
Quick Weight Loss Tips

Does anybody know of any quick weight loss tips that you have tried yourself and has been successful. I am going to a class reunion in July and really want to lose weight for the occasion.

Pam from GA


Quick Weight Loss Tips

Depends on how much. If you are talking a few pounds, then it's just eating better, exercise some or more (You must burn more calories than consumed) and drink LOTS of water. If you are looking to drop a LOT of pounds before, then I don't have any ideas for you because it's not safe for your body. Especially with the summer months coming up, if you mess with the balance of your body, your electrolytes and such can go off and you can make your self real sick.


If you are looking to lose a few pounds (5-10), you are looking at a realistic goal. You may even be able to lose close to 20 by then, but remember the first few are water and you must continue your regime after or it will all come back.

Don't use diet, use "lifestyle change"(for good).

By Michawn

Quick Weight Loss Tips

  1. Drink lots of water
  2. Eat lots of veggies (green are best), and some starches. Meat should be a unnecessary side dish, and chicken is the best! Homemade stirfry on brown rice is my favorite, I pick out most of the chicken for my husband.
  3. Move more! As long at you aren't starving yourself or eating bad food, you will lose weight. Chores can help you lose weight, as can standing more in general. I like to walk on the phone, when it rings I begin my "house check".
  4. Advertisement

  5. Don't consume alcohol: it causes your body to retain water and is LOADED with calories.

By Heather

Quick Weight Loss Tips

If you are serious about losing weight and want to be healthy, too look into the Isagenix program, you won't be sorry. Check out the website and read the weight loss testimonies. I had problem losing weight and then I took a different approach, I wanted to be healthy and feel good and energetic and then, to my amazement, the weight just melted away. Check it out, it won't cost you a thing to see what it's all about.

By Jean Rounsville

Quick Weight Loss Tips

I am on the Slim-Fast diet right now. You can go to their web-site and register for free, they give you a meal planner and advice, they have a buddy system and everything, for FREE!! At first it was really hard drinking a shake for breakfast and lunch (I didn't do the snacks at first) but I got results quickly! I lost 7 pounds in about one week!! Of course I am exercising as well, which really helps! Good luck!


By Crystal

Quick Weight Loss Tips

No matter which diet you choose, make sure you get enough protein and calcium, drink 8 glasses of water daily and exercise. Weight won't come off easily unless you monitor the protein, calcium and water intake (I learned this at a diet class).

"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper."

By Holly

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Go on a parasite cleanse. My friend and I have been on it for 2 and 3 months. She has lost over 20 lbs, and I've lost 10. You would be amazed how much better you feel too.

By Dawn Salisbury

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Unfortunately, there is no magic secret. . . only move more, eat less!

By Sheryl

Quick Weight Loss Tips

I would suggest that you have your hair done, put on your prettiest dress and make up, go with your best smile and a great attitude, have fun and don't worry about the rest. Trying to be a people pleaser is the worst job in the world. Go as who your really are and if people don't accept you then they are the losers not you. Enjoy your reunion.


By Barb Oakes

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Hi, I have lost weight fast by Atkins. No bread, no flour, no pasta (NO WHITE), no potato. Just eat meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables (lots of them). Salad is good. Milk products OK. Pork rinds for a snack or use in recipes for bread (like meatloaf). I use bbq pork rinds for baked chicken or fried. Dip pork rinds in sour cream for a chip and dip. Out to eat burgers? Don't eat bread or eat only 1 bun. NO SUGAR. Diet pop or ice tea, no sugar. LOTS OF WATER. Walk for excerise. You will have a headache and feel sluggish first few days of eliminating the sugar from diet. It is easy once you get started. You can lose 10 lbs. fast. It slows then picks up again. It does lower cholesterol count also. It does work! I eat sausage or bacon, cheese with a egg for breakfast, omlets good, salad or veggie for lunch, dinner: meat and veggies.


By Esther

Quick Weight Loss Tips

During my last pregnancy, I developed an allergy to dairy and wheat. so I had to cut out all items with these items in it. I lived on fresh fruit, veggies and lean chicken and fish I cooked on my forman grill. In a matter of a few weeks (save for my belly), my body was so lean and my legs never looked better.

This is not a fun diet, but what it? It will work wonders though. You don't have to starve yourself, in fact eat every 3-4 hours. Just keep it to fruit, veggies and lean proteins. Light yogurt is a great dairy that won't bloat you too and has protein. I recommend the protein shakes for breakfeast, another shake or advantage bar with an apple for lunch and a dinner that is 1/2 -3/4 veggie and some protein. Desserts can be sugar free jello, popcorn and light Yoplait chocolate whips.


Best of luck!

By melissa

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Buy a Playstation 2 and invest in the Dance Dance Revolution Program with the dance mat. You enter how many calories you want to burn, and then you keep dancing until you reach your goal. You'll be so absorbed in the dance, you'll forget you're exercising.


