look at.
You keep doing the best you can. Your on the right track..maybe someday like other diseases professionals will finally accept. It look years for lymes and fibermyalsa to be recoginized.. we won't even talk about other diseases they just now finding. Guess we who suffer will just have to wait. We all can't be crazy and never let them imply you are..
Stay strong. If its hurting on your face ask for steriod cream . If its slightly infected ask for antibiotic cream. If you think it scabies demand a script permaterin, lice otc rid..just never be imbarrassed you true friends can pray. They need to see your pain and discomfort. As evidence of what your going through. Yes, its imbassasing and a bit shameful . Show your strong enough to fight. Persevere in what your doing..after all God's not do with you yet either..

April 14, 20210 found this helpful

Mine too

May 4, 20212 found this helpful

I started to see the black specks everywhere even after lice treatment it seemed as if I was the host of several bugs except I was just seeing different life spans. But after I used the alleviate cbd cream in my hair the bugs came right out in my nix comb. The ones that wasn't combed out jumped out. I saw it land on my phone. But they're all out and I'm so relieved. I even rubbed it on my body and outer private and I am totally relieved of my guest. is the website. It worked so well I started distributing and spreading the word. Its alleviate cbd hemp oil and its multi purpose tropical cream. I feel like I owe it everything.

May 13, 20210 found this helpful

I am also in San Antonio. 49 yrs old, and dealing with this same thing. What is it?

May 16, 20210 found this helpful

I think these things are sand flies. They have a white shell and are black dots inside

May 17, 20210 found this helpful

It is walking dandruff
aka Cheyletiellosis
aka Cheyletiella mite
aka Mage
Regular environmental cleaning is okay if you are on long term anti Parasitic drugs
I have had this for 4 years just finally found out what it is...
Permethrin helps but it is POISON, NEURO promlems kills kidss

you are better off with topical Ivermectin and oral ivermectin.. Which you have to stick with... Didn't work for me cuz I didn't take it long enough.

I am trying Moxidectin next (DON'T use this if you have used Ivermectin lately) do your research.
Moxidectin is STRONG STUFF..
Also ask your dr for Malathion lotion.. It's the only thing that will kill these bastards,

Toni's treatment using Dry Mustard Powder
Teds Internal Borax Remedy

May 22, 20213 found this helpful

Oh my gosh right now standing in bathroom as woken up by something like biting it's a sting or pinch but it hurts .
I have the exact same as you two do.
I have notice when my body gets real itchy I pour apple cider vinegar over my hair I get it thoroughly wet with apple cider vinegar make sure you do not get it in your eyes it burns bad to put a washcloth over your eyes while you're pouring the vinegar on your hair then I douse my body also with the vinegar apple cider vinegar that helps a lot but that is only temporarily I don't know I looked online and I see it as being parasites this is what I've gotten out of the online study. I have bought I'm waiting for it to come in the mail garlic supplement you have to get the ancient garlic not garlic from China either do not get garlic from China it's got it's very toxic but ancient garlic clove oil supplement oregano supplement oil oregano oil supplement turmeric they don't like turmeric ,I'll have to look and see but there's a really good article that I read that you girls are probably you people should probably look at I've had things come right out of my skin that I'm going like oh my goodness what is this what could this possibly be aliens it's horrible I've been dealing with this for about 3-4 years now it comes and goes I get the stuff in my scalp where it burrows into my scalp and it goes underneath my scalp and you can almost oh it's just terrible it's just on the second or third day I don't know how many layers of scalp you have but it's just on the first or second layer God I sound like I'm crazy we need to stick together we need to get together and we need to figure out what this is and get rid of it I've been told I've been nuts I've been told all of the same as you guys we need help we need to get rid of this as I'm sitting here itching my body my hair is broken off so bad too. If you want to get ahold of me I don't know if I should put my phone number I don't think I want to get my phone number out on this but we should stick together thank you for reading this.
PS . Laurie from Michigan
Iamooking up article so I can text it on here.

May 22, 20210 found this helpful

No these are NOT scabies they are completely's very strange and different from any thing I have seen or read about.

May 22, 20210 found this helpful

Hi ,I too have this and believe it is parisites and fungal..the medicine you get from Doctor is usually antibiotics but the antibiotics do not help they help for a little while three four months you might start feeling better but then it comes right back and I just found the article which I got to go look up see exactly what what it is what's the name of the article and I ordered what he this doctor said to do which is all natural clove oil oregano oil garlic oil or supplements apple cider vinegar tablets turmeric they do not like turmeric I just ordered all this stuff and I'm going to take a digital I'm going to take it everyday and try to get rid of this stuff we all have to stick together we have to we have to we have to form a group we have to form a support group because look at how many people have this and nobody knows what to do and it's so embarrassing thank you .
Email is

May 25, 20211 found this helpful

Going thru the same. As we speak they're crawling all over my face and hair brushing my eyebrows I don't know what the f*** they are it's freaking me out

June 3, 20211 found this helpful

I am so going to forward this thread particularly your post here. I too have been classified as "delusional", yeah right. God help them if they where to ever deal with such a traumatic experience.
My national labs came back as "nothing wrong" go figure right. So this allows Dr to "do nothing". I will not sit and let these VARMITS overcome me and my life a minute longer. My poor little Pom is suffering to my overwhelming ordeal, his vet trip today. He has been knawing on L front paw for months.
Labs months ago showing I am anemic. I've not been DX with this for several decades. Now I know why, my Dr's don't have a clue. Not a
"run of the mill" issue. Pieces of the puzzle are right in front of them. I guess it's just how curious one really wants to be to finding an answer, help or clue.
Thank You so much for sharing your demised experience. I hope you are doing much better than when you posted here.
This is major breakthroughs to my months of research. I pray my MS (autoimmune disease and more) doesn't affect the relief to getting theses VARMITS off me, Fur Baby and my earthly contents. God Bless & Stay Well. Please do post updates or any others finding this and hopeful. Thank You All again

June 3, 20211 found this helpful

I have the same problem and the same looking bugs that come out of my hair. I have a dog and I took her to the Vet but he told me that she doesn't have fleas! What can I do?

June 3, 20210 found this helpful

I am a smoker. Haven't heard anything about the two being related or experienced anything with the two.
I have a Pom, in process of getting him into vet. Seems to be coming down with"something". Bad tummy, legathy, loss of interest in food and best of treats(doggy and people's food). My poor baby is hacking some too. I pray to God he doesn't get sick with Anything.
Thanks for sharing.

June 3, 20210 found this helpful

OMG 6 yrs!!!
I'd excuse the Dr's from my care by now. That's not being very proactive in helping their patient suffering like "We" do.
You're finding this just as myself being proactive and not giving up. Like being dx w MS and Fibro. Years ago we would have been classified delusional. We know it's all to real. Don't give up!! I WILL NOT nor will I allow to be another crazy woman this is all too real.

June 3, 20210 found this helpful

Probably LabCorp. Mine was negative.
Yeah right, maybe because was tested for a different types but I know some would've been for these reasons. Said test was negative, since then symptoms much worse gastric wise.
It is a REAL!!

June 3, 20211 found this helpful

Im going through the same thing!! Take parasite and Amazon sell them..its helps

June 3, 20210 found this helpful

Omg!! Thank u

June 4, 20210 found this helpful

These aren't Lice. They're worse.

June 4, 20210 found this helpful

I have the exact same and a few more. It seems like one of the longest "VARMITS" turn into 3. The square shapes are one of the ends.

June 5, 20210 found this helpful

These are mites. which could be caused by dust, bird or rats. Use 91% alcohol undiluted on everything.

June 8, 20210 found this helpful

These aren't mites or lice. They are alive and a section of the"mother""VARMITS""n egg" (my name for them) aggressive, aggravating to NoEnd! Hurts, your abilities to See, Feel, Describe, and Anything Everything else one wants to know. "DELUSIONAL" dx comes out of the mouth (text for me¿¿ WTH!!) REALLY!!! OMG I am now going to now have to be a freaking Dr because they're not experienced or interested enough past a run of the mill set of labs. Did see bugs in whole and large on toilet paper with my poo. Still doing Nothing! Hum Hum... what shall I do? I'm already losing my mind and a germaphobic because of my MS. This is making everything I need to be doing to stay well and VARMITS show up with COVID-19. It's very difficult to do a lot now they have engulfed every minute every day. God Bless my Fur baby. My therapy dog and child. My worst fears were confirmed tonight. His hairs and ears are effected. His legathy, appetite and poo has me on alert anyway. I'm sure feeling sick, my nauseated self is now 100x worse. Heartbreaking to know, I am moving, I have guts letting me know I will never believe VARMITS are gone, clean enough or etc. This Apt may be the reason I am sick very sick inside and out with VARMITS then sick and tired of Fighting them, there's no getting ahead or in front of THESE in here. Falling from the air. I have seen them jump, they do run faster than your abilities and can burrow into anything except hard plastic, metal or glass. Yes plastic bags, back of feminine pads, pp pads, cheap garbage bags, for bathroom (1aday) even have a photo of my lung exporant dried to a full size biggest size of egg(mid)(pic) furry long stick in a freeze frame for Science to document it!!! Yes, in my lungs and bad, I've had pneumonia too many times. I know it's bad in here. Air purifier on and close to me. Can't even imagine that wouldn't work, nothing works except spraying Deep Woods Off on me. Recently I now have in my private parts.. OMGOSH!! Oh Hell No!! Since very true dilligence I now feel bitting just inside my vajaja!! Absolutely!! Ok, plus they're the reason I finally have convinced are the reason why my teeth are rotting!! Bad too!! Not a hole on my body that's not totally invaded OR insides. My hemroids are now totally inverted, another Dr, another type of care. My hair, yes was long I cut before I knew of any VARMITS identity just knew things were not right. Then I found the head louses. These aren't regular lice, regular treatment as you've read don't work. THIS IS NOT GENERALIZED ANXIETY OR VARMIT. They don't like peppermint oil right now, will give a few hours of relief to something.
I am forwarding this to my medical professionals and maybe my endless searching since I have seen anything is panning out closest to more than all of them.
Ladies and Gents, I applause you and your family, I am totally alone for this journey with my Furbaby. I Did have Family that would totally try to get me committed, same truth I have read here. I hear you. I do understand your situation and that's another bad on bad. Exact same reason I don't have a Family (mom and sis are left). They'd be saying the same things about me.
I'm curious to how furry long fur babies are helped. I hope this thread is currently in active mode. It's a very important piece of medicine here. Trust me as you do yourselves to know this. Thank God I have found you All.

June 8, 20210 found this helpful

Yes I smoke but I don't have any animals ... I don't have any answers I just use tea tree oil and take a Epsom salt bath once in awhile driving me nuts I've had these black dots on my head since 2014 and they want to call it psoriasis BS

June 14, 20210 found this helpful

I am going through this right now. I have taken the exact pictures and my husband said it's lint. He thinks I am crazy. We just bombed our house for fleas yesterday. I feel them on me right now as I write this to you. I am told it's my nerves. I'm all worked up. Or where are you getting your information from. Help me I'm losing my mind. I don't want to go through this for years. That's what making me even more scared. Please send me a message so I know what to do to get rid of these nasty things I seen the orange one a few times and my husband said it was food. And these little bastards have been moving south. I thought I had crabs or body lick. When I stress it gets worse. Help please

June 14, 20210 found this helpful

See and the 3rd photo I had and I have seen all of these. I feel like my skin is crawling with bugs. My dog is freaking out too. How do you get rid of them? It doesn't sound like anyone has. I'm losing my mind

June 14, 20210 found this helpful

OMG, I have seen the same thing, mine started like 3 wks ago. We bombed our house yesterday thinking we had fleas. I feel like something is crawling on me. My husband thinks I'm crazy. Are the sores from those things and how long have you been going through this? Please help me I'm losing my mind. I can't sleep and I'm losing weight. I'm mentality exhausted. Please send me a message I need your help.

June 14, 20210 found this helpful

Hi Laurie, I live in Michigan too. I just started having the same problem you have. I'm losing my mind. My husband is convinced it's fleas. We bombed our house yesterday and it's right back to itching and feeling like I have bugs on me. Please send me a message I would like to talk to you. Sheri

June 27, 20210 found this helpful

Morgellons disease I have it

June 27, 20210 found this helpful

I've been researching this very topic since 2008, sadly that is how long I had this very issue. Every time I think I've gotten rid of them they just come back. My hair basically stopped growing for a long time and would break off easily. Every time I went to a doctor I was told that I'm only seeking out attention, drugs or it was just my imagination. Going to my family and friends and they also never believe me. Saying they don't see anything. These black things would come straight off my hair from the back of my head. Strangers would talk and laugh at me when I was out, but my friends and family with me kept saying there was nothing there and to stop all the nonsense. Stores will go out of their way to clean as if I'm leaving a radioactive chemical or something. Sometimes they people would say it looked like lice and run from me. I like I said I've gone to the doctor's and they would check and nothing would be there. No nits, no bugs, just dry skin and the on start of alopecia. I would wash my hair with lice treatment (knowing it had nothing to do with it). Use tea tree oil, dandruff shampoos, throw out all old hair items and even linens/pillows. It would go away and I figured I was free. Then BAM they would come back again. I swear this is an environmental issue that would make them come back and cause more issues. I've cut my hair completely off bald and it still came back once my hair grew back. I can't take this anymore. Has anyone gotten an actual diagnosis from a dermatologist? The results I had gotten were of course in conclusive to what I was telling them. Scabies and lice do not jump nor fly, they are a slow moving bug/mite. They both leave black specks that can cause extreme itching on the scalp. The only issue with this is they are both highly contagious. So why wouldn't my husband or children not get it? I need real answers and this group has given me hope that I am truly not alone in this. This is the most recent thread I have ever come across in years. I'm waiting to see if the permethrin 5% cream will help along with taking an anti fungal pill will finally finish the nightmare. Anybody have any other suggestions I am willing to listen.

Nancee South Carolina

June 29, 20210 found this helpful

Same situation This is a living nightmare

July 1, 20210 found this helpful

i have the same thing

July 1, 20210 found this helpful

i thought i was alone on this but i have exactly what you have and experiencing exactly what happening to you. I have done everything i can, doctors think im crazy, no one believe what i say they all think im imagining things but when im around them they get so freaked out and disgusted they think i have insect coming out of me. Although sometimes i see fungus gnats flying out of my scalp when i pull some hair just to relieve me of those clusters that you where talking about.

This thing its like a slow killer i been having this problem for almost 7 yrs now, i lost some friends and i cant even have any intimate moment with anyone without them trying to keep their distance from me. haaay its fucking depressing.

Question, did you have your tooth done and have some silver fillers?

