
Removing Ivy From a Building or Home?

August 2, 2005

Ivy on a building.We are preparing our house to put it up for sale. Our realtor told us to take down the ivy that was growing up the brick and siding. Well we did as told and now we have this gunk left on the siding from where the ivy clings to the wall. We have tried power washing, elbow grease, Simply Green and bleach to no avail.


Does anyone know how to get this off the siding?

Michelle from Texas


December 28, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

Try TSP, or tri sodium phosphat. It should work on brick or aluminum or vinyl siding. It comes in a tub and has directions for mixing with water in a bucket. Scrub with a stiff brush.

If that doesn't work, what I think you have are the "feet" from the tendrils of the ivy. The feet must have some type of glue, so you need a solvent. If TSP doesn't work, try acetone (nail polish remover) or rubbing alcohol to get those feet off.

By Andy (Guest Post)
September 4, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

I used Dawn dishwashing detergent and it seemed to loosen the bond to the surface. Works best if the ivy is not dry.

By Suzie (Guest Post)
March 31, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Try steaming it and then lightly brushing it away. It worked for me!

By Allie (Guest Post)
August 3, 20050 found this helpful

I have painted bleach on ours, and it did work. I tried everything known to man, and this at least hid the color, but not the texture!

By Angel from WV (Guest Post)
August 3, 20050 found this helpful

I don't know about ivy gunk but I use a cleaner called grease lightening, you can get it at walmart or most places, I have an out door swing with cloth cushions that was green from being under my pine tree I sprayed everything down with the cleaner slightly rubbed it in with a scrub brush and rinsed it good as new. other cleaners wouldn't touch it. It also works wonders on grills, spray on, rinse off, little elbow-grease on tough jobs. USE RUBBER GLOVES!

August 3, 20050 found this helpful

Try a product called Barkeepers Friend - it has worked on many a project for me w/no scrubbing - which you probably will need to do in this case. I don't believe it has bleach in it, so it shouldn't be a problem from that standpoint.

By Paula from Eugene, Oregon (Guest Post)
July 11, 20080 found this helpful

I am so frustrated! I am attempting to clean ivy "feet" (the brown stuck on leftovers after the ivy has been pulled free) from brick that is painted white at the front of my house. I have tried many of the suggestions here: TSP did not work, Dawn did not work and I was hoping that bleaching would at least turn it white as per one entry here and all it did was turn it a slightly lighter shade of brown. I have also tried Goo-Gone to no avail and it also started to remove the paint. I have scrubbed and scrubbed with brushes removing only small amounts but really not doing anything.


I have not tried Barkeeper's Friend or Greased Lightening but quite frankly am not really interested in buying another chemical unless someone can verify having had a successful experience with it. My instinct tells me that boiling hot water under pressure might help but the only pressure washers I know of just use cold hose water. Does anyone have any new tips or suggestions? I would be most grateful! Thanks!

By M.L.. (Guest Post)
September 20, 20080 found this helpful

It is very important to wet the wall first and let sit and then brush with a wire thick brush or a thick nylon brush. I do not think bar keeper's friend is that great but it does get off any black build up from a bird's nest hiding in the ivy. I also used a sharp putty knife and that works and I think a razor blade holder with blade in it would work also.


It takes a lot of patience and rubbing back and forth. I do not think there is a miracle cleanser just patience and rubbing after it has been dampened.

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