
Back To School Breakfast Schedule

Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 51 Tips

We use to struggle with what to have for breakfast. The kids wanted poptarts every day (not nutritious enough for us) and the delay in deciding what they wanted was enough to make us miss the school bus!


My children have come up with a breakfast schedule and they posted it on the fridge. It works because they created it. They listed days of the week and the breakfast meal that will be served that morning. It looks something like this:

  • Monday: Toast or cereal
  • Tuesday: Bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter
  • Wednesday: Pop tart
  • Thursday: Egg (with cheese) or yogurt
  • Friday: Sausage and biscuit or breakfast sandwich.

This has saved our sanity and provided a more nutritious start to our day when we add a glass or milk and juice as well as our multi-vitamin.

Now if I could just get them the eat something besides turkey for lunch!

By Diana from Prospect, KY

Back To School Breakfast Schedule

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By Kathy (Guest Post)
August 23, 20060 found this helpful

My kids like the same things!! And always turkey for lunch! Geeze! I have got them to substitute for cheese and crackers or peanut butter crackers.

By Polly, Tucson, AZ (Guest Post)
August 24, 20060 found this helpful

We did something similar because cereal is just to expensive for our large family to be eatting every day. I do some breakfast preparations before bed each night so we can have something hot for breakfast the next morning. Our schedule looks something like this:
Monday: baked oatmeal
Tuesday: hard boiled eggs, toast, a piece of sausage
Wednesday: pancakes
Thursay: oatmeal "bar" (they get to pick their own toppings)


Friday: yogurt and bagels
Saturday: cereal of their choice
Sunday: eggs and sausage

By Lynda (Guest Post)
August 25, 20060 found this helpful

Thanks for the helpful ideas. I'm afraid our kids
became picky because we gave them too many options when they were smaller. My grandson has decided that he no longer likes beef, broiled/baked
chicken. Fast foods have done their parts to "do our kids in" with the added phosphates which I understand create addictions to whatever it is added!

One good way to get "other fruits" into them, is to add more and different fruit juice to the "punches" when they are not home. Another way to get more veggies into them is to make "better spaghetti sauce" with finely chopped/shredded fresh veggies they cannot recognize so easily (and don't be so "honest" about naming each and every one with your "great new creations").


Breakfast is fun to make with homemade omlettes
and favorite ingredients like real bacon bits, green peppers, light cheese, and salt.

Making baked flattened biscuits wrapped around/stuffed with diagonally sliced quick sauteed franks is an alternative.

Making "homemade granola" from left over cereals,
too small for a single serving, but together make
several servings, along with added raisins, dark choc.
chips, almonds, and shredded coconut is good for breakfast.

Adding an egg white or two to a homemade milk shake is easy to get more protein into them and to mix in well without detection, or inside a whipped Orange Juice Frosty. This is not a good breakfast idea, however, because eggs are sedatives, causing
unneeded drowsiness in the morning.

Kids LOVE "DEVILED EGGS", so why not for BREAKFAST
made by mom or kids the night before and chilled


for a quick breakfast?

Remember that BLT's for breakfast is great.

Pocket bread with egg salad and chopped celery is good for breakfast, too.

Cheese is not so good for them because it is too waxy, artificially colored, and a Mucogenic, causing sinus congestion in many. So don't rely so much on it, using it sparingly. Don't BUY what you know isn't so good for them.

Peanut butter is GREAT if not over used. Asking them to help peel fresh veggies, sampling them as you cut them up to cook, if edible when raw, is another great way to get some veggies down them.

Carrot cake with more than the avg. amount of carrots inside is helpful. Whipped carrots is a favorite at some of our local restaurants. I believe they add eggs and whipped cream to cooked carrots then bake, but not certain. They're great but sweeet.


Homemade oatmeal/darkchocolate cookies, coconut
cake, Ranch styled beans, Barbequed meats, homemade pizza with more finely chopped veggies added UNDER light cheese is well received. Rule: When enhancing foods, don't encourage anyone to be in the kitchen during preparation OR cooking time. Use Bouquet Garni often and sparsely. It is a good way to enhance flavors. Forget about Ms. Dash,
Accent, etc. because they often have added chemicals and are too strong for the kids.

