
Introducing a Blind Kitten to Resident Cats?

My husband and I own three adorable cats, all of them are one year and year-and-a-half old, and they have been living together about a year or so with us, since we adopted all three of them. But yesterday my husband brought home a new kitten, with a problem in his eyes, of around 2 or 3 months old. I know I need to take him to the vet to determine his sight %, since we don't actually know and obviously see if there is any other problem with him.


We obviously want to keep him, but my biggest concern is that any of my cats like him. Is there something I can do to change my cats' attitude towards the new blind kitten?Gray and white kitten.

By Barbs

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
March 7, 20140 found this helpful

In my experience animals know when one of them is handicapped. When my old dog went blind my cat would walk right next to him as he found his way down the stairs.


He did it every time. My Vet told me it is very common. After the 1st awkward moments dont be surprised to see them work out a similar relationship.


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