
Easter Basket Ideas

March 14, 2008

Easter BasketHere are some good thrifty Easter basket ideas that are healthy and fun. Post your own ideas here!

Usable Containers Instead Of Baskets

Instead of using regular baskets, we like to use things the kids can play with later. For younger children, we have used plastic pail and shovel sets, grocery carts, wagons, etc. For the older kids, we have used hats, bandanas tied to sticks to make "hobo" baskets, purses, teapots found at yard sales or flea markets for a daughter who collects them, the possibilities are endless.

The contents vary from year to year, but they always include bubbles (yes, even the grown-ups get them and probably have more fun than the kids do lol), toothbrushes and toothpaste and some type of religious symbol so that they remember why we are celebrating. The dollar stores have several to choose from, including guardian angel pins, crosses, statues, bookmarks, bibles, nightlights, magnets, etc. We will round this out with freebies that I have gotten mostly from the net and have been saving up.

When we lived near the beach, we got a wading pool and filled it up with floaties and beach toys and had each childs "basket" wrapped in a beach towel. This year, since we own our first home, we are going with a gardening theme, we found seeds 10 for $1 at the dollar store, straw hats $1 each, and little trowel and spade sets also $1 each. Use your imagination, the possibilities are endless. Hope this helps.


Non-Candy Ideas For Baskets

Here are a few things I am planning on putting in Easter baskets, or have included in the past: We only include a piece or two of candy, maybe a small bag of Easter M&M's, but do include healthy snacks, like granola, nuts, sunflower seeds, etc.

Last year, I made gardening baskets for each child, packaged in containers for growing their seeds; another year, I used yard sale backpacks (in unused condition!) and filled with inexpensive camping-type items, like a flashlight, bug jar (from the dollar store), inexpensive field guides, notebook, magnifying glass, bandanna, etc., and included a note explaining that we would be going on a camping vacation. You could do the same thing with beach gear, and include a coupon good for a day at the beach; sunscreen, visor, sunglasses, beach pail with shovel, notebook with pen, roll of quarters for the boardwalk games, etc., or even get a cheap suitcase from the thrift store and fill with small travel items for a planned vacation later in the summer.

I LOVE themed gifts, partly because they are so much fun to put together, they can be done relatively inexpensively but look like they cost more, and the kids really seem to get a kick out of them!


By one_ramp

Start Shopping Early

It wouldn't be Easter without some of the typical Easter candy so our kids get some jelly beans, chocolate, eggs and such; but then I put some toys and perhaps even a new summer shorts outfit or bathing suit. I start shopping for the Easter baskets right after Christmas, when everything is on sale!

By Debbie Dzurilla

Little Cook Basket

My children always want to help me cook, so I found a bright colorful apron (child sized) and wrote their name on the front and my kids loved them!

By Julie

Make Baskets For Year After Year

I had made a basket for a niece one year and someone at work saw it. Now I get orders every year. I make baskets that can be used year after year. I do not like to put a lot of candy so I go for things like bubbles, crayons, coloring books, play dough, jacks, jump ropes, action figures, things for the girls' hair, etc. Maybe a stuffed bunny or a chick, I try to get an idea of the child's age, favorite colors, etc.

By Missy

Carrot Candy Idea

A quick and easy Easter basket idea. Take the Wilton icing bags and fill them with orange candy or any candy, twist tie the top and glue green raffia strips to the top. An instant giant carrot!

Color Coordinate Baskets

I have four girls so I bought everyone the same thing but different colors. I went to a local store and got them little things for their hair, body glitter, playdoh, playdoh cutters. In target, they have a $1 section as well that has stickers, notebooks, pencils and pens. I might add a little stuffed animal and some candy.

By Vaden

Get Toys On Ebay

I've found Beanie Babies that are really cheap on ebay that are great for a cute Easter Basket.

By Kendra

Continuing Easter Traditions

When I was younger, my mom always made Easter baskets for my brother and I. They were usually filled with the things mentioned above. Last year was the first year I didn't get a basket and I was pretty bummed. So this year, my boyfriend and I are exchanging baskets and I am making baskets for my goddaughters. I have found some amazingly cute picture frames, fake tatoos and stickers at the dollar store, and some fun bouncy balls, handheld games, and plastic cups at Wal*Mart.