July 1, 20210 found this helpful

nope i dont have any of those but do u have a mold in your house like yellow mold, or is your bldg old and walls have crack and wind coming from outside through your walls then to your apartment? also did u have your tooth fixed with silver fillings? just to compare my assumption to yours.?

July 1, 20211 found this helpful

i think its the mold, i have yellow mold coming out of my walls cause its an old bldg, the wind blows whatever nasty mold from inside my walls to my room.

July 1, 20211 found this helpful

i will, lets all pray for this burden to find better things to do than to annoy us and kill us with making us isolate cause of fear and shame, we should all stand our ground and really make this "nothing" be a nothing once more with the Power, Love and Grace that our Lord Jesus christ have embedded unto us we cast this "nothing" to be nothing forever and ever so that no one will be shamed but encouraged to live again. In His name we cast it out. Amen

July 8, 20210 found this helpful

I think you're allergic to cats

July 14, 20210 found this helpful

Did you figure out what it is? I have the same thing. I ha e lost tons of hair.

July 14, 20210 found this helpful

What is it

July 15, 20210 found this helpful

I have here down past my rear end. I got head lice from I don't know where. I used a product called licefreee. You spray on, saturate hair and dry naturally. Absolutely the best stuff I have ever used. I also got some licefreee spray for my linens and around the house. And the good thing is is if you did not catch all of it the first time, you could use it as often as you like. It's also for body lice and crabs. Absolutely the greatest! Especially when your ponytail goes into everything.

August 6, 20212 found this helpful

I have this exact thing happening. Went to er 5 times and a dermatologists. Dermatologists had me look her on the eyes while she assured me I have nothing on me. Felt better until coming home and finding more pepper like things and tons of micro white fuzz stuck to hairs falling out in my sheets. Beyond frustrated and don't know what to believe but I am getting what almost looks like freckles rapidly. You are not alone.

August 9, 20210 found this helpful

Going through the same exact thing! 4 dermatologists, 3 ers, and everyone thinks Im crazy and refuses to believe me or look at pictures or anything. My pcp is convinced that Im just crazy and highly recommends that I see a psychiatrist bc my anxiety is crippling. Which isnt the case, and I dont need more medication, I just need someone to believe me and help. This is so insane its been three months for me now.

August 14, 20210 found this helpful

I have the same thing they are black dots and I have been fighting these things for 5 years my hair is falling out my husband thinks I'm crazy, my cat also itches, they are not fleas they are not bed bugs! My only solution is they seem to subside after the first Frost, if anyone has an answer please help us!

August 14, 20210 found this helpful

I have the same issues that starts with the black specks they get on me they itch I rip them out of my skin and they leave big gaping holes that never heal! I was also had beautiful blonde naturally curly hair down to my waist now most of it has fallen out I have not had hair this short since I had a pixie haircut as a little girl. Bought the Capilla's Cap helped for a little while but it seems like every time the weather warms up they go gangbusters when the first freeze happens they slow down. My husband thinks I'm crazy and on Meth! I've been to ER, I've been to the dermatologist I've been to hair loss specialist, bought the Capella's Cap, to no avail they won't go away! I have been dealing with this for 8 years! I've thrown clothes away I've thrown shoes away, I've thrown clothes away and furniture away, I don't even know how much money I've spent on lotions and potions. I believe I acquired these working at a thrift store from the river or from Morale mushroom hunting. Of course, the husband called them seed ticks. No beacon of shining light here for a diagnosis or treatment plan. Although while playing with my cat today with a red laser pen light, I noticed the specs do not like that red laser light I can't say it killed them but they didn't move anymore, these were not on me they were on the floor so they could have already been dead. Time for a shower much as I am dreading it I am going to try some good old Selsun Blue

August 20, 20210 found this helpful

They are bird mites. The climb all over the house seeking human blood. They cling to ceilings waiting to pounce. I cannot get rid of them. When you have cleaned your head wear a hat, scarf, towel any head covering, this keeps them off temporarily. I am thinking of buying a wig. Their bite is sharp and the bite mark takes longer to heal. I get tiny white things sometimes and thought maybe they were adult ones, someone said they could have been body lice! I am going to try ammonia spraying the ceilings and walls. I have goggles and long rubber gloves. This will have been the second year of trying to get rid of them. Some exterminators won't come out, saying that they are too difficult to eradicate. At one stage I nearly had a brake down where I became so depressed. I have spent a fortune in sprays. At the moment I use peppermint and antibacterial sprays. If you do have mites try and find where the are coming in, my ones were coming through the air vent in the bathroom. There is a lot of information on bird mites. Good luck.

August 20, 20210 found this helpful

Bird mites they cover the house. Vacuum every day, they cling to the ceiling so wash walls and ceilings. Bedding wash every day on the hottest setting. And change clothes and night gear every day and wash on hot setting And shower twice a day. I do this every day to try and keep them manageable. Heat kills them. But costly to call out exterminators. I have had my roof and loft cleaned and sprayed.

August 21, 20210 found this helpful

I ve been dealing with same issue. Its like terrible. But it seems they are in head then whrn shower then are washed down 2 other parts of body. They are really bad in my ankles an feet back. All over basically. And really love my incision on leg ankle

August 22, 20210 found this helpful

I have thousands of small black dots that fall into my sink when I brush my hair & small pieces of hair are falling out too. I have an autoimmune disease & I am tired all the time. These bugs become very active when I wash my hair. I am 100% disabled from a drunk driver & in a weakened state. I am getting worse every day & my P.C. doctor thinks I am imaging these bugs! In my hair & on my face & upper back. It is maddening!

August 28, 20210 found this helpful

Did you ever get rid of it? I have the same kind of problem after going to a hair dresser. Tried permethrin shampoo twice and the 5% prescription strength from head to toe. Felt better for few days and it starts back worse than before.

September 5, 20210 found this helpful

I think that is what some people call "morgellons"

September 5, 20210 found this helpful

Where is the video? I read the article but couldnt find the video that was mentioned? What did the bugs end up being? The pictures look just like what I have! Are they fleas? I have a dog???


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
September 7, 20210 found this helpful

The video was mentioned but was never posted on ThriftyFun.

September 12, 20210 found this helpful

I started with scabies. Then the mites but doctors dont believe I have anything but dry scalp. They think I'm nuts too but dry scalp doesn't burrow and bite.

September 13, 20210 found this helpful

Did u find out for sure what it was? Same problem here. No one believes me. It's tearing my poor dog up! Advice!

September 27, 20210 found this helpful

YESYESYES MEMENE THIS JUST STARTED I THINK FOR ME IM GOIN CEAZY AND BECAUSE OF THE DRUG WORLD GOIN WAY OUT IF HAND U REFUSE TO GO TI DOCTORS OR EMERGENCY ROOM FOR BECUIM A SINGLE MOM AND CNT AFFORD TO DEAL W ALL THAT BULL SHIT IV BEEN SICK FOR YEARS AND IN CHRONIC PAIN TRYING TO FIGURE OUT ALL MY PROBLEMS IM WONDERINV IF THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO W IT NO INE KNOWS Y IM SO SICK AND IN SI MUCH OAIN ALMOST AS IF IM LYING TO GET PILLS BUT THEY REFUSE TO GUVE AND IM DYINV IN PAIN NOW IM NOG ABLE TO WORK AND NEED A Diagnosis in order to get disability Ive been fighting it for almost a year now going crazy with no money I need to pay bills as a single mom I am going literally insane to the point that its almost not worth but I would never do it please someone help me I need to get the rid of this ASAP before I literally lose myself I am already at the verge of losing myself and now I have this problem help help help

October 16, 20210 found this helpful

Exactly same thing Im going through!! Im so sorry ur having same issuesNO FUN!!! Have u figured out what it is? I feel like Im going insane!!!

October 16, 20210 found this helpful

I feel your pain sweetie I really really do but you cant give up ur family and friends need you! We all believe you and are going through this too and we WILL FIGURE THIS OUT TOGETHER!

October 20, 20210 found this helpful

Hi my dermatologist told me it's dead skin/ cells also and I don't believe it either. I been dealing with the same problem for 4 yes now. I tried everything. Are you also experiencing hair loss? My hair comes out in clumps. The black specs look like hair stubble/ lint. I don't know what else to do.

October 28, 20210 found this helpful

What are they I have the same thing?

November 8, 20210 found this helpful

I have photographed the same critters from my hair it might be bed bugs look for rusty marks on or around bed

November 9, 20210 found this helpful

This is exactly what I have and Its driving me mad how do I get rid of this as its affecting my confidence HELP

November 9, 20210 found this helpful

Hi I was reading your post and its as if I was telling the story I have had this for over a year and I agree with your comment on how this affects your every day life I wont go to hairdresser my life has dramatically changed since Ive had this please help

November 10, 20210 found this helpful

I'm having the same thing .it just started last week

November 19, 20210 found this helpful

Just stumbled upon this site and was amazed with the things that were being said. The only reason I say amazed is because I'm also going through the same thing and thought maybe I was going crazy. Coming across the site is great because hopefully we all can get some kind of help. I've seen doctors and spoken about this to my family and they also think that something wrong mentally with me. I have plenty of pictures too and I have probably bought everything that has anything to do with pesticides. Anyways there's plenty of pictures here and please contact me at my email address if anyone has any questions maybe we all can help each other even more so thank you.

November 27, 20210 found this helpful

I'm having the same problem!! Driving me insane.

November 27, 20210 found this helpful

I'm having the same problem!! Driving me insane.

November 29, 20210 found this helpful

Hey there, I'm in Alberta aswell and have the same issues as many of the comments above and yours aswell. Send me email of you could, I'm trying to figure out what and where this crazy thing is coming from. I have figured out a few things about these creatures. Been to Doctor and even a Infectious Disease guy in Edmonton. The specialist in Edmonton was a waste of a 5 hr drive, he looked at one spot on my skin and took a picture with his cell phone. No examinatiin, no Woods Lamp (essentially a powerful Black Light), no stool samples, no skin scrapping/biopsy. It was a joke, they have me pegged as Delusional and they are all in the same boat, and won't look at my pics and take me seriously. Im blown away that this is happening in our country. Im a Combat Veteran and I have been neglected and ignored, and they are trying to blame it on my PTSD. They are so full of shit, I have 110% proof of these things. Its getting so bad now, I lost 60 lbs in 3.5 months and I eat. I was 170lbs now im 110 lbs. Im going to die from this shit, and I have tried everything and I clean my place 4 to 6 hrs a day and change my clothes several times a day and my bed sheets. Its all over me, and it hurts. Im trying to put together all the info i have and pics and hoping to get help from veterans affairs tomorrow to have me sent to a Veterans Hospital in Toronto to get a full screening done. And I will be putting this all forward to the media and A few Universities across Canada before I get any sicker and not make it. And I hope all the information I have will help others with this unknown Parasite. Hope to hear from you soon.take care

November 30, 20211 found this helpful

Hello, I have the exact same thing and have had it forever. I actually have the bugs on clear tap and you can see them thru a microscope very clearly. They look like springtails/collembola. They say they cannot leave on people but there are studies that say they have been found in the skin of humans.

December 15, 20210 found this helpful

Why do you say that? I've been fighting these as well and I do have mold. How to they go together?

December 19, 20212 found this helpful

I have the same issues. 8 doctors later, we found a solution however preventing it from reoccurring is a challenge. 1st it starts with tenia capitis a highly contagious fungal infection of the hair shaft. Some mites feed off of fungus and attach to the hair in the follicles this causes itching and inflammation which breaks open causing a sore the bacteria from under your nails cause an infection usually staff. Treatment includes anti fungal meds antibiotics and scabies topical. That cleared it all up in about a month, however all 3 infections are very contagious and easily transferred from person to person by towels couches pillows and contact with infected persons. Sooo you have to treat everyone in your household even pets at the same time. If even one person or animal or furniture pillows etc. go untreated everyone in the household will catch it all over again.
Dogs cats rats and humans can carry and transfer mites, bacteria and fungus. 1st there's fungus then mites feed on the fungus and bacteria feeds on you. The wonderful food chain of life. Whats difficult is getting a doctor who can treat the entire household without individual doctor visits for each person. I was treated but the other household members weren't and it came back in a week. I went back to my doctor and this time was prescribed enough medicine to share with everyone. Catch 22 its illegal to share medicine and nearly impossible to get a Dr appointment for every household member to be diagnosed and treated at the same time. You'll end up passing the infections back and forth to no end. DIY remedies only ease the discomfort and never eradicates the issue. You have to get prescribed medication for the fungus and bacteria infection. For the mites aloe or eucalyptus is effective most of them will drop off once the fungal meds kick in because it kills the food source. I used an aloe gel with a few drops eucalyptus oil and slather the entire scalp let it sit for 20 min rinse in hot water. NOTE: if the mites are bad this will hurt. Its better to get prescribed permethrin cream. This is very important to prevent reinfection: you must clean in very hot water and or treat all furniture beds blankets pillows anywhere and everything your head comes in contact with.
This fungus & mites starts on the head if left untreated when you bathe or shower the water carries it down your body spreading it all over the body causing more sores for bac infections to enter and spreads the fungus to other hair follicles such as beard armpits genitals legs even the hair on your knuckles and areola.
I wish u all the best of luck. Ive done this treatment with prescription medication cleared it up in a month and caught it again 3 weeks later from my son. Treated both of us and then caught it again from my daughter who lives with her dad who had a rat problem. Then caught it again from my mom's highback couch. The cat sits on the top of the couch, the cat went untreated and spread the fungus & mites. Finally a year later my hair grew back signs symptoms all gone until now i have it again. Im convinced its coming from the indoor/outdoor cats & dogs. ITS 3 INFECTIONS: 1.FUNGUS 2.MITES 3.BACTERIA and in some cases yeast infection.

January 10, 20220 found this helpful

Can you get pease pet us know the names of exact diagnoses that youve had so we can tell our doctors what this is and any treatments that have helped please. Thank you x

January 10, 20220 found this helpful

Did you ever find out what it was?

January 18, 20220 found this helpful

Yes me iv tried everything even surgical spirit and they still come back any suggestions

January 31, 20220 found this helpful

I tried everything under the sun
I even took off my hair but every day they are back ,
It so much work n pain n so light at the end of the tunnel.

February 1, 20220 found this helpful

Did u ever find out what they were ? And if so how did u get rid of them

February 10, 20220 found this helpful

Hello! It's been awhile but did you ever find anything else out about these Vermen?

February 27, 20221 found this helpful

Omg! Choking up reading this bc I'm in CLEVELAND Ohio & dealing w/ this for almost FIVE MONTHS! COMPLETELY MISERABLE!!! I am ADHD, have major anxiety, am a clean freak, have pets...have tried inspections, hired professionals to spray home, pets bathed & treated too many times & only ONCE did my poor cat have same [1dog, 1 cat].
Went to lice lady, doctors, urgent care, dermatologist...collected samples on tape in ziploc bags, took pics...losing hair, bites, allergic reactions, laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing, mopping...crying...feeling insane & each time I THINK it's FINALLY over....BAM....I feel them, see them...can't rest, sleep, work....losing everything...ANYONE HAVE ANSWERS, IDENTIFY THEM, SOLUTION, REMEDY????
I am Trina, btw....any advice appreciated!!!!

