
Identifying Household Bugs?

How do I kill tiny bugs that I keep finding everywhere? They look like fruit flies, but don't fly. They seem to be around the house in food areas, but also in non-food areas.


They are easy to catch. They don't jump and they don't bite me.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 19, 20191 found this helpful
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You basically have two choices for this. You can put out some sticky flypaper to trap them on or use a spray to kill them with. I would use the sticky flypaper or make a homemade bug trap to trap them with. I have made some of these in the past and they work very well. Here is a site that can help you make one to trap the bugs in your home.

December 19, 20190 found this helpful
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Sometimes these little no-see-ums are attracted to water and they like anywhere that is damp. Many times the come from potted plants, if there is a damp area in the bottom part of the planter. They will fly into other rooms. In order to get rid of them I would get rid of any moisture in the area. I have had success with buying Listerene mouthwash, or even vinegar and spraying them. Either way, they will be clean ad have fresh breath!


---Have a wonderful day!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

May 14, 2021

Does anyone know what this bug is? It's brown/black with white spots. I can't seem to find it anywhere. We have found one at a time around the house, every day or so.

Can anyone help? Location UK

A small brown/black bug.
A small brown/black bug.
A small brown/black bug.
A small brown/black bug.
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February 10, 2020

I find these tiny bugs in my bed sometimes and I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of bug it is. I would really appreciate the help so I can get rid of them.

A small bug on a bed.
A small bug on a white surface.


February 10, 20200 found this helpful
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Sorry to tell you that those are bedbugs, and thy are very difficult to get rid of. I know that is what they are b/c my mom currently has them. (Long story) If you rent, check your local statutes and/or lease. I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere, but the landlord may be responsible for treatment.


You will probably need to get them treated professionally to get rid of them, as like I said they are a very stubborn problem to treat. Sorry you have to go through that it's no fun and the bites will drive a person bananas.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
February 11, 20200 found this helpful
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This is a bed bug and needs to be professionally treated in order to get rid of them. You need to contact the landlord to report this because they more than likely came from another unit. The entire complex needs to be treated in order to get rid of them. They travel from one unit to another and they are hard to get rid of.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
February 11, 20201 found this helpful
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The pattern on the back look like it is tan/brown/black which is indicative of carpet beetles. Normally you can get rid of them with a good vacuuming and if you are able, steam cleaning. Hopefully that will eliminate the issue.


Post back with an update.

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March 26, 2020

Any idea on what these are ? They are on my windowsill.

Identifying Small Two Tone Bugs - oval black or brown and tan bug
Identifying Small Two Tone Bugs


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 26, 20201 found this helpful
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This pattern is consistent with the common carpet beetle. They eat fibers and such. Typically harmless. Vacuum them up, seal cracks in window sills and doors and around the foundation and do a deep cleaning and they should go away.


A few usually are not a worry. If you start to see dozens and dozens, you may need to have a professional look.

Prayers for easy solutions.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 30, 20201 found this helpful
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What I have found is they come in (breed in) from places like bird nests or piles of brush (dead leaves).

When we cleared the perimeter of our house and when the one tree that had nests was empty, we removed that all and that stopped the issue. It also helped some with our ongoing ant problem so that was a bonus!

If you have trees or brush near windows or doors, start there clearing it out. That seems to be the best line of defense!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 31, 20201 found this helpful
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Usually they come from when you have a lot of dead leaves and other brush around the perimeter of your home or building. Also if there are a lot of bird nests around (either new or abandoned). They like to gather there.


When we cleaned up all the dead leaves and old bird nests form around our entire house it really helped. Plugging up the gaps helps too...when we finally got new windows 10 years ago that made a difference also!


Gold Answer Medal for All Time! 617 Answers
March 31, 20201 found this helpful
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This looks like carpet beetle. Carpet beetles like light & found near light fixtures, window sills, etc. IT's actually the carpet beetle larvae that cause the most damage - not the adult carpet beetles, so to rid yourself of the problem, you should look in the dark areas for larvae and clean that out.

You should be concerned about carpet beetles because they can cause lots of damage to not just carpets but also clothes, stores of grain, bed sheets, curtains, and many natural fabrics, such as furniture coverings.

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March 4, 2021

Is it a bed bug shell. I find them all the time on the floor. It looks like it has small eggs inside. Creepy

A shell or casing from an insect.
A shell or casing from an insect.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 440 Answers
March 4, 20211 found this helpful
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Maybe it's shed skins of carpet beetle larvae.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
March 4, 20210 found this helpful
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My guess is that it is Carpet Beetle Larvae, they are not dangerous humans, but they love to destroy fibers.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
March 4, 20210 found this helpful
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Odd shape but resembles moth casings.
You should try to find out where these are coming from as no matter what type of insect this is, it is eating something in your house. Whether it is clothes, carpets or other stuff this bug is eating to survive. You may find more in your closets.

It is not a bed bug so put that thought away.
I would suggest you send your pictures/question to your county extension office and ask for help. They can usually identify insects and also tell you what to look for and what to do about removing them from your home. You will need to add the approximate size and rooms they are found in.

This is another good site that helps ID bugs.

