
My Dachshund is Not Eating?

April 6, 2009

Dachshund laying next to bowl not eating.My dog hasn't eaten for 10 days today. She is a Dachshund and is 4 years old. We have taken her to two vets and they have done all the tests possible, xrays, you name it. Right now she is dying so if someone can please give us some advice. We have tried all dog and human foods even junk food such as Mcdonald's and KFC. Please help.


By Donovan Weber from Middelburg, South Africa


April 6, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

I gave my cat baby food when she got home from the vet's and wouldn't eat. I would smear it on her nose and chin and and it would make her want to lick it off. We'd go through a half a jar at a time that way. Hope you figure something out that works.

April 6, 20090 found this helpful
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Please take your dog to a different vet. It has to be sick and the vets you've taken her to thus far haven't found it.

April 7, 20090 found this helpful
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My vet has always recommended strained chicken baby food mixed with cooked rice. I hope she soon eats something. Maybe just the chicken baby food.I guess at this point anything is worth a shot.


Good luck to you and please let us know ow she's doing.

April 7, 20090 found this helpful
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You will have to force feed the dog - easiest is to get a syringe take off the needle part suck up the liquid milk formula and from the side of the mouth gently keep releasing the milk by pushing the syringe. Also I give my dachshund lemon grass -the very tender shoots from the center of the plant - they don't eat the leaves on the outside - also yogurt -force fed is very good. Good luck with your little doggy - I do feel for you!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 278 Feedbacks
April 8, 20090 found this helpful
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When my dog Maggie was very, very ill ( the vet had almost given up hope after giving her IVs) and wouldn't eat, I gave her Nutrical. it's a paste that comes in a tube like toothpaste and is very high in calories. It's given to hunting dogs. Maggie started eating a bit at a time off my fingertips and eventually got better. She went on to live another 5 yrs.


Kato and I will be thinking of you and your dear dog.
Grandma Jan & Kato

April 8, 20090 found this helpful
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Try putting a lot of fish flavored cat food on your fingers and sticking it to the roof of her mouth. Do this every few hours. My son had a dog with Parvo and it got well after I did this.

April 20, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

You need to see a different vet. Go to a specialty hospital in your area. Force feeding could lead to him getting sicker! Good luck

April 6, 20090 found this helpful

I wish I had the answer. Maybe the dog could be depressed for some reason? Maybe a little extra attention or take the dog for a ride or a walk or to the park.


See if it will drink milk so it gets some nutrition. Good luck from a fellow dog lover.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
April 6, 20090 found this helpful

It doesn't seem possible that she's still alive if she hasn't eaten for that long! Could she be getting food somewhere you aren't aware of? That sounds really strange.

April 7, 20090 found this helpful

Get special formulated canned food from the vet and force feed it with a needless syringe. It is made by Hills Science diet and it will probably be I/D. It will put nutrition into her body, a small can a day is good. The VET should have given you this advice themselves. It is not a pleasent task but it is life saving. I would take her to another Vet who has some proper advice and treatement to offer.


Prayers coming your way.

April 7, 20090 found this helpful

There really is something not right here. A small animal not eating for 10 days would be dead already. Also, what did the vets tell you? I can't see 2 different vets not telling you what's going on. Dogs don't just stop eating for no reason.

How much weight has the dog lost? Is the dog still drinking and peeing? When was the last time the dog pooped or tried to poop? Has the dog been vomiting? If so, how much and how often? If the dog hasn't lost much weight and has been pooping; you know the dog has been eating.

If you haven't taken the dog to a vet already; you need to go NOW. If you have, you need to find another vet and ask the vet what you should do. Some vets are just plain useless there are in every kind of business.


It can add up if you go through some bums but your dog is sick and it's your responsibility to get them medical care. Even if you have to make a few appointments.

Dogs need good nutrition and if they're having problems eating they need real quality food that's easy to digest. Small bits of chicken or beef (drained of fat) mixed with some rice or cottage cheese is usually ideal.

April 7, 20090 found this helpful

Its the 11th day she hasn't eaten and we are force feeding her now. It is not nice but we manage to give her 3ml in half an hour.

we got the blood test back from the doctor and it shows no problem at all. We don't know any more we pray and are with her all the time. She isn't alone and gets lots of attention we take her for a drive every day because she is to weak to walk a long way, she can, but we want to save her energy.

We REALLY don't want to lose her, she is like our child. She talks to you in her way if she is sad, lonely, happy, exited and hungry, but now all of that is gone. She was a peoples dog and doesn't bite anybody and always greets the people when they come to visit.

This dog is one of a kind and now she is dying and no one can tell us why she doesn't eat. She has cost us up till lots of money and not even money or love can get her through. All we can do now is keep on praying.