February 27, 20220 found this helpful

I am going through same things. It's been a nightmare. Can't get help.

March 5, 20220 found this helpful


March 11, 20220 found this helpful

I have had the same bugs! My pictures look the same as yours. I have had them for at least 7 years. Doctors told me I was crazy. I did a lot of studying. They are not normal fleas. They are sand fleas. Not sand flies, The female digs in you skin and lays eggs. I have not found one doctor that knows any thing about them. I have tried all the same treatments you have. They are harder to get rid off than normal fleas. I have not found a treatment to kill them. Let me know if you have success!

March 14, 20220 found this helpful

I have had the same problem, accidently I found out that a product for dogs gets rid of them. It is Dogswell hydrocortisone lotion, I used it on my dog and the next day they were dying, it dries them up. Also zinc shampoo and bar soap work wonders. My doc says it is folliculitis, I call BS. I am on clindamycin for three months, seems to be helping.

April 3, 20220 found this helpful

I'm sorry I wish I had an answer I've been fighting this for 10 years it has literally destroyed my life! I tried showing them to my family members and they don't even bother looking or trying to see if they see what I see they just tell me I'm seeing things I can't do this anymore!

April 5, 20220 found this helpful

OMG this is exactly what I have had for 7 months and can't get rid of. My daughter passed away September 6 last year and several family members stayed with me when they came in for her service. I have Lupus and constantly have a low immune system. They started in my hair. They made like roadways throughout my hair. At the time my hair was middle of my back and naturally curly. They were hard to see at first. I noticed certain sections of hair looked darker and wet but by the time I would see them snap they were gon. And like you said you can't just knock them off . And they attach themselves to you. If you try to remove them they release a sticky substance that prevents you from removing them. I bleach my hair and they all ran to my ears face neck breast and torso. I've done oral Ivermectin 5 and the cream improvements. Really, quite the opposite. They keep getting worse. I've lost all my hair. My face is scared and I'm acomplete nervous wreak all the time cause of them. I'm a nurse so I can't work. Oh, and as a special bonus they look like spiders....I'm scared to death of spiders. I ve seen 4 different doctors who tell me I have scabies but if that's case the meds aren't working! They are in my eyes mouth and nose now! I'm and the end of my rope

April 9, 20220 found this helpful

I have the same thing and it all started when I went horseback riding in Montana. I believe it is a mite as well. I have bites all over me and they are in clothes and bedding etc. The web in my hair and leave eggs in hair follicle. I was recently diagnosed with Auto Immune disease Please add me to the email chat list

April 10, 20220 found this helpful

Hi everyone. After hours of research,I found out what this is!!! It is a rodent mite!! They bite and crawl under your skin in through the hair follicles and their legs stick out the top of the hair follicles!!! Getting rid of the rodents in and around your home will temporarily make it worse. This Dr had this and no one believed him until he dug it out of his skin. He put it under a microscope and bingo. Tropical Rat Mite.. These are found on every continent.Applying rubbing alcohol to skin or essential oils will get them out. They look like black or white specks. This is what you have! Cleanliness is paramount. Get rid of clutter and rodents. They leave itchy bumps on skin and are maddeningly itchy. Get clove or cedar oils and spray your bed, and get your devices clean! Same with wallets and shoes,get new ones after treatment. Permethrin doesn't always work. Get ivermectin three treatments.This has residual killing action. You re not crazy. I promise. Do buy microscope and show Dr. Otherwise you'll be labeled as crazy ie, delusional parasitosis.

April 10, 20220 found this helpful

They are rodent mites . They jumped species. They enter through hair follicles. You are not crazy. Get cedar and clove oil. Apply to skin and items that have them.Clean your devices,shoes,wallet. Do get ivermectin, three treatments.Be fastidiously clean. Applying essential oils and especially clove oil will kill them.

April 17, 20220 found this helpful

I am a smoker - 3-4 a day but was a pack a day. I have 2 dogs and a cat.

April 18, 20220 found this helpful

How are you doing now? I AM going on 1.5 years and miserable

April 18, 20220 found this helpful

How are you now?

April 18, 20220 found this helpful

Thank you! How are you doing now?

April 18, 20220 found this helpful

Lillie - how are you doing now? I am so tired of this and the people I care about just looking at me like I am nuts.

April 18, 20220 found this helpful

Hi Trina,
I hope you are doing better and have found some relief.
Natalie - Las Vegas, NV

April 19, 20220 found this helpful

I have had black bugs & little black mites on my body and living in my hair for a year. I have tried everything under the sun but literally nothing worked. I have tried scabies, & lice treatment, turmeric, lice spray, apple cider vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, clove oil, flea spray, coconut oil, you name it & Ive tried it. Go for the really heavy treatment what they hate & it is EUCALYPTUS OIL. Amazing & relief at last. They have all died & left me with a scaly scalp that is shifting with heavy rubbing. My whole body & scalp feel really calm now. I hate these bugs & they have caused me so much misery over the last year. I bought from Amazon a 100ml bottle of Eucalyptus oil and put it straight onto my skin & scalp for maximum effect. You may want to mix it with oiive oil or another oil. Within a week they have all gone & Ive only used a small amount of the oil. The Eucalyptus oil doesnt sting like other essential oils & there is only a mild smell from it so you can use it if youre going to work. If you have the same problem with bugs that nothing else kills them this method 100 per cent works.

April 23, 20220 found this helpful

Hi. I had exactly the same issue. I saw these bugs after buying a microscope. After being referred to a specialist it is a bug / mite infestation. It is possible it has come from the tick family. Ive been on Doxycycline for 3 days and all of my symptoms are disappearing. I had an itchy nose, itchy, scaly head, itchy, crawling feeling in my skin. It has been hell on earth. Please take Doxycycline & all your symptoms will disappear. Thanks.

April 23, 20220 found this helpful

Hi. Please take Doxycycline- you can buy it from the Internet. 100mg twice a day 12 hours apart. It is anti parasitic medication & it will cure your symptoms.

May 3, 20220 found this helpful

Demodex mite.....

May 9, 20220 found this helpful

Hi and Im thinking I got them in my shirt hair and my dog never thought about fleas from him and its werid cause I can feel stuff fall out and then one day I look in the mirror and I had like a little black whatever Im 49 years old and never in my life have I ever had lice are anything freaks me out help me dawna p.

May 10, 20220 found this helpful

They really like the incision on my ankle too.I can't believe I found you all I've been dealing with this for 5 years myself and I thought I was crazy it's very interesting to get a microscope.thank you everyone we all need to stick together

May 13, 20220 found this helpful

I have these. 3 doctors dont know what they are. My best remedy has been psoriasis relief I buy at Dollar Tree. Hundred of $ wasted in doctors.

May 17, 20222 found this helpful

I have identical photo and videos. Have tried EVERYTHING mentioned above PLUS SOME.. it gas been 8 months now and no relief. Please, these are not lice. They are everywhere, eating clothes, shoes, wood floors, even in my acrylic paint pens, nose eyes, lungs and feces skin..they do go under skin and I have white and grey burrow marks. Doctor gave ivermectin and permethrin, didn't work. I have poured 10% permethrin over my head..nothing, still there. HELP.. Do we have mutant mites that nobody can see????(

May 25, 20220 found this helpful

Has anyone found out what this is?

June 4, 20220 found this helpful

I need help also this describes exactly what I've been experiencing for over 2 years now what are they help me please

June 4, 20220 found this helpful

That's exactly what I'm experiencing what did you find out? Can you please help me please!!

June 4, 20220 found this helpful

What have you found out please tell me

June 14, 20220 found this helpful

Yes, mine looks like grackles all over my body, and they appear suddenly.
Salycilic acid skin cleansers help abd cedar spray on rugs, bed etc toobut so far nothing gets rid of them! Im in NC and doctors are saying the same delusional thing to me. Ive suffered several years with thisskin sores, losing hair, itching, bites, dental issues, extreme fatigue, etc
I cannot believe no one can diagnose this!!!
I think its related to plaster bag beetles or some variation of them, and that fungus, mold, dust, bacteria and natural fibers are an attractant. Im cutting out sugars and can definitely see a change for the worse when I drink beer so it might also be related to candida. At my wits end.
I used to be attractive but now feel ugly, alone, worried and humiliated. Oh, and very angry that we are not being taken seriously!!!

June 14, 20220 found this helpful

I think they are a type of springtails as well, but am looking into various types of plaster bag beetles as well. Had exact same thing for over three years now; trued it all. Doctors are a joke. Starting a morgellons protocol next. My dentist did say I have some things in my mouth that my morgellons blood serum test said Im highly reactive to, so Ill see if this helps. My skin is now scared you and discolored, Im always itching, especially from around 4 pm to 4 am. Dehumidifiers help. They dont like diatomaceous earth either.
Praying someone can help before this kills me! I live in NC. Good luck

June 14, 20220 found this helpful

I couldnt agree more! I also think the fungus and mold and bacteria bring other opportunistic critters such as springtails. Clean, KEEP SHORT FINGERNAILS and I have found that hand sanitizer helps heal the sores and makes them come out of my skin. Thank you for your intelligent comment and very good advice. God bless

June 14, 20220 found this helpful

Have you found anything out regarding this stuff? Im in NC and my story is exactly like you said. Im female and had long hair but its breaking and thinning now. My dark hair turned gray and i can see very dark places in it but they just move up as soon as I expose them to light by moving my hair to see them. They like to hide behind my ears. Skin Aires everywhere that barely heal and bleed and itch. I have auto immune issues as well. Im sure theres a link. Suppressed immune systems cause us to be more at risk of catching everythingbut this one is too much to bear.

June 17, 20220 found this helpful

MITES look into it! They say you can't see them with the human eye ONLY MICROSCOPE, but if they burrow into skin etc. It's not dust mites it's a different kind.

June 30, 20220 found this helpful

Where can I see everyone's photos?

August 3, 20220 found this helpful

Yes, they are eating my hair & I have lots of tangles. I use the lice comb & end up just ripping through it because I get so angry. I have sprayed Lysol, alcohol, vinegar, used dismateous earth on my head in desperation to get rid of the black specks & I also see white or yellow little eggs n little live bugs that jump. Maybe springtails, maybe clothes moths l, maybe demodox , maybe carpet beetles. Idk & Im sick of trying to figure out what they are- I want them gone. I do t have the black ir gray when I rinse.

August 10, 20220 found this helpful

I don't know what they are but I do know how to get rid of them now I've been battling this for over a year now with a doctor told me I had parasitics psychosis and even reiterated it to me yesterday go on Amazon buy sulfur soap I get the three pack the bars are sold for soup also they have a cream that goes with it it's the acne treatment it's by de la Cruz shower with the sulfur soap leave it on your skin for about 10 minutes rinse it off while your skin is still wet put the acne treatment on your skin and rub watch all of them come out your skin I just experience this about a half hour ago it took me so long to find these posts but I had to share it they just came out of my skin I'm not itching anymore for the first time in over 2 years and I'm so grateful I'm so grateful I'm so grateful I'm so grateful I hope this helps somebody remember sulfur soap 10 minutes this offer soap I get is by AZUFRE JABON.. sulfur cream is ACNE CREAM BY DE LA CRUZ..
To let me know if it's work for you too good luck may the odds be forever in our favor..

August 21, 20220 found this helpful

I have this as well and have been to countless doctors and nothing. I have almost identical images. Have you found any resolution?!?

August 23, 20220 found this helpful

Those picture you posted of the orange bugs did you ever find out what type of bugs they are??? Because Ive been experiencing similar side effects. If so, did you ever get rid of them?
Please get back to me Id really appreciate it

August 28, 20220 found this helpful

Read up on morgellons

August 29, 20220 found this helpful

Have you had limes disease?

September 8, 20220 found this helpful

I have little black things come out hair. Only found one in sink alive. Many lice treatments! I'm so upset can't get rid of them . Fleas of some kind HELP

October 6, 20220 found this helpful

i just csme across this and i have Ame issues been to many doctors which i yave been told it looks like mites ...dermatitis tea tree oil but this sounds crazy but the only way i get them outta my skinis try an pull out w tweezers then put a fab ..dime size amount of sanatizer on the spot anf culsr motion reoeatezly ober M over. fee times and the stuff thN eventualy com out is umbelievable brown black spots push down and rub im a circcuLr motion and eventuLy they come out they tunnel under skin its shocking ho much of w ever comes out then i wash and put hydrcortisone gell on the area bandaid usualy they back out w the handsantizer on it its weird but its the only thing that ever worked for me honestly happend by mistske and been doing it ever since also wacumm ceiling i noticed at a few tume i felt them when sitting on couch more so feels like something drops on my haed im not crazy amd house is super ckran and notice cat and dog seems to have them during hot summer months i have yard sprayed and everything very fustrating but took manybyears and still csnt get a diagnosis ..put them in a jar w rubbing acohal that will oerswrve them so u can show doctor i did and respimse was oh that gross disnt even che k them out under a microscooe fustrating also on ankels and toes flare up everyonce in a while too let they dry out i domt keep the area moist seems to mske them more actibe drying the area out the w hanf sanatizet hooefully it will work for you ive done alot of gardening outside on the farm and bare foot as well idkl def some kind of parasite what else will tumnel under skin and seems to hook itself hard to pull out ..handsanitizer been myiracle at getting rid of tjese asmuch as i can its not scsbies ..lice ..or louse possibly tjrios and 8nsect from plants ect also on tios of fingers and comes thru on cutical area as well ttat was confirmed ..tyeyndo seem to pull hstrands of hsir back imto tje hsir shaft and white hairs on scslp seem to grow over night and also bath im epsomsalt and pour ober scalp that helos as well ..i take vitamims now for Haiir and nails skimect and thT is a hige help too very very uosetting skim issue but ur not alone and the commom respomse from mutipal doctors is ooh morgellens thats is their way of assumimg cause that is what i got when they didnt take the time to biopsyvor sample to look at easier to say that then have to look into it further we r not crazy i know i not family has seen them tunnel.amd hard tom pull out give it a try and best of luc..k pl

October 6, 20220 found this helpful

(this is inreference to post i just replied to re what is this umder my skin and hair toes amd fingers ectYour Image Here)

October 7, 20220 found this helpful

It looks like morgellans

October 8, 20220 found this helpful

Omg. This is like what I'm seeing. Looks like carrots and those black dots! But I got a microscope and NOTHING moves.

