
Removing Dried Urine in the Bathroom?

How do I get “crusted” urine off linoleum? I have been wiping it up every day or it seems that way. But there is a build up on my floor and on the front top of the toilet rim. Granted I don't have to look at it when I pee, but it's gross and I want it off.


By Raven from Sussex, WI


December 22, 20102 found this helpful
Best Answer

Soak a rag or paper towel in white vinegar, and let sit on the crusted areas over night if possible. Re-wet if necessary. Then scrub well. Repeat if needed. This removes hard water mineral encrustations in my bathroom, and the crusted urine is largely uric acid crystals. Hope this helps.

December 22, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

Hi there. A 5 gallon pail made with 2 cups vinegar (any kind will work, but the white kind leaves less of a vinegar smell) to 3 or 4 gallons of water will give you a cleaning agent 2nd to none. I have always used pine-sol for cleaning, but it doesn't do justice to the crusty urine stains.


The vinegar and water, left on the spot for about 10 minutes will help your mop suck it right up and rinse away in the tub. Then, of course, clean the tub!

December 22, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

If the other suggestions don't get it of completely, I might try to use a Magic Eraser. I buy the store brand, which work just as well as the major brand. I cut them down to smaller pieces, and throw them away after really gross jobs, but they are also really good for getting tea stains out of mugs and the like. Good luck!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

August 15, 2016

Okay my two boys and my bigger boy obviously don't know how to go to the bathroom in the toilet. I've cleaned the toilet over and over again and around the toilet and on the tile, but now I see that urine is behind the toilet on the wall near the baseboard. I can see that the baseboard has gotten warped.

I know I'm going to have to take the baseboard off and put a new one on but my question to you is how do I clean the wall/baseboard area before I put a new baseboard on? I was thinking of using straight bleach on that whole area and let it soak into the wall for a day or two or something?


February 12, 20172 found this helpful

I just read this entire thread, and I've got to share this: I wish I had known during my first marriage what I learned from my second husband. He is absolutely immaculate and leaves absolutely no residue behind. His mother taught him that before he flushes he must clean up any spray or misses by using toilet tissue to wipe the rim of the bowl, or anything else. It's a habit that serves him well.


Never is there any residue where it's not supposed to be. Every boy needs to be held responsible to leave no tracks behind. If you are tall and 'spray', then just sit down. Why should the wives and mothers be the ones who clean up after carelessness and bad habits? Or... can someone invent something that is better engineered for the male anatomy's convenience?

February 20, 20171 found this helpful

My husband worked for a company whose offices were in a former home. The company was owned by men. One day they had a meeting with the men and told that toilets were designed for sitting and urinals for standing. Since there were no urinals, the men were expected to sit.


I enjoy entertaining but I hate the idea that men drip and dribble or just plan miss, spreading urine about my home. Toilets are not meant for standing, despite the customs of the western world. There are designed for sitting, that's why they have a seat. The seat lifts up to make it easier to clean. It is not so men can spray it with urine.

April 21, 20170 found this helpful

My husband pees into an old plastic quart jar. Then he pours it out in the yard, or into the toilet. Then he rinses the jar. Eventually the jar gets ugly and he recycles it. Works fine!

July 25, 20173 found this helpful

Hate to tell everyone this, but I bought a ultraviolet flashlight for illuminating scorpions. (they light up bright green under the light), while looking for them in the bathroom I saw to my horror what I thought was an immaculate commode and area was full of splatter. (black light also lights up dried urine). If you want to see what a mess you have (even with a careful husband who wipes up after his use) try this flashlight.


Look up "scorpion flashlight" in Google. Mine cost me $12 on Amazon. Be prepared for a shock at what lurks in your bathroom! At least you will be able to see where you need to scrub. Hint: think 3-4 feet up all the way from the baseboard. You won't believe what you see. Happy cleaning!

March 10, 20190 found this helpful

BRILLIANTLY SAID!!! OMG! Yes, yes, you should post this on some public FB page or in a newspaper or send an email to a TV station!! It's a nightmare!!!

March 10, 20190 found this helpful

Amen to that!!!

April 20, 20200 found this helpful

Regarding men and NOT hitting the mark. It is healthier for their bladder to sit. When one sits the bladder tilts therefore enabling full emptying.


When standing full emptying does not occur, hence dribbling

December 26, 20200 found this helpful

This article amazes me & I'm posting to FB. How many man filled homes are there, all with invisible spots. Amazon here I come-On grossly intrigued to lurk where no ones gone b4. Snappy a swer/info!

December 26, 20200 found this helpful

Best info yet. Was actually seeking help removing urine stain from cutest blouse in closet (rodent) whilst stumbling upon urine of a different source. Hey, Amazon...I've got to see what is lurking in regular light. UV here I come-thanks!