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July 25, 2021

I'm having trouble trying to figure out what kind of bug this is. I only find it in the night in the same spot when my dog barks at it. I'm assuming it might be termites?

A small bug on a floor.
A small bug on a floor.

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I need help finding out what critters these are. They have been in my vacant room for months. Came back to visit my mother and my room accumulated these critters. I set a trap of sugar water crystal, they took a liking. I've provided pictures very close up and far so you can see the size. Only found one of those brown egg casing. Can anyone help?Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?


They tend to be in bed under fitted sheet and under dirty clothes. As well as in corners of room covered by wood furniture but not termites I assume as wood hasn't been affected.

Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
Critters in Crevices in Bedroom?
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March 13, 2021

Hello, I have found these first in the light fixture of my newly rented apartment. They were all dead. From the tiniest baby bugs that appeared orange, to older deep orange/red looking to dark brown grown bugs. Their tummies appear quite round. I have now found one crawling up my curtain.A small orange brown bug.


Should I be worried? Thank you very much in advance!

A small orange brown bug.
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April 5, 2020

Does anyone know what kind of bug this is found if in my moms car.

Identifying a Tan Bug - gray tan bug


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 425 Answers
April 11, 20200 found this helpful
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It looks like a dust-covered bee.

April 12, 20200 found this helpful
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Thanks I found out its a drone bee

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March 29, 2021

I found this on my bed - was very tiny and looked greyish, striped and round. My friend who came over is currently doing a disinfestation of bed bugs at her house so I'm a bit paranoid it could be a bed bug?

A tiny round bug on a white fabric surface.

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June 10, 2021

What are these bugs? They are on the windowsills and around the baseboard.

Small black bugs on a white painted surface.
Small black bugs on a white painted surface.
Small black bugs on a white painted surface.

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November 3, 2019

I found these bugs on the back of my couch, nowhere else yet. Does anyone have any idea of what they are?

Identifying Household Bugs - brown and tan bugs
Identifying Household Bugs


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 320 Answers
November 3, 20190 found this helpful
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These look like carpet beetle larvae. Here's an article with pictures (the first one is adult; scroll down for the larvae).


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 14, 20190 found this helpful
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These do look like carpet beetles, but before you go spraying stuff which can damage your furniture, try vacuuming up all you can see then using a steam cleaner to give the piece a good cleaning (provided that you can clean the piece with a steam cleaner). Call where you go the couch if you are not sure (OR a store that sells like pieces to make sure it is OK to steam clean).

Spraying insecticides on furniture is not a good idea as the residue can not only stain/damage/ruin the furniture, but can cause harm to the people who sit there down the road.

Most of the time with these creatures a good vacuuming and steam cleaning gets rid of the problem.

Also go around the outside of your house (or if an apartment--ask the landlord to do this) and get rid of any yard debris like dead leave etc. This is their first attraction, then they move into the house for more food and warmth.

Eliminating outside attractions and being sure to plug up holes and cracks in the walls/foundations/spaces in windows etc. also goes a long way to stopping the issue.

Post back with updates!

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August 26, 2022

These bugs crawl very fast, up walls, my furniture, on the floor. They are shiny and black. What are they?

A black bug on a wooden surface.
A black bug on a wooden surface.

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December 31, 2021

Hi! Could someone help me figure out what time if bug/insect this is? I have only found them on the top of my kitchen table and I found one on the top of my bed sheet. I dont think it's bed bugs because I haven't found them anywhere else and searched my bed with a fine tooth comb nor do I have any bites on me.

Any advice would be great!

A small brown bug on a fingertip.
A pile of bedding with a bug on it.
A small brown bug on some bedding.
A small brown bug on some bedding.
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June 24, 2021

I keep finding these really small bugs across my laptop screen and my table. I've found one on my skin as well (ew!). I've developed lots of small red bumps across my skin and think whether this bug could be the reason?A tiny bug on a computer screen.


I checked for bed-bugs but other then red bumps on my skin, could NOT find any other identifying things (such as red spots on bedsheet).

Bumps have been itching like crazy :(

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August 8, 2020

Does anyone what is this bug? it is very tiny and small. hardly being seen by eyes. I zoomed in camera to got this picture. They bite my wife legs and hands. Our house was recently renovated in full 2-3 months before they showed up.

Our furniture are new. We have used "Home Defense Insect Killer Max" in house, no 100% success yet.

A picture of a tiny narrow bug on a white background.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 8, 20200 found this helpful
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The bug is called by several names one is sandflies, the other is no see um. This is a fly that belongs to the Ceratopogonidae family. They are much smaller than mosquitos and much more deadly and destructive. When they bite you they end up pulling a small piece of your skin out and this forms a water type blister on your skin. They are horrible and fill up with water and itch like crazy. Sandflies are very hard to get rid of and they mostly come out in the warmer months of the year. One way to get rid of them to get rid of all unsealed water containers around your yard. There is a special screen you can put on your windows and screen door that will prevent them from entering your home. I would also go out and buy some mint oil and apply it to your skin several times a day. They hate the smell of this oil and it makes it hard for them to bit through the oil. We use that in the tropic when they come out during our summer months.

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