
Planning a 12th Birthday Slumber Party?

My daughter's birthday party is less then 2 weeks away. She wants to have a slumber party, but I live in a 2 bedroom apartment; one with a bunk bed, which is her room.There are three other people living there as well and she wants 3 more people spending the night. Should I let her have one?


By Samantha A from Sylvania, OH

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February 27, 20120 found this helpful

Of course you should! 12 is such a fun age for girls to have slumber parties. Who cares about the space. They'll still have fun.

February 28, 20120 found this helpful

Absolutely! Just tell, or include on invitation for everyone to bring a sleeping bag. That's half the fun! Throw in some snacks and a few movies and they will have a blast.


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February 28, 20120 found this helpful

Absolutely! They don't care about the space and four girls won't get too noisy - you'll be there to shush them if they do.

You didn't say how old the other people are in the apartment, but if there are kids, perhaps they could stay at a friend's house for the night.


My best friend watched my boys when my daughter had a slumber party so they weren't annoying the girls the whole night (I took them over after the cake and presents).


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