My mom always bought that fizzly grape juice stuff from Welches that looks like champagne but isn't and a special cup each year to drink it in, so I plan on continuing that tradition. I got adorable rainbow cups for the little girls. For my boyfriend, I got a mug that goes in the freezer and gets extra cold so you don't need to put ice in it ever. I also made home made cards with Easter stickers so they can tell their baskets apart.

By Melissa

Fill Easter baskets With Needed Things

I have 4 children and have always made my own baskets for them with things they need. For my 3 older boys, I have used a backpack instead of a basket and filled it with sports things (shin pads, baseballs, baseball gloves, hats, socks, soccer balls, footballs, water bottles, even cleats!) Hey, it is baseball and soccer season and football is right around the corner. You will have to scramble and buy the things anyhow, the kids love it more. And you aren't just running out before the first practice to get cleats that are unappreciated, etc.

I do a similar idea for my two year old. Last year, I used a dump truck and filled it with little things. Also summer is coming, Summer camp is pricey. Last year, I registered them for Patriot "Matt Light" camp and put a computer certificate in their basket. Face it, you pay for it all anyhow so gather up as much as you can and wrap it up. :)

By Kathy

Use Same Basket Every Year

We use the same basket every year, I like to wrap them with netting and place a big bow on them. Items I have included have been movies, CD's, socks, makeup, doll clothes, barbies, backyard toys, books, videos, computer games and cell phone accesories. I always include a chocolate bunny as that was a family tradition for me. The big one for this year is scrapbook supplies. Arts and craft items, picture frames, throw away cameras and tiny photo albums. Oh this is so fun! Happy Easter!

By Grbll

Hide Baskets For Easter Hunt In Morning

My mom always hides our baskets. In the morning, we always have to hunt for them around the house. She tells us if we are hot or cold if it takes too long to find them.

By Kelsie

Paper Mache Eggs

I am planning on making paper mache eggs and then using decoupage on them. I will be making them for young and old alike. I may even fill a few with treats. I reuse wicker baskets that I have collected over the course of the year, most I get back for refills. Use shredded tissue paper or comics for grass. I add little things like buttons (the kind that say something) and jewelry (like beaded chains or earrings that I make).

If the children are young, small toys can go in the baskets; like jacks, jumpropes, marbles and balls. My favorite thing in my baskets when I was a child was a stuffed bunny. I kept one of them until I was in my late 20's, lost Mr Bunny in a move, he was ratty but deeply loved. Have fun!

By kcohenvt

Paper Mache Eggs Project

Ingredients: Optional: Directions:

Paste: Use 3 parts water to one part flour. Stir until smooth and creamy.

Dip each piece of paper in the paste. Apply the paper, on layer at a time.

Let dry thoroughly. Paint if you want to and seal.

To make eggs or ornaments, get a plastic egg and apply paper mache to each side of the egg, leaving the lip where the two sides connect clean. Don't apply the paper mache or paste to this part so you can connect the two sides together.

Finish both sides with paint and sealer. Once that is dry you can put the two sides together.

The possibilities are endless. You can also ball up newspaper in the shape of an egg and paper mache the ball, use a styrofoam egg or a balloon that is egg shaped.

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 555 Posts
March 19, 2014

I wanted to create a healthier version of the Easter basket and came up with cutting out fruit with cookie cutter shapes and adding them on a skewer into a basket. This is great for young children, kids who don't need more sugar, and even an older person.

finished fruit Easter basket


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 306 Posts
April 2, 2010

Our two older grandchildren are too old for Easter baskets, but they have a little three year old brother just getting into the fun so this year I made this basket for him to find and then to share which he loves to do with his sister and brother.

Filled Easter basket.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 555 Posts
March 9, 2015

To mail an Easter basket to my daughter in their apartment, without making her look like a little girl anymore, I created a cute, transportable basket that can be used afterward.

finished mailable basket made from two boxes


March 25, 2005

When making Easter baskets, keep in mind such things as colorful pencils, fancy erasers, sugar free candies, cute little stuffed animals, flavored lip balm or gloss, crayons, colored pencils, modeling clay or Play-dough (or make your own).


March 27, 2017

This is a small plastic bowl, with ribbon and crochet accents. It holds little candy Easter eggs. I used tape to hold the ribbon, but you can use hot glue if you like.