Please pray for "Soekie" our little Dachshund.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
April 7, 20090 found this helpful

If the dog has parvo it would not be able to eat or hold down anything. It could be that the dog has parvo and it is not showing up on a test. We had that happen to one of our dogs after it chased a skunk out in the backyard. It would not eat, which is an emergency. Parvo is a disease t hat tear the gut to pieces and it hurts the dog to consume food. Has the dog had a rabies shot? How much does the dog weigh? I would consider euthanasia, if the dog is suffering terribly. It is not very expensive and is a way to end the pain for the little dog. I have heard that fish antibiotics are good for dogs,call the vet and ask how much antibiotic to give your pet based on his or her weight. I can't promise anything good will come of this, but I would have it put to sleep if there is nothing to do....but give it one more chance and take it to a reputable vet who will not leave you hanging with an "I don't know". Robyn

April 8, 20090 found this helpful

Prayers from me and my canines, here, going out for your little girl. I hope by now you have found some better answers. You can always call the SPCA or Humane Society, for assistance, if you are running out of money, trying to find out what is wrong. They might have their vet examine her, free of charge...after all, is isn't humane for her to be sick without treatment, right? Put it to them that way, if need be.

April 8, 20090 found this helpful

Definitely forcefeed until you can get better help. Is there a holistic or homeopathic vet in your area? Is she keeping the food down? Is she eliminating? Is she drinking? Could she have gotten into something she shouldn't have? There is an underlying problem that must be identified and dealt with. She may need to be hospitalized for intravenous feedings - Again, is she drinking water? It is very important that they stay hydrated. Vets can administer subcutaneous fluids (and you can be taught also) to get her through this critical period.

Best of luck - look for a homeopathic or holistic vet now! Let us know how she is doing.

April 8, 20090 found this helpful

Has the vets checked her kidney function? I had a Labrador Retriever die from kidney disease (caused by Lyme's disease). The first symptom that she had was that she ceased to eat. I tried different dog foods, people food, etc. The meds that she was given created some appetite for her. But in the end, the meds didn't help anymore. At least we had her for a few extra months.

I hope things work out.

April 11, 20090 found this helpful

Thank you for posting an update! We are praying for you and the dog.

I still think another vet is really important.

Even though she's weak, it might be good to try taking her outside and helping her to move about a little more. A little exercise sometimes helps stimulate hunger.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 126 Feedbacks
April 13, 20090 found this helpful

Has your dog had an X ray? Something may be lodged in it's intestines. Please ask the vet to do this. Prayers for recovery.

September 16, 20090 found this helpful

I hope and pray that everything turned out well for you and your baby. I couldn't imagine being without my little doxie. Makes me tear up just thinking about it. Hugs and kisses for the doggie and hugs for you.

January 28, 20160 found this helpful

Hi, feed her porridge plain or with (dog) gravy using a squzze bottle for plus minus 3 to 4 days twice a day. Her tummy must b full. All the BEST

June 25, 20160 found this helpful

Vecto has an excellent vitamin supplement that perks them up pretty quickly, it's called nutri cal, PetSmart also carry's it. I hope it's not too late

June 25, 20160 found this helpful

Sorry to tell you but animal humane won't treat unless you pay a discounted price, and is still high when you don't have enough. They tell you to bring at least 150.00 when you come. Albuquerque, new Mexico animal humane, not very humane if you don't have the money to pay.

June 25, 20160 found this helpful

Also try nutri cal, its a tasty paste that I've given my dogs when they aren't feeling well, seems to perk them up pretty quickly and then I'm able to feed them a bit easier. Hope this helps. It's a great high potency vitamin for dogs very reasonably priced as well, PetSmart , vecto, most pet stores carry it, between 8.00 to 10.00 for a good size tube. Keep refrigerated after opening.

July 18, 20160 found this helpful

if you think she really is dying, please do the right thing and help her. by that i mean let your vet put her down. he will first make her fall asleep, and then stop her heart. she wont be in pain, but she might be if you keep letting her hang on like this.....put her down peacefully!

July 21, 20160 found this helpful

My husband has been in hospital for 6 weeks. Shih tzu won't eat or drink. What can I do?

August 4, 20160 found this helpful

I have a Bassett hound to she's 12 years old and she's having problems eating dog food she will eat human food but not dog food and I've been trying to I hope your dog is okay

August 29, 20160 found this helpful

My dog was in the same situation as urs was, I started giving my dog "satin balls" high protein calories, then I bought some vitamins and protein bites from bullymax!! Yes they work I was very very sceptical but was proven wrong. If you need the recipe for the satin balls or more info for the bully max feel free to email me then I'll give u the info.. my dog weighed 92 lbs she was 11 months old, then went to 65 lbs , after all this she's now 86lbs and continues to improve everyday ..ohhh yes I have a full blooded German rottweiler akc registered . I love all animals so I'll help u where ever I can when I can. Thanks rottiedadman.(Marc)

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