I have a rule. I taught mine about watching the labels for grams of sugar. My rule is: nothing over
27 grams per serving. This rules OUT a LOT of JUNK
very quickly and places their own behavior as their
responsibility IF they break the house rules. You might want to concede a little, but it really makes a difference! We also have NO candy
and only a LITTLE overly sweet dessert occasionally.

(There isn't a candy made with "little" sugar, and sugar-free Sorbitol/Mannitol cause diarrhea,cramps and gas. Remember that too much sugar causes the child to CRAVE MORE sugar, not to mention be hyperactive. Even my 8 yr old grandson can tell it in himself right away, so don't let anyone tell you too much sugar has no effect on kids. That's bologna.)

Saute Spinach in light olive oil, always sear chicken bites in a small amount of peanut oil, and NEVER forget Southwest Cornbread with all the squashes, onions, and peppers added!

Kids love these things if cooked right. Once they
accept them and admit they taste good, let them
learn how to cook them and surprise them with the

Vegetable soups with a can of tuna, a little V-8 added and a bay leaf is an excellent way to get more nutrition into them.

Declare the reduction of all fried foods and stick to it. Let them choose some of the groceries out of your fresh selections, not from the freezer section. Familiarize them more with fresh veggies other than potatoes and corn, or boxed Mac/cheese carbs!

Use your food processor or cleaver to finely chop every sort of veggie "on sale" for salads or soups. Let them make "squash boats" with yellow and green
squashes and a sprinkling of cheese, butter and
onion salt with pepper or added sliced green peppers and green onions/tomatoes. Bake until

Allowing them to help with the preparation is one of my keys, then allowing them to sample what
"they" cooked, is using psychology. Fresh buttered beets is one of the best " flavor surprises" to most kids. Eating tiny asparagus RAW and cold is another. Steamed veggies is another, when most kids get canned. They're miles apart in flavor. Remind them of this as you start. Letting them add a tiny measure
of herbs helps them to feel they have "a secret ingredient", adding a little intrigue to their cooking
"treats". Good luck and God bless.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 263 Posts
September 15, 20060 found this helpful

Hopefully that Monday morning, where your kids opted for toast, they also got some peanut butter on it. Peanut Butter is a protein & will help fill them up till lunch time. Kids do better in school with a full tummy.

December 31, 20080 found this helpful

Thank your lucky stars they like turkey. Turkey is the most inexpensive meat, at least in the kosher section (I know kosher meat is way more expensive than non-kosher, but for all I know, turkey is the most expensive non-kosher meat instead of the least expensive). It's the one that's most likely to be lowest in fat, or even fat free. It's seldom processed with any weird chemical additives. Turkeys are seldom fed growth hormones. If you're keeping kosher, the deal is even better: turkey is about $2.50 to $3 a pound, while beef is around $8 a pound, and kosher cheese can be $8 to $10 a pound.

Peanut butter's a good price, but per serving, you're looking at maybe 10 grams of protein versus 30 grams of fat or more -- not such a good deal, nutritionally speaking, though it's fine in small doses or if your child's body fat is unhealthily low. I know, some foster kids come malnourished and you have to really work at it to get them to a healthy weight and body fat percentage; also, some genetic conditions or illnesses cause the body to have a hard time retaining a healthy level of body fat, so you have to add more, but these are RARE, and most people should keep a good lid on the amount of fat their kids consume.

I remember being given food and told, "This is your lunch. You eat it all. Don't share it, don't trade it, and don't eat anyone else's lunch." It never occurred to me to disobey my parents, at least in the realm of food. TELL your children, don't just expect them to know what they should and shouldn't be eating.

September 7, 20141 found this helpful

Good God! Does anyone act like a parent anymore? You make the breakfast and put it in front of them. If they complain, you say, "This isn't a restaurant. Eat it or go hungry." How simple is that?

Why do you, as the adult, negotiate with your children over breakfast? Do they argue over brand of toilet paper while you're in the grocery store? Do they negotiate over gas stations because they like a certain logo?

I don't understand wasting YOUR time and energy over non-negotiables. Your time is filled and you're exhausted from raising them, but you make it multiples harder by doing this, not to mention raising "picky" children who don't learn to eat what's put in front of them, and learn to try everything. They won't die if you make the decision and act as the parent. That is how you make your life easier, ma'am. And it develops character, which your children are already sadly lacking.


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