
Treating a Dog's Rash

July 1, 2011
Looking at Dog's Rash

My dog does not do well at the vet's, but she gets a wicked rash every summer. It is red and scaly and seems uncomfortable. Instead of a trip to the vet (which involves sedation for her, and frayed nerves for me), I tried applying athlete's foot cream daily, then put an old T-shirt on her to keep her from ingesting the medicine. It clears up this rash quite effectively.


The shirt probably keeps her from scratching herself raw and places a barrier between her and the grass/bugs that might have caused the rash.

By jules78 from PA

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 6, 2019

What is this on my dog? I see him licking his paws and private area a lot.

Please help.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
September 7, 20190 found this helpful

It could be Demolex mites-rash,walking dandruff,flea allergy. Caution-Demolex can be passed to other pets and family.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 7, 20190 found this helpful

I understand you can't afford vet care.

Crowd sourcing for medical advice (for people or pets) can be very dangerous for your pup and if someone gives you wrong info you could make things worse or even have tragic results. I have seen this happen so I really strongly urge you to seek professional advice from a vet.


Will your vet answer a question over the phone for free or maybe look at a photo? Our vet is very good with that and perhaps can give you an over the counter and inexpensive treatment.

Ask your vet if they will offer a payment plan or discount if you need to take him in. Many will work with you. There are also reduced cost clinics in most big cities if you are near one.

The last resort for money to pay is set up a small Go Fund Me request. People are very willing to help especially when a pet is involved.

Please post back with an update. Healing prayers for your pup!!

September 9, 20190 found this helpful

It could be grass or weed allergy, or yeast infection or hot spots. Next time try Benadryl for babies or half water n vinegar n soak areas n let air dry if yeast. If hot spots use cotton pads soaked in witch hazel n apply as many times a day or spray on 1/2 peroxide n 1/2 water as dog permits.


N also with all the above Id use non brand Neosporin to help heal but if it was my dog she would lick all the Neosporin off !

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November 6, 2009

My dog has a brown rash in between his legs. I have no idea what it is, does anyone know?

By Briana from Escondido, CA


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
November 10, 20090 found this helpful

Can't tell without seeing it. Sounds like allergy. Very healing and natural is willards water xxx in spray. No poison flea shampoo. That collects in liver and kidneys.check internet for dosage of WW xxx in drinking water. i order the real stuff from qualified distributor


Do not order from yahoos who have already diluted the concentrate. 2 ounces of concentrate into gallon of good water. See my previous posts for borax in carpets should you have flea problem.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
November 10, 20090 found this helpful

Hello, Your Veterinarian will certainly know. Please take your fur baby in for a checkup. Good luck


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 59 Requests
November 10, 20090 found this helpful

I agree with K9cats. Take him to the vet.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 170 Posts
November 11, 20090 found this helpful

Our dog had a rash that never bothered her but would not go away. We took her to the vet. It turned out that she hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid. Good luck.

November 26, 20090 found this helpful

Boil peelings of 4 potatoes on the stove for 20 min.
Drain and cool. Spray water on dog's stomach.

It worked for the scaley, itchy patch on my horse at the base of his tail.


I got this remedy from an old horseman. Worth a try.

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November 2, 2018

My 3 year old English Mastiff has been having ear problems, with black watery smelly goo. I clean them everyday with cotton swabs and cotton balls. I started feeding her oatmeal and she loves it. Her ears have cleared up and I only have to clean them every few days. She woke up two days ago with a rash on her back. It appeared as blackhead type dots on her skin and developed into pustules.

This morning she woke up and is covered in these bumps, they are not only on her back they are on her neck, belly, legs, and starting to go up to her head. I don't have the money to take her to the vet. It came on so suddenly, I don't know what to do. Any ideas of what it might be? Thank you!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 2, 20180 found this helpful

If you dont have the money for a vet, take the dog to the Hunane Society or the ASPCA. Any change in the dogs skin should be looked at by a vet.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 2, 20180 found this helpful

Any skin changes need to be checked by a vet. Talk to your vet about a payment plan or see if they have a free care fund. Prayers for your pup. Please post back with an update.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 111 Answers
November 3, 20180 found this helpful

It may be a fungus called malassezia. My dog has the same thing. You'll need an ear wash with an antimicrobial and a biofilm treatment. I treated my dog for years with antifungals which worked for a few days. Then I came upon a youtube video about biofilms. The biofilm which is made up of bacteria and fungus prevents the antifungal treatment from reaching the fungus completely. The biofilm treatment that I use is called trezEDTA which is in an ear wash and a shampoo. I get it from the chewy website. Warm the ear wash before using it. Use the shampoo for bathing. You can also dab the ear wash on the blackhead looking spots. I would stop the oatmeal because the fungus likes carbohydrates. Be prepared that the small blackhead looking things will turn into larger dark spots.