  • Keep nuts on hand for snacking. They are rich, but filling.
  • Write down everything you eat, at least at the beginning of a diet. This is hard to keep up with after awhile, especially if you are on the go!
  • Measure out servings, for example, one cup of cereal is usually a serving.
  • There are inexpensive diet frozen meals. Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine are good. They help with portion control.
  • Don't weigh yourself every day. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you are exercising, the way your clothing fits may be a better indication of your progress.
  • There are good low calorie treats such as Alba Shake mixes. You can just throw the powder in the blender with a cup of ice water. Only 70 calories.
  • Vanilla yogurt is good to keep on hand. You can blend it with any kind of chopped fruit and chopped nuts or granola for a satisfying breakfast or dessert substitute.
  • Avoid or at least scale down on the whites: white bread, white rice, potatoes.
  • Avoid binge foods. I couldn't bake homemade bread and diet. I bought whole grain bagels and English muffins. It was easier to stop at one serving.
  • Ditto cakes are too tempting. Muffins are good because you can freeze them and warm up one at a time to eat.
  • I did not eat after 7:00 pm. If I felt hungry I would say to myself, "Oh, thank goodness, I'm losing weight." I also found that if I took my daily shower in the evening something about the steam suppressed my appetite. Now I always shower in the evening.
  • I am never hungry first thing in the morning. I don't eat when I'm not hungry because I know I will just consume more calories later when I am. I know this goes against conventional wisdom, but the author of the book The Way to Eat, which was featured on Oprah agrees with me.
  • Pack your lunch for work. Carry low cal snacks in your car so you will not be tempted to buy a junk food snack when you are away from home.
  • Stock up on fruit and healthy snacks. I buy nutrition bars very inexpensively at Big Lots and on sale at various stores.
  • If I have to have a high calorie treat, I buy small. No half gallon cartons of ice cream, for example.
  • I never turned down a piece of someone's birthday cake or a small portion of anything I truly craved. I think there are times when you have to give in. The diet should be a positive experience.
  • I keep dark chocolate on hand and eat some every evening. The antioxidants are good for me, and I never feel deprived.
  • Diet green tea is a calorie free healthy beverage.
  • I avoid soda because the carbonation makes me feel bloated.
  • Ruby red grapefruit juice is supposed to be a good diet drink. Fruit is generally better than juices though. Juices have a lot of calories- it takes a lot of fruit to make a glass of juice- and less fiber than eating the fruit.
  • Walking is a great exercise and burns calories.

In the past year, I have lost 30 pounds and feel so much better. I had to buy new clothes, but I'm sure the benefits to my health are worth it! I also enjoyed this diet. It is so much fun being two clothing sizes smaller. I am also used to eating less and it has not been difficult to stay in the range. I lost five of the pounds after I had stopped officially dieting, just from healthier habits.

By SusannL

Quick Weight Loss Tips

I cannot recommend the Atkins diet highly enough. It is the ONLY one that has ever worked for me.

By Cathy

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Don't eat WHEAT GLUTEN, sugars, many carbs, or grains that are not "whole grain", milk/milk fat by-products, fried foods; do not eat bread and meat in same meal, drink no soft drinks/beer/alcohol; don't cook with lard or butter, eat only DARK chocolate if a candy lover, no desserts except sugarfree jello/fruit bars/fresh fruits and fruit drinks lowest in sugars. Eat avocados, grapefruit juice, grapes, blueberries, apples, tomatoes, fresh and frozen veggies galore, little, if any starches/carbs, ground nuts (especially almonds and walnuts), and try to buy organic where possible. Eat cagefree eggs, and NEVER buy anything that has been genetically modified with GROWTH HORMONES, suspected of being why we have "grown" so fat.

If you can do it and afford it, baby food and low salt soups are a great way to lose weight fast. Drink LOTS of water and breathe DEEPLY as often as possible because it "oxygenates fat cells" helping to metabolize them better. Eliminating Wheat Gluten helps tummy fat to fall off quickly. Crackers are very fattening so avoid or eat sparingly! Lime water, grapefruit, and tomatoes have special chemicals to help eliminate fat. Eat double portions of veggies and less fruit, then normal amounts of meats, except pork. Eat no lunch meat, canned meat except tuna and low salt chicken. Read labels to avoid any form of phosphates because they cause addictions to whatever they're in. Drink something when you think you are hungry, eating six small healthy snack-meals a day, NOT three LARGE meals. Don't eat after 8 pm and get lots of good rest.

Do a lot of housecleaning, yardwork, because it truly burns off the fat, better than exercise machines, AND you are accomplishing some things outside of the kitchen where the food is. Never go to the grocery store hungry. Eat first. Don't buy once a week, buy two-three times a week and LESS each time. Eliminate corn chips and buttery popcorn. Keep your mind busy, reduce sitting down/TV time, work standing up for at least 10 hr. days, with few breaks.

THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOXES, PACKAGES, PLATES,BOWLS, CANS AND BOTTLES. Nibble on celery, carrots, grapes, sliced apples, avocados, tomatoes, zucchini slices, cucumbers (no pickles) and berries of all sorts. Don't expect HUGE amounts to fall off, but be happy when your tummy begins to flatten just above the navel, where the GLUTEN fat is stored and constantly replaced before you heard what to do about it. God bless and good luck. : )

By Lynda

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