
Does Male Cat Urine Smell Stronger?

March 30, 2019

A week ago I brought in a new kitty. I was introducing him to my old female cat, and I am very thankful for all the responses on my post on how to introduce my male kitty to my resident cat. Though they are not yet comfortable with each other I am sure as I am following all your advice it would soon get better.


Now, my question is, why is my new male kitty's litter box stink so much. I have now three litter boxes for I have two cats at home. But the litter box that my new kitty is using stinks so much even if I clean it every day when I get home from work and when I wake up in the morning. It's just so different with my old resident cat, where I don't even smell it stink. Can you advise what I have to use to minimize this?

My place is just a pad being alone, I have my new kitty stay in the bathroom at night which is a bigger space and let him roam around when I am around so I could guard him in case my resident cat attacks him, though it has never happened yet except the normal hissing. I have observed that my new kitty wants to play with my old cat, but at the moment she still feels threatened. I hope I can get more from your advice, much more on the stinking litter box.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 31, 20191 found this helpful

His urine may be more concentrated than hers. You may have to use an enzyme based cleaner such as Natures Miracle to truly get rid of the smell.

March 31, 20190 found this helpful


I would suggest getting a probiotic for your kitten. You can buy them online or at pet stores.

It is possible that probiotics will help with digestion. Switching foods can help too. Some foods cause worse stools than others do.


There is a lot of stress involved with being a kitten, and that can affect the digestion too. I wish you the best!

Here is a site I go to a lot:




Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 31, 20190 found this helpful

Please get the kitten to the vet and have him checked out. A strong urine smell is not normal and it is possible he has a health issue that needs to be checked out. If he has a clean bill of health, then talk to the vet about possible solutions for the smell. You may just need to change litter types or keep an air purifier next to the litter box.


Post back what you learn! Blessing and prayers!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
April 1, 20191 found this helpful

I am glad to hear your kitties are building a good relationship. I thought of a couple things after reading your post. Male animals usually have stronger smelling urine. Especially before they are neutered. This is the case with cats. You are used to the litter box smell from your female cat. That said, I would have a concern about "really stinky" urine as being an illness. I would probably take some urine in to my Vet to have it checked out. If your kitten has not been evaluated by a Vet or had his vaccinations it would be a good idea to do all three things at once.


His urine will smell a little less after he is neutered, but most likely be a little stronger and different than your female. If it is his feces that is extra smelly that can be a sign of illness. But keep in mind that cat feces is famous for being stinky even in a healthy cat. Again, your Vet will be able to give you a better answer there. Best of luck with your new kitten.

April 3, 20190 found this helpful

Un neutered male feline urine stinks to high heaven. Talk to vet about when you can neuter when he gets shots. They mature quickly, do it before he starts spraying. then you really have a nightmare.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 21, 2010

Our 8 month old male kitten has been fixed (as soon as he was 5 months), but he still backs up to stuff and it looks like he's trying to spray. His litter box absolutely reeks after one pee.

Is he is still thinking he can spray? Will the odor go away as he gets a bit older? We use Fresh Step. Should we switch to another brand? If so, what brand would be best?


By desiree from CT


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
January 21, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

Yes, male cat urine smells much stronger. It is the testosterone. It allows them to mark therir territory. Even when a male is fixed the urine still smells stronger. Neutering a male or female does not eliminate the marking behavior, but it does lessen it. I used Comfort Zone with my male cat to discourage any more marking. It worked.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

January 21, 2010

Is it just me or does male cat urine smell much worse than females? We have had Rosie for almost 2 yrs. Never had an issue with the litter box before, but since getting the male, have noticed my home smells like a cat house.

Pets CatsDecember 30, 2016
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