
Value of a Vintage CorningWare Covered Dish?

Value of a Vintage CorningWare Covered Dish - covered casserole dishI have a 5 qt A-5-B, CorningWare dish. It has the lid and there are no chips. It is from a set of 3 with the spice sayings on front: L' Echolote, La Marjolaine, and Le Romarin. I have only one of these. What is this dish worth?


Value of a Vintage CorningWare Covered Dish
Value of a Vintage CorningWare Covered Dish

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January 12, 20201 found this helpful
Best Answer

I don't know.
I would put them at $150 for the set,but if thy are older I would up the price.

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April 22, 20230 found this helpful

I just got one

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
January 13, 20204 found this helpful
Best Answer

This is a popular and plentiful pattern!!

The 5 qt size sell regularly from 12.99 to 15.99 dollars on eBay (some with seller paid shipping, some with buyer paid shipping).


This selling price is very consistent and is a SOLD value, not an asking price.

I know there has been a whole bunch of misinformation floating about that these are worth thousands. One story had them pegged in the 7,000 dollar range.

I did a spit take with my coffee on that one. It is (sadly) TOTALLY FALSE!

High sold values on eBay are usually a scam or money laundering or, as a reseller friend just suggested to me over the weekend, that there are dishonest writers/reporters out there who are creating these high sale auctions for common pieces so they can write click-bait articles for the web. That sounds very possible since clicking is money.

Ignore the mis-information and take this as fact. I have been reselling for most of my life and this is the true value of these pieces in today's resell market!

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March 7, 20200 found this helpful

I totally disagree. 1st generation Corning Ware is actually highly collectible, and are worth anywhere from $200-$2000. They are considered vintage, and baby boomers are collecting them now because it reminds them of their childhood. And the true value depends on the stamp underneath the dish. And I have actually sold some original Quart sized dishes for $500+.


They are only worth what people are willing to pay for them, and right now, people are willing to pay hundreds to thousands for them. Who are you to say that they're not worth anything??

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 7, 20200 found this helpful

It's money laundering or click bait writers baiting the auctions.

This misinformation keeps spreading because everyone wants to think their everyday items are going to help them retire.

I ask you with all due respect to please stop spreading the misinformation. The only people getting rich when this information spreads are the money launderers and click bait writers.


Thank you!

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
January 13, 20202 found this helpful
Best Answer

After a person wrote a blog post about CorningWare being worth $7000 or more we have seen tons of posts here on the site asking about how much their item is worth. In reality nobody will pay $7000 for this item because there are still so many of them around. The real asking price for items like this range from 9 to 35 dollars. Average being around 15 dollars.

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March 7, 20200 found this helpful

That's simply not true. I have screen shots from Ebay, of SOLD Corning Ware dishes, that have sold for $500 all the way up to $6000. Its a FACT, people ARE paying this.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
March 7, 20200 found this helpful

This is one of many debunking articles:

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
March 16, 20230 found this helpful

ttps:// This is a full set priced reasonably. It also has the same casserole dish as your photo shows.

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