
Identifying Flying Insects

March 10, 2014

I read all the forums I could trying to find the solution to get rid of these insects. Some helped but did not get rid of them. All the sprays and insect killers did nothing but cost a lot of money trying.


For some odd reason I thought of the bottle of spray Hydrogen Peroxide I had and thought insects are loaded with bacteria. I started to spray Hydrogen Peroxide like I would bug spray. The sprayer on the bottle is like a mist. I would even spray mist in the air and let fall on me. Instantly, they started leaving me alone. I bought a quart bottle and refilled my spray mister and started spraying all my furniture.

In a week, I was 95% free. I was being eaten alive by these insects until now. I had these insects since July 2013. I finally have relief and I wanted to share.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 16, 2005

I have miniscule black flying insects that are biting me. I have no pets but do have house plants. I have tried the vinegar, alcohol and water mixture and haven't been able to rid myself of them. Now I have horrible sores on my face, neck, back of my neck and in my hair.

Does anyone know what these are and how to handle them? I am going to try "Deet".

Thank you for any and all help.

Maggie from Arizona


By Sandy (Guest Post)
January 17, 20052 found this helpful
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They could be coming out of the soil in your plants. Some soil (even sealed) has these annoying bugs already in them. I can't remember what they are called but I will try to get more information on them for you. Another thing you might want to look at is your drains. We have this problem in my job.


The pipes get so filled with "junk" that these little drain flies start breeding in your pipes. They kind of have fuzzy bodies and they definately bite. You can try to mix bleach with warm water and pour it down the drain. If this is your problem, the bleach should help. Good Luck!

By PegEb (Guest Post)
May 26, 20052 found this helpful
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These insects you refer to are clover mites, (they show up mostly in my bathroom around the sink and toilet) and I get them every year around May, June - I called a pest control company and was told to use the diazanon or spectracide. It seems they work pretty well - you have to use it several times through the couple months.

By (Guest Post)
July 5, 20081 found this helpful
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Actually, these are Conenose or "kissing" bugs. Their bites are significantly more itchy than other bites and potentially dangerous if you have an allergic reaction (like how some people do to bee stings).


They are unfotunate but sommon in Arizona. They are around spring through summer and bite mostly at bedtime, you'll find evidence of them near your bedding.

By Joey (Guest Post)
August 13, 20083 found this helpful
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Do your "miniscule black bugs" fly? I have had an invasion of what we in NM call "No See ums" (gnats) in my house. They bite and leave red marks and the bites itch like crazy for a day or two. I am thinking they came in some potting soil because I'd just repotted a few plants prior to the invasion.

By (Guest Post)
September 27, 20081 found this helpful
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I'm in central IL and have tons of these small black biting bugs. They appear during the warm part of the day, when there is little or no wind and dissapear when it cools down in the evening. I've got 3 of those critters under a microsope comparing them to pics on the internet. My best guess is that these are "Kissing" and/or "Conenose" bugs.



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May 23, 2011

I recently moved into my apartment. The air conditioning system is not the greatest, so I have to keep my bedroom window opened a majority of the time. I recently discovered that tiny flying bugs get in through the screen and gather typically on the ceiling where my lamps are. Does anyone know of any ways to prevent this? Now that they are here, how can I get rid of them?

By Anne


May 23, 20110 found this helpful
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Vaseline works well and is odorless. I buy any cheap Vaseline and squeegee it onto my screens. I do both sides. It doesn't deter them because all bugs are attracted to light, it just stops them in there tracks. As for the ones that do get in. Windex works great.


Good Luck!

May 25, 20110 found this helpful
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I had that problem for quite awhile, the little flying no-seeums were life cycling. Didn't see any for weeks, then be inundated with them. Turns out, I had a water seepage problem in the basement, and we sealed that up, bombed the house with a regular roach bomb, never had them again.

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Can anybody identifiy this bug? They're all over my hallways. I live in Massachusetts, but got nothing when I tried researching it.

It looks like a mosquito, but I have never seen these types. Anybody? Thanks in advance :)

Identifying a Flying Bug


May 17, 20150 found this helpful
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Based on its size, it is likely a "Crane Fly." They are harmless, and attracted to light. Just kind of startling due to their size. Here is a link that might give you a little more info:


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June 29, 2010

I have flying insects around the house. I don't know if they are gnats or mosquitoes. They are very annoying and they make my body itch. Does anybody have any home remedy to get rid of these annoying things? Thanks.

By maribel from PA


July 1, 20100 found this helpful
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About the gnats in bath and kitchen areas. If they are the gnats that look like baby flies with big round wings. Take a can of foam bug spray. Spray down all drains before you go to bed. (Those kind breed in the drains.) You may have to repeat this one more time. I've never seen this fail.

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August 20, 2015

I have no idea what it is. It's black, can fly, is fairly small, and I don't know if it bites because I didn't want to stay around to find out. I am literally terrified of bugs and don't feel safe not knowing what it is. I'm a bit of a wimp, but I'm mostly afraid of what I don't know.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
August 20, 20151 found this helpful
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Most bugs are harmless to humans, especially small, black flying bugs. Your bug is probably one of the many flies or gnats that coexist with us on the planet. Most often, you bring these little guys home with you in your produce and grains. You can build a quick trap for these and many other flying bugs:

Glass or plastic bottle-small neck type like ketchup bottles
Add about half cup water, a tablespoon of honey and mix.
Use aluminum foil to partially cover the top but leave a hole open about one quarter inch.
Set out on a counter, etc., and forget it.
You will be surprized how many poor little flying bug bodies collect in a couple of days!!!

