
Remedies for Greasy or Oily Hair

January 8, 2009

Remedies for Oily HairI have always had oily hair, but in the last several months the oiliness has just gotten worse and worse--to the point that I could wash it as usual and it would be extremely oily only a few hours later.


I tried several different things, lemon juice and a water solution being one, and then my mom and grandmother and I were talking and it was decided among the three of us that Dawn dish washing liquid might work wonders. And it surely has.

I wash my hair with Dawn dish washing liquid. I think I paid about $1 and some change at Wal-mart. Anyway, I wash it twice with Dawn dish washing liquid and then with the shampoo of my choosing. I have found it to be extremely helpful and you can tell a big difference in what it's done for my hair.

This may sound totally silly, and maybe it is, but if it works then so be it, I'll continue to use it for sure. Using Dawn is definitely much better than having really oily hair.

By Shanda from Millers Creek, NC

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 519 Posts
September 20, 2011

Instead of baby powder I use scented dusting powder as I don't really like the smell of baby powder! You can also combine using powder to de-grease hair with the modern dry shampoo sprays.


August 17, 2011

Mix the equivalent of the juice from 1 lemon with 1 cup water. Pour through your hair, and then rinse with warm water.


August 16, 2011

Put baby powder in your hair and then brush it out. I suggest brushing it out outside or in your shower for easier clean up.


August 26, 2011

When I was younger I stayed with my grandma, due too a bad winter storm we were snowed in and ran out of shampoo. We used the original green Palmolive dish washing liquid, it made our hair soft, clean, and grease free for several days.


August 24, 2011

I was raised partly by a grandmother and she was very thrifty with everthing. She taught me many easy solutions to all kinds of problems.


August 16, 2011

We used to do with my bedridden grandmother. Sprinkle a little baby powder or even better, a bit of cornstarch in her hair to refresh it. Then brush it briskly to remove the oils with the powder being brushed out.


August 17, 2011

To keep oily hair under control, I use a clarifying shampoo every other time I wash my hair. I always follow a thorough rinsing with a mixture of one quart water and 1/4 cup cider vinegar.


August 16, 2011

A quick temporary fix to greasy hair is to just sprinkle a bit of baby powder or talcum powder in it, and fluff it through. It will buy a bit of time until the hair can be washed!


August 16, 2011

Hair gets greasy when shampoo is too hard. To solve this problem, just give your hair the oil it needs:


18 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 7, 2008

How do I remove oil from hair without washing?

Moni from Hyattsville, MD


By Stone (Guest Post)
February 7, 20080 found this helpful

Shake baby powder into your hair and then brush it out. A girlfriend in theatre shared this tip with me and it works. I have dark brown hair.

By Linda (Guest Post)
February 7, 20080 found this helpful

I know if you have blonde hair in a pinch you can put a little bit of talcum powder (baby powder) on your hair and rub it in. Make sure you dont put too much on. It does work. Will be interesting to read others post.

February 7, 20081 found this helpful

This remedy is something that I heard people who can't wash their hair due to an injury, or stay in the hospital, etc. Dust baby powder on your hair and brush through.


I do it in the morning before I hit the shower because I walk my dog first and I have very oily hair. It works for me....

February 7, 20080 found this helpful

Cornstarch also works.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 519 Posts
February 7, 20080 found this helpful

I use scented dusting powder on my hair - best if you leave it in overnight - and then brush it out - if it makes your hair dull - use some glosser on it after you have cleaned it.

By macfrodge (Guest Post)
February 7, 20080 found this helpful

I use the same thing - baby powder. I apply it and massage it a bit through my hair. Then I use the hairdryer and dry my hair in sections.


Kind of freshens up the whole look and only takes a few minutes.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
February 8, 20080 found this helpful

Baby powder OR half baby power mixed with half (or one third) baking soda (to help with odor). Sprinkle the powder into just the oily part of your hair (usually the bangs). Then fluff hair up with your fingers to mix the power through your hair. NEXT, Brush & brush & brush until you get as much of the power out as you can! Sometimes you can find a purified Clay in health food stores made as a "dry shampoo". Back in the 1970's they used to advertise (on TV) & sell a name-brand spray-on dry shampoo, which was basically baby power (with a strong scent) in a spray can.