October 25, 20220 found this helpful

Trichophyton and Microsporum species Look this up! This fits everything we've all mentioned. I'm a RN just pieced it together, now I have to find someone to treat me

October 25, 20220 found this helpful

Trichophyton and Microsporum species

November 2, 20220 found this helpful

I have the same thing going on. The bugs seem to be different shapes and sizes and I am searching types of hookworms. Some look like jelly blobs, some with pinchers, and some are white tiny looking lines. I have many photos and am trying to get a picture of the bug I think caused it.
It lies still until bumped and latches on.

November 2, 20220 found this helpful

Im scared and dont know if these are different stages of a hookworm. I seen tiny white points that stick up from my skin and have found other things

November 4, 20221 found this helpful

I've had the same condition as you for 5 years and five months ago I feel her mother bite like a prick.
Through research, the skins immunity is weak, the solution from the inside is to take a drug that eliminates it from the inside because it lives inside the pores of the skin and digs

November 4, 20221 found this helpful

I had the same situation. I went to a dermatologist and he examined me, then he advised me to go to a psychiatrist. I researched a lot and came to the conclusion that this is a developed insect from the demodex insect that lives inside the pores of praise and deeply, and it is impossible to eliminate it from the outside .. I think the solution must start from within the body, strengthening the immunity of the skin

November 9, 20220 found this helpful

Did it work ? If so what do I do ? I've been fighting this for over 5 years I've lost my home ,my kids,my husband , and I'm about to lose my family . Noone believes me they all think I'm on drugs or lost my mind . They won't just come lay in my bed overnight and feel it moving or watch my hair and see it move threw it . Recently I had to start shaving my head it's the only relief I get . It'll slow way down for about 1 week so I'm begging please help me ? What do I need to do ?

December 6, 20220 found this helpful

Been fighting it for 2+ years. Doctors don't believe me. Had to do it in my own. Dollar Tree medicine for athletic foot kills them.

December 26, 20220 found this helpful

so no solutuion?

January 11, 20230 found this helpful

So I have been having the same issues for about 5 months now with lesions all over my body went to the hospital three times they said that I was crazy in on drugs I also have to have surgery coming up and my doctor told me that I was hallucinating seeing things that are not there but yet the sores are there and you can't see the mites or whatever they are because they're so small my brother also has the same issues it's affecting my eyes my fingernails I would like to know if there is a cure and how to cure it it's affecting my dog however it does not seem to be affecting my fiance we sleep in the same bed I find this weird however I also find little holes being eating in my clothes and my covers in my pillow cases does anyone else have them issues with the holes in the blankets and stuff

February 7, 20230 found this helpful

Wow wow wow all I can say .. excuse my typing Im bad for run on sentences no punctuation but I will try.. lets start by saying Im so happy and sad. I am 46 yr old male and I have been dealing with this shit for 6 or 7 years with ups and down but generally losing battle. I want to light myself on fire burn house down jump in swimming pool and move naked. Not really but forgive me for the temporary insanity and the MY GOD make it stop in all sincerity.. Im single dad in Utah mode 40s and this sucks. I have same exact even to what illusive pic on microscope I have gathered myself and look almost exact same. Crazy thing is the lol like mess of tiny thread slash stick slash squished bug slash inside of zit gross and sometimes almost hair looking thing with same exact goo to the color u have. I have few things worked best almost had a win for a month or so then started all over reguardless. Its late cant sleep as you probably understand seems way worse at night and seems to come in cycles to no avail. If u read this email me. But short best advice is demised products. They almost work I am way curious. Cant talk to ppl about this shit. Embarrassing gross bd ppl think you are crazy or on drugs. Trust me I am neither. Let me know love to get somebody elses insight. I am appreciative of your post. Thank you for your honesty and bravery. Your not crazy. Later

May 12, 20230 found this helpful

Try Dr Scroll's odor-x foot spray for scalp, works for fungus. Use enema if constipated than deworm your gut. Parasites can cause symptoms and release toxins. Dental cavities can also cause all these symptoms as well. See if changing your diet helps, try decaf drinks, use sensitive detergent, oatmeal bar soap, and coconut lotion non scented. If you have open sores or discharge ask a doctor for 90 day oral and topical supply of antibiotics and after the antibiotics is completed try probiotics. Buy new clothes and wash before wearing them. Check furnace and a/c filters. Buy moth hangers for closets, change shower head if needed. Check washer for mold growth. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week, use lice comb daily. Condition hair, once dry apply coconut grease from softee to scalp. Noxzema or Neutrogena cleanser for face once in the morning and rinse with water only before bed. calamine the original brand ) thick stuff works good on butt sores. Think of old remedies. Care for outside and inside of the body. Request a skin scraping and biopsy of scalp. If doctor refuse file grievance with your insurance company. Make sure blood levels are normal. I know this post is old but hope your well.

May 12, 20230 found this helpful

I used Dr scroll's foot spray and it got rid of it. I also dewormed, changed my diet, got new clothes and shoes.

May 13, 20230 found this helpful

We're you ever able to figure out our?

May 28, 20231 found this helpful

So what is it ? I have the same thing. And my poor dog is go crazy licking and iching. This has been going on for over a year . Please help

June 17, 20230 found this helpful

I have this EXACT SAME THING!! I believe that it comes from animals. Dogs and cats. I have had this off and on for almost 5 years now. I am currently battling a very very long infestation/infection of these horrible awful things right now! It will be a year next month!! I am miserable!! And I know my daughter's household is infested with them! And my two grandbabies have it and her and her husband have it as well! They keep telling me I am crazy! But I know I'm not. I do notice that if you pick them or have any kind of sore on your body they get worse!! They are drawn to blood DEFINITELY! And I believe they are internal as well! That in order to get rid of them you have to not only treat the outside of your body but as well as internally. And keep your house clean!! Have you found anymore out about them?? Please PLEASE PLEASE I would absolutely LOVE any help I can get!! They have destroyed my life!

June 17, 20230 found this helpful

This is EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN BATTLING FOR 5 YEARS NOW!! OMGoodness I have been researching the internet for YEARS!! And it always ALWAYS sends me to a Morgellons site of some sort! So FRUSTRATING! I am so HAPPY to know that I am not alone and that I am NOT CRAZY!! Thank you thank you thank you for your post!!! Did you ever find out exactly what this is?? Are you free from this awfulness now? What products seem to work the best for you? I would greatly appreciate any and all info on this matter, please and thank you
God bless you!!

June 17, 20230 found this helpful

I have had this for 5years off and on. I am currently fighting off yet another infestation/infection of these horrible things! And this time has been the longest, it will be a year next month!! This absolutely HORRIBLE!! I do know that they are HIGHLY attracted to blood!!

June 29, 20230 found this helpful

Omg, please help me !!!! You wrote, word for bloody word, what im going through. The dog and me are in bits, have tried every remedy under the sun even professional bedbug company, but what we're talking about is different. What did you do, please please please tell me where I go next. It's killing me, and the pics above are same as 286 of mine dating back 1 and 1/2 yes.

June 29, 20230 found this helpful

Please can you help me. What do I do??? Word for word.
I'm British and cannot do this anymore. The dog and me are in bits. Doctors have fascinated yet clueless responses to my skin, hair and pictures dating back over 1 and 1/2.
Was it the blood tests that started off the microbiology diagnosis ( I never knew any these words a year ago...)
Please could you give me any guidance you can, thank you so much

June 29, 20230 found this helpful

Please help me, I can't do this anymore. You have taken the words, and pics, out of my mouth. I also smoke, my dog is in bits as well. What do u recommend? Any, any advice would be gratefully received x

July 5, 20230 found this helpful

I cannot express the gratitude that I have towards you because I have been dealing with this and I even had a dermatologist tell me I was crazy but they are on my skin they are where they're making sores in my arms and then you can tell they're traveling because they always have like a line or a trail and so they're on the inside of me and they look like little black coarse little tiny tiny hairs and they're very very coarse and you never see a move but they do move and they're all over my bed and there's white there's Brown there's the black ones are the most dominant but the black ones are what's in my arm s. So what is this thing? I literally have had mental breakdowns and I'm a cleaning fanatic and I am traumatized from these things over 2 years I've been dealing with this and nobody could ever tell me what it is

July 19, 20230 found this helpful

What us it? Does anyone have more pictures? I've been suffering for nearly three yrs! I've been to five dermatologist and they don't really look at my skin or scalp under lights or magnified lighting
They say it's dandruff. Clearly it's not. Dr's think I'm crazy especially when they know that I recently lost my husband and two other family members. Please help!

July 27, 20230 found this helpful


August 7, 20230 found this helpful

Hi are you still going through this???

August 26, 20230 found this helpful

Could you please send me the video
this is exactly same stuff i bgeen living with pass 2 years or longer thanks girl! it will be a blessing to find sum help w/ household/furniture items! i lost everything back in september when i became homeless after dr. Fox evicted me he would not allow me to return for my belongings i have been struggling hard / now ive found this appartment and cant even aford furniture or nessesty things to get me by on untill im back on my familys list they wont help me with anything not even a shower ' if u have any resources that you feel i might benifit from let me know so i can reach out to ones avaible in our county Thank you have a blessed day

September 3, 20230 found this helpful

Im dealing with the exact same thing they come off of me in different cycles to at first I noticed my hair was falling out and weightless my health started to decline then I started itching then the black dots popped up they itches and would come out of my skin and be hard I would like try to smash them to see if blood would come out and it kinda looked like a little ball of dry blood mixed with something whitish some times they are like rock hard and unsmashable I was hoping by smashing it I would see eggs or something nope nothing like that so about 6 months go by and I think they were evolved to thes little black seed like things that have one curved appendage on its back and they jump and burrow Im assuming the one appendage is to help it jump and they vary in color Im assuming the one with the appendage is like a larva state maybe after this tho the appendage falls off and it starts to change from dark brown to a light brown with little white hair looking things around it after this its like it blooms is so freaking scary Im scared this is gonna kill me seriously bc its been going on so long and as soon as I think gods got this whooped with me boom its back

September 3, 20230 found this helpful

I had silver fillers?? Is this linked??

September 7, 20230 found this helpful

Morgellons desiese but biting bugs go parasitic n it's real . Docs say it's in our heads it's not. Don't let them convince u that

September 12, 20230 found this helpful

Im in the same boat as you guys. Ive have seen that brown thing though nothing in a peach color. Ive been to three dermatologists and no one can find a thing. Its driving me mad! What is it! How do we make them go away?

September 18, 20230 found this helpful

nope still going strong. the enemy that is and im getting depressed and scared cause my neighbors are complaining already. Does anyone make people around you cough or sneeze alot when your around or even when u shower?

September 25, 20230 found this helpful

I've been mentally drained the smell is putrid its so bothersome I really feel like I'm have a serious nervous breakdown can get rid of what ever it is Epson salt soak 30 mins clean anything and everybody with bleach wore entire body with peroxide wipe entire body I almost thought it was horse hair worms

December 11, 20230 found this helpful

What was it. I have the same issue.

January 22, 20240 found this helpful

Well if it's anything like a bedbug you can spray peroxide in a spray bottle all over your stuff and it's supposed to kill them and get rid of them not 100% sure but that's what they say


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
April 26, 20190 found this helpful


September 1, 20193 found this helpful

Definitely not that

November 21, 20200 found this helpful

Omg I have had all of this going on for almost a year this this is what it is...mother of twins its been a nightmare.
Please email me

January 14, 20220 found this helpful

Dr bronner's peppermint liquid soap use on your hair and bedding. It kills everything. You can also spread diatomaceous earth all over your house it kills all Crawlers

April 5, 20220 found this helpful

There dust mites I'm having that problem as we speak I thought it was just fuzz at 1st and soon realized my rental was infested this house is going to be the death of me
There is a rat,roach,nat,dust mite infestation I hve lost 30 lbs since I've moved in in February where I dnt sleep well or eat right. I'm constantly cleaning everyday with no progress. I purchased an air purifier now I hve to go buy a humidifier but what I found little helpful was spray LYSOL or Flea spray wash everything in hot water and and dry in hottest heat... dust 1st then vscumna with a hepa filter in ur vacumn cleaner and spray with either spray I mentioned but dnt walk into the room for 20 minutes. Depending on how bad it is do it every other day, I do it everyday and it's killing me I'm breaking my lease early I've been dealing with crap since mid February & landlord doesn't want to make repairs & won't let me do it not to mention I also found out this house has lead base paint the list goes on and on....but whatever you do don't shake clothes or sheets etc etc. After bathing pat dry and drench urself in moisturizing lotion. God luck


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
April 28, 20190 found this helpful

Could also be dead lice

August 18, 20198 found this helpful

I have had the same problem and Ive been viewing these critters via 30x magnifying app on my phone for 10 months at first I just noticed them in the carpet then furniture than the past three months on me Ive trued everything to get rid of them. Ive also been researching on line. They are in my hair and my hair will move all by itself. I hold a light to it to try n see bugs but nothing although Ive noticed a lot of similarities in the thing Ive finally found today during yet more research. . They can be translucent they are usually microscopic but Ive noticed I can now see some of them wo magnifier. They tend to be pale peachy to green in color in the carpet and those Ive found in my dog. The ones I vigorously rub off of myself are small tan to blackish in color of different sizes. Today I located the straw mite and the oak leaf mite online this is the closest thing Ive found to my problem. Tho theres nothing official. If you can download supervision app its a magnifying app that gives a better view. You have to play with it and hold at different depths and angles to find out what gets the clearest and closest pic. Im so excited to at least not feel as if Im hallucinating as no one in my family gets it until today. I show them some bugs Ive been able to bag up along w some other bug like material...egg sacs, and the sticky glue like substance. These mites that I mentioned (straw and oak leaf) can tend to infest homes after a wet winter or spring; weve had both here in the Carolinas. Theres so much more I can share but Ill leave it at that. Thanks and good luck to everyone and my prayers to find a way to get rid of it!! Btw Ive used permethrin, peroxide alcohol you name it. Yesterday I thought my brain was on fire bc I mixed turpentine (the wrong kind) w conditioner and lathered my hair bc the itch is driving me nuts. Omg!!! DO NOT DO THIS unless you get the right kind. I called an ambulance I was so scared my scalp was burning like crazy and hypersensitive!! But it got rid of 80%of them. I still use permethrin lotion all over including hair daily. And my power bill will be sky high from hot water washing and drying everything reg plus an extra 20 minutes.
Happy itch free night to all
Cindy T. North Carolina

September 1, 20194 found this helpful

I have had same thing for almost 5 yrs. I have just recently been looking into types if mites and the Cheyletiella mite might be a culprit. There is a ointment called Wilkinson's ointment that is not sold in the United States over the counter that seems to help ppl with such mites. It is made out of tar and sulfur as the 2 main ingredients plus other beneficial ingredients. I am too trying to figure this all out. Hope this helps someone and if so please let me know where you were able to get ointment and any alternatives you may find. Thanks

November 15, 20200 found this helpful

(Describe having the exxact same problem i use rid and a lice comb and this is what i found in my hair i have light blonde hair these tiny black things live in my hair and everywhere else in or on my body. I put bleach in my bath use sulfur soap all over including hair and i add peroxide and larher and set.I also use rid all over my hair and body let set. I also poor poroxide in my ears let set about 3 to 4 times each side that kills them in my ears. I also take ivermectin 200 ml. Two days in a row every week and permethrin cream all over my body I spray my bedsheets with rid spray for lice I recently started using 91percent isopropyl alcohol with eucalyptus essential oil in a spray bottle it seems to help r. These are some of the things that has helped me and I dont go barefoot ANYWHERE! I dont know what it is ive been to several doctors which has gotten me no where so if you find any info please let me know this has been going on since febuary it started after I sprayed a miteacide its been a living hell. Your Image Here)

September 14, 20210 found this helpful

I'm also a Cindy in north Carolina suffering with this for over a year now

October 30, 20220 found this helpful

Same thing here. I hope you found out what it is. They are also all over our yard and neighborhood. They look like little creatures and the can morph into anything and be in anything. They look like some sort of fungus with bacteria and they took over a kite maybe. It I thought was going to kill me. I cut hair and have seen a lot of people with the same thing in there hair with dandruff. The dr thinks scabies for 2nd time. Not it they do crazy stuff and have multiple bodies in one. They seem to be smart I hate it but what sucks is I quit trying to tell people because they either say Im in drugs (IM NOT) or do u. Red to go to the hospital. So Im on a mission taking as many pictures of everywhere I see them and hopefully someone one day will be able to help. Hope you found what it was and solved the how to get them gone part. Thinking about taking all grass out already got rid of flower and gardens trees too. Also miss they are in moss. All moss that I have seen in my town.