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September 11, 2011

I have tiny pin size, all black, flying bugs that are everywhere including the litter boxes. What are they and how can I get rid of them?

By webee


May 8, 20140 found this helpful
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The fastest way I've found to get rid of fruit flies is this:

1) Clean. Anything organic that isn't in a very sealed container has to go. Leave no piece of fruit, bread, sweet sticky thing behind. Scrub away any spilled syrups or anything that has sugar. These things like to eat.

2) Grab a small container. A ramekin works great for this. You're going to make the little buggers a meal. Pour in some maple syrup, soya sauce, honey, any mix of random sweet sticky liquids you can find. The stronger the sweet smell, the better. Now for your secret ingredient: dish soap. Drizzle some liquid dish soap into the mix. Lay your devilishly delicious smelling trap somewhere that the flies seem to be gathering in large groups.

The flies will be drawn to the scent and will go in for a snack, but the soap lowers the surface tension of the liquids and they will get stuck in it, eventually drowning.
Top up the liquids as needed and keep the place clean for about 10 days to 2 weeks. They have an average life span of about 10 days so if you keep it up, they will be gone within 2 weeks, easy. Plus the soap greases the container so cleanup is a breeze!

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September 6, 2011

My refrigerator was off for several days and food spoiled. Now there are these tiny flying insects in the refrigerator that I cannot get rid of. Help!

By Betty


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
September 9, 20110 found this helpful
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If you have insects inside, they must be reproducing in there. Hopefully, these are just fruit flies that have found some spilled juice or something like that. Clean the fridge thoroughly. You may have to remove panels or fan covers or things like that, if the spill have gone inside the fridge. I would swab it down with dilute bleach.

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June 8, 2015

The screen on my window is bent, and today I noticed at that there are tons of small brown flying bugs that got through the gap. They don't seem to bite and are attracted to light. They are completely ignoring the vinegar.



Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
June 9, 20150 found this helpful
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This mix has helped us for most types of food moths and flies:
Heat a cup of water to warm, nothing hot.
Stir a tablespoon of honey into the water.
Pour the mix into an empty bottle or jar, juice bottles, etc., something that is wider on the bottom and small on top.
Set the mix out and leave for a few days. The buggers will fly in but rarely fly out!
Good Luck - my husband is an entomologist and uses this recipe!

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February 3, 2015

We are infested by tiny flea-like flies. I discovered lots of what looked like brown rice on a shelf in my cupboard, have also found these in pans and dishes around the kitchen, but on closer investigation found these to be a type of shell the flies broke free from. They are quite easy to catch and kill, but are very annoying when they fly around your face. What can they be?

By Tricia P


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
February 3, 20150 found this helpful
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These little flies are likely a type of pantry moth that eats any type of grain-wheat, corn, millet, etc. My husband, an entomologist, says you probably have a moth infestation and need a rather radical cleanout. These moths probably entered your home via flour, corn meal, etc., you purchased at a store.

This article from the very helpful "wikihow" site will explain what you need to do.

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September 30, 2015

I have these brown flying insect that don't bite, but they multiply very quickly. They get in everything food, the refrigerator, the ice maker, and they especially seem to like decomposed items like meat that may be left out a long time.

I'm worried they might be carriers of some sort. Does anyone know what these things are?

flying insect


November 19, 20170 found this helpful

A male fruit fly. You'll 2 sizes around. The larger one is the female.

July 24, 20201 found this helpful

I have similar flies in my home. Im afraid that these are no fruit flies. I have fruit flies here as well and there is a difference in their moving behavior. The Fruit fly is slowly and its motion is continuous. On the other hand this fly has a stop and go type of movement and is much more agile compared with the fruit fly - impossible to catch by hand. And they seem to not especially focus on fruits and prefer organic waste from the kitchen. I guess they actually originate from the tropics, because they obviously prefer humidity and warm areas (back of the fridge, air conditionen). The scariest thing is, that they seam to be not afraid of fluids and even fly into my nose while Im asleep, which is not my favorite way of waking up. Excuse my funny use of language.

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
January 13, 2014

First, let me say, 'I am not an entomologist'. I have read many well intended articles here on how rid one's home of drain flies, fungus gnats and fruit flies. Quite often, the tips don't work. I think I know why. Misidentification.


February 19, 2017

Are you having trouble with tiny brown flying insects? This page has tips for identifying and getting rid of flying insects.

Brown Flying Insects

February 19, 2017

There is nothing more frustrating than having tiny flying insects in your house. Identifying what type of insect they are will help you get rid of them. This page contains tips for getting rid of tiny flying bugs in your house.

A woman holding a blue fly swatter.

December 13, 2016

This is a page about tiny, colorless bugs that bite. If you are having trouble with invisible insects, check out the advice here.

A woman scratching her neck after being bit by tiny bugs.


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

April 6, 2010

Since the summer, I have been finding flying insects in our home. They started in the kitchen, but have also been in the bathroom and living room.

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