
Mother's Day Party Ideas

April 2, 2013

Mother's Day Party IdeasIf we are planning a meal at 2 p.m. on Mother's Day, what do we call it? a brunch, luncheon, dinner?

By Carol K



April 3, 20130 found this helpful

Call it whatever you want. From what I have always heard, brunch is in the late morning. It is a combination of breakfast and lunch. Where I live people don't worry about things like that. I would assume being it is for Mother's Day, it is for immediate family, so I wouldn't even send invitations, then you don't really have to call it anything. Just tell people what time you will be eating.

April 3, 20130 found this helpful

"late luncheon"?

April 4, 20130 found this helpful

Here in the South we call it Sunday Dinner.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
April 4, 20130 found this helpful

Late dinner! Unless you are serving just sandwiches, chips, etc then it is a snack.

April 4, 20130 found this helpful

I think it depends on the menu. When we have family for a meal in the afternoon we serve a dinner menu, so we just call it an early dinner.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
April 4, 20130 found this helpful

Here in Saskatchewan, we call the noon meal dinner or lunch, and the evening meal supper. So this two o'clock meal we would actually call a "late dinner" since it isn't at 12, and it is a main meal.


Lunch is the noon meal we have at work, when we pack our own or when we go out for a soup and sandwich. ha ha. Call it what ever you like!

April 4, 20130 found this helpful

While in England, I was invited to a 2:00 "luncheon" with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and The Royal Family. So I would say it is a luncheon.

April 6, 20130 found this helpful

I'd call it lupper.

April 14, 20130 found this helpful

I think it depends on the type meal that is being served. If it is a sit down dinner, then it is "dinner".


If it is less formal it is a late luncheon. Usually with family things aren't that formal.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 5, 2008

I need Mother's Day Party ideas. I've been asked to come up with a list of "Mother Types" ie oldest mother, youngest mother. I really can't think of much beyond those, and am not having any luck searching. It is at my Church May 10th. Any help would make my day. Thanks in advance.

Gina from Maine


May 5, 20080 found this helpful

Tallest, Shortest. Who has come from the farthest away (such as for church that day and/or even one who has immigrated.) Who has the most children? Who has the oldest child, youngest child.


Hope this helps you out.

May 5, 20080 found this helpful

Hi! Do you only need mother types? I have several "give yourself a point" games if you need them. Otherwise, here are the mother types that I can come up with: oldest, youngest, most children, most nieces & nephews, longest member at the church, newest member at the church, married the longest, married the shortest, brought the most guest (if that is an option). Hope this helps!

May 6, 20080 found this helpful

How about most "Mother Earth" mom, Best Cupcake mom , or something like that. Theres always one mother that has a famous church picnic dish! Multi-mom ( mom of twins ect).Most grandkids, Mother in charge of the most church events,..which gives everyone a chance to thank them for the work they do.


Hope this springs a few ideas for you. Good luck!

May 6, 20080 found this helpful

I've been to those type services where there is a rose, prize, etc. for the mother with the most kids, oldest mother, youngest mother, etc. And it's usually the same ones every year. Nothing for the rest of the mothers to look forward to at all. I think it'd be neat to give to give honor to some mother just because. Somebody totally random. Surprise someone who is totally not expecting anything! Mothers Day is to honor all mothers, and I always found it very disappointing that it was the same ones every year who were "honored."

May 7, 20080 found this helpful

How about trying something a bit different? For example; the woman with the blue dress, floral dress, pink shoes etc. Maybe the one with the youngest and oldest child there. Hand out differnt colored lollipops at random or marbles, something in different colors and then write down the color on the piece of paper beforehand. The one with holding that color wins. The Dollar Store has so many cheap items you should be able to find prizes for lots of people.


Everyone loves to win. Or maybe even a mother/child contest of some sort. Or if you can get enough cheap flowers have the kids hand out a single flower to each woman. You might be able to find a farmers flower market or if you tell a florist what it is for they may give you a discount. Even silk flowers would work. Best of luck to you and Happy Mothers Day

May 7, 20080 found this helpful

my suggestions to add to the list - single mom of most, mom of youngest twins, mom most theme dressed (we are having luau theme)

May 7, 20080 found this helpful

more ideas... longest hair, shortest hair

By (Guest Post)
May 7, 20080 found this helpful

Most kids, most grandkids, oldest kid, moms whom play a musical instrument, can knit, etc.

By gina (Guest Post)
May 7, 20080 found this helpful

Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming, several I can use. Thanks.

May 11, 20080 found this helpful

Can't remember what has already been suggested, but... Mother of the youngest child, mother of the oldest, military mom, ministry mom, homeschool mom, brain building mom (we have one that likes to do those brain puzzles a lot), bi-vocational mom (for a mom that works a full time job as well as being mom), newest grand MOM (new grandma)... Thanks for the inspiration to get ideas for our church day as well!!! We are a small church so trying to come up with a recognition for every mom present this morning. Hope your service goes well also! Nancy

By gina (Guest Post)
May 11, 20080 found this helpful

Thanks for the ideas. Our event went great, These are the "mother types" I came up with-
Mother who had a child born in a car-0 results
Mother that had baby at home- (1) baby is now 65years old
Mother with largest baby-(1) 9lbs. 14 oz.
Mother of twins-(0)
Mother with smallest baby- (1) 4lbs. 6 ozs.
Mother who was the oldest when she gave birth to her last child-(1) 36 years old
Mother with the most grandchildren-(1) 9 grandchildren

I also read a poem I got off the internet "Before I was a Mother" then I had all the mother's write their own lines to that statement. Had some pretty funny one and some sweet ones. All in all we had a good time, praising the Lord for allowing us to be Mother's. Thank you everyone for your input. I will certainly used this site again. Happy Mother's Day to you all!!!! Gina

April 22, 20150 found this helpful

It has been several years since this question was asked, but I am sure there are still ladies asking and finding this page. We have used different criteria every year so it isn't always the same. Some additions to those already listed: most children (can also count grandchildren to change winner) present; who has the most photos of their children with them; child furthest away from home (I won that when my son was stationed in Iraq); children closest to the same age (if no one has twins); most children who have children (not the same as most grandchildren!); mother carrying diaper/burp cloth/bib, paciy or other baby item even though they do not have a baby at church that day; woman who has worked the most shifts in the nursery (this is good for honoring those who don't have children); "reverse mother (someone who now has their mother living with them because they need caring for); generations (we have four generations of ladies in one of our families that all come to church, you might even find someone with five!); next mother (if you have someone who is expecting- especially fun if they haven't announced it yet but are ready to); chauffer mom (who always drives the kids to away games, sleepovers, other activities); "doctor mom" (who do you call for advice when you don't want to go to the doctor or ER, fixes the cuts and pains at church, etc).

If you are like us - a smaller church you know who is going to win and who won last year. You can think about who needs to win and what is something special about them and go with that. Someone mentioned the idea of reading these type categories off and giving yourself points. That could be good for a change.

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April 25, 2018

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Eggs Benedict

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