August 29, 20190 found this helpful

I just started to find the same on my bed and clothes. Every speck i pick up and zoom in with phone camera and its exactly what you posted. Its in my sons hair probably mine too. But burns my skin at night by my ankles. I went to er for scabies and got permethrin cream for entire family. They say everyone that is in close contact with you must treat at the same time or it will keep coming back. Scabies burros and lays eggs in skin and will live on household items furniture towels sheets for 48 hrs or something like that. If you think it can be scabies google the treatment. Hope this helps. I prey we all get rid of this nasty mite problem.

November 26, 20220 found this helpful

Hydrogen peroxide, lemon fabuloso, white vinegar, coconut oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, lemongrass oil, permethrin cream which requires a prescription, permethrin liquid concentrate from any farm and garden store, metal lice comb, diatomaceous earth
Salt scrub body wash
Rubbing alcohol
Spray bottles

  • For any flooring vacuum daily.
  • Put diatomaceous earth on all carpet in house and your car.
  • Safest for pet's and children: mix equal parts of white vinegar and lemon fabuloso and 2 part's warm water and mop floors daily after vacuuming, spray baseboards, cabinets, etc with the mixture.
  • Works longer - permethrin concentrate and mix with water as directed and place in spray bottle and spray floors, baseboards, under cabinets and let dry.
  • Add the 3 essential oils to any of your shampoo and conditioner and comb hair while wet with not comb.
  • Purchase any body wash that is labeled salt scrub to help release them from skin.
  • Use rubbing alcohol to remove any you see on the skin that the body wash didn't remove.
  • For this one please consult your Dr because it really dries your skin out and could cause you other problems if you have certain health conditions but it feels amazing. Take a hot tub bath with hydrogen peroxide in your water. The amount depends on the depth of your tub but I would start with 1 cup and see what happens. When you have enough you can lay back under the water and when you raise up the tub will be full of these things if they are mite's.
  • Whether you have insurance or not please try to find a way to see a dermatologist for a definite diagnosis and treatment both oral and topical because whether it's flea's or mite's you can easily get a parasite from these and wind up in an infectious disease specialist care.
September 6, 20191 found this helpful

I also am dealing with this an been trying things doctor says not live. And everyone thinks I'm crazy wtf ever it is so stressful people have no idea living with something like this... But I have tryed this tea tree oil and ponds cream it's a temporary relief but helps. Excpecially on the scalp face and body during the day. Ok so ready for this if you want a good night sleep it's a kind of scary at first to see actual results so I buy this at Woodman's grocery store it's called charcoal infused liquid face mask Omega 3,6,9 and the alge one works great to so you want to lay plastic down or do it in the shower or u will have a big mess cause they leave the body when it's dried out on ur body I put it in my hair an scalp to so this clay like mixture you put it all over ur body face hair and scrub it in it will dry quickly so go over it again let it dry u will feel it working... Than start rubbing it off quickly they drop like flys they will look like tiny blue things all over if you don't believe take a slide for ur microscope if u have one an when ur done showering it all off look at it under the microscope it's crazy... Oh and shampoo and conditioner try tea tree it relieves to let me know how it worked for you :)

September 23, 20196 found this helpful

I could almost break into tears finding this web site...I'm sooo sorry, so many others are dealing with this, i completely feel your pain, but the assurance that i am not alone has been God sent. I have been going out of my mind & basically keeping it all inside. I do not want anyone thinking I'm crazy For the mere fact i have been dealing with a multitude of parasites since March, now being September. I have to live in a motel 6 with my cats until my apartment was ready. The place was filthy. I did as much as i could not to touch anything while i was there, using my own blankets, towels, shower shoes...etc. but my cats were everywhere, especially under the bed, then in bed with me. I then moved into an apartment rushed & it was not cleaned properly, nor do ui think that would've even helped. So I'm not sure where I've picked everything up. I treated my cats before we went, hoping this would protect them, but they have gotten mites & after reading, if your animal has mites, you're sure to get human form.. aka scabies. So it began with a nasty outbreak of demodex mites on my eyelashes & in my hair. I noticed lil white things falling out of hair onto face & my eyelashes are blonde but turned white. The demodex then took over my whole face. It was HORRIBLE!!! i began to wonder if they moved into my body as i started to feel moving everywhere. I also had movement under muy skin, that was extremely painful, i began to believe i had worms. I do. They moved into my wrists creating painful lumps, i could see them moving on my face, all under the skin. The demodex finally went away to leave me with scabies. I mean it's completely insane!!! I am such a germ phobe, i can not understand how, what or where??? I want to mention that i have RA, so my immune system is compromised. During the scabies infection, i went to the hospital & they literally treated me like a meth addict or something. I guess with sores all over & complaining of a worms under my skin, i may have fit the bill perfect. They asked if i had mental issues, if i was being abused at home....they gave me scabie medicine& sent me on my way. The worm infection is getting worse. I went back to ER with proof in hand & my stool sample, loaded with the nasty lil things. They again treated me like i was a nut job, said oh hunny you seem so anxious, there are not worms under your skin, you are fine, let me get you something to calm your nerves. She was gone forever, i truly feared they were getting me a room in the psych ward. I left with my stool sample, she never even looked at. So the scabies are gone, but I'm now dealing with these worms & other lil black specs falling out of hair, and going to every place my skin is compromised from the remaining scabies sores. Can i actually be dealing with yet another friggin parasite? This is completely INSANE, but i believe I'm suffering from the same thing everyone here is dealing with. I'm going out of my mind! I stumbled across SPRINGTAIL MITES & i believe that's what we are all suffering from. There are many different variations, but i think it's what we're all dealing with. I hope this helps all of you...& God bless, wishing & praying for us all to get our body & mind back GOD SPEED

October 12, 20190 found this helpful

I have the same. Saw tiny specs. Took a fine tooth comb and wiped the sink with a tissue. Photoed with smartcamera and maximized - horror- they are tiny worms and animals. Nothing can be resistant to them. I tired over the counter lice shampoos, vermox anything- help!!

November 3, 20190 found this helpful

Try SSKI you can buy on Amazon

February 19, 20201 found this helpful

I am also going through this and I think it is springtails as well, and they can attract other stuff since they like fungus, I am trying Ted's remedy just as soon as I finish with the epsom salt protocol...

I found that sulfur is best and if you spry hairspray on your hair and skin you can sleep much better, Also Sea Salt and Coconut makes nasty stuff come from your skin...

Spray yourself down with Listerine (gold stuff) and let it sit on you in the shower.. you can see the suckers coming out and dropping off you.. Take a hot shower to get them out of you. If you have springtails you probably have demodex too

April 10, 20205 found this helpful

I have all these symptoms you can see black specks all under my skin when magnified by the phones camera lens. Sometimes you can watch the black spec enter under my skin when you pull it out with tweezers it never moves, sometimes when I find a spot that I assume to be a burrow where one has laid eggs they come out really fast once at a time and they're sometimes white and flat in a triangular shape and it's almost like fleas, flies, bees all bugs are attracted to me more so than usual. Just when I think maybe I am crazy and they start to go away I will scratch one of my scabs and the eggs/ babies fall out and start reentering my skin stinging me in a 1000 different places and I've found no matter where thr place is that I've scratched the scab off the eggs/ babies one or two always always find their way to my nose, and always one corner of my mouth is a sore. When one side starts healing the other side cracks open again. You can see them under my skin it looks like a little flap of skin sometimes with a black dot in a perfect line, they love getting around and underneath my nails both fingers and toes. Bugs are my biggest fear, I've felt so so nasty for over a year now and doctors treat me like a meth addict I never understood how a person could take their own life and this is seriously the closest I've ever gotten to understanding it, my whole family thinks im back on drugs im a recovering addict I lost my husband my children's father ten years ago and became addicted to xanax it made me not feel anything I've relapsed twice since having this problem but I've never used methamphetamine. I would never pt something in my body that would make me hallucinate something remotely close this this is worse than a Stephen king novel this is our worst nightmare came to life. Please if anyone has any advice please email me I have no one I've lost friends because of this no one NO ONE BELIEVES ME AND I'VE NEVER FELT SO ALONE IN MY LIFE. Im turning 40 in June and I don't wanna live the rest of my life like this. I can handle the skin issues and that's hard to deal with!!!!!!!! what I can't handle is everyone thinking i'm crazy and having to deal with this alone with no one to talk to. Thanks guys for sharing your stories so people like me know their not the only ones dealing with this shit. I wish it were drugs then the world be an explanation for this and a solution and everyone giving the answer scabies or lice, thanks for your responses but trust and believe that was our first diagnoses and we treated as and it didn't work, it is far worse than scabies or lice.

May 4, 20204 found this helpful

I'm so happy to have found this website. In the beginning when you spoke of getting the tweezers to extract the embedded bugs and how they never ever move. Sometimes they break apart and make you pick a sore in your skin and other times they pop right out whole, no blood. Which is a problem with these mites, one little scab will make you bleed to death no matter how old it is.
The red orange flat mites that seems to be everywhere. Wash my hands and see mites all over on white paper towels. Scalp sometimes has this dark color like flat worm that is shaped like a hair comb, flat on one side and teeth like on the other. Now my nose itching alot when I have a new set of little seeds shaped like half moon. Soft when fresh and hard when dried out in my bed. Little blue black bugs in hair and private area and scalp. Black ones started looking like moles so when I grabbed a few I new it was bugs with like brown fluid if smashed. Some looked as it it had fur. Scalp had some that had like mites stacked up on top of each other. My skin has white flaky mites. I believe all of these related. I listened to your stories and I happy to have someone else who knows about this horror. I use salt water spray bottles, Clorox bleach, sulfur soap and cream scrub. Mite away "from Amazon. I did buy " licefreee" because it can be left on scalp and body. My hair didn't have any bugs today after washing. Used the spray on body and away the went. Night time pure coconut oil and tea tree oil. Does anyone smell differently? Like a chemical? I do and wonder if people can. 8 months and dealing with this. But I'm not crazy. Thanks for any help you can offer.

November 15, 20201 found this helpful

I had the excact same experience I now have tiny black fibers in my hair so I comb it out using a lice comb but there back the next day all the doctors say I'm crazy. I feel tiny things crawling all over me my face and hair are the worst of all

January 12, 20211 found this helpful

I saw your post and wondered if you are ok? Also are you still having same issues? I have exact same pics as above and millions more.
Hope you don't mind the email,


April 9, 20220 found this helpful

Spring tail mites is one of the things i was thinking too but that I think is why they are so hard to kill. They are considered the most abundant arthropods on earth. Since prehistoric times, they have survived frigid winters and very hot summers, but their numbers decrease exponentially under dry conditions.

November 10, 20192 found this helpful

Ya my fiance and me do and where going nuts literally!!! My poor girl sits up at night crying about it and I'm out of ideas we went to doctors he said it was lice got meds, treated, didn't work! dont think it's lice by all the research we did on the net. I spent over a couple thousand dollars in the last 75 days on just about every thing from home remedies to over counter meds and cleaners for us and our small trailer we live in. We're clean people always been and I have an OCD about things being clean and neat.. please help were new to the South so we don't even have many house guest.. this is killing me not being able to fix this for my fiance please help!!!

December 8, 20193 found this helpful

I have the exact same thing as everybody else it looks like every picture looks like one of my sweet pictures anyway I can't get rid of them for the life of me and I've got a para zapper from Hulda Clark though it's a frequency electrical zapper that's supposed to kill the parasites in your body so it seems to me it helped I did shave my hair off I'm a guy I didn't want to do that either but I did and it's made things a little more manageable but I still got them coming out and now my hair is growing back and I can wipe my head with a white towel after 2 hours after washing all the way I mean tea tree shampoo everything that they have already used and there are little black dots on the towel and my hair is growing back very slowly but there's still lumps there and when I squeeze him like a pimple nothing comes out but you know something that I can't see unless I take a picture of my head with my phone and then I don't want to see that anyway if anybody gets the real answer I'd love you forever and please let us all know this is been the darkest. Of my life and I'm retired and I'm supposed to be enjoying it I can t understand where they came from why they're here what they have in mind but these things have an intelligence of some sort I've been diagnosed now with delusional disorder mixed which means they don't know what the problem is so it's easy to jump it off on psychotherapy anyway good luck my name is Paul if you find the answer please email me and if you need to some things off your chest out of your head email me I'll get back to you

December 21, 20198 found this helpful

Mold mites could be the answer do you have a mold problem in or around your house or mulch in your garden? You can beat this by first off deworming yourself for multiple parasites from chemist and your pets, and putting tea tree oil and peppermint oil all over you then bathing in Epsom salts and or borax! Wash all your clothes and bedding in hot washes with borax, detox your body lots of water and charcoal tablets, you will feel sick detoxing so plan when you do it, be vigilant with cleaning and vacuuming your home and use a UV black light in every room to eliminate bacteria! Build up your immune system with multi vitamins, B plus, zinc, garlic, apple cider vinegar, chlorophyl, colloidal silver both internally and externally, eliminate sugar, treat yourself for fungal problem topically and orally, oregano oil is great at killing fungi topically. Take food grade iodine! Gargle with betadine and use a cotton bud to put in nostrils! Fog your house for mites and try to find the source of your mold problem to eliminate it....this has a 4 week and 6 week cycle so keep up with everything for several months and be careful going back to sugar! Buy a book on how to cure Morgellons mites naturally from Amazon...Lots of good info on you tube about mold mites and Morgellons and good luck you can beat this it took me about 3 weeks to start feeling better and lots of hard work cleaning but the UV light helps cut that down if you get a second occurrence as I did...thinking of you all whom have suffered and you are all totally sane and dont let anyone tell you otherwise as youre the one living this horror story!! All the best...