* This "powder shampoo" works better on light colored hair. On super dark hair, it sometimes looks a little "ashy" & of course the shine goes away.It's kind of like getting dusted with a chalk eraser! I repeat: You REALLY have to do A WHOLE LOT of brushing to remove as much of the power as possible, & you'll definitely end up with "flyaway" static-y hair!

---> BUT, when the power goes out, OR you're camping with no showers. You can't BEAT it. I, myself have very dark hair, so I sometimes use just a bit of "Translucent face power" instead. (just on my bangs) when I'm in a hurry & just need to quickly run to the store. I use a make-up brush to brush it on as it's easier to control the amount. NOT the same brush I use on my face! & I wash my make-up brushes REGULARLY with shampoo & water & I also add several drops of bleach to the water. I like the face power better because it's a bit darker than the baby powder. Don't use the new "Mineral foundations" on your hair. Only use plain old "Translucent power" (it's main ingredient is "Talc") I like the Cover Girl brand because it comes in a large container & is fairly cheap, but any brand will do!

February 8, 20080 found this helpful

When I was little, we once used cornmeal to get the oil out. Seems like it'd be easier to brush out than baby powder, but then I've never used baby powder.


We still had to brush a lot though.

February 9, 20081 found this helpful

I use rice flour. It brushes/combs out easily. It does not matter brown or white, I grind in my blender a handful or so of the grains, then store in a clean used spice jar.

By Lynda (Guest Post)
February 10, 20081 found this helpful

Over the years there have been a number of products that bed-ridden folks have depended upon for a time. Yet, with all good intentions, it isn't a fix- all if the hair is truly dirty along with the oiliness.
Truth is that the body oils attract dust which carry dust mites which burrow into the scalp and cause scalp sores. I'd suggest repetitious brushing with a boar hair bristle brush, cleaning out the hair several times, and then using a fine close mist of simple alchohol on parted hair on the scalp only, parting the hair into small sections, then parting further as you go by 1/3" rows before spraying. Dust mites are a much bigger problem than oil, and many die in this process. If the scalp is flaky or if there are signs of sores already, the alcohol will actually help the itch from the mites. With inflammed tiny sores, you can use a q-tip and apply a tiny dab of Neosporin to each one as you part the rows.


We all seem to want the easiest route to do things, but the truth is that using talc and meal is a much bigger mess and actually ATTRACTS dust mites to the scalp off the hair, as a type of "appetizer" prior to their making babies by the millions and then making their way to the human skin on which they prefer to feast in their burrowing.

Those dry hair products are VERY temporary, NOT intended for long term use or excellent results. I
believe you will be happy that you took the time to serve the patient with loving and better treatment that yields better rewards than dusting powders and corn. It will help with odors, oil, itch, and make the patient feel really good if done simply, and according to the amount of time the patient can sit up or move around. If unable to move, it really isn't important that the hair or scalp is relieved unless the patient requests it. Just lean on Lavender water body spray and Fabreze fabric spray for the pillow, until a better time, changing the linens frequently, reasuring the patient that the odor is not so bad.

God bless and guide you. : )

By Mickelle Hollars (Guest Post)
March 20, 20080 found this helpful

I have really long, thick dark brown hair.
we washed our hair every other day growing up we did all sorts of things.
baby powder
we also used a little alcohol on our scalp and then blow dried. it never dried our scalp out or anything, but everyone is different.

By Sarah (Guest Post)
April 28, 20080 found this helpful

I have tried baby powder but it has always been hard to tell if it is visible so if you use it don't go over board and try to comb throughly.

By anonymous (Guest Post)
May 21, 20080 found this helpful

This may sound dumb or strange, but I did an experiment thoroughly finger-rubbing my scalp. The fingers appeared normal, but when I rubbed them together a certain way, MANY thick brown chunks of oil (which looked more like eraser bits) formed and fell to the ground. I repeated until it diminished, which meant that I removed most oil. And others said that they barely smelled anything anymore, something not possible when water interferes (indeed, water is lubricating and doesn't allow for this effect of transferring to your fingers).

