
Lucky Bamboo Water Turned Green?

I have been growing bamboo in glass containers in my window for about 8 months. The water stayed clear and no fungus or algae occurred. All I ever did was add water or a few drops of plant food. I'm often out of town for a week and normally when I return the water is still clean and clear. This last time the water had turned green and the green fungus, algae or whatever the green is, was growing on the inside. I can't figure out how this all of a sudden started happening. Anyone know what would cause this or what I can do to prevent this? I read that one solution was to add charcoal. I added small pieces of horticultural charcoal, but it floats to top and the water turned grey. It looks bad. Thanks.


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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 16, 20171 found this helpful

This could be a problem with the water in your glass container. If you are using tap water to refill the container this could be your problem. Tap water contains high amounts of chlorine, which isn't good for growing the Lucky Bamboo plant. Furthermore, when growing such a plant it is recommended that you keep the plant out of direct sunlight. These two factors could of caused your water to turn green. I would suggest emptying your water and using distilled water in your glass container. Move the plant away from the window and direct sunlight.

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Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 16, 20171 found this helpful

Perhaps the direction of the sun has changed and your window is getting more direct sun than it has in the past 8 months.
I'm assuming you are growing them in rocks and using either bottled or distilled water but you may also be over fertilizing them. You say drops so I'm assuming also that you are using fertilizer for lucky bamboo but you may still be giving too much as they will really grow well with only a drop or two every few months.


Here is a link that has a lot of information about the care but the second link has instructions on how to clean the green algae from your plant and rocks (which has to be done carefully).

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 16, 20170 found this helpful

Tap water has chlorine, which causes green water. Try to use distilled water.

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Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
August 20, 20171 found this helpful

Sounds like to me you need to change the glass containers, not the water.

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