
Finding the Value of Old Reference Books

November 23, 2010

Old books on a shelf.Years ago I had a very good cook book. It was a thick book, like a Bible. It had such really good recipes that were older. The best way I can describe this book is that in the back it had daily in-season meal plans for breakfast,dinner, and supper. I cannot remember the name of it and the covers were missing.


Thank you.

By Frank from AR


November 23, 20100 found this helpful

I doubt if we are talking about the exact same cookbook as my old (very old) "cooking bible" has the in-season menus in the front of the book. Regardless, maybe this information could help your search. My mother got the book as a young wife in the 1950's and indeed it does have a lot of older recipes that can't be found in current cookbooks.

My book is titled "Culinary Art Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook", was edited by Ruth Berolzheimer, and has a copyright date of 1950. It has 974 pages plus index and about 50 pages of cooking and baking terms, different food variety explanations, etc. It truly is a "cooking bible" and my ultimate "go to" reference book for some info and many old recipes I can't find elsewhere.


Are you looking for a copy of the book - sorry, mine's not for sale :-) - or a particular recipe? If it's a recipe, I'd be happy to look it up for you.

November 23, 20100 found this helpful

I have a very similar book from the 40s-50's called "The Modern Family Cook Book" by Meta Given. Passed down from my great-grandmother! It has a week's worth of meal plans for every month and large amount of great recipes. Mine also has the menu plans in the front.

I also tend to prefer the older cookbooks. It just seems like the recipes are better, and most of them are surprisingly healthy.

November 28, 20100 found this helpful

Thank you both for your quick answers. They both sound like what I had. Least now I can know what to look for and that is a start.


I understand why you would not sell it as I never would have. You can bet I will be on a hunt now.

November 29, 20100 found this helpful

I also have an old cookbook by Ruth Berolzheimer, but the name is: "The American Woman's Cook Book". It's copyright is 1938 through 1943. In the back of this book are daily menus but the tab for this section is: Wartime Cooking

I am a retired RN, age 70 plus, and this was my mother's cookbook. I still use it and my other "bible" the Joy of Cooking, as it was a gift from my parents when I graduated from high school! Good luck! Granny Beth

November 29, 20100 found this helpful

I have a very old cookbook that has no covers :o( It was my Mom's. It is the Good Housekeeping cookbook and has all kinds of things in the back, don't know if it's the same one your looking for, but it's a great old cookbook!

November 30, 20100 found this helpful

This is so cool, Frank/fnash. I was actually just poking around another web site that I enjoy and is kind of like a mini e-bay site that focuses only on handmade, or vintage items. I stumbled upon a cookbook that is an earlier edition of my "cooking bible" and thought of you. Here is the site, for your information.


Hope the link works! (I'm rather a luddite with computer issues!) Have Fun!

November 30, 20100 found this helpful

Thanks again for everyones help. I found the book, with your aid, on the net and it is in the mail to me.
Should receive in a day or two.
Sure are helpful persons on this site.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 12, 2021

I have 15 books of the 1937 University of Knowledge reference books. I'm wondering what they're worth or where I could sell them


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 320 Answers
August 12, 20210 found this helpful
Best Answer

A complete set currently is listed on ebay for $250.00. I think maybe your best chance for re-sale of partial set would be a shop where people can peruse the volumes, or to list bundles of 2-3 on etsy (including images of some interesting illustrations) for collage artists to buy.


Actually, you might do well to carefully remove the illustration pages and sell them individually. It's a shame to ever destroy a book but space is at a premium for us all, and artists always are on the lookout for unique images to fabricate with.

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February 23, 2018

I was wondering if you knew if Day Otis Kellog created a dictionary called the Werner Encyclopædia, Akron Ohio 1910? It has his name on the articles along with other copyrights like A.R.R and Saalfield publishing.

Any information would be appreciated.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 24, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

This book is over 100 years old, so it is considered antique. Take it to an antique book dealer. He or she should give you a free verbal appraisal.

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February 22, 2018

I have a set of Smithsonian Scientific Series Vol 1-10. It is the complete set, published in 1930 with stamped embossed cover.

Value of 1930 Set of Smithsonian Scientific Series - books on shelf
Value of 1930 Set of Smithsonian Scientific Series - front cover


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
February 22, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

It is difficult to tell the actual condition of books from photos but your books appear to be well cared for.

  • I have not found a full set of 1930 edition but judging from other sets (1934 mostly) I would think your set may be valued between $100 - $250.
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  • This does not mean it would be easy to sell your set for this much money as some different years were sold for $12 - $40 dollars.
  • Some sellers are selling individual books instead of trying to sell a complete set.
  • Shipping is expensive and books are difficult to pack which makes many sellers try their luck on a local media/site such as Craigslist.
  • Here is a current listing of similar books from eBay.
  • A set similar to yours sold in 2016 on another site:
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January 11, 2018

I've got the set of 8 history books by Israel Smith Clare. They are in pretty good shape. What are they worth?

Value of The World's History
Illuminated - spine of book


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
January 13, 20180 found this helpful
Best Answer

You will need to tell is the year they were published. Believe it or not this really matters so much. If they were published in 1918 or before then they are worth something and you should see a book dealer on this. If they were published after 1918 then they are just considered old and not worth more than a few dollars tops.

