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21 Posts | 225 Comments | Active Since 2007
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A jar of dried lentils and brown rice.

Cook Lentils with Brown Rice
No, I didnt soak the lentils. These are a small Spanish variety and cooked in the same amount of time. I cook these with 2 parts water to 1 part rice & lentils; 2 1/2 cups water, 1 cup rice and 1/4 cup lentils. Bring water & Tbsp. olive oil to a boil. Add rice...


A collection of batteries in a container.

Save Dead Batteries
When your batteries have lost all charge, be sure to recycle them.


Using coins at the self check out line at the grocery store.

Paying with Coins at Self-Check Out
It costs you to use a self service coin counter, or you will receive a gift certificate on thermal receipt paper that fades. Sounds like a great way to get the full value of your loose change before it grows into a jar.


Air Plant Trolls - trolls with plants added

Air Plant Trolls
These are so cute, another troll lover!


A orange and yellow flowered wallet with money sticking out the top.

When Frugal is Not!
Lots of good advise here, Donna! Thank you.


Toffee Squares

Toffee Squares
These look delicious!


A dress bought at a thrift store

Using My Clothing Budget Wisely
Your momma would be proud!


Remembering Granny Rollins

Remembering Granny Rollins
Thanks so much for your remembrance!


Stackable Potato Tower

Stackable Potato Tower
My husband Doug grows spinach and lettuce in a similar system as a cold frame. Planted at the very end of February. Photo from May 1st. As they grow up another 2X4 frame (or more) can be added and still be covered with ridged plastic at night to keep the deer...


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Thickening Soups Without Gluten or Dairy
Rice flour is gluten-free and an excellent thickener.


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Peanut Butter Frosting Recipe?
Frank, This is a guide with peanut butter frosting recipes. Hopefully it contains the one you are looking for:



Mama Sue's Sausage Stew

Mama Sue's Sausage Stew
Heres another delicious stew recipe from Susans mother:


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Freezing Cucumbers?
I would not recommend freezing cucumbers for any length of time because of their high water content. They will become mushy.


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Insomnia When Young?
Do you drink any coffee, sodas or drinks containing caffeine? If you do I would avoid drinking any caffeinated drinks after noon. Hope this helps.


Homemade Seed Sprouter - jar lid and hole punch

Homemade Seed Sprouter
For the very small seeds like alfalfa, I use a 3-4 inch square of plastic screen draped with a canning jar rim lid.


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17th Birthday Gift for Boyfriend?
A gift certificate to music store with good percussion department. If you choose to buy him sticks, be sure to get the right wood and size.


Small brown snake on door mat.

What Kind of Snake is This?
(Submitted via email) It is a thread or flowerpot snake. It is harmless. Hallie


striped beetle

What Kind of Beetle is This?
This is a potato beetle. They lay eggs on potato plants that produce many orange larvae that eat all the leaves.


gender reveal cake

Baby Gender Reveal Cake
So cute! Congratulations!


Decorating Houseplants With Toys

Decorating Houseplants With Toys
I also enjoy favorite rocks, pieces of broken dishes or pottery in my house plants.


Meerkat family.

Meerkat Family
Oh so cute!



Group of four yo yo trees.

Spool Yo Yo Tree
These are so cute!


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Substituting Splenda for Sugar?
Splenda can be substituted cup for cup with sugar called for in recipes.


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Stuffed Green Peppers?
My experience has been that you do not need to blanch the green peppers first, to freeze your stuffed peppers. I also chop and without blanching, freeze green peppers to preserve them and use in recipes during the winter.


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Partial Power to Outlets on Circuit?
Carol, Once we had some very odd things going on with the power in our house. We had only partial power on some of the circuits. We ended up calling our power company. They checked our incoming power. It turned out on of their lines had corroded, and our incoming...


Baby lying on a sheet with other sheets and paper cutouts arrange to make it look as though he is surfing.

Surfing Baby Scene
How about Atlas holding up the world? LOL, Aunt Sally


A pile of Euro coins.

My Frugal Life: Keep Your Eyes and Heart Open
Thanks so much for sharing this post.


Finished rug.

Fabric Rug: Felt Gymnasts Performing...
Good job, Avery and Barbara! Looks great!


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Red Onion Harvesting?
Charles, when the onion is ready to harvest the top will bend over drying up. Actually they can stay in the ground for quite a while as long as the weather is dry. You can gently pull on the top after loosening the soil with a shovel or garden fork. Yum!


Boy and dog asleep on couch with dog's head resting on the boy's head.

Boy's Best Friend
Just adorable!


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My Frugal Life: Living Life to the Fullest
Cathy, this is wonderful advice. Thanks for sharing your story with us!


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Creamy Tuna and Peas on Toast (Trailer Trash SOS)
Try this with fresh garden peas. Heat the sauce and albacore, and add the fresh raw peas just long enough to change their color. Yummy!



Cherry Tree Angel

Cherry Tree Angel (Auburn, WA)
Thanks Leah! Now how do you do it?


