
Keeping Birds Away From Air Conditioners

October 15, 2001

Air ConditionerThere are a lot of pigeons in our place and they love to stay on top of the air conditioners (wall) outside the house. They build nests and make it their home. The side of our house gets so dirty because of their droppings. It's disgusting! Please help. Thanks.


By Medrid


October 24, 20011 found this helpful

I live in Phoenix and a lot of people put a fake owl on their air conditioner to keep the pigeons away. These are available at Ace Hardware but you can probably find a lot of fake owls around.

October 24, 20011 found this helpful

Had a similar problem at my home and solved it by placing an artifical owl close by. The birds seem to be afraid of the owl. I got an inexpensive one at the garden shop at Wal-Mart.
- Martha

November 1, 20011 found this helpful

I also live in Phoenix where the pigeons are all over and I've seen a lot of things work, but key I think is their nesting places should be wired off


with heavy chicken wire, and also water sources like the condensation lines from your air conditioners should be run in a hose instead of allowed to drip. Dripping creates a natural waterhole for them and encourages them to
stick around. A pigeon, I'm told will only nest within 100 feet of a water source, so eliminating all standing and dripping water will also get rid of
the pigeons.

March 8, 20020 found this helpful

If you want a quick way to deal with the problem of nesting pigeons, salt will deter them from landing. It burns their feet. I personally use rock salt, but you can use any kind you like.


This works for all birds. It is only meant as a temporary fix until a more permanent solution is made. Otherwise, you would be laying down salt almost daily due to the elements.

By (Guest Post)
June 17, 20041 found this helpful

Plastic owls only work temporarily - you'll need to periodically move it around to keep the effect.

Reflectors such as 'tin tape' or even hanging a CD-ROM on a string also work, temporarily.

The 'Pigeon Gel', available at home improvements stores annoys pigeons by creating a gooey surface (such as roof peaks) that pigeons dislike, however, I wouldn't recommend it for a balcony railing.

Squirts of water or BB-gun shots also do the trick if you get desperate - again not permanent, but helpful.

Plastic pigeon spikes are fairly expensive and should be mounted where they nest (eves, gutters, etc) otherwise they'll just push them aside.


Avoid poisons, as they tend to kill many other birds and some animals such as pets.

Screens work well, although if not done properly can be aesthetically ugly.

Avoid tracking the crap residue inside your house where kids might play. Use a detergent cleaner and pressure washer to clean surfaces (USE A FACE MASK, GLOVES, and GOGGLES!).

Good luck!!

By Jim - Connecticut (Guest Post)
September 2, 20051 found this helpful

I hate to be a wet blanket but here's the deal. I have raised domestic pigeons for many years. They are smart and resourceful. Their wild counterparts are even more so. The suggestion to wire off their access to various areas is a good one. The only other thing that works once and for all is to kill them. Sorry to lay it on you like that but, in truth, that really is the long and short of it. Da ist nicht zumachen.

By Andrea (Guest Post)
April 4, 20080 found this helpful

I heard on 3 TV that Dr. Bronners Peppermint soap sprayed on your roof works. So I bought it from trader joes and put it in a squirt bottle and squirted away. Make sure not to walk of the roof for a while because it gets slippery. My next door neighbor feeds the pigeons, and they land on his roof all of the time.


They also land on the neighbor's roof on the other side of my house. They rarely land on my roof anymore. It's been over 6 months, and they still don't land on my roof. Although it doesn't rain much in Phoenix. I nhope this helps you.

By Mike (Guest Post)
June 4, 20081 found this helpful

Here's a question. If there are pigeon droppings on top the my window mounted AC, can the droppings hurt anyone in the house through the air that flows from the AC? Thanks, Mike

By James (Guest Post)
July 21, 20080 found this helpful

You just need spikes. I tried these, they were great

February 13, 20170 found this helpful

Bird spikes which can be purchased from Amazon

June 23, 20200 found this helpful

Yes, the birds dropping can have diseases in themas they dry out and get powdery it can get sucked inside your home through the ac unit. Also some people have allergies to bird dander etc. I'd spray the dropping off as often as possible

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September 11, 2014

This is a page about keeping birds away. Finding the best way to deter birds from visiting and nesting at your home, patio or garden can be a challenge.


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