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January 30, 2023

I have an 1881 version of The Handy Dictionary with an inscription from 1884. What is this worth?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 30, 20230 found this helpful
Best Answer

I'm assuming this is a Webster's dictionary but what condition?
You can check out previous answers as most of the answers will relate to older dictionaries.
Unless they are in excellent condition, the value will be low and will usually be difficult to sell.
Selling anything and especially old books requires several good pictures and a good description.

I could not really do research for your book as you did not supply pictures or condition information.

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January 25, 2023

Is there any value in this book? It's a vintage antique Laird and Lee's Webster dictionary high school collegiate addition, 1911. It's not in great shape, but cannot find copies out there. Thanks for the help.

An old copy of a dictionary.
The title page of an old dictionary.
The spine of an old dictionary.
The pages in an old dictionary.
A dog eared page of a dictionary.
The copyright page of an old dictionary.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 25, 20230 found this helpful
Best Answer

There were a lot of these and similar books printed, which usually means the value will be very low unless it is in pristine condition.
You can check out similar copies in the sold section on eBay:

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March 6, 2018

I own the New Modern Encyclopedia published by Wm. H. Wise & Co., Inc. I am just trying to find out what this book may be worth.

It is in very good condition and has a brown leather binding.

Value of the New ModernEncyclopedia - very old volume
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January 12, 2017

I have a set of 20 - 1971 Grolier "The University Society Encyclopedia". Using an online grading from I was able to grade them. This set has been in controlled storage for almost 20 years. They are in amazing condition. I would need to grade them near fine, based on a near fine grading can you tell me the value?

I also have a set of 10 - 1972 "The Book of Popular Science". They too are in are in amazing condition. I would say they fall in between very good and near fine condition. I need to know their value too.

Last one. I have a set of 1971 "The Bookshelf for Boys and Girls". They are in very good condition. Please provide the value of these too.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 12, 20170 found this helpful

This type of book has very little value, no matter how good the condition is. You will want to go to several book dealers to get estimates.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
January 12, 20170 found this helpful

Many people have old books they think are valuable and would like to sell. Most old dictionaries, references etc., have very little value, a few dollars at most. Encyclopedias dated after 1923 are essentially worthless but crafters may be interested for the old pictures. Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc., receive donations of tons of old encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books but send them to recycling centers or dumps as they cannot use or sell them.
You can check online for old book collectors, on EBay, Craigs List and other retail sites for possibilities. Everything is now online and updated constantly so old books are just that-old.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 13, 20171 found this helpful

The information DCA provided is just the way it is.
Sad that most of these books just have no value and very difficult to ship even if sold on an auction site. Craigslist or other local sites may yield a buyer.

eBay currently has some listings for Bookshelf for Boys and Girls but not sure of dates:

Here are some listings from eBay that actually sold:


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 13, 20170 found this helpful

Information on your set Book of Popular Science.

I believe eBay is still the best auction site but with sets like this Craigslist is probably a better idea for selling.

Here is what is currently listed on eBay :
And what recently sold


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
January 13, 20170 found this helpful

I could not find very much on this set:
1971 Grolier The University Society Encyclopedia

I did find similar items on eBay. Some are listed now and a few items were sold.

I am listing these sites as someone who is not very familiar with eBay may have difficulty finding items like this.

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April 17, 2018

I have a complete four volume set of, "The American Educator" in good condtion. Copyright 1897. Can you tell me, what is the approximate value of these books? Also, would it be better to sell them at auction, online (eBay), or just keep them?

Thank you.

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May 4, 2017

I have a copy of Chambers's Information for the People, volume 1. It is dated Edinburgh, 1857 and it is obviously an original copy. Is this worth getting it valued by an expert? Thank you.

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January 23, 2017

I have the full 20 volumes of this series: C.1901. How do I find the value?

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December 28, 2018

I have an 1858 first edition dictionary printed by Tiffany. Any idea of the value?

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December 11, 2017

I have a 1943 unabridged edition dictionary. I am wondering what it might be worth.

Value of 1943 Dictionary - front cover
Value of 1943 Dictionary

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November 28, 2017

I have a 1925 University of Washington alumni year book in excellent shape and am wondering what it is worth ? The book is in A+ condition.

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April 11, 2017

I have the above mentioned set minus 1. Volume 1 covers 1607-1674. It is very old, copyright 1887.

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April 19, 2015

I have a copy of the Oxford dictionary of quotations published in 1953. It is in good condition. Is this worth anything?

By Peter S.

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March 2, 2015

How do I find the value of complete sets of Grolier Universal Encyclopedias, The Book of Popular Science, The Lands and Peoples, and 2 books of The New Webster Dictionary of The English Language book 1-A-Resource, book 2 Respect-Zymurgy. They are 1960 and older.

By Sharon

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December 17, 2014

I have a 1932 Universal Dictionary, how much is it worth?

By Debbie M


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
December 20, 20140 found this helpful

You can search online, check craigslist, old book sites for information, etc. However, old books, dictionaries included, have little value as our computer age has most information instantly available online and always updated.

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