February 7, 20220 found this helpful

We need to figure out how to educate the world on this.

I just found my sanity 2 months ago after doing a parasite cleanse. Scram, it's called. Lol 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. This on top of your info, will literally save people's lives.

I have pictures for days. Going to dermatologist for 2nd time tomorrow with my speech and evidence ready. (I need some sort of this post isent enough

December 24, 20191 found this helpful

Hello everyone. Of course I have this issue as well. It has been a living nightmare since around April of this year and it's almost Christmas. My aunt and mom both passed away since this started[of something unrelated to this] and its been hard to deal with these pests and my losses as well as raising my 13 years old daughter by myself because her dad passed in 2011.
I have come to conclusions that it is larvae of something but not for sure what. I live in north Carolina and I have pine trees all around my house so I'm researching pine beetles as maybe what this is. I have had 2 stool samples done and I know for sure that the last one did have these things in it but it come back negative so maybe it's not a parasite that is on record. These are my own theories and have not been confirmed. If anyone knows what they are plz let me know I am losing my mind and I dont want my baby girl to be an orphan or her getting this. She has already lost so much already.

April 12, 20202 found this helpful

It wont show in parasite tests cause they , only test for common known parasites. Might try the parasite id test but ask first if they only test certain species. Ever try to send a sample to CDC? They test dna. My dr said they advertise testing but make it impossible to send in speciman.

January 31, 20200 found this helpful

I am suffering from the same black bigs that you posted for 2 years.
Still suffering i only find relieve wiith tea tree oil and the most important blow your hair dry 4 times a day.
I think those bugs can be super lice or ckeliatosis

February 5, 20201 found this helpful

I am almost positive these are caused from Springtails ! ..

February 7, 20220 found this helpful

Hi All. I too have been suffering from this problem for almost a year. Little black flakes falling from my hair. Terrible itchiness all over my body. Doctors thought I was delusional and gave me low dose schizophrenia medication which is supposed to take away the itchy feeling. Ive not taken it as I need to get rid of the issue which is these bugs & Im certainly not delusional!! Over the last couple of weeks I have nearly got rid of it. I bought a Karcher steam cleaner SC4 and I steam clean my head twice a day. The heat from it is hot but not as bad as you think. Its like using a hot hair dryer on your head. The thick crust and gritty sand feeling and swelling on my head has now gone. I swear these bugs were burrowing into my scalp. If you steam clean your hair over the shower little black bugs fall off your hair and you can see them in the bottom of the shower. Ive just done another steam clean for 10 minutes & only 1 bug fell out and black flakes. I feel like this problem will be gone in another week. Im sleeping now almost 8 hrs per night after being up almost all night with the itching. The bugs hate Vicks Vapour Rub which I think has got Eucalyptus oil in it. Rub it all over your body for relief. Believe me Ive tried everything under the sun & this works. Also get aqueous cream as the paraffin in it kills the bugs. Use Listerine on your scalp after steaming as it works to kill the bugs. You will overcome this issue, stay mentally strong & positive. Dont allow this to take over your life, laugh about it as laughter is a good medicine & got me through this nightmare. Good luck guys.

February 11, 20203 found this helpful

Today i have visited a microbiologist and she is runing some test in order to find bacteria or fungus and i will get the results in 5 days and i will let you know.

Has anyone of you any result from the lab certifying that its springtail mite.
it seems to me that its a bug that live in the fungus.

April 8, 20202 found this helpful

Have you received results from your test????

April 19, 20201 found this helpful

omg...did anyone get any answers??? I too almost cried when In saw the pictures because it is EXACTLY what I am going through. I just went to UC and got Ivermectin and a cream. I do know the Demodex has exploded, making the itching unbearable. I assume that is because of this new problem throwing my system out of balance. I had to go finally, as I now have white and black worms (larvae I presume) that are so noticeable I didn't have a choice but try something stronger than lice medicine or tea tree oil. I can see the demodex being disrupted by the medicine but the worms are still coming after 72 hours. I am praying the medicine works soon!!!! It is ruining every aspect of my life including my career because of my obsession and embarrassment!!! Please if anyone got an answer tell us all!!!!!

March 27, 20210 found this helpful

Any info from dr?

February 15, 20201 found this helpful

Aloe vera works well. coat yourself with aloa vera and let dry and rub your skin and they will come off by the hundreds. use sulfer soap .will not rid you of them but it will give you relief for a while . use tes tree lotion all over . even your face.

April 10, 20200 found this helpful

I have black specs everywhere!

June 4, 20201 found this helpful

has anyone at all gotten an official answer yet??! seems crazy no one has

June 16, 20201 found this helpful

Anyone ever find out what's going on and what these things are? How to get rid of them? What are yalls blood types? Wonder if certain blood types are the ones effected by this? Thanks

July 4, 20202 found this helpful

I came across this website and hope what works for me might help someone else.

I have been plagued with tiny insects crawling over me for 4 years (invisible insects mind you), and my poor dog is constantly itching. I can't get help from any doctor, but through trial and error, I did find out how to get rid of the itch and the feeling of bugs.

I still don't know what they are, but assuming they are some kind of mite. Every 48 hours, I spray my mattress, bathroom floor and all under my bed with cedar oil. I use borax in the wash and wash all bed covers and pj's. On the same day, I take a 20 minute bath with Kleen Green. Kleen Green's instructions are to use 7 oz per bath. FYI..Kleen Green is a concentrate. I wet my hair and pour the pure concentrate thru my hair and lather up. Then pour what is left of the 7 oz into bath water. I have finally been able to sleep and quit itching.

I also mix Kleen Green in a spray bottle (use the instructions for mites - 28 oz water to 4 oz Kleen Green), and spray my dog with it. It appears to help him quit itching as well.

Please note I just came across this combo, and have only done it 3 times. I skipped the 4th time to see if it would come back, and it did. But at this point, I'm willing to keep doing this routine every 48 hours since it works for me.

God bless all of you...

July 7, 20205 found this helpful

Hey guys, I too have had this going off & on for 2 years now! Ill have them for about two weeks & they just suddenly leave for a few months then come right back. Ive told friends & family & they all say Im just seeing stuff & im crazy. Went to the hospital the first time they happened & was told the same thing as well that I must be on meth. Which is insane cause I dont do drugs. Told my dad about it as well & he said that I need a mental evaluation, nobody around seems to have or see this but I can see all them from those pictures theres clear as day. They drive me crazy tho and I get so sick. I have sores everywhere on my body, so it does kinda look like a meth head. Cant sleep when this happens & they constantly itch & move around. Like its painful & feels horrible. At times they come out of my tear ducts as little specs but anywhere else on the body like worms. They have even come out of my mouth & nose. Sometimes my body will tighten up so bad it feels like the parasite is stretching from my head to my feet. So very uncomfortable. It seems like it gets into anything I touch or look at. Sounds nuts but its true. This thing will make you go crazy cause nobody believes you & says youre seeing things. Hope we can get some help with this, if anyone does get the answer please respond, this is a nightmare!

July 7, 20200 found this helpful

Hey guys, I too have had this going off & on for 2 years now! Ill have them for about two weeks & they just suddenly leave for a few months then come right back. Ive told friends & family & they all say Im just seeing stuff & im crazy. Went to the hospital the first time they happened & was told the same thing as well that I must be on meth. Which is insane cause I dont do drugs. Told my dad about it as well & he said that I need a mental evaluation, nobody around seems to have or see this but I can see all them from those pictures theres clear as day. They drive me crazy tho and I get so sick. I have sores everywhere on my body, so it does kinda look like a meth head. Cant sleep when this happens & they constantly itch & move around. Like its painful & feels horrible. At times they come out of my tear ducts as little specs but anywhere else on the body like worms. They have even come out of my mouth & nose. Sometimes my body will tighten up so bad it feels like the parasite is stretching from my head to my feet. So very uncomfortable. It seems like it gets into anything I touch or look at. Sounds nuts but its true. This thing will make you go crazy cause nobody believes you & says youre seeing things. Hope we can get some help with this, if anyone does get the answer please respond, this is a nightmare!

July 9, 20200 found this helpful

Demodex mites. Invisible to eye.

July 10, 20202 found this helpful

Hello, first time ever posting or responded to anything on the internet but felt compelled. Have had same issues off and on for 10 years. Years of questions confusion and poor health. Anyway I think I may be a step closer after finding a site regarding common furniture beetles and the two parasites they house.

Between the three insects present and whatever else may be attracted to these conditions this has been the best explanation I have found in years and years of searching. I believe the combination of symptoms due to the fact that at least two insects are in play is what makes this so confusing. In addition Im not sure why after years of doctors, exterminators, therapists, and research this has not come up once as a topic of consideration. The Furniture beetles are responsible for getting into furniture, clothes, walls, floors, even food and create enough havoc on their own in addition they can cary two types of parasites both bite humans. One is a mite and the other is a wasp. The mite is too small to see but will create pain-full bites and the wasp deposits its eggs once it kills the beetle and looks like all the black tiny things described. Again, the furniture beetle on its own can create skin problems and infestations all over the home. Then add one if not both of the parasites listed and this seems to hold a-lot of answers. Common Furniture Beetle. ; Scleroderma Dumesticum tiny wasp; Pyemotes Ventricosus or Straw mites ;

August 9, 20203 found this helpful

from what little research that has been done, this is what I've found
In summary, MD is an emerging dermopathy that is associated with Borrelia infection, and the growing number of MD cases reflects the increase in tickborne diseases around the world. Although some medical practitioners erroneously consider MD to be caused by a delusional disorder, studies have shown that MD is a somatic illness that appears to be triggered by Borrelia infection. The optimal treatment for MD remains to be determined.
if my understanding is correct, this is some type of untreated mutated lymes disease.
Look at the pics and read the entire article.

December 17, 20200 found this helpful

ive been going through it for over a year. i dont know if this is the answer

December 18, 20200 found this helpful

December 18, 20200 found this helpful

Differential diagnosis of head lice includes seborrheic scales, hair casts [inner root sheath remnants], pityriasis amiantacea, white piedra, black piedra, impetigo, pili torti and monilethrix. It should kept in mind that, in contrast to nits, hair casts are freely movable along hair shaft [72].

January 12, 20210 found this helpful

I have had this issue for about 3 years. I have identical pics and issues.

January 15, 20210 found this helpful

I have the same things. Been about a year. I really need them to go away. Do they destroy any of your clothing and towels? Mine are so destructive.

April 22, 20210 found this helpful

Yes! Has ruined all of our clothes

January 24, 20210 found this helpful

Oh honey u have no clue

January 30, 20211 found this helpful

I think I honestly figured out what these a-hole things are!!!!! PLASTER BAGWORM aka HOUSEHOLD CASE BEARER! they are moths that lay eggs on the ceiling and especially in stucco. They love moisture. So the moth lays a cocoon with about 200 eggs EACH! That cocoon eventually hatches releasing those larvae. They then begin to drop from the ceiling. Tiny little things that fall from the ceiling that you don't feel! They love to eat hair and clothes and whatever they can pretty much get their hands on! We all kept freaking out because we would wash them off and a few days later they were back... Right? Yeah... Because they're dropping from the ceiling on you. Refilling your hair with the larvae. If they get in your eye they will eat your eye tissue. Like they did mine. One of the larvae actually fell from the ceiling while I was drinking a drink and quickly scurried up my nose. I kept trying to get my doctor to just look at my nasal cavity. But he refused. As they had already deemed me as DELUSIONAL (like the rest of you). I have pictures of the worm living in my nose and every one kept telling me it was a booger but no one actually ever really looked. Not one person. But I could feel it moving in my nose. Even laying one of its cocoons in my nose hair. I swear to goodness that I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! They use hair, lint, debris, plaster, drywall, whatever they can find to make their cocoon. I hope this helps cause I know how alone I feel in this world right now. I have given up on drs., And even the help of my family. I wanted to die on new years but the love of my children somehow saved me. These things are common everywhere! If you need any more information or questions please feel free to message me. I've noticed the BEST REMEDY TO GET RID OF THEM FROM YOUR BODY... IS NEUTROGENA FACE WASH WITH SALICYLIC ACID! THE ORANGE COLORED ONE. USE IT LITERALLY EVERY WHERE ON YOUR BODY. INCLUDING YOUR VAGINAL AREA. IT DRIES THEM OUT AND KILLS THEM IMMEDIATELY. YOU'LL FEEL THEM ALL COME OUT OF YOUR SCALP WITHIN 2-3 WASHES. But remember... They fall from the ceiling and blend in perfectly because they used particles of the ceiling to create the cocoon. So unless you deal with the ceiling situation... It won't make a difference. I added a picture showing the larvae eggs that came out of my scalp when I used an olive oil shampoo. I also loved using AVEENO APPLE CIDER VINEGAR SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER. THEY HATED IT. I am adding more pictures of these things.

