
Transplanting a Hibiscus?

September 23, 2019

My grandpais moving from Florida to Georgia and he has a hibiscus planted in the yard that he is wanting to dig up and move with him before October 18. I need advice on what I need to do.



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
September 23, 20190 found this helpful

Fall is the perfect time to transplant. Dig it up, keep it watered and transplant in a sunny area in your new backyard.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
September 23, 20190 found this helpful

This is really a good time for transplanting,after digging,needs to be watered thoroughly.It will need a very sunny area.Hoping that the part of Georgia is as warm as Florida,otherwise would have to be protected if it gets cold!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 24, 20190 found this helpful

That is great that he is taking the plant with him. I hope if is selling the place the new buyer is OK with that. I only say this because a friend dug up a bunch of irises and lily plants when she moved a few years ago and the buyers of her place put up a big fuss about it when they didn't come back the next season. People. UGH!



It should transport fairly easily. He will need to carefully dig wide enough to get the entire root ball and then wrap it in burlap or something else that will protect it.

If you are transporting it in a truck, be sure to cover it with a blanket or something so that it is protected...but check it at stops so it doesn't get too hot.

When you get to the new place, get the hole dug (deep as the root all and at least as big if not bigger to give it room to expand.

Once it is in, watch it carefully and make sure to water it frequently until it settles.

It may loose leaves/get brown/fade and you may need to cut back on the plant...just do so carefully not to over prune.

There are lots and lots of good YouTube videos on the whole process. Maybe you two could watch a few together before the big day!

Post back with details of how it goes!

September 24, 20190 found this helpful

I don't think he should have an issue this time of the year to take his hibiscus with him. All he basically needs to do is dig far enough away from the roots of the tree and seep enough to make sure he does not break too many roots when the tree is dug up.


Find a large enough container or use a plastic bag container to put the tree in. Keep it most when he moves and it should be just fine. Just keep in mind the tree might go into shock bu these are strong trees and will come back again.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 24, 20190 found this helpful

Hibiscus in the ground in Georgia - I do not think so.
I hate to be the one to burst your grandpa's bubble but there are only certain type of Hibiscus that can be planted in the ground in USDA zones lower than 9.
Many of the people answering your question may not know how sensitive the Hibiscus plant is.

I live in Florida - USDA 9 - and I have lost Hibiscus plants on several occasions even though we have mostly mild winters.


You need to check your Georgia USDA zone before you make any plans to move your Hibiscus to Georgia.

From Florida University web site:
"Climate: Can be grown year round in zones 9-10 but will not survive frost or heavy freeze. Cooler zones (8 and lower) usually grow it as an annual, or in containers that can be brought indoors during cold weather."

Others have given some good suggestions on how to dig up your plant but if you plan to take it with you to Georgia then you should plan to have it as a container plant that can be placed inside in the winter.

There are certain types of Hibiscus that can grow in Georgia and it is possible you have one of those and, if so, you could plant it in the ground - if you do it soon enough before any cold weather sets in.


Most Hibiscus plants are Tropical Hibiscus and these are the ones that will not grow in the ground in Georgia.
Hibiscus plants: Rose Mallow and Rose of Sharon are more hardy and can usually survive colder winters.

Perhaps your grandpa knows what type of Hibiscus he has but this site may help you determine for sure.

If you are still having problems or wish more information; I would suggest you contact your local County Extension office for more information.
You should contact the one in Florida as well as the one in Georgia as they will provide you with good instructions on transplanting this 'valuable' bush that I feel sure you do not wish to have die after you move it.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 15, 2016

My hibiscus has outgrown its pot and is overflowing. My question is, do I cut off some of the roots? They go way down in the ground from the drainage hole.

I want to put it in another pot because I have rental. I've never done this before. And when should I do this?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 28, 20170 found this helpful

The best time to transplant is in the winter, when the plant is dormant. I don't think that cutting the root structure is ever a good idea, just find one bigger so that it can accomodate.


People who cut roots like for bonsai know exactly what they are doing, when to cut, how much, etc and without that knowledge you might kill it.

March 1, 20170 found this helpful

The best time to transplant is in the fall. Take the plant out of the pot, and try to gently separate the roots. It's best not to cut.

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August 5, 2015

I brought a new hibiscus and changed the plant pot and made it a patio garden plant. But I saw that the leaves were dropping off daily. Yesterday I noticed that all the leaves have dropped off and the stem of the plant is all that is left.

I have done pruning to the stem and noticed that the cells of it have not yet died. Can you please let me know what I should do to make the nodes grow and keep the plant alive.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
August 6, 20150 found this helpful

I was partly raised in Hawaii and remember our old Japanese gardener advising my mother against planting hibiscus in pots but did not know why (she wanted to have a "flowery" but screened patio to avoid skeeters). Checked online for answers-successfully planting hibiscus in containers is tricky, as the site below explains. I doubt you can revive your plant at it's current stage. Consistent watering (sometimes twice daily) and specific plant food are critical to success:

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Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 55 Requests
July 20, 2010

Can you transplant hibiscus and garden flox from one area of a garden to another? If so, when is the best time to do this and how do you do it? If not, can you start plants from stems of these plants?

Hardiness Zone: 5a

By Linda Delcamp from Brighton, MI


July 24, 20100 found this helpful

The best time to transplant a hibiscus is when it is dormant. I have transplanted them in early spring before they put out green shoots. I have transplanted garden phlox in the spring and seem to get so many seedlings every spring so I dig them out and give them away.

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June 16, 2013

My brother has a hibiscus that was cut back this spring and the new growth is starting. I want to know if it is still OK to transplant it now or do we have to wait until fall. I would also like to know if when I do dig it up can I break it up. It has been growing for at least six or more years now and gets very big.

By Holly S.

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