
Walking Your Cat With a Leash

When putting a cat, or kitten outside it's best to get a leash. Many cats and kittens have been stolen, hurt, hit by cars or they run away. My cat Molly has always been walked with a leash and she loves it.

By Barbara

A black cat that enjoys being walked on a leash.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 22, 20051 found this helpful

Hi Barbara,

My Mom has always taken her cats on a walk ... with a harness and leash! Unfortunately my kitties (rescue) have come to me as adults and too late to leash train.

They love looking out the windows though. If I ever find a kitten, he/she will be leash trained! How much fun to walk!

Northern Virginia

By Carol (Guest Post)
November 23, 20050 found this helpful

I had another cat that I could take outside on a leash, but the one I have now wont tolerate it. I got her as a kitten, but she just wouldnt let me put it on her. I tried everything. She is 12 yr old now and a housecat.. This past summer I had the idea to try letting her out on my big deck in the back of my house. (I live in the country so there isnt a lot of simulation...just I was able to keep her on the deck..just like a dog!


When I told her to come in the house, she'd come right in! Rarely, I would need to spray my hose outside the deck railing and it was enough to make her go inside. I never sprayed her with it... You cant take your eyes off them though. they're like toddlers... You just never know when a squirrel or another cat might come by... smile


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 453 Feedbacks
November 25, 20050 found this helpful

I tried that with my new kitten but she wouldn't ever do it she's hated it all along, any advice about that? Thanks!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
March 7, 20060 found this helpful

Well I had my AllieMae for 10 years and she was
a tortishell cat, so beautiful but stubborn. She refused the leash from the onset but she loved


baths and would leap form sink to the top of shower rail and into the shower and we finally learned to leave it ajar for her to join me or hubby and she
loved to bathe alone in tub.
Molly looks so sleek give her a kittyhug and kiss
from me.

May 10, 20101 found this helpful

I trained mine by putting the leash on him for a short period of time each day, building it up slowly. He got used to it and loved his walks. I would pick up the harness and leash and shake it and he would come running,lived to be 20


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
February 19, 20121 found this helpful

We're fostering a rescue cat (aged six years) and have trained him to the harness and leash for his new furever family. They'll be able to have him with them in late spring and have really enjoyed the blog showing his training and progress:)


We started him off just putting the harness on him for five minutes, two or three times a day, and worked up to leaving the harness on for longer periods whilst taking him out to the back garden. He hated it at first, yowling, twisting, lying down, etc. But now he understands it is the only way he is going to go outside, so when he sees the harness come off the hook by the door, he runs to have it on:)

His new furever family was thrilled to know we would train him because they've lost other cats to outside accidents, injuries, illness. His brother was killed by a car crossing the country road near his former home (where they'd been abandoned) so he was going to be an inside kitteh anyway. On the harness he has outside time but is safe.

Keeping a cat indoors is better for the cat. An indoor cat isn't run over by cars, attacked by other animals including two-legged ones, exposed to parasites or contagious diseases. Indoor cats live longer.


But getting them outdoors on a harness and lead gives them a bit of the excitement cats seem to crave.

April 21, 20190 found this helpful

Yes, cats living indoors is much safer and much healthier for a cat. Its worth it for the peace of mind. I tried taking Lucy out several years ago, but she enjoyed the grass SO MUCH, we didnt get very far. Loud car noises spooked her, after that, so we stopped. But I just bought her a pet stroller, which she loves! Shes a CKD terminally ill kitty, so this makes her life have JOY!

February 19, 20120 found this helpful

I only allow our cat outside wearing her harness and cat leash. She loves it because she likes to be outside on a sunny day and she gets excited when I get the harness out and ask her if she wants to go out. It took a little while to get her into it but now it's fine and if at times she refuses to wear it she must not want to go out so I give up and forget about putting her out.


She is safe and secure and she roams the length of the clothes line she is harnessed to.

February 23, 20200 found this helpful

Lulu use to run in the neighborhood at our previous home and it was a area safe of traffic.....then we moved, not such a safe area for her. At that point she was 5 years old and never knew a tether or harness and leash. Took to it right away. She is more than eager for me to put it on her, she knows she gets to hangout in the yard with me or go for a short walk. She is now 10. I was very surprised that a cat that was once on her own for running around took to the halter, leash and tether. And she walked on the leash from the first, never flopped on the ground!


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