Just keep after them with the treatment. Also, only use dog shampoo because the ph of the skin is important in fighting the fungus. My dog had it in his ears but it broke out on his body after I used human shampoo. There may be home remedies which you can try first but none of them worked for me. depending on how severe the ear discharge is you may need to flush it with the ear flush twice a day. If the waxy ear discharge gets stuck in the fur at the opening to her ear it will get hard and take forever to dissolve in the tub. I put a glob of Vaseline on it which softens it. Then you can use a comb to comb out most of it before washing her fur. Good luck.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
November 8, 20180 found this helpful

definitely you shoudl consult with a vet. A skin colour change is a very dire circumstance.

some vets offer payment plans and some mobile vet units actually visit low income areas. SOmeone should be able to help

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July 22, 2018

My Lab has a sand rubbed rash between her toes after the beach. Can I use diaper rash medicine and wrap it so she doesn't lick.

It is not an allergy, she just didn't get her feet rinsed after a long day of play. Please help with suggestions.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 22, 20180 found this helpful

You can use witch hazel or coconut oil.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
July 23, 20180 found this helpful

Poor pup! Sending up healing wishes!

Check with your vet before using any topical so they can confirm it is OK (they should do this for free over the phone). If you are on vacation, next best thing is to ask the hotel for a vet recommendation and call them. I always do this because they know what is harmful and what is safe for your fur baby.

We got the OK to use Mushers Secret when our boy has paw is not cheap, but it really helps him with his various and sundry issues.

If you have to use a clear "cone of shame" for a few days, that would prevent the licking, but also makes them so sad and frustrated. The clear ones are a little better than the old fashioned opaque ones...but still.

Hope your pup heals quick and can get back to the beach!

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April 8, 2016

My Beagle has had skin problems since I got her. Now she has inflamed feet and boil kinda things on her feet and one on her nose. Please help.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
April 9, 20161 found this helpful

Your poor very uncomfortable dog! Vet treatment can be expensive, however, letting a medical problem continue without proper medical treatment will only become more expensive and your dog's problem will continue to worsen.

Please take her to your vet now to assess the problem and start treatment to relieve her suffering!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
April 11, 20160 found this helpful

Definitely take her into the vet. The boils may need antibiotics and there may be other infections.

My Chow Chow had a very bad skin condition around the first of the year. We tried to treat it at home and she wound up very sick indeed. We wound up shaving her entirely, treating a very bad ear infection, goopy eyes and several hot spots that she couldn't leave alone. She had to wear her cone regularly for weeks. It was much more expensive and difficult than if we had gone in when it first became a problem.

We are now shampooing her regularly (1x month) with medicated shampoo and keeping her well brushed. We are also on top of her flea medications, which seem to be her trigger for hot spots.

Good luck, I hope your dog is feeling better soon. It was so hard to see my Honey without her happy spirit and spunk.

April 20, 20180 found this helpful

Do you guys ever answer the question that's asked? Not all vets got the answers so that's why people ask online.

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September 14, 2015

I am curious if I can put the mineral directly on my dog's coat?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
September 16, 20150 found this helpful

You didn't tell us what the mineral is, so it is hard to say. Be sure to check with a Vet. You need to know what you are treating to choose the right medicine. Don't experiment with your dog, you could end up with a bigger Vet bill by choosing badly. Not to mention the possible pain for your dog.

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June 16, 2005

My female Bassett hound has developed a rash all over her belly. It is the first year she has ever had this. She is eating the same food and drinking the same water. All of a sudden she has red blotches and bumps on her belly and under her little arms.

I took her to the vet and he said that he has had 10 other Bassett hounds like this but failed to know the answer. He was going to call a dermatologist for pets but I have not heard a response. I live in the deep south and the heat is very hot. I have tried everything: calamine lotion, triple antibiotic and others.

Does anyone a home remedy that is affective.

Thanks and help please,



August 27, 20140 found this helpful

My basset developed a very similar rash. I tried many things but finally found that giving him one benadryl 25 MG tablet twice a day took it away and also cleared up his eye gunk and a ras under his neck. It has because a part of his daily diet.

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January 12, 2011

My female Bassett hound has developed a rash all over her belly. It is the first year she has ever had this. She is eating the same food and drinking the same water. All of a sudden she has red blotches and bumps on her belly and under her little arms.

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