
Voles Eating Hostas?

I have voles eating my hostas. They use old mole tunnels to get to the roots from underneath. I have tried numerous repellents and even small gravel mixed in with the planting (a Southern Living suggestion) but they just keep coming back!


Hardiness Zone: 7a

Apsnurse from Appomattox, VA

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By Doreen (Guest Post)
October 2, 20070 found this helpful

We had voles in Michigan. We tried everything. They ate are grass, hostas tomatoes, everything. Finally someone said chew Juicy Fruit gum ONLY JUICY FRUIT chew it a few times maybe 10 rip the wrapper in half take half the juicy fruit chewed gum and wrap it in the silver wrapper tight. put it all over where the voles are. they are attracted to the smell but they cannot digest the foil wrapper so they pass.
it works great. They just go off and die. I never found a dead one but my plants were never chewed again.

By rosa (Guest Post)
October 2, 20070 found this helpful

Try putting used kitty litter in the holes, I have heard that it works.

By Syd (Guest Post)
October 3, 20070 found this helpful

We had the same problem. Hubby makes wire cages to put plants in ... no more chewing.

Grubs cause voles to inhabit your yard. Cut trees will


leave roots that rot and voles have a buffet of grubs and your plants!

October 27, 20070 found this helpful

I have dug up my favorite hostas and have tried to cage them. I had thought of that before but wasn't brave enough to try it. So I won't know until next spring. Last year I lost a bunch of hostas during the winter. I have tried the Juicy fruit- it didn't work. I don't have a cat but maybe can get used litter from my son next time they come and visit and bring the cat! Thanks for the suggestions!

By Dianne (Guest Post)
April 5, 20080 found this helpful

I used this for slugs that were devouring my hostas: save used coffee grounds. I put them in disposable pie tins to dry and stored them in a coffee can. Every so often sprinkle the dried coffee grounds around and down the center of the hostas.


It sure got rid of my slugs - maybe it'll work on voles too.


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