By L (Guest Post)
February 1, 20090 found this helpful

Usually, oily hair means you have a either:
a) bacterial-fungal infection on the scalp
b) an extremely oily or high-fat content diet
c) a sweaty scalp

For a), you need to see a doctor and ask for NIZORAL prescription. It is an anti-fungal/anti-dandruff shampoo which is medicated to help the process of killing bacteria.

For b), some people may not realize but everything has oils in it. If you change diet and it persists, refer to a).

For c), if your scalp/head sweats a lot chances are you'll notice oily or greasy-hay-hair. This is due to a lack of proper shampooing and conditioning of the scalp. If you don't clean enough you'll end up with these problems. Each person is different, so diagnose yourself - NOT other people.

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May 3, 2012

Why when I wash my hair, the next day it's oily and dirty looking like it hasn't been washed in days?

By Peggy


May 3, 20120 found this helpful

Rubbing a little bit of baby powder should do the trick.

May 3, 20120 found this helpful

There is no way to keep oil from flowing from your pores and scalp, but if you use a cleansing type shampoo every time you wash your hair, it will at least remove any buildup of oil and products that you are using. That said, don't use any shampoo that is moisturizing or volumizing, but just a basic shampoo. Keep conditioner only on the ends too. You don't need any extra "moisture" on the hair that is nearest to your scalp, as mother nature is taking care of that.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 519 Posts
May 3, 20120 found this helpful

How much product are you putting on your hair? It may be too much! You can cleanse your hair & scalp by adding baking soda to your shampoo. Besides using dusting powder or baby powder for dry shampoo - there are also now wonderful dry shampoos out on the market now - I like the one by Suave.

May 5, 20120 found this helpful

I used to have to wash my hair twice a day to keep it looking clean. Now I wash my hair every 3 days and it still looks great on day 3. What worked for me to cure my greasy hair was to make sure I was massaging my scalp for at least 45 seconds while the shampoo is on my hair, then rinse well. When I think all of the shampoo is out of my hair I rinse a little longer.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
May 5, 20120 found this helpful

If I use too hot water to wash my hair, and especially if I use a combination of conditioner and too hot water, the day after I wash my hair I look like someone has poured vegetable oil over my head!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
May 5, 20120 found this helpful

I have extremely oily hair too. If one doesn't have this problem, there is absolutely no way to properly relate to it. Some things that I've been told make me laugh at people's ignorance of the problem--talk about trying to cure cancer with a band-aid and thinking it will work!

Definitely do not wash or rinse your hair in hot or even very warm water; use only cool or cold if you can stand it. Brush your hair before washing it; it will distribute the oils, making it easier to get them out. Forget advice about not washing your hair every day--they simply do not understand the problem.

Use a clarifying shampoo and switch shampoo every 2-3 days -for some reason this helps. Occasionally wash your hair with dawn dish soap to strip the oils from it. Do not let people tell you that stripping all the oil from your hair is bad for it, again they do not understand the problem.

When your hair is this oily, the oils are right back. I never condition my hair (it is never dry); I also never have split ends or problems others have. Never use a hair/blow dryer, they stimulate oil glands to produce more. The same with hot rollers, curling irons, or anything hot that goes near the scalp. Let your hair dry naturally.

I occasionally rinse with a vinegar rinse to cut the oil and restore the pH. A lemon rinse will dry the hair somewhat so it isn't too oily, but will also dry the ends, so be careful about this. If you have soft water at home, it will exacerbate the problem; hard water is better for extremely oily hair.

Always wash your hair in the morning or right before you go out, not at night before you go to bed--oils will build up during the time lapse. I find that dry cornstarch works wonders for dry shampoo, much better than baby powder or anything else I've tried, but works best on lighter colored hair.

You can't go without washing your hair, but cornstarch is a great way to touch up the oiliness so it doesn't look so bad--dust it on with a puff and brush it through, keeping it away from the scalp (don't want to go out with a white scalp).