March 11, 20210 found this helpful

Hi Latanya in Louisiana and i have this all same pictures they are everywhere..i moved and left everything but the new apartment had a rat infestation on top of a maggot infestation that i was not told about .went to. Hotel and they had mold and mildew from the carpet by the ac being wet with cat feces left behind also. Then the other hotel had a roach problem. The next hotel had bed bugs i picked up these things i believed .my family and drs think im delusions my wife had experience the same things but we were treated with scabies meds several times and ahe got cured but we still have this in our food refrigerator and cars..they are in my mouth i cough them up it is so mentally exhausted.its been a year ..they ate her hair. nails and feet are covered with burrows buy i dont have escabies.i had it before..i go to infection disease dr on april stool has been tested blood no one see kids want to commit me ..i can't have sex with my wife they are on my vagina most my butt. I am afraid i will lose her i do nothing but isolate no life..i bath and clean bath sometimes up to 5to 6 timea a day.i see them in the toliet..they come off as yellowish orange i ha e no bite marks...i just feel them hands are full of them.i am losing it i dont know what to do and this site while encourage also scary because people deal with this over 5 to 20 years .lord help me !!! Im Tara you can text me or call 225 407 8996

March 11, 20210 found this helpful

Hi Latanya in Louisiana and i have this all same pictures they are everywhere..i moved and left everything but the new apartment had a rat infestation on top of a maggot infestation that i was not told about .went to. Hotel and they had mold and mildew from the carpet by the ac being wet with cat feces left behind also. Then the other hotel had a roach problem. The next hotel had bed bugs i picked up these things i believed .my family and drs think im delusions my wife had experience the same things but we were treated with scabies meds several times and ahe got cured but we still have this in our food refrigerator and cars..they are in my mouth i cough them up it is so mentally exhausted.its been a year ..they ate her hair. nails and feet are covered with burrows buy i dont have escabies.i had it before..i go to infection disease dr on april stool has been tested blood no one see kids want to commit me ..i can't have sex with my wife they are on my vagina most my butt. I am afraid i will lose her i do nothing but isolate no life..i bath and clean bath sometimes up to 5to 6 timea a day.i see them in the toliet..they come off as yellowish orange i ha e no bite marks...i just feel them hands are full of them.i am losing it i dont know what to do and this site while encourage also scary because people deal with this over 5 to 20 years .lord help me !!! Im Tara you can text me or call 225 407 8996

March 11, 20212 found this helpful

Ok! I better win the nobel peace prize for this $hit right here! I swear to goodness I am done with drs who pretend to know it all. I'm done with family and friends who smoke and shake their head when you're getting to show them something but then turn around and talk about you like you're crazy... And I'm especially done with those people in my life who have been lucky enough to SEE THESE THINGS MOVE! Cause I got it figured out. Well... For the most part. I still don't know exactly what the thing is but I've got pictures of them and I've got live video of it moving on my fingers. So there is relief folks!!! At least I hope there is now that I've seen what is really the problem!

Ok.. like I said... I'm going blind. I have kerataconus. Which means my corneas are literally releasing from my eye. It's genetic yada yada yada... So with that being said- I see things completely different than the way 80% of the population does. Ok, so this creature has created a way to be literally invisible to that 80% population! I finally got them to move on command (I'll explain how in a second) and my aunt who is my worst critic and strongest non-believer who swore up and down that I was on meth (again: been clean for 9 years). Her friend who is a nurse told her that I was dealing with meth mites not what I was really saying. So that pushed me to prove what I was saying was true because I refuse to have my family believe I was on drugs when I didn't even get to enjoy said drugs. So these things are destroying my life just like all the rest of you. I just couldn't figure out why I kept going to (15) different drs. And they all stood 2 ft away from me and said "I don't see anything." The last Dr convinced me that they are just literally not seeing it! Because my pointer finger on the right side had actually wiggled then did a little jump and then cracked completely open. These things that has burrowed into my finger pushed their way out and then soon followed by those pesky little black things. I want to call them bugs but they're not. None of the specimens that we are taking are the actual bug. Lol The "bug" is actually using whatever it can find to hide behind and move with it. If it's in your ear it uses your ear wax. If it's in your nose it uses your mucus to hide. If it's on a napkin it uses pieces of the napkin to hold on to. It uses lint, cloth, hair, string, nails, saliva, whatever you're eating, etc... The only thing out can't seem to use is metal. Which I previously stated. Metal is the only thing it can't seem to replicate. That's why some of you might have noticed your fillings suddenly shifting and then pushing out of your mouth. Or you suddenly became "allergic" to your earrings. Because they don't like it and make it irritating for you.

So after my last visit to the er where my finger nail was completely open blood and all... And bring told he didn't see anything especially the little worm that was under my nail bed on another finger... I knew something was wrong. So the next day I kept feeling like something was moving in my nose but I kept blowing and just kept getting the "normal" clear mucus with lots of weird bubbles in it and sometimes a glimpse of a worm when you're not staying directly at it. I also get this yellow mucus that comes out occasionally. So for some reason I knew that when I blew my nose this time I had caught something. I don't know why I felt like that. But I grabbed a disinfecting wipes to "wipe off" the mucus that had just come out of me. I wanted to see if it changed cause I had noticed a few variation of strange things when I blew my nose with disinfecting wipes. So suddenly when I moved my hand, this grey creature was on the wipe. It was like in it's own mucus shell. I thought I was tripping so I grabbed my camera to see up close (cause that's the only way I can honestly see anything). Sure as hell... This worm looking thing was on my napkin and it was still moving! I have pictures of its progress from when I first blew it out to when it was done puffing up. I couldn't believe it. So when I looked at it closely I noticed that it wasn't one long worm. It's a bunch of those little shining things (I call them that cause we still don't know what they are) each piled on top of another to form this worm looking thing.

Two days after that I felt something moving in my ear... And I was prepared to see a mucus looking worm like I did the first time. But no! This was the same figure but covered in my ear wax. But I could see that it was definitely in the shape or form of the same creature. I have found this creature 3 times so far. However what I've noticed as well it's that they're a slug like creature, that has created a biofilm around our ENTIRE body! That allows them to move freely on our body. So those days that you feel like it's one giant cover over you... It's cause there is. When you start to dissolve the biofilm on you, you can see these things start to appear on your hands and feet and every where else. But if you "roll those little pieces of gunk up" that are on your hands and push them together like silly putty, then leave it for a second... You'll see the worm like creature start to form itself right in front of you. It will almost inflate and even lift it's head up. It's the freakiest most amazing thing I've ever seen.

With that being said... If you're already at the point of exhaustion like I am... Unfortunately it's too late. This thing is eating us completely from the inside out. But it uses that biofilm that it created around you to show your skin is "normal". It regenerates my skin almost immediately. When my finger cracked open it was a bloody mess, but within 1 day my finger had healed and sealed itself back up with no signs of there being any damage to my finger at all. I kept trying to explain that to my family. That if I had done that to myself my finger wouldn't have been healed so perfectly in one day.

So then I have been trying different things to get them off of my nails because I can't feel my finger tips anymore. Mainly because they've actually eaten through the entire nail bed. I saw when the nail was cracked open. So I decided to try liquid wart remover, just to see what it did. I tried a little in the store. I put a little on one finger nail and within seconds I felt the entire thing lift up off of my head like a weird sucker. I felt them move all over my body. Because they did not like that wart remover. I got home and had my non believing aunt video tape my finger. I put the liquid on my nail beds and son watched these little creatures come out from my nail bed and the sides of my fingers. I can see them glow and dim just with my regular eyes. However my aunt couldn't believe her eyes. Cause she was looking through the camera. She saw these things moving! She saw them come out of my nail bed. She saw them move over my nail bed and try to escape. Suddenly she gasped and said "I have to admit there is a slime on your nail that is living and moving but I don't see it with my eyes, only through the camera!" She kept trying to see it on my finger nail with her eyes but couldn't. She could only see it through the camera.

Ok. Finally... To find some relief this is my regimen. It's erratic cause you have to change what you're using all the time because they learn to adapt pretty quickly. But there are a few things that they cannot tolerate. I unfortunately have not found anything that kills them. Only takes off their mucosal membrane of a shell (think slug like) and they dry up. But they are able to reactivate if they are wet again. So that's the hard part. But that's just like snails and slugs. They're almost impossible to kill... EXCEPT WITH SALT! Grab some iodine salt and put it in your hair and even shower with it. You can use epsom salt but that gets expensive. You'll see them shoot out of your nose and pores sometimes you'll see the hair they've attached to fly out your nose. So I also use palmers olive oil shampoo and conditioner. You'll see your hair puff up from the olive oil cause they don't like it. Ave once it's nice and lathered and puffed up I throw rubbing alcohol on my hair. You'll see your hair just shrink back down to normal. I assume because the olive oil takes off their mucosal layer and then the rubbing alcohol dries them instantly. I use regular dollar store antibiotic ointment on my fingers. Keep them lathered in it. Either that or hydrocortisone. You can use pretty much any oil to get them to show themselves on your fingers but remember to have your people look through the camera lens, not directly with their eyes. I keep disinfectant wipes with me at all times. I don't know how to really get them out of your hair because if you see your actual hair is just strands of long nests. New ones take over right after you kill them. I'm at the point of shaving off my hair. But unfortunately they're actually coming from your scalp. If you use a camera lens to look at your scalp you'll see them little black spots where they are buried. What else helps? Especially for females... I use powder to stop them from being active. You just gotta be creative and think of them like a slime or a slug... Anything that will dry them up. If anyone knows a Dr that is willing to help and test these things I have the samples of them. I've become a freak just collecting the things that come off of me. But I know what I'm looking for cause I can spot them a mile away. Lol hope this helps. And for all those a-holes who said morgellons was a delusional disorder... Can go eat cake! The slug/slime creature uses hair lint thread and holds on to it when it goes in through your scalp or finger nails.

March 12, 20210 found this helpful

So here is a little proof that this is the things that's eating all of us... It's just invisible and mimics everything perfectly.

These pictures show how they look under my nails. You can see the little mucosal worm/slug/caterpillar/larvae whatever they are. I do my nails with acrylic occasionally just to agitate them. Because I know they are right under my nail bed and they need oxygen. So I'll use glue to make them move. You can see them trail along in the glue. Nothing stops them. But it agitates them enough for them to move and for me to scoop some of them out. Some more details of the pictures I added: I show a napkin that has all the weird stuff that comes out of my nails. Some look like worms some look like pods or shells. The next set of pictures show my knees where they are coming out of. They come out of my joints. So my knees my elbows behind my knees is one of their favorites. My ankles and my feet. But you can see the bright things in the picture. Those are the singular *bugs" but then they join together and create the worm looking creature. My previous pictures had 3 different types of these creatures. Notice the color changes? The grey one was in mucus in my nose. The yellow one was in my ear using my ear wax. And the third one is red because I dyed my hair (it makes them more visible and easy to detect). The last set of pictures are the thing under my nail and then when I remove the acrylic from my nail you can see the formation of more worms just like it lined along the side of my nail as well as the nail bed. So these things start popping out larvae almost immediately. Which quickly enter back under your nail. This is why it's almost impossible to get them off of you. Cause they repopulate so quickly. I have a terrible camera but I tried to give at many pictures as possible. I have videos which I don't think I can post here. You can email me at and i can send you the videos of it.

March 30, 20210 found this helpful

OK I have read all of this thread carefully and I too have little black spots in the bowl if i comb my hair, i have been itching now for over a year and have tried much of what is talked about on here, at one point i had a winter wonderland on my floor a mixture of Vinegar and baking soda - didnt work. i have skin bumps and they turn into scabs down my arms and legs and on my head

I have found one thing the sort off helps CAPASAL Therapeutic Shampoo, its not the answer as they just come back after a few days, but I wash my hair and then wash it down my body

like a lot of you I have been accused of madness and I even got my cats adopted, if it moved it has been washed

I purchased a high powered oxidation generator, dont do this honestly without profesional advice please

I hoover everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times, and clean them out outside away from my flat

at one point I slept in a sleeping bag that i washed everyday

anyway, I hope some of you have found relief from this in one way of the other

April 1, 20210 found this helpful

here is the tumble dryer filter from my machine when I did my bedding as you can see hundreads of black spots

April 5, 20210 found this helpful

So I dont know what they are but I finally, after 7 years of being tormented with them , found a product that will take them away. Its called LYCELLE. I got it at the supermarket in the poison ivy/witch hazel/lice shampoo isle. It was on sale for $8.50 but normally $33.00. I figured it had to do something seeing as the price is so high.
And I put it on and waited a few minutes. When I made small circles with my other hand , all
Over my forearms, this shit came out of it and brace yourself because it was gnarly. To be nice about it.
I have no one to even talk to about it becasue like everyone says , they think you are picking your skin, tweaked out of your mind , or just gone completely crazy.
I am not allowed to say the word parasite in my own place becasue my kids will just rolls their eyes and whisper.
But as far as ointments, lotions, etc. and believe me when I have tried it ALL. I even tried motor oil, transmission fluid, bug spray, acetone, baking soda, Vaseline, baby oil, coconut oil, lavender, sage, garlic, vitamin c, Lysine, etc. there is not much I didnt try if you want to be honest about it.
This product is pretty darn amazing. I put it on and rubbed it in and then used my finger nails to kind of scratch it off. The shit under my nails was like this black paste. I had white claw like crystals coming out in little patches. I rinsed that off and the put a thin layer on and let it sit.
Its normally used for Lice although when I tried using bug spray, it did nothing.
So I hope this helped. It has been hell dealing with this. A lot more people have it then are willing to admit it. I personally think its a super bug/parasite that has been introduced to our country , to eliminate the population. Or Im not sure. But this makes a noticeable change and the more I use(layering and reapplying) the more things it removes from my skin. Good luck

April 6, 20210 found this helpful

Ok. So I definitely found the creature but I have NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT! I have my videos posted to youtube. This creature is so scary that I just can't explain. But I know this is it. All my videos show THINGS moving under my skin, my scalp, my nails, and I finally got the creature. I ended up throwing up one day and I keep specimens of everything so I contained the vomit immediately.

All I can say is God help us!!! I've got the samples. 4 entire creatures and tons of its offspring which are released when you're trying to kill it.
My email is

My youtube is

Pictures are of 1: strand of hair with worms wrapped around it. 2: "skin" that came off of me but if it touched any other part of my skin it tried to burrow it's way back in. 3: my finger nail with fibers coming from it. This is supposed to be next to another picture that shows the slug like creature holding a similar fiber. 4: the slug like creature comes out of my mouth when I'm about to eat anything. But that day I ate lots of onions. And so big ones came out. They don't like garlic or onions. 5: you can see the slug like creature coming up out of the side of my nail. The side closer to the bottom. 6-8 shows the slug like creature holding the fiber and you can see how small the "slug" is. 9-10: you can see a white tick or spider looking thing hiding in my nail. It looks just like cracked skin at a glance but on closer looks you can see the shape of the creature. 11: the container holding the actual full sized creatures. They puff up when you're looking at them to almost scare you. Then they shoot those babies from it's back like an arsenal. That's why it's so hard to get them off of you. B because they are easy to kill but they multiply too easily. The video on my you tube show that it has something that looks like tentacles. 12: the clearest picture I could get of the whole creature. It kept hiding and turning itself. But I caught it definitely moving.

April 6, 20210 found this helpful

Here you go. I have specimens live and in rubbing alcohol. I have video of the one in the jar that was black. It was the second scariest one. The most scary one is the one under my scalp. There's several types. About 5 I've noticed.

My email is

I have you tube videos posted under that email. You can see these things move that people told us were only in our mind. I don't know who to go to with my specimens. I hate my kaiser Drs. So that's not an option.

I have a ton more pictures videos and samples if you want to see them let me know.

