
Thinning Hair After a Hysterectomy?

September 15, 2008

Woman With Thinning HairI am wondering if there is anything that I can take or use that will help my hair grow thicker or longer. Ever since my hysterectomy my hair has gotten thinner and has slowed down on its growth some. I would like my hair to be longer and thicker then it is. Thanks for any help that you can give.


Cathy from Grand Rapids, MI


September 15, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

After my hysterectomy my hair fell out in clumps, myt doctor did tests to check thyroid and other things but turned out to be hormone related. I couldn't take hormonereplacement due to increased risk of heart disease and breast cancer. I strted taking prenatal vitamins which seemed to help. I tried alot of natural things to help stabilize hormones but in the end I think just giving your body time to heal was the best answer.
I would check with doctor to rule out any other causes such as thyroid.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
September 15, 20081 found this helpful
Best Answer

There is one thing that helps men who loose their hair due to male hormones, but I doubt it would work for women, but for around $12 it's worth a try. It called "Polysorbate 80" & it's a food additive, an emulsifier. It's use to mix oils with liquids in foods, so it also absorbs oils deep in the scalp, without drying it out)


You can buy the Polysorbate 80 at most health food stores (it's usually around $12 for 8 oz.) and massage this on to the area where you are loosing hair before every shampoo & leave it on for about 10 min before you shower. Then just wash your hair as usual. In men, the hair sometimes falls out because the hormones make oils in the scalp that go deep in to the roots of the hair shaft which smothers them. The Polysorbate 80 deep cleans these areas & lets the hair shaft breathe again. Like I said, I don't know if it will help you... But I thought I'd mention it because it can do great things with men's hair loss...

They also make a Rogaine for women (it's half the strength of mens) & this might also help. I had a friend who lost BIG clumps of her hair after her hysterectomy (she was only 34!) and this drove her totally mad, but finally it did start to grow back & is now normal. Her doctor said it was just the shock to her body of the operation & also the hormone change & some women's hair will grow back & some doesn't (many women loose chunks of hair after childbirth & it grows back) & he recommended lots of sleep & no stress & a good vitamin supplement.


There's a good chance your hair will grow back within the next year... But if for some reason it doesn't here's one of my favorite hair piece & wig sites. They sell these great hair pieces that are made to cover thinning hair in all forms. For great deals go to the bottom of the page where it says "INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE" These are wigs & hair pieces that are half price. They usually only have 1 or 2 colors left, but it's always worth the time it takes to look here! Once you know the color that matches your hair, it's easy. It can also be a lot of fun to look around here. They make a wonderful hair piece for women with super-thin hair. It looks kind of like a wig, but it has huge holes that you pull your own hair up through using a plastic crochet hook. This way, people see your real hair, but it's mixed with extra hair too... They also make a hairpiece that's hair on a headband. This is great for when you don't want to take the time to do your hair before leaving the house & want a quickie fix! It all depends on what area you are loosing your hair at. If you ever need any help with hairpieces, I know the scoop, as I've tried them all. You can write me here on ThriftyFun.



PAULA YOUNG WIGS: (discount wigs & hair pieces)

By BeckyinTexas (Guest Post)
September 15, 20080 found this helpful

I had the same problem. My doctor told me to eat more protein. I increased to average between 50 and 65 grams per day. It took about 3 months but now I have thick, healthy and shiny hair. It has worked for everyone who has tried it.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 64 Requests
September 16, 20080 found this helpful

After my hysterectomy, I was getting hot flushes, my hair was falling out and I looked a mess! Doctor put me on HRT and I have never looked back. At 53yrs old I don't even have many wrinkles (except a few around my eyes).


Probably will get post telling me about how horrible HRT is and how dangerous. but after 5 years and regular check ups, I seem to be ok.

By dyan (Guest Post)
September 16, 20080 found this helpful

Try flax seed oil (I take pill form). It's helped both my cousin (post baby) and myself.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 399 Feedbacks
September 16, 20080 found this helpful

Dermatologist told me that frequently after surgery, or other stressful events that hair falls out more than is normal.
He said there was nothing I could do.

By Debbie (Guest Post)
September 16, 20080 found this helpful

I would go to health food store and buy kelp. That is a natural source of Iodine. If it is your thyroid, this WILL help. Can't hurt either way.


Second, you may have yeast overgrowth of the scalp. Buy activa yogurt and eat one every morning. This worked for me after 2 weeks! : )

September 14, 20090 found this helpful

I've had huge hair loss for year and a half since my hysterectomy. It seems to have slowed now. My brother, Father and two grandfathers were/are bald, so I am assuming its the lack of female hormone; allowing male hormone to dominate, Just curious,to all the other women mentioned, Are the male members of their family bald? Could you let us know please?

April 4, 20160 found this helpful

Yes my father was bald and so was my mothers father and now I am loosing my hair quite quickly.

February 13, 20210 found this helpful

Hysterectomy can cause B12 deficiency. Also check your Iodine levels. Maybe check your Iron levels just to be sure.

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