
Painting a Room With Salmon Colored Carpet?

I am 47 from canada and I am painting my spare room and don't know what color to paint it. It is 10 feet by 11 feet and I have a forest green sofa and salmon color carpet. What color should I paint my walls? I want the room to look bigger and brighter but not blinding bright, lol, just brighter.


Thanks for the feedback.

God Bless,
Lost in color

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By (Guest Post)
June 7, 20050 found this helpful

How about a very light salmon? That is a good color for brightness and ladies' complexions! You certainly don't want too many colors in that room and white would be too stark. Browns on the other furniture will blend nicely, too. Good luck! Oh yes, be sure it is a light, light salmon. Colors on those little sample cards in the store are usually much darker on walls--I found out the hard way with a yellow once. Take home a few cards in the color range: the one you think you like and a few lighter.

By Donna (Guest Post)
June 7, 20050 found this helpful

I think I would go with cream on the walls and maybe a touch of Salmon as trim.

By KLS8800 (Guest Post)
June 7, 20050 found this helpful

Why not an off white, ivory, or a very light butter creme? If you ever do change your carpet, you won't have to worry if the new choice of colour will clash with walls. IMO, carpets with such bold choice of colour needs to have a neutral wall colour or it just is too loud.


Vice versa is also true, if your walls are a very vibrant colour (such as salmon), then your carpet and furnishings need to be neutral. but, like I said, that is jus MHO.


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