We're not delusional folks! They're all just lazy drs that can't see past their own noses. Smh

June 8, 20210 found this helpful

Yes I have black spots on my hair as well I've had them since 2014 and it's driving me nuts my hair loss severe and what I do is I douse my hair with tea tree oil I sprayed in my hair every night and then I comb it out with a fine tooth comb and it helps for that day and then it comes back so bad but I scratch my head every single night ... Then I have to add tea tree oil again terrible I hate it so much I just don't know what to do I'm going to see a doctor today a different doctor and see what she has to say

June 13, 20210 found this helpful

I am writing this post trying to helpo

I Know exactly what you are going throught because it hapened to me 2 years ago and was the Worst terrible experience in my life.

Even I lost my hair.

Now I am totally cured .

I found out it was a terrible fungus in my scalp called black tinea.And i was prescribed Terbinafine one pill you have to take 1 per day one month.(lamisil).

That fungus atracted diferent Kinds of bugs
.In my case those insects were Tiny flies that bites your scalp. And I got rid of them using a blow dryer every day very close to the scalp.

I hope it will help.

If you have any questions write to me an email

July 16, 20210 found this helpful

I am in tears right now reading this I am struggling so hard with th his issue right now! I had this issue before I was pregnant it started around the end of 2018 everyone tells me I am crazy there are no bugs but I have pictures and Mark's on my body and I have tried so hard to get everyone around me to realize. It went away through the end of my pregnancy and 3 months after it all started back up again. I feel like it's a parasite but at the same time I can see them and I keep smelling this same smell over and over everywhere I go my hair is practically falling out because I cant help but mess with it. I bought a damn flea comb to comb them out. My family threatens to put me in a mental hospital which would have my daughter taken from me and I fear it so bad they do drug test on me and everything thinking I'm hallucinating but i know I'm not i wish i could find help for this issue but I'm so tired of looking insane I cant take it anymore! This can cause people to really commit suicide if gone to far! Someone please help me !!!! Tell me how to go about asking a doctor for help I am a recovering addict but once they view my file it's like they don't/wont take me seriously! I'm begging anyone to email me to talk about this or call or text anything I'm alone in this and I need anyone on my side right now 5022956771 nikki

October 16, 20210 found this helpful

Keep fighting we are all in this with you sweetie

September 18, 20210 found this helpful

I just started with this problem, I tried explaining it to my parents and they think Im nuts. If someone would please call me, I dont know what to do, Ive bombed my house, I had carpet beetles, but its like as soon as night comes I cringe. I sometimes itch all day, black spots coming out of me, my hair. I cant live like this.. please someone help me

March 18, 20220 found this helpful

Do not use bombs!
Makes it more difficult to treat the infestation from everything I've read.
Yes, carpet beetles, and probably dermodex mites, which EVERY SINGLE human has, but some ppl have excessive amounts.
Where r u located, honey?
Text me if still suffering...or call.

October 26, 20210 found this helpful

Hey All! I have the same problem. I'm going on 5 years. I tried everything you can think of, steroids, lice shampoo, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, borax, vinegar (apple and regular) lemon, hair clay, coconut oil, charcoal powder, anti fungal meds, and ivermectin pills even washed my hair with bug spray and NOTHING!
These doctors have no clue. The last dermatologist that I went to did a biopsy on my scalp, and I gave her the black specs that I stuck on sticky paper to take to the lab. She tells me that they are dead cells and my scalp shows no inflammation. LOL what a crock!
Anyways after doing a lot research I came to the conclusion we may HAVE SCALP MITES!

COMMON SCALP MITES - Malassezia Fungus, Demodex Folliculorum, Ring worms, Uric acid crystals, Sebum oil crystals,
Fungus, Bacteria, yeast.

I have a product (all natural) that I am using now. Its a product of India. A few different herbs that are grinded into a powder and you put 2 teaspoons mix with tiny bit of water and you place it on your scalp and you SCRUB and SCRUB UNTILL ALL THE JUNK COMES OUT OF YOUR POURES.

The first day I tried it, and I could not believe all the shit that was coming out of my hair.... Its been 3 days now.. and it seems no activity is taking place. I still notice a few specs when I shake my hair into the sink. I will keep you posted in the next couple of days.

If this works for me it may work for you!

October 26, 20210 found this helpful

Hey All! I have the same problem. I'm going on 5 years. I tried everything you can think of, steroids, lice shampoo, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, borax, vinegar (apple and regular) lemon, hair clay, coconut oil, charcoal powder, anti fungal meds, and ivermectin pills even washed my hair with bug spray and NOTHING!
These doctors have no clue. The last dermatologist that I went to did a biopsy on my scalp, and I gave her the black specs that I stuck on sticky paper to take to the lab. She tells me that they are dead cells and my scalp shows no inflammation. LOL what a crock!
Anyways after doing a lot research I came to the conclusion we may HAVE SCALP MITES!

COMMON SCALP MITES - Malassezia Fungus, Demodex Folliculorum, Ring worms, Uric acid crystals, Sebum oil crystals,
Fungus, Bacteria, yeast.

I have a product (all natural) that I am using now. Its a product of India. A few different herbs that are grinded into a powder and you put 2 teaspoons mix with tiny bit of water and you place it on your scalp and you SCRUB and SCRUB UNTILL ALL THE JUNK COMES OUT OF YOUR POURES.

The first day I tried it, and I could not believe all the shit that was coming out of my hair.... Its been 3 days now.. and it seems no activity is taking place. I still notice a few specs when I shake my hair into the sink. I will keep you posted in the next couple of days.

If this works for me it may work for you!

October 28, 20210 found this helpful

Please let me know if this stops it completely. I'm going insane it's been 7 months and everyone thinks I'm crazy or on drugs

March 18, 20220 found this helpful

I have been dealing with this since October 2021...thought:
Bedbugs, lice, mites, scabies fleas [though I have HAD fleas & KNOW them well & treat my cat & dog year round...but, yes, ppl make us doubt ourselves....]
Inspectors said NO BUGS
More than one dr. told me I was IMAGINING it, that it was "IN MY HEAD", BECAUSE I WAS EXCITED", ....
I honestly started to believe I was crazy...SHIT, WTF WOULDN'T BE AFTER GOING THRU WHAT ALL OF US HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH ...especially ALONE, w/out the support of family &friends, educated professionals....
I AM LIVING PROOF! I am in CLEVELAND OHIO...Call me if you'd like.. Trina 216.309.6999
I kept feeling things crawling in my scalp, embedding in my scalp & skin, going in my eyes, nose, ears, my bed, carpet, clothing, & truck...even on my cat...her fur should NOT be falling out in the dead of winter....
I kept seeing dr after dr....getting different FREE INSPECTIONS, researching online, crawling on the floor collecting "bug samples on duct/scotch tape", taking pictures....trying every remedy I read about & could think of....
Tiny, like salt/pepper/sand. In bed, clothing eyes, ears, nose....they looooove fibers & the oils in our hair & vinegar, a/c vinegar, essential oils, alcohol, borax, peroxide, bug sprays.....NONE OF THESE WORK, KILL THEM, ELIMINATE THEM, ETC.
Vacuuming helps but seemed to stir em up. I used any & Everything in/ on my hair n skin....n in laundry...these mother Hubbards can live thru hot water wash cycle ...n even after going thru dryer will be stuck to clothes. ..put freshly laundered clothing in drawers/ closet ...go to put em on....WATCH OUT bc THOSE bastards are on em....feels like bee sting or pin prick, not bc they BITE, but bc their PRICKLY HAIRS stick into your skin like splinters...scalp, fingertips, anywhere...n YES, THEY DO EMBED UNDER HUMAN SCALP, SKIN, AND LOVE BROWS & LASHES. They love hairline, nape of neck, and ears...I literally cover myself in VICK'S VAPOR RUB...INSIDE & around ears, nape of neck, brows, lips, inside nose, hairline, even scalp....
I'm a horrible "PICKER" due to anxiety & allergic does help to use TEA TREE OIL SPRAY IN HAIR, BAKING SODA ON feet, socks, shoes, inside panties...deodorant or powder anywhere....
Sorry for long msg....EXTERMINATOR starts Monday. I see PRIVATE DERMATOLOGIST next Friday....have not worked since COVID began & am out of money. I live alone n my man locked up [nonviolent crime] life has been COMPLETE HELL since some jerk brought these bugs into my home....I was honestly suicidal many times. If it weren't for my dad, guy, and my BFF [MY DOG, OF COURSE!] I wouldn't be alive.
I'm just trying to help any of you who are going thru this! It's NOT MOLD, WHAT YOU'RE EATING...I drink & have used drugs & have immune issues...but was perfectly fine until some a$$hole brought these critters into my home.
You're NOT psychotic [though I do have MH issues but don't IMAGINE or SEE things!]. TRUST YOURSELF & if you're local [CLEVELAND Ohio]...I can tell u where [& where NOT] to go for help!

March 29, 20220 found this helpful

I definitely do NOT have all the answers! I DO know that I have been dealing with this s*** for SIX MONTHS & I have been researching & IN AGONY!
I have carpet beetles FOR SURE & AM ALLERGIC
I knew damn well I saw worms/ cocoons coming outta my nose and throat MONTHS ago; ppl said I was psychotic
Please go to this page....I know in my case...I think I have a type of ROUNDWORM or RINGWORM...I see them in my poo now...

March 29, 20220 found this helpful

I have the same thing. Been to 3 doctors. The dermatologist actually made fun of me. The infectious diseases was a waste of time. Finally, my primary physician is sending the samples to be tested. I have been suffering for 2 years, the worse thing is that they don't believe me, I bring pictures and samples.
On me, it all started after I did a Keratin on my hair to make it straight (July 2020 during Covid). Some of my hair fell off, and when the hair came back, it came back sick, and I've been going from one thing to the other. I treat my scalp/hair daily, constantly, because is the only way I keep it "under control" but it doesn't go away, there is no doctor that believes me, and I keep taking video of hair moving after it falls out of my hair, hair 3-4 longer than my hair. I went to a barber and got a Fade haircut (shaved except for bangs). Hair is growing back with the same problem as when I cut it. What has helped me the most are "essential oils". Clove oil, Oregano Oil. I have used Rosemary Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil. Scrubbed with pink salt. Rinsed with Apple Cider Vinegar, white vinegar. Slept in alcohol wrapped. Heat from hair dryers until my skin can't take it any more. I don't have any animals, live alone, my house is new, and started after a chemical burn from a Keratin treatment. I have done 100's things, have 1000's pictures, dozen videos of hair moving, they all look different, this is just an example.

May 21, 20220 found this helpful

This has now been bothering me for for two years. It goes away for a while but then comes back in a slightly different variant. It's always adapting. It use to morph to whatever it touched. Now it just makes me it's home and wherever I reside. It never seemed to affect anyone around me till recently which is horrible. But the odd thing is. They all make remarks here in there but deny it like I used to when I'm confronting it head on.... I honestly think suicide might be the only true end I see. It's form atm is a mix between bed bugs (primarily) & scabies ,( it was scabies leading up to this month. Lady year I thought it was fleas or bird mites. Before that no see ums. I use to have a hard time finding evidence of it. Now I can't get rid of it. My skin is forever destroyed. I am a compulsive picker. My scans heal as black looking bugs. My blood has tons of specks. When I bleed it runs forever. I use to be able to actually squeeze a wound until it disappeared. Oh and the scabs on my head. Geez. I love the white ones that reside in my beard, eye brows, ears, pubic hair. They seem to have all made friends (the black, brown, white, tan). Specks, apple seeds, dots, the yellow balls, the crystals, the glass shit. The list goes on. Why does some of it look like twigs stems and seeds lol. Oh btw never do Any stimulant. Hard lesson to learn.

July 11, 20220 found this helpful

I recently moved out of town an moved in with my boyfriend he has 2 big dogs that stay outside but does let them in house. Wasnt long an I started getting bit by something thinking it was fleas, had dogs stay outside but I have a small inside dog. We took care of fleas but being bit was getting worse. Really got bad when he cleaned a spare bedroom out. So at this point I'm thinking mold or dust mites (house really dusty) or even where some of dry wall isn't hung yet maybe something coming out of insulation. It was my body first, then head, my face, got up one day an could barely see. one eye was glued shut an felt like something in both sides I cleaned my eyes but couldn't see anything so I got magnified glass an there were what looked like red an black specks. So I checked test of my body an easy cover in these nasty lil things. It just kept getting worse. Me not having a doctor here yet I called my bf doctor she called in cream for scabies. This just seemed to feed them an post them off an bite hot more intense. I've tried everything I have even scrubbed my body with a scratch pad for cleaning. Cleaned my body with bleach, disinfectant, tree tea oil, shampoos, no luck on getting rid of them. They are everywhere. I wear gloves to do laundry, to prepare food, everything. I was ready to shave my head, I have bites all over me, rash, some cant be seen by nacked eye. I spend more time in bathroom then anywhere else, take 2 hour showers. I feel dirty, nasty, I know I'm clean but the nasty black shit that comes off of me is just disgusting. This has been going in for 6 weeks now with no relief, I was a pretty decent looking woman for my age but my skin has gone completely to hell, I dont sleep I'm constantly looking for them an cleaning them off my body an face. I was ashamed to tell anyone an when I did they thought I was crazy, asked if I was on drugs. My bf just kept telling me to go to hospital but with the reactions I got from him an couple other ppl u thought they would thing I was mental was taking a toll on our relationship But he had finally convinced me when we found some on him very few tho. That's when I came across this web page an found you guys I was shocked there were so many like me I thought I was the only one. I wrote down everything that was listed on ppl comments an was headed out to buy everyone of these items. But I was itching so bad an felt them crawling I had to do something. Then I remembered a product we used for a lot of things back in the 80s so I thought it's worth trying. Hairspray of all things an to tell the truth it worked on the itching an crawling not sure yet if its killing them but sprayed my entire body down plus bed an next day they seem to thin out some. I did buy everything on list but holding off to see what hairspray does for this.
My lil dog also has these on her an I've noticed I cant wear anything tight socks, bra, shoes, etc... I try to stay with loose fitting dress with a lil strappy shoe.
I want to thank each of you I'm so glad I came across this link it has helped me so much.
I am so grateful for everyone because I was doubting my own mental health I would ask God what did I ever do to deserve this. I help ppl I put myself on back burner to help ppl I would feed anyone help homeless ppl that's just my nature.
But we can do this someone will figure out what will kill these things off.
I will post any new info I get if I can help someone else that makes all this worth it. Stay strong!!!

No tight clothes

August 28, 20220 found this helpful

So does anyone know what this is? I was seeing a Danish girl who just left her clothes everywhere in the house. I thought the bed was itchy and within 3months I've been itching ever since. I've been to the doctors and they do think you're mad. Out of desperation I've poured alcohol sanitizer all over my self. Tried bug spays, new mattress everything. Been about 5 years now. Does any doctors read this site? Seems there's just loads of people complaining about it.

October 15, 20230 found this helpful



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