
Kid Friendly Recipes

July 22, 2009

Two girls eating pizza.Grandkids gobble them up and don't complain that they want something else.



Cut each hot dog in 1/2. Slice each hot dog in 1/2 again long wise leaving a small bulb at the top (this is the head). Turn the hot dog and slice long wise again you should have 4 legs now continue doing this until you have 8 legs.


Pour the baked beans into a shallow baking dish. Arrange the "octopus". Bake in the oven until warmed through or you can cook in the crock pot.

Source: Years ago saw it in a kids cook book.

By Notwrong

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January 29, 2008

I have the opposite problem of most parents. My four year old son loves fruits and vegetables, so it can be hard to get him to eat proteins sometimes! We're on a limited budget, and I know beans are both nutritious and inexpensive. I'm wondering if anyone has any healthy recipes or ideas for bean-related dishes. Of course there's chili, etc. but I'm looking for some more unique ideas.

We had chili last week and my son picked the beans out, saying he didn't like them! I was thinking that a bean dip might be something I could use to have him dip veggies into (and that way he won't see that it's actually made with beans, since they're not whole!). So any recipes or ideas like that would be great! Thanks for any help you can give me!

Lisa from Kenosha, WI


By Frances (Guest Post)
January 30, 20080 found this helpful
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Make a dip with Garbanzos. Drain Garbanzos, put in food processor, add 1/4 cup Miracle Whip, 1/4 cup Green Goddess dressing. Process until creamy. We like this spread on a tortilla topped with grated cheese, lettuce and chopped tomatoes and rolled up, burrito style.
I also make Mexican pizzas with refried beans on a tortilla topped with salsa and cheese and heated under the broiler in the oven.

By Deb (Guest Post)
January 30, 20080 found this helpful
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Yep. Mash the beans or use refried beans mixed in with the ground meat. They will never know it and it gives it great texture.

By LInda (Guest Post)
January 30, 20080 found this helpful
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Puree the beans in your food processor or blender, then add to chili. How about bean and cheese burritos, tacos with beans instead of meat. I wouldn't however, allow hime to refuse all meats. This is a power issue. Serv him small serving of meat, whatever your family is eating, as well as small servings of preferred foods like fruits and vegies. Make sure there aren't enough fruits and vegies for him to be filled up.


If he asks for more, tell him when he has eaten what is on his plate, he can have more of his favs. If he is hungry, he will eat! Also, eggs and pnut butter are good protein sources, as are cheese and yogurt, but these can be high in fat so choose low fat or non-fat products. There are also high pro low carb pastas available on the regular grocery shelves (Barilla Plus is my fav).

By suzin (Guest Post)
January 31, 20080 found this helpful
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I make bean/rice burgers. Mash the drained cooked beans and use 2C beans and 2C drained cooked rice. Add some fine chopped onion and some veggies that are not as finely chopped, that way it may be more appealing to him. Use some spices/herbs he likes and a egg or two. Mix and make patties, then fry them like you would hamburger. Also I make it up into "meat loaf".


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
February 1, 20080 found this helpful
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Hummus makes a great sandwich spread instead of mayo or mustard - it's ground up chick peas which are very high in protein.

January 30, 20110 found this helpful
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Yesterday, I made Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Bean Cookies from a recipe at They were so good that today they aren't around anymore. What kid wouldn't eat a cookie, right?

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October 24, 2008

I have a five year old that will not eat hamburger meat whatsoever! Does anyone have any ideas for some recipes on a strict budget?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
October 24, 20080 found this helpful

You're not going to like this for a couple of reasons but I'm going to say it anyway. At my house it was always, "Ok, you don't like what I fixed for dinner. Fine. Next meal is breakfast. You may be excused." One time for each of my 3 boys was all it took.


They now eat anything put before them. That's helped with a stint in Afghanistan and basic training for the Air Force. It's not a good idea to allow children to be picky. I am now off the soap box.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
October 24, 20080 found this helpful

Are you cooking it to well done? Some people just can't eat rare, bloody beef. Or try switching to ground turkey or chicken.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
October 24, 20080 found this helpful

As a child I would NOT eat any type of fish or seafood. It didn't matter how long my mom made me sit at the dinner table after dinner was over! I hated seafood THEN & I still hate it NOW! And I've ALWAYS hated meat, ANY kind! I was forced to eat meat as a child, so I would cover it with A-1 sauce just to barely be able to handle it (the sauce hid the flavor, but couldn't hide the texture). But everybody told me I couldn't live without eating meat. "You need the protein!" they'd say... (This was the 1960's). But now that I've been a Vegetarian for the last 29 years, I've proved them all wrong! I'm happy & healthy without any meat in my diet. (I DO eat dairy & eggs).


I can remember as a child of 3 while living in Florida, seeing a red-tide where the whole beach was covered in dead fish, so this may have made me hate fish, who knows? Also, I remember seeing my mother clean a chicken when I was about 5. This also grossed me out, seeing the chicken's guts. Is it the texture of the ground meat in your child's mouth that they hate? or is it the "Cow" they feel like they may be hurting? Or does your 5 year old just hate the taste? You'll have to address the REAL reason before you can really solve it.

When My daughter wouldn't drink the free, fresh goats milk we were given when she was a child, we put it into a used "regular" milk carton & she drank it & loved it, thinking it was regular, store-bought cows milk.


One time you can buy TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) & make your dish with THAT. While your child watches you, then the next time you can maybe say you used the TVP & really use hamburger instead? This sounds a bit deceptive & it is. MY grandmother made me a "Chicken Salad" sandwich which I loved as a child, & I wanted seconds until she told me it was really "Chicken of the Sea" (Tuna Fish). I not only felt deceived, but felt tricked. So, you may want to REALLY use the TVP in his or her dishes. I's actually better for them as there's no fat, it costs less & it still has protein. You can buy TVP in the large bins in may grocery stores & also in Health Food Stores by the pound. There's lots of recipes for TVP online.

I like "Perfume & Powder's" idea: Ground Turkey cost's less & is better for you than ground beef. Just spray the pan with Pam first because there's less fat in ground Turkey & Chicken.

October 24, 20080 found this helpful

I have a 4 year old who doesn't really like hamburger either. I DO NOT fret that. It isn't really that great for us anyway. I don't use it much anymore since my husband was told by the doctor that he has high blood pressure and needed to lose a few pounds.

My son does like chicken, fruit, yogurt, low fat crackers. What I'm trying to say is that as long as he likes something whether it's a peanut butter sandwich or such. Have him help you prepare his dinner, and enjoy your child. Chances are he'll change his mind when he gets older and then you'll just worry if he is forever going to eat those fast food burgers. God Bless You!

October 24, 20080 found this helpful

TVP is also quite inexpensive, and a good protein source. You can pair beans with grain (rice, corn, etc.) for a good and inexpensive protein source. Eggs, cheeses, milk, yogurt are good sources as well, and not as expensive as meat. Dried beans can be cooked ahead and frozen, for quick use.

I had one child who went through a period where she did not want most meats. Our policy was: I did not want to hear about it, if she did not like what was on the table, she could go to the fridge and get herself some cottage cheese and fruit (I kept canned fruit in a resealable container for the purpose). End of discussion. It worked well, and then her tastes changed and she was back to eating meat.

As a pediatric Occupational Therapist I am aware that some kids have honest-to-goodness issues with food textures; and you have to admit ground beef is not the most pleasant....

Chances are it is just a phase with your daughter. Keep ONE alternative that she will willingly eat on hand, and tell her if she doesn't like what you put on the table, there it is.

October 24, 20080 found this helpful

Whether to make the child eat hamburger or not is not the question. We all have our opinions as how to raise children, but the lady asked for ideas for recipes on a strict budget. What difference does it make whether she chooses to let her child get away with making a statement about the meat?

Chances are, you don't know this parent, you will never meet this parent, you will never be affected by this parent's decision whether or not to let this child make an issue about the meat, you raised your children the way you wanted to, let her do the same. After raising seven children (and many extras), I have found that what works for one may not work for the other.

Let's stay on track with the responses to the questions folks. Be a good neighbor and stop criticizing; if you really want to respond, then look through your cook books and send her some suggestions. That's what I am going to do.

October 24, 20080 found this helpful

There might be some visual changes you can make when you cook hamburger meat. Put it on a grill, and they won't see the grease in the skillet.

Make hamburgers in different shapes. Square ones or oblong ones that will fit a hot dog bun. Meatballs can easily be made, and if you make them and add some grape jelly and Chili Sauce, they taste almost like a desert.

And, if you just want something 'good' that the kid will eat, make some macaroni and cheese for them. Inexpensive and good.

October 25, 20080 found this helpful

Do you know if it's the texture your child doesn't like, or the flavor? If it's the flavor you could try switching to ground turkey, or maybe using half-and-half beef and turkey. Ground turkey is around 50-75 cents cheaper per pound than beef where I shop.

October 25, 20080 found this helpful

I agree she did ask for recipes. It would have been more helpful to know what her child did like; pasta is cheap, and chicken can be stretched. Most of the cooking sites give child friendly recipes. I've even made a "Mexican Pizza" taken whole wheat/low fat tortilla rounds and put some cheese inside and heat.

October 25, 20080 found this helpful

The rule in our house was, you don't have to eat it if you don't like it, but you have to try it. There were always lots of extra veggies and salad. Not eating beef is not all that bad anyway.

I have a group of friends that get together every week for dinner. The people that I appreciate the most are the ones that quietly try a little, and then eat extra of the other foods. The ones that I don't appreciate are the ones that let me know how they've always hated whatever I made that they didn't like. I made sure that whatever my kids did, they were polite and quiet about their choices.

Good luck to you!

By (Guest Post)
October 25, 20080 found this helpful

Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches with a glass of milk, scrambled eggs, or grilled cheese sandwiches are simple to prepare and maybe your child would be more likely to eat these things. It worked at our house:)


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 228 Posts
October 25, 20080 found this helpful

While the rest of the family eats hamburger on a bun try a salmon patty for the child who won't eat the hamburger or a veggie burger (held intact with tomato paste or in another way) or tuna melt on a bun some night. Even a fried egg on a bun or bbq pork would be better than something totally different from everyone else.

By Robin (Guest Post)
October 25, 20080 found this helpful

Everybody seems all worked up over this little kid who "won't" eat hamburger. I "won't" eat onions so I just eat everything else and nobody has to fix me a special meal. Is Mom a short order cook? What if the next kid "won't" eat fries. Do we make him/her a baked potato? The next kid probably "won't" eat baked beans. Ok, that one gets english peas. Let's see, now there's 2 hamburgers, one pb&j (or whatever the child WILL eat), 2 fries, 1 baked potato, 2 baked beans, one order of peas! We forgot Dad! Maybe he "won't" eat any of that and MUST have a steak. Do you see what allowing a child to dictate meals can cause?

October 25, 20080 found this helpful

Glenn's Mom -- that's the way! But you might try asking WHY the kid won't eat hamburger. What do they think it is? Has he ever been to McDonald's --etc.

October 25, 20080 found this helpful

Grilled cheese sandwiches are usually something that a child loves to eat, you could make quesadillas, macaroni and cheese, scalloped potatoes, chicken drumsticks, fish sticks, eggs, chicken helper (hamburger helper made with chicken instead of hamburger), tuna salad, chicken spaghetti. If I think of any more I will post.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 149 Feedbacks
October 26, 20080 found this helpful

No one seems to be addressing her real question. Which is request for simple recipes without using hamburger meat.
So how about chicken & pasta dishes using alfredo sauce or with cheese sauce and broccoli spears.

Chicken, turkey, or occasion pork is better for you than beef anyway.

How about home made turkey or chicken pot pies.
I get the Campbell's recipes by email which are easy and quick using simple ingredients found in your pantry using lots of Campbell's soups, so get on there mailing list for recipes via email its free. Here is the link. When your family is having any occasional BEEF meals have your child to choose what he wants different and fix it at the same time. They child should not be made to feel he or she is in the wrong.

Each one of dislike something be it foods or liquids to drink so does that make us wrong to? Eating healthy is what is important so as long as your encouraging healthy alternatives on your family's beef night it's ok and no more trouble to fix the child a separate item. Think of some idea choices and have the child to list 3-4 on the frig. as a list to pick from on those BEEF family meal nights.

Most often we do not consider or ask kids what they like and just fix the things we grew up with or our spouses like. Try new things like vegetables, pasta dishes etc. And maybe you all will like it better together.

Here is one of the chicken recipes we eat that is very fast and good for you

By Diana (Guest Post)
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

As a child I would not eat hamburger meat (or any other meat for that matter!) My mom says it was because I was too lazy to chew! Haha. But there may be some truth to this...consider it as you prepare foods
I have outgrown it BUT what I did love to eat was homemade vegetable soup and french fries. I never had a weight problem as a child (no do I as a 50 year old!) As long as the child is eating healthy foods and a multi-vitamin don't worry TOO much (talk to your doctor!) They WILL outgrow this.

By Jessica (Guest Post)
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

I can relate to your child in a way. I used to eat hamburger meat when I was really young, but for some reason it started grossing me out as I grew up and now I really don't eat it. It might just be a personal preference.

My husband and I use chicken, Boca Burger and Morningstar "meat" instead of ground beef. So if you have a favorite recipe that calls for ground beef (could even be spaghetti), just substitute one of the above.

Some of our favorite (and inexpensive meals) are tacos with Boca or Morningstar "meat," hamburger helper with chicken and spaghetti. You can make awesome chili with two cans of Hormel vegetarian chili, a can of Red Gold tomatoes (we like the spicy ones), a 1/4 can of water and chili powder to taste. We cook all those together and serve over noodles. You can check out the Kraft magazines for cheap meals, the Boca Burger recipe for tasty, healthy and inexpensive meals ( and even the Everybody Loves Ramen cookbook (


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

Casseroles of just about all types are inexpensive main dishes and are freezable if you want to make a double batch. Try this link for dozens of non-burger recipes:

Personally, I have never really liked meat at all except for an occasional chicken thigh, a few bites of steak maybe twice a year or fish now and then and I never starved because the meals in general were well rounded.

My parents never forced me to eat something I didn't want after a few times of me getting sick trying to force something down after trying to please them. It's not that I didn't like the taste of a particular item, just didn't/doesn't settle well with my tummy.

I was 'definitely not' a coddled child and I am thankful for their idea of not placing the food on my plate and letting me choose the different items from the veggie bowl, baking dish, salad bowl, bread basket, fruit bowl etc. I believe it helped keep me from having a weight problem or being a finicky/disorder eater.

I guess what I am trying to say is just make sure you have a well rounded assortment of foods on the meal table. Doesn't have to be a huge pile of food, just a good assortment.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

My son went through a phase where he would eat nothing but wieners for meat. He was about 5 too. I just kept some in the frig for him, and the rest of us ate the main meal. If you can't find inexpensive casseroles that everyone likes, you may have to go this route -- have the alternative on hand for your child -- be it peanut butter, or cheese or wieners. This phase will likely pass.

I like the suggestions to substitute ground turkey for the beef, although that may not solve the problem. You could google for some old favorites such as mac and cheese, tuna casserole, mac and cheese with chicken. Don't forget about eggs -- they can be served many different ways-- fondue (the casserole kind not the dip bread in the cheese kind), souffle, omelet, scrambled, boiled, etc. Eggs and cheese together give you a lot of options for protein substitute.

Oh, by the way, the son who would eat nothing but wieners is now 25, healthy and strong, and eating a raw food vegan diet. The only thing that tempts him off it is a BBQ steak or roast turkey! Go figure.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 59 Requests
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

Check out the kid-friendly section about a third of the way down the page:

By Rasta (Guest Post)
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

Allison, don't worry my son didn't eat meat until he was almost 4 yrs old and never eats chicken. I don't think he is allergic to it but gagged on it as a baby. I never pushed any of it because he was eating other protein things like peanut butter, eggs, milk products, etc. and the pediatrician was not alarmed at all. He is now 39 yrs old 6 ft. 7 inches tall and is a very healthy person.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 288 Posts
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

From a previous post.
This would be good for your whole family, Let them
add what ever they want from the "Taco Bar"

I made Bean and Bacon "Tacos" in the 1950's for our two oldest Children when they were small. They didn't like meat then. Also the canned Campbell's soup was much cheaper than hamburger. Anyway here's the way I did them.

Bean n Bacon Soup Tacos

Use 1 can of Bean and Bacon soup, adding only enough water & stir, to make a paste and not burn while heating.
Using a small amount of butter to warm up as many corn tortillas as you need. Heat a skillet and just warm both sides of the tortillas a few seconds will do, you want them soft. ( 2 each for 3 people? )

I put about a Tablespoon of bean paste in the warmed soft shells, added shredded cheese.
Then as they got older added lettuce & tomatoes.
Adding black olives and onions and even Rice a Roni.

Then when they decided they liked "scrambled"hamburger, I added a lb. of browned hamburger with some chopped onions and added the Bean & Bacon soup
to the pan.

Now daughter makes them for her granddaughter. Kids seem to like them still. Since we both like them I make them for HD & I every now and then. Adding leftover veggies,rice, hash browns etc or just bean and bacon soup and cheese /lettuce..

By rae (Guest Post)
October 27, 20080 found this helpful

My son is not a fussy eater - he just doesn't like meat, it makes him upset to think he has killed something to eat.

With this in mind. Grandma sat down with him and looked through the cook books for foods that he might like to try. She then took him shopping and got him to help make the dishes. When we have spaghetti - he has noodles with the same tomato sauce and cheese. WHen I made kebobs - he makes his with veggies and has a tub of yoghurt. If I have been busy and bought a chicken and salad for tea - he will have fruit bread, some cheese or yoghurt and nuts. Having a set stand by makes life easy. My son hates eggs but will eat quiche - I make mine in small ramikins - so everyone gets there own little bowl and while we have turn or chicken in ourts - he has vegies in his.

I have also started to give my 3 kids a bigger afternoon tea, as they come home starving. I bought a cheap plastic platter and cut up several types of fruit, some cheese and crackers, nuts , pikelets or muffins or biscuits. The only rule I have, it that the kids each take a plate and have some helathy stuff and one sweet thing. They then have a small dinner and a glass of warm milk and milo before bed. Another favourite of my son's it grilled cheese sandwiches made with wholemeal bread, a banana and home made apple slice.

Hope this helps. - There are no winners in food fights.

October 28, 20080 found this helpful

Having worked in the medical realm, I have learned that it isn't necessarily a finicky-ness. Our bodies sometimes don't, won't, or can't process certain foods. Your tastes change and so does your body's food processing. Those of you with children may recall those pregnancy cravings and foods that made you sick. Pregnant people aren't the only ones whose bodies go through that.

Anyways .... There is a Fit & Active brand of turkey meatballs. It is sold at Aldi's stores for about $2 for a one pound bag. They are preshaped and easily heated. My family loves these in spaghetti, with noodles and grilled veggies, or even plain.

By Carol in PA (Guest Post)
October 28, 20080 found this helpful

I didn't like meat as a child either. In retrospect I think it was hard for me to chew. Also, I didn't like it if the hamburger had bits of grizzle in it.

I must tell you that to this very day (I'm 62) I eat meat, but I don't really like it. If I have a choice, I prefer vegetables, But I think it's just a personal preference. I'm not a vegetarian.

