
What Type of Doctor to Consult for Muscle Spasms?

July 23, 2010

Stressed unhappy young man with bad neck painWhat type of doctor do I see for muscle spasms?

By nick mendoza from Los Angeles



July 24, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

Start with a general practitioner, they will ask detailed questions about what is going on with you, may even refer to an orthopedic or neurologist, depending on your particular situation

July 24, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

Start with your family doctor.
I had bad muscle spasms in my neck. My family doctor prescribed muscle relaxers and sent me to physical therapy for a few visits.
That did the trick.

If you family doctor thinks you need a specialist, he/she should be able to recommend one.

July 24, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

You may not need a physician if you are certain you are only having muscle spasms. You may want to see a licensed massage therapist first.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
July 24, 20100 found this helpful

A calcium, vit d, magnesium supplement may help you within a couple of days if you are deficient in minerals.

You can have muscle cramps from low potassium, low salt if it's hot weather. A glass or two of gatorade or gatorade type product will fix that right up.


If it continues, go see your regular doctor first and get a blood workup to see if you are low on anything. I'm sure the doctor will also ask you questions which might suggest other problems. Once you know, you can go in any other direction that seems sensible, such as a specialist; but cramps can be caused by simple things which don't require the services or expense of a specialist, and a regular doctor can help you figure it out but will probably know from experience if it is beyond his/her abilities to diagnose.

Are you on any medications? If you are, read up on side effects on web; sometimes meds can cause symptoms seemingly completely unrelated to what the medicine is for. Someone in my family has leg cramps from a medicine unrelated to muscles. If you are taking something and there is a side effect listed similar to what you are having, be sure and tell your doctor.

July 28, 20100 found this helpful

See a chiropractor. Muscle spasms can be caused by a pinched nerve in the spine. The chiropractor will be able to diagnose and treat you without drugs or surgery. Your spine connects every nerve in your body to your brain. When there is compression on the nerves, it interferes with the transmission of those signals that control the muscles and it can cause spasms (like a bad phone connection, the muscle is only getting part of the message).


It can be as simple as getting the bone back in the correct position, relieving the pressure off the nerve and the body can begin to funcion correctly again.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
July 29, 20100 found this helpful

Muscle issue, chiropractic care first, they will refer you if it is more. If continues, family doctor will run blood work. I use potassium. I am a swimmer. Spasms for me are known right away. I needed enough I got a script for it. 6-7 OTC potassium are the same as 1 scrip.

For other kind of medical care, your GP will have to refer if you have insurance.

January 5, 20200 found this helpful

I take all those supplements and still pain and spasms but my spine is horrible please see a orthopedic dr and make sure there is not a underlying problem first

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