May 31, 20210 found this helpful

That's how I am and how I raised my boys. I made a full-sized wall sign in print shop that says;
"If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie"
The boys hated that sign for years, but they acted on it.
Now they are grown with their own kids and have had me print up glossy copies to put in frames in their bathrooms. Print Shop has a great cartoon of a bashful pig peeing in a pot and looking back over it's shoulder.
Reminders build good habits.

February 24, 20220 found this helpful

This is disgusting. Just build an outhouse for him. Why have a nice modern bathroom? Is it female only.

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February 29, 2020

So apparently my cat has peed on my bathroom wall. You can only see it when a black light is on the spots; and it does not smell. I need to know how to get this off of my bathroom wall and baseboard. Please help!


February 29, 20200 found this helpful

I'd try pouring hydrogen peroxide on the spots. I don't think it would bleach paint or wallpaper, but check an inconspicuous spot first.

Or, make a paste with baking soda and water and use it like soap.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
March 1, 20200 found this helpful

Mix equal parts vinegar to equal parts water and then wet your rag and rub in a circular motion until stains are gone.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
March 3, 20200 found this helpful

There are several ways you can do this. I find that vinegar and baking soda made into a paste seem to work best for me. Rub this on the spot on the wall and clean the spot with fresh water when done. I


Gold Answer Medal for All Time! 617 Answers
March 8, 20200 found this helpful

cancel it out with a vinegar water mix. Cat urine is inherently basic so neutralising it with vinegar should work.

April 20, 20200 found this helpful

Tell them to clean it

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December 4, 2010

I have dried urine around the toilet bowl, how can I remove it? I have scraped with a knife, but can't kneel long enough to scrape it all off. What can I use?

By nanny from LA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 186 Feedbacks
December 4, 20100 found this helpful

Can't you put some water or cleaner of some kind on it to soak it loose, and then mop it up? However if there is caulking around the toilet, and the uring is on the caulking, you might have to scrape the old caulking off and put new down.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
December 6, 20100 found this helpful

I have had this problem when I cared for a hoarder. I used Watkins but you have to wear gloves and safety gear for your face seriously! It's hydrocloric acid and you can damage your skin, eyes and throat by breathing in or touching too much.
Then, use a wire brush if you still have to.

December 6, 20100 found this helpful

I would use rags or even paper towels soaked in vinegar. Keep spraying the cloth to keep it wet and wait a bit -- all should just wipe up then. Good luck!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
December 6, 20100 found this helpful

I doubt very much these are urine stains since you've already tried scraping them. It's more than likely that what you're trying to clean are permanent moisture stains that have seeped from below the linoleum. It's caused from even slight moisture that comes from the glue used to lay the linoleum and the backing itself. Sometimes these stains look like grayish dirt stains too.

Unless the linoleum is a couple of decades old or more if it doesn't come up from cleaning on the surface fairly easily then it is definitely the underlying seep stain coming to the surface and all you can do is live with it or replace it. This happens often and when it does happen it's almost always around the toilet and tub areas where the underlying moisture is coming from. I mention this because of past and current experience. No amount of scrubbing is going to remove linoleum moisture stains.

December 9, 20100 found this helpful

I agree with the other posts, if it's gotten into the caulking, you might have to replace the caulking. But urine is water soluable and should come off with soap and water. It can actually be sold on the internet. If it doesn't come up, then I don't think it's urine.

October 6, 20190 found this helpful

I tried using vinegar, but it didn't work. Nor did I expect it to. Going back to my chemistry classes acids and bases react to form salts and water. With urine being acidic (uric acid) it should react with a base to dissolve.

I took a wet paper towel and sprinkled baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) on it. I lightly dampened the baking soda and placed the paper towel, baking soda side on the stain, and let it sit for 30 minutes or so. Half the stain was gone and with a little wiping the remainder of the stain was gone.

You could just dampen the stain and sprinkle the baking soda on top. In my instance, using the paper towel was the better option.

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October 10, 2011

How do I remove urine stains from a plastic toilet seat? I have tried everything, even steam cleaning.

By Jo


October 11, 20110 found this helpful

I would just buy a new one, they're pretty cheap.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
October 11, 20111 found this helpful

Just get a new seat. They aren't expensive. If your stains are caused by medicine given for kidney infection the stains will never come out.

October 11, 20110 found this helpful

Try a magic eraser.

December 20, 20190 found this helpful

Use your toosth brush with toothpaste

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August 22, 2022

I have a little boy who is learning to use the potty. Can anyone give me a solution for cleaning the hardwood floor around the toilet? I find that I clean it everyday. He misses sometimes, so I just want to get the area clean and smell free.

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