Mini Easter Basket with Candy - candy and basket


March 17, 2008

Here's an Easter tip. When my children were babies, instead of Easter baskets, we picked out a cute summer hat and used it as a basket instead. We put little things in it a baby could use, like a small bottle of juice, a teething toy, a small book, etc.


April 3, 2007

Get a shoe box, take a ice pick or screwdriver and put holes on all sides of the box. Stick tissue into each hole and you have a beautiful basket for decoration.


April 20, 2011

You can have an Easter Egg Basket without spending money. You save your money and you help with saving the earth, too.

Two colorful Easter baskets made from recycled materials.


April 10, 2009

Older children that have outgrown your typical Easter basket still love getting a basket, so I put new summer outfits, passes to a movie, gift certificates or cards to fast food places, and favorite candy bars, cookies or even gum.


March 24, 2005

Little kids like little things-so use your samples and hotel size toiletries that you don't want as Easter basket fillers. Just make sure the kids are old enough to know what they are.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 14, 2008

I have small children and much of the stuff to put in the Easter baskets is candy or are not really suited to little ones. I'd like to include healthy snacks rather than candy. Does anyone have suggestions for a safe and healthy Easter basket?

- Tamara


March 28, 20020 found this helpful

Fresh fruit is colorful, fun and healthy. So is dried fruit and nuts. You can bake healthy easter miniature-sized muffins, cookies and granola bars. There are tons of inexpensive treats and toys at the local dollar store.

March 29, 20020 found this helpful

Chex, goldfish crackers, Cheerios, all flavors graham goldfish crackers, teddy grahams, raisins, stickers
- Shawn

March 29, 20020 found this helpful

Other dried fruit
Fresh fruit
Bread sticks or crackers and dip
Carrot sticks and peanut butter
Home made cookies or muffins: Use half the sugar and replace half the fat with either applesauce or mashed banana.

Ants on a log: celery stick stuffed with peanut butter, and studded with raisins
finger sandwiches

Coupons for healthy homemade meal of choice: Give the child a short list of choices, mother-approved things he or she seems to enjoy.

Non-edibles that encourage learning and exploration: Puzzles, art supplies, books, games, music toys, jump rope, jacks, origami kit, kite, etc.
- Rose B.

By KC (Guest Post)
April 30, 20040 found this helpful

My son loves those "diet" tortilla chips (yes, its my fault) with home-made salsa. I share custody of him with his father and Easter is one of his holiday's, but we have used tortilla chips and salsa for Santa instead of milk and cookies. He also thinks it's cool to get the same snack from Santa in his stocking. I get some "cheap" double compartment containers and put chips in one side and salsa in the other. Decorate the tops with permanent markers and wrap in plastic. (my son is four and hasn't figured it out yet!!) plus after the holidays, I have more storage containers!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
March 11, 20050 found this helpful

I have found they love getting books, erasers, stuffed animals and figurines. My older daughters still have all the figurines they got in their Easter basket.

By Jane Squires

By Firefly 1985 (Guest Post)
March 16, 20050 found this helpful

The baby food section has many toddler snacks available. I buy the gummy bears, crackers, puff wheat, cookies and juices to give to my two year old. He loves them and they do not have as much sugar or salt as other foods.

By Edie priebe (Guest Post)
April 5, 20070 found this helpful

I find that EnviroKids organic crispy rice bars are a great source of low sugar and low sodium and also glutin free snack. Also the Fiber One bars in peanut butter or chocolate chip have a very high fiber content and yet sweet enough to please the picky eaters.

By Matthew Waugh (Guest Post)
January 16, 20080 found this helpful

My son loves those "diet" tortilla chips (yes, its my fault) with home-made salsa. I share custody of him with his father and Easter is one of his holiday's, but we have used tortilla chips and salsa for Santa instead of milk and cookies. He also thinks it's cool to get the same snack from Santa in his stocking. I get some "cheap" double compartment containers and put chips in one side and salsa in the other. Decorate the tops with permanent markers and wrap in plastic. (my son is four and hasn't figured it out yet!!) plus after the holidays, I have more storage containers!

By Diana (Guest Post)
March 14, 20080 found this helpful

My 10 year old DD is getting a movie and a Webkin this year plus a few candy snacks
The 16 year old is getting a Pilates video , weights and an exercise band plus some candy snacks
I've included gift certificates, toys, movies, hand held travel games, beauty items, