
Making Taco Shells

Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 509 Feedbacks
January 5, 2015

Preparing Soft Taco Shells in the ToasterWe love tortillas! I keep them in the house and my family uses them for everything from quesadillas, tacos and burritos to just putting butter or peanut butter on them for a snack.


A couple of weeks ago my 16 year old son did something that really made me wish I'd thought of it - well, actually I had, but I never tried it because I didn't think it would work. We were having scrambled eggs for dinner, and he casually grabbed a soft taco sized flour tortilla, folded it in half and dropped it in the toaster. When it popped up, it was still soft but also slightly crispy and nicely warm, like something you'd get eating out or toasting in a pan on the stove, but this was much easier and faster.

I was really surprised, I never tried it because I thought the tortilla would stick together, burn or fall apart but apparently he's been doing this for quite awhile and it's become a favorite way for our family to eat tortillas now. I love to toast and butter mine for a snack.

When you first try this, you have to watch it you know how fast your toaster browns, or the tortilla will burn. You can tell when it's ready when the edges start to puff up.


Source: My 16 year old son, who likes to try new things in the kitchen.

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February 10, 2013

For crunchy taco shells, turn your muffin pans upside down. Spray with cooking oil and bake tortillas for approximately 10 minutes at 375 degrees F. Yummy!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 398 Posts
July 12, 2012

If you ever want to create taco bowls, turn your muffin pan upside down, spray with cooking oil and bake tortillas for 10 minutes at 375 degrees F.


5 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 15, 2009

How do you make taco shells?

By kcampbell from AR


September 16, 20090 found this helpful

Easiest way is to buy the corn tortillas. Put some oil into a frying pan, heat till really hot (350F.) With tongs put a tortilla into the hot oil, let it sit on one side for a few seconds, turn over to other side for a few seconds. Then with the tongs fold the tortilla in half holding the bottom side in the oil. Then flip it over and let the other fold sit in the oil. It should start to harden. Take shell out and drain onto a paper towel.

September 16, 20090 found this helpful

What is the recipe from scratch taco shells - corn meal, etc?

September 18, 20090 found this helpful

I think if you buy some masa harina meal, the recipe for making corn tortillas will be on the bag. I believe they are made with the masa harina and water.


I can get masa harina in any grocery store that has the International aisle.

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November 6, 2012

I'm ready in a quandary here. I was making tacos at home. I didn't have any of the tortilla shells (soft) so I decided to make my own; big mistake! Or I screwed up, somehow. I was using the masa flour and I mixed it like it said to. I couldn't roll them out of make a tortilla shell. About the only thing I could do was to deep fry them. They were better that way, but they were still not up to par. Can anyone give me some advice on how to be good at making them? I sure would appreciate it.

By Beverly Mc.


November 13, 20120 found this helpful

I've never made taco shells from scratch. Even my Mexican mother in law never did! But here is a quick easy and healthy recipe for making crispy taco shells in the oven without frying.


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