
Repelling Mosquitoes

March 19, 2012

Mosquito on someone's skin.Use Listerine mouthwash in a spray bottle. Spray your chair, blanket, and surrounding area. Mosquitoes stay away.

By grmama from WI


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July 17, 2008

At least in my part of the world, this seems to be a particularly bad summer for mosquitoes. Lots of different flowers and herbs are said to repel mosquitoes and other insects by their strong smell.

Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes


June 19, 2009

While reading your posts about the treatment of bug bites, I remembered a mosquito bite prevention I found out 33 years ago.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
July 26, 2010

I sprayed my exposed skin with lavender bed linen spray. That was last night and I tried it again this morning and I have not a one, none whatsoever, mosquito bites.


February 3, 2014

I have been using Avon's Skin So Soft for many years in the summer to repel mosquitoes when I golf or work in the garden.


July 6, 2010

I eat a clove of garlic and dab a few drops of patchouli oil on myself and am not bitten by mosquitoes. This will last for three days on me.


I have tried without patchouli since I eat garlic anyway. The bugs bit me.


July 26, 2018

Mix blue mouthwash with epsom salts and spray your yard and decks before your next bbq or pool party (or just sitting on the porch) to keep the mosquitos away


29 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 55 Requests
July 16, 2010

Has anyone every tried the homemade remedy for repelling mosquitoes using Listerine? If so, does it really work? I tried it and it didn't seem to work. How is it made?

By Linda Delcamp from Brighton, MI


July 21, 20100 found this helpful
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It did not work for me either. I diluted it at first, didn't work. Then sprayed it full strength, maybe worked for less than five minutes, then had to spray again.

July 21, 20100 found this helpful
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I have tried it and have found that it does work, The key thing to remembe is you want to use the green colored listerene not the goldish looking kind, the ingredent that does the trick is the eucalyptis and th menthol. Other brands work as good likes scope or even generic.


Spray as needed on clothing or skin and even outdoor items you will be around, like window sills, chairs, etc. Also works wonderfully on mosquito bites, just add some to a cottonball and dabble on the bite, immediately stops itchig and starts healing quicker too.

August 9, 20100 found this helpful
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I have been using listerine for mosquito for awhile now and I am amazed at how good it works. I would use it at family gatherings, spray my back yard before people would arrive and no one would complain about being bit at all, it really works. I didn't believe it would work at first but now I am a believer.

June 14, 20160 found this helpful
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Mix Listerine with fresh squeezed lemon juice....or just rub lemons on wonders..I can't remember what parts but will try to find my recipe and get back to you...Avon Skin So Soft used to work the best...but the skeeters are outgrowing it or it's made different...doesn't seem to work anymore..but lemon feels good and smells good and WORKS...

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November 4, 2020

I believe it's an Asian Tiger mosquito but not too sure. Ive been getting bites all over inside my bedroom for the past few days.

I'm in SoCal, any help is appreciated, thanks!

A small mosquito on a white surface.
A bite mark from a mosquito.
A small mosquito on a white surface.
A small mosquito on a white surface.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
November 4, 20200 found this helpful
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I am not really sure if this is an Asian Tiger mosquito but it sure is a mosquito for sure. They are horrible when they do bite and it looks like you might be a little allergic to these bits from the size of the bite on your arm. I would go to the store and get a bottle of mint oil and keep applying this to your skin all the time. It will prevent the bugs from biting you because they hate the smell of the oil and they don't land on you.


You might need to go to a doctor and get some medication for this. My grandson is very allergic to these types of bites and he swells up something bad. I normally have to get him some allergy medication when he is here and keep him bathed down in mint oil so they don't bite him. I normally apply it to his skin around 4 times a day and especially at night when he sleeps. This keeps them off of him and stops them from biting him.

November 4, 20200 found this helpful
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Hello sorry for your troubles!! Insects can be very pesky and resilient:( but I have put together a few things about it so that maybe I can help!



* Camphor. Camphor is a natural home remedy that will assist in getting rid of mosquitoes around your house or apartment.

*Use citronella torches or candles to keep bugs away from small areas outside, such as a porch or deck. Fans can blow winds strong enough to disperse mosquitoes outdoors. Electrocuters, or mosquito zappers, use heat and carbon dioxide to attract and kill mosquitoes.(the reason for the outdoor tips as well is because if you limit the outside population then they will most likely recognize your house as a unpreffered climate and move on somewhere else)

*Remove any water-filled containers like old tires, food containers and buckets from your yard. Keep mosquitoes from breeding in bird baths, pet water dishes and plastic wading pools by emptying them at least once a week.


*Clothing: Loose-fitting garments will minimize skin exposure and feeding sites


* First off I'd like to share a link to a picture of what on looks like:

*Asian tiger mosquitoes are black with silvery white markings. The best way to identify this species is by the single median silver-white stripe from its head down the center of its back, as well as its striped black and white legs.


*Apply an anti-itch lotion
*Use a cool or warm compress to the affected area for short periods at a time,
*Put some toothpaste (with menthol) over the bite.

Well I hope this was useful best of wishes with it!!


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
November 8, 20200 found this helpful
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It is difficult to really offer very much other than general information because the most important thing you can do is find out how these are getting into your bedroom and since we do not know if you live in an apartment building or if you are living where you have a yard so suggestions may/will differ.
It is nice to know how to treat the bites but it would be much better to eliminate the bites altogether.