October 28, 20080 found this helpful

I would suggest it may be the texture of the hamburger meat that he does not like. I found that if I pureed the meat in a food processor, the texture was far more palateable. I do this for meatloaf, burgers, meatballs, and spagetti /pasta sauce dishes. It may be worth a try.
There is always ground chicken/turkey as a subsitute...
Good Luck

November 9, 20080 found this helpful

You can mix tuna, chicken, and sausage with just about anything to please a child for example mix with boxed mac n cheese or ramen noodles. Make any of the above meats in the form of a pattie and shape like a hot dog and serve in a bun, bake in cupcake cups for individual servings or allow the child to cut out the shape of his/her patty with a cookie cutter. The more involved your child is with the prep of food the more comfortable they become at meal time.

Even better yet just make your regular dinner and be certain that the child gets protein from a different source during the day, allow the child to eat what they do like that is served to the rest of the family. A child will not starve themselves and with a little forethought and imagination you can stick with your budget.

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June 16, 2009

What are some good foods an 11 year old would like to eat that don't cost too much?

By Jaime from Brick, NJ


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
June 16, 20090 found this helpful

If a child had their choice of foods, they would probably pick pizza, hamburgers, French Fries, candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream, sodas etc.

YOU are the parent and you should be the one who makes the major decisions on what your child eats and does not eat. It's not the other way around here.

If you want your child to be healthy and stay healthy, feed him/her healthy foods, not high fat junk foods. You don't want a fat/obese child who will end up being a fat/obese adult.

Encourage your child to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and not a lot of meat and poultry.

Make an appointment and take your child to a doctor and the doctor or nurse will put your child on a daily healthy diet.

June 17, 20090 found this helpful

I'm assuming from the question, that you are going to be watching an 11 year old. I'm gathering since if you were the parent or around the child a lot, you'd already know what they like. So on the assumption your about to child sit.

There are lots of healthy foods you can serve and at 11 they can help make it themselves. You can give a kid pizza, hot dogs and all the things that sound unhealthy, but make them healthy. Like turkey hot dogs instead of beef, veggie pizza instead of sausage, turkey burgers instead of red meat, make your own french fries in the oven instead of fried processed potatoes. Get some English muffins, pizza sauce, veggies and cheese and let the child make their own pizza. Kids like pasta's, choose a whole grain pasta, they'll never know it's good for them. Let them help as much as you can and they will enjoy the meal much more and be more receptive to trying something new. Good Luck!

June 18, 20090 found this helpful

I have a 9 year old that I find challenging to feed. Here are some cost effective and healthy solutions.

All kids like spaghetti, so use Smart pasta (made with pea flour) or whole wheat for a healthier option. A can of over the counter tomato sauce added to some browned lean ground beef and thinned with a little V8 juice adds some veggies without the unsuspecting kid knowing about it.

Offer kid friendly veggies like carrots with a bit of ranch dressing mixed with plain yogurt or fat free sour cream.

You can make home made popsicles with 100% fruit juice or use no sugar added apple juice and blend a bunch of different fruit (like a smoothie), add yogurt and freeze those as well as an alternative to ice cream treats.

A fun idea is to find either traditional or mini whole wheat pitas, and use them as the base for a "make your own pizza" kit. Provide the tomato sauce (low sodium if you can find it mixed with spices), part skimmed mozza cheese, turkey pepperoni stick sliced in mini medallions, fat free ham cut into smaller pieces. Just like a Lunchables lunch but healthy!! Cooking is optional!

In lieu of cookies, have graham crackers... still sweet but they do have fibre and limited fat.

Granola bars can be a good option, watch out for things like additional sugars or the chocolate coated ones.

Have a variety of fruit on hand like melons, apples, oranges, whatever the kid won't eat, you will! Oh, and a simple and somewhat "fancy" way to eat strawberries... dip them in chocolate! You can melt 1/2 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips in the microwave (on high 30 s, stir, then 20 s, stir, until melted) then sit down with pre-washed and now dry fresh strawberries for an impromptu chocolate fondue. It is a nice treat! Using semi sweet chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate!

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