
What Breed Is My Dog?

What Breed Is My Dog?Can someone help me with this pup's breed. He is about 3 months.


What Breed Is My Dog?
What Breed Is My Dog?

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
September 14, 20170 found this helpful

He is an adorable little pup and he looks very loving and kind.

Step 1
Make an appointment with your local vet and take the puppy to the vet to start his series of shots. This is very important and will protect your precious little puppy from the Parvovirus.

Step 2
Once at the vet ask him if he can help you identify your dog.

Step 3
If the can't help you identify your dog, ask him if he can do a DNA test for your dog.


Before he does the test it is a good idea to ask the cost.

Step 4
If the cost is too high it is possible you can still do the test yourself.

Step 5
Go home and look online. Amazon sells home DNA kits. Order a kit and do the test yourself.

Step 6
This is the only way to find out what breed or mixed breed your dog is.

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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 21, 20170 found this helpful

Don't you just love that happy look! I believe you have a mixed breed that will eventually be a medium to large dog but really looks a good old fashioned American mix. Probably one of the best breeds to have.


  • Since you will need to start his health program soon you can ask the vet for their opinion. It will be an educated guess but they see a lot of breeds so they do have more first hand knowledge of markings and size.
  • Be sure to schedule a health check-up soon as so many things can happen to a pup in their first year. Here is a link that explains what a pup needs during their first year so they will be able to live a healthy long life.
  • DNA tests for dogs and cats are getting very popular so they are not as expensive as in the past. The cost still runs between $50 - $250 and up.
  • DNA test kits can be purchased from many pet stores, on-line (Amazon, Walmart, eBay, etc) and from your vet.
  • Here is a link that explains all about DNA testing and the second link is to sample of on-line test kit for sale.
  • Advertisement


Please remember, no matter the breed mix, dogs are usually faithful, loving and caring animals that depend on their owner for love and care in return.

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