If you live in an apartment I can only suggest that you check all screens and doors leading outside to make sure they do not have even the tiniest hole or gap as these can come in through even ordinary screens. If you open any windows you may have to buy the screens that are made for this purpose or even the screen to fit over your regular screens.
Be sure you do not have any 'standing' water in your home as they do need water (and blood) to live.
Fact: Males usually live for about a week, while females can live for a few months - if they have a host (for blood). Also; only females bite. Does it matter? - not that I can tell.
The biggest fact that I know of is there are thousands of different types of mosquitoes and these can be found all over but knowing the name of the mosquito may be nice but is not relevant to the problem. They all look alike to me.
Just use Google to see a few of the types:

Here is a link to CDC about these annoying insects and some useful tips:

Sometimes a 'solution' can be as annoying (smell) as the insect but not as long lasting maybe.
My son mixes a few drops of Tea Tree Oil in a spray bottle that he uses when he is working outside and this works for him and is actually okay for the skin (not a 'bad' smell).
Some people use citrus and the old timers used Camphor Oil either straight or mixed with water to keep bugs away and to heal bites/pain. Most farms had a camphor tree and you rub the leaves on your skin to release the oil. I'm not too fond of the camphor or sulfur smells.
If you have a yard outside your windows then you'll have to be sure there is no standing water in even the smallest areas as they multiply quickly.
Someone told me several years ago that I could add used coffee grounds to stagnant water and it would kill the mosquito eggs and when doing this research, I found this was also one of the 'solutions'. I had a small ditch where water was trapped and I tossed all of my coffee grounds into the ditch and it solved my problem.

If you need to know more you can always contact your county extension agency and ask them because they will know what type of mosquitoes are prevalent in your area.

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June 2, 2010

How do I keep mosquitoes away from you?
Thank you.

By mary babo from AZ


June 2, 20100 found this helpful

Try Avon Skin So Soft. For some reason mosquitoes don't seem to like it

June 2, 20100 found this helpful

Go to the pharmacy & ask for a bottle of citronella. Then before you go out put a dab on exposed skin. I live in Virginia where they are really bad. I have lived here 19 years and this has always worked for me.

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July 23, 2006

I have swarms of flies, mosquitoes, and other flying insects in my backyard. We have tried yard guard and other pesticides, as well as baggies with water, with no results at all. The flies seem to come from the grass. We have moved the covered trash to the back of the yard. I am at a loss, they have taken over our yard.

Vicki from Houston, TX


July 24, 20060 found this helpful

Try sprinkling diatomaetous earth allover your yard. This will take care of everything. Also you must have some smell that is attracting the flies. If you have pets clean up their mess.

July 25, 20060 found this helpful

I had a fly problem and someone told me to plant Rue. A very ugly herb, however it works. I planted several plants around door and sidewalk and no more flies. I also have a couple of Mosquitoe Plants in front yard. Seems to help keep them down some.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
July 26, 20060 found this helpful

One of my neighbors years ago had an ultraviolet lamp that they hung in the yard (and possibly turned on only at night). It made a lot of buzzing sounds at first, but a few weeks later, there were less and less bugs to be zapped.

By (Guest Post)
July 26, 20060 found this helpful

Buy some fly paper rolls at the grocery store. They are 4 rolls in a yellow package. I can't remember the brand name but they are cheap, about $2 a package. You unroll the strips and hang them up. be careful not to touch the paper, its reallllly sticky. They have something that attracts flies. They work very well. When they get full just throw them away. I dont like smelly sprays and bait and these have no odor. I have put them up in my kitchen also when the flies are really bad.

July 28, 20060 found this helpful

What i do & it does work pretty good for me --- i spray the yard with soap water & any standing water i spray soap water in it. It stop the mosquitoes lava from hatching too. I use soap water for everything. It does work well on every bug you see. When the soap drys up on the the bug or what you want too get rid of they just start too die. I do put a little more soap in then i am suppose too use, but it works even on hornets & wasps. If you can catch the cabbage butterflys spray them too. Once a week i spray all my veggies with this. Hope it works for you.

By chelsea (Guest Post)
April 18, 20080 found this helpful

Our yard is the same way. The only thing I do is wear bug repellent, sorry

By mark (Guest Post)
May 6, 20080 found this helpful

My yard is also being attacked by flies. It's disgusting. They get in the house and we keep a clean house but it sure doesn't look like it with all the damn flies.. I wish I could get help on why.

May 24, 20090 found this helpful

Have you ever considered installing a bat house on your property? I think this is one of the most economical ways of reducing the mosquito population dramatically.

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June 21, 2012

Are there any remedies for keeping mosquitoes off me?

By Carolyn B.

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June 16, 2019

Can you get rid of mosquitos in your yard by treating your grass and shrubs with sulfur powder?

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September 14, 2012

I am looking for hints on what may help in keeping mosquitoes from biting.

By Caterini

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May 19, 2011

Other than a citronella plant what can be used to keep mosquitoes away from humans and pets while sitting outside?

By cynthia from TX

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July 10, 2010

Will mosquitoes come through a window air unit?

By armartinfan

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June 22, 2013

Does anyone know if the menthol plant repels mosquitoes?


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April 24, 2012

What can I do about gnats and mosquitoes? I know there are some plants.

By Sheryl

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September 2, 2011

Will vanilla work to repel mosquitoes, lice, and no see ums?

By SBH from TN

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June 15, 2011

Do lime leaves repel mosquitoes?

By Aridegbe M. from Nigeria

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May 21, 2011

What herbs and/or spices should you burn while barbecuing to repel mosquitoes?

By Ruthanne T.

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June 15, 2010

Can anyone tell me if mosquitoes hate the smell of lemons?

By D n D from West Midlands

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July 9, 2013

Too many mosquitoes kissed me. Help!

By Maggie M. from SH, China

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