Lightening or dying hair may help cut some oiliness, at least temporarily. If possible, keep you home cool--sweating makes things so much worse. Unfortunately, when the problem is this bad, it is hormonal and usually cannot be corrected and must be lived with. Change pillowcases daily, or at least every few days. Wash combs and brushes often too. These can redistribute oils onto your hair.

If the style suit you, cut your hair short so you can wash it often - long hair takes a lot longer to dry naturally. Wash your face often and use blotting papers to keep the oil under control and so it won't wick onto your hair - unfortunately, most with this problem have fine, limp hair that really seems to soak up oil from the skin. Eat a good diet with little junk food - diet may make your problem worse, but maybe not.

May 6, 20120 found this helpful

I've oily hair. I simply use menthol shampoo from head and shoulder. It works perfectly for you. Anyway, its quite an affordable option, you may want to give it a try. Good luck.

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 172 Posts
April 8, 2013

My husband has extremely oily hair. He can shower and by the end of the day, it is totally oily. Is there any kind of shampoo that can counteract this or any other solution?

By Elaine


April 9, 20130 found this helpful

Have him try rinsing his hair and scalp with apple cider vinegar.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
April 10, 20130 found this helpful

I have this problem and it has gotten worse as shampoos add more "conditioning" products. I use Prell now and it is great. I get it at Walmart. Don't forget to leave a few bottles for me :)


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 122 Feedbacks
April 11, 20130 found this helpful

The detergents in shampoo strip all the oil from your husbands hair and scalp. His scalp overcompensates by overproducing because the natural oils have been stripped away. I would try going no poo, it's where you don't use shampoos or conditioners, you use baking soda to wash and then vinegar to rinse, or baby shampoo. Something more gentle. Just Google no poo and you will find a ton of info about it.

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December 12, 2013

I take a shower everyday, but my hair always looks greasy/oily. What can I do?

By Marta G.

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October 27, 2010

I have extremely oily hair with dandruff and it is falling out. What can I do?

By suhani from Punjab


October 29, 20100 found this helpful

Try using Pure Emu Oil. Be sure that it is 100% pure and from Australia as its potency depends upon how it is made. You can massage it into your hair and scalp before bed and wash out in the morning. Good luck to you.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
October 29, 20100 found this helpful

Diet, age, genetics and hot/humid weather have a lot to do with oily hair and dandruff (and oily skin in general). I also want you to know that every single human being looses up to one hundred hairs every day and that is completely normal!

When you wash your hair don't scrub your scalp hard but rather just hard enough to get the scalp and hair clean. Scrubbing the scalp vigorously stimulates the oil glands. Try to avoid foods with saturated fats and sugar as much as possible too. :-)

November 8, 20100 found this helpful

Chemicals can cause all kinds of problems. You might try using a J R Liggett's shampoo bar. I just discovered these, although they have been around for centuries. These contain no chemicals at all. They do contain lye which simply bonds all soaps, and you can make your own just like body soap if you choose to do so. I wanted to try them before I wanted to make some, so my health food store ordered some in. Saved on S&H from buying from the site.

They have all kinds of them, and while you might not like the way your hair feels, (I didn't) after washing, it will dry beautifully. This is because it does not strip the oils from your hair (result will be no dandruff!). I think you are dealing with a chemical problem which is why I am making this suggestion. There are other chemically made shampoo bars which will simply cause the same problem you are having. Do check them out, and good luck to you!

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October 28, 2016

This is a page about using dry shampoo. There are times when you can't get your head wet, but it really needs to be cleaned.

Woman holding a lock of hair in one hand and dry shampoo powder in the other


ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

October 27, 2010

I have a 12 year old daughter with long hair that is greasy the next day after she washes it. We have tried stopping all conditioners and even washing her hair with Head and Shoulders. So far that has dried her hair and made it frizzy.


February 18, 2010

My handicapped sister has hair that is far more oily than any I have ever seen or heard of. It's a terrible problem and even washing every day doesn't help much.

Health & Beauty Beauty Hair Tips Oily HairAugust 14, 2011
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