Sunchoke Stir Fry in Rice Bowl

Sunchoke Vegetable Stir Fry
Sounds great, Jess. My husband Doug has added them to a potato onion fry, too.


Seeds in Pages

Seed Packet Storage
This is a great idea! Thank you.


Preserving Wild Flowers

No-Wilt Wildflowers
Thank you, morning glory, for this fun tip to keep flowers fresh.


brown and tan snake

What is This Snake?
(Submitted via email) Its hard to tell, but it looks poisonous. You should call in a expert. Its not a corn snake, it is a cotton mouth, highly venomous. Do not handle it anymore. Call someone to catch and release them. hallie


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Pear Tree Limbs Dying?
You dont say where you are located. You may want to make sure that there are no gophers nibbling on the roots. This can definitely affect the health of the tree.


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Identifying Lost Phone
(Submitted via email) I put an address sticker on the back of my phone, so whoever finds it will hopefully return it. Thanks, Billy


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Starting Seeds in a Greenhouse?
To conserve moisture while the seeds germinate, is the only reason that comes to my mind.


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Loud Bathroom Fan?
Possibly something is vibrating that wasnt vibrating before, like the vent cover?


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Planting Peas and Beans in Berry Rows?
Your raspberries probably look pretty bare right now. As the leaves come out and new canes sprout from the ground, I think that the peas would be crowded out and not produce very well.


Bread in pans after being baked.

Bake Bread With Your Grandchildren
What a wonderful thing to do with your grand children! Thank you for the tip.


Finished pillow.

Sweater Pillow
Cute and a great reuse!


A green box of Bag Balm medicated ointment.

Use Bag Balm For Dry Scaly Skin
I have used it for my chapped lips.


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Using Cast Iron Pan on Glass Top Stoves?
I have used my cast iron pans on my glass topped stove for 20 years. They cook wonderfully on it.


Collage of Photos on tin lid

Craft Project: Tin Decoupaged with Old...
This is a great idea. Thanks so much!


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Making Toy Cars from Cereal Boxes?
You could cut 4 circles of the left over cardboard box. Then glue inside to reenforce the wheels.


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Blanching Before Freezing?
I think the blanching breaks down the plant cells. Then the moisture in them does not freeze and burst, that changes the texture of the food.


Hand shovel and tomato start in rich, black soil

Why Soil pH is So Important
Hey Robyn, There is a lot of information on pH for humans. Hopefully our medical community will get the word.


Dark snake with side markings in bucket.

What Kind of Snake is This?
(Submitted via email) Obviously a hog-nose snake; they are harmless. Hallie


Group photo of several sock creatures.

Zik the Zinosaur
These are so cute and what a imaginative craft!


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Pickled Beets
(emailed) I just made these Beet Pickles. I had to double for 4lbs of beets. I had 5 pints of pickles. I also added 1 teaspoon of canning salt and a tablespoon of pickling spice tied in cheesecloth, and boiled in the mixture for a few minutes. Then poured this...


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Growing Bell Peppers?
Bell peppers like it very warm day and night. Make sure that it is also getting full sun.


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Making Cheesecake in a Pie Pan?
You could use a pie pan, but I wouldnt try to put it on another plate when it is done and cooled.


Top ten secrets for a long and happy marriage.

Secrets for a Long and Happy Marriage
We have been married for over 48 years of bliss and blisters. :) Lots of good advice here.


Fairy and Butterfly

Garden: Secret Friends
I really enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing it with us!


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Removing Pine Sap From Clothing?
(Submitted via email) Use hand sanitizer and rub. Sonny B


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Bath Soak For Sore Muscles
(submitted via email) One cup of epsom salt in your bath water will draw out the soreness. God Bless Sharon


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Pasta Sauce Keeps Burning?
Try a heavy bottomed pot such as cast iron.


Photo: Strawberries
This appears to be an optical illusion. How far away is he from the strawberries, and how big are the strawberries, 2 inches tall? Thanks.


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What Will Grow Under Pine Trees?
Plants that like an acidic soil, and partial shade. If you scroll down the page, there is a good article by Ellen Brown, and comments by others that can will help you make a decision.


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Use and Care of Cast Iron Skillets?
My cast iron pans always get a quick cleaning with water and a metal scrubber. The most important thing I have found is never to let then sit with water in them. Drain and allow them to dry immediately. If I see any sign of rust as I putting them away, I treat...


Photo of Maggie close up.

Maggie Mae (Chow Chow Mix)
Maggie has a wonderful personality, and is very smart!


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Removing Hair Dye From Wood?
(Submitted via email) Works great! Billie


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Shih Tzu Breathing Problems?
Posted from email: My shitzu mollie is 6 years old this coming November, she snores really bad and also has acid her breath smells of sick sometimes when she hasnt been sick and I am convinced that she has an acid problem. She sleeps on the bed and every morning...


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Fixing Loose Screws in Wood
I also add wood glue (Elmers) to wood splinters or toothpicks.


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Make Gift Tags from Wallpaper
(Submitted via email) This is a great idea. I have a couple of books of outdated wallpaper samples (you can get them free from many stores). Just cut to size, place message on back and voila! Darlene


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Using Copper to Kill Mold?
(Submitted via email) The green that can develop on copper is known as Verdigris. Verdigris is formed as a reaction to acids and salts in the air. By sea air, mostly Copper Chloride is formed, and in inland areas, Copper Carbonate is mainly formed. Both appear...


How to Make a Garlic Braid

How to Make a Garlic Braid
Ive found that if I start the first three garlic braided together 1, 2, 3, and then add the 4th to the first, it is easier to get the braid started.


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Pros and Cons of a Dark Colored Laminate Floor?
(Submitted by email) I love my Mannington dark laminate floor. It has so much detail and looks like an old school house wooden floor. I get many compliments on it. I must tell you that I hate cleaning it. It shows everything. I have a small dog and must vaccume...


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Cleaning Porcelain Dolls?
I just did a major cleaning of porcelain dolls that had nicotine stains using rubbing alcohol. Put a lot of it in a pitcher big enough to hold the entire doll. Soaked it for a few minutes then swished and let drain. Doll hair was clean but not damaged and the...


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Label Corner of Fitted Sheet
(submitted via email) Im a retired machinist/machine repair and always had to match mark parts to put back together easy. So as your bed sheet Ive marked the sheets similar to suggestion. Ive also put a marks on top sheet to make sure it hangs evenly on both...


A 70s family

Balancing Thrifty And Fun
Love it Jess! Your mama would, too. Love that photo of you guys.


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Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise Sandwiches
Yum! Peanut butter, mayo, and sweet pickle sandwiches!


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Cleaning Down Filled Pillows?
(sent via email) This is a bad answer to cleaning feather pillows. I washed mine in a washing machine, the cases opened up and filled my machine with the feathers, had to get a new wash machine. sady


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Homemade Cat Food for Cat with Food Allergies?
(Submitted via email) This is not a good recipe for cats and will lead to serious healthy problems. Cats are obligate carnivores and need to have meat in their diets to be healthy. kindlyroots recipe does not include meat and is missing other important elements...


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Unclogging a Sink With a Garbage Disposal?
(Submitted by email) I just tried some advice I found on this site for unclogging a garbage disposal. The advice was to pour vinegar and boiling water along with baking soda. I just wanted whomever posted that advice to know it worked like a charm and that...


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Use Your Bicycle For Everything
(Submitted via email) Good for you Joan, keep on pushing them pedals dasman1


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Getting Rid of Condensation Between Glass Windows?
(Submitted via email) To drill out a hole in the glass is not going to stop the problem of condensation. I would strongly suggest using a humidifier in the home or leaving a window open to release some of the moisture in the air. Besides you cannot drill anything...


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Decorating Tips for Blue Couch and Espresso Brown Chair?
(submitted via email) How about bright pink cushions to contrast the brown & blue, if your boyfriend gags at the idea of pink then maybe electric blue? Alternatively you could get a pattern quilt or throw to cover the couch. Happy decorating! Linz x


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Preventing Shirts from Yellowing When Stored?
(Submitted via email) Hi Deeli, I think the tip about not storing clothes in dry cleaning bags for long periods of time because the plastic breaks down and releases CFC gasses came from some clothing care expert I saw on Martha Stewart. I hope you find what...


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Harvesting Asparagus?
EllenB says: Harvest every 3 days in the spring when spears are 6 to 8 inches tall and tips are firm and tight. Pick only for two weeks during the first season, extending the harvest a bit each year until reaching about 8 weeks. Consume spears immediately. I...


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Share Your Family Memories
(sent via email) Great idea Deeli! Here is one of my favorite memories that touched my heart forever I would like to share. Before our youngest son, Ryan, started school, learning to tie his shoes was a stumbling block for him! We had tried for quite a while...


Freezer Organization Page

Cleaning and Managing Your Freezer
(submitted via email) I always had the same problem with cooking fish. The only thing that works for me (which may not be too practical in the cold weather, but nevertheless it works), is that I make sure I use my above-range vent hood on high, AND I put a...


ThriftyFun: Aloha From Hawai'i

ThriftyFun: Aloha From Hawai'i
Thank you all! We had a fantastic time. It was just like my extraordinarily sister, Susan, to send us somewhere absolutely wonderful to spread her physical essence. Aloha and Mahalo so much


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Snap Brownies
As far as I can tell, the way the recipe is written, the cans are described as 14 oz. size. Hope this helps.


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Disposing of Bacon and Cooking Grease
(Submitted via email) Save the fat to go with bird seeds for Home Made bird seed balls for the garden. Penny from Cornwall, England


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Orange Soda Cake Recipe?
(submitted via email) Hi! Found it! Its called Soda Cake. 1 white or yellow cake mix and 12 oz. of orange soda or any other pop, say like strawberry etc. It can be diet soda or regular. Thats it, Now, spray coat the pan and pour cake mix in, bake as directed...


Family: Robin's First Grandchild
You have a precious, beautiful little boy there, and being a gramma is the best. So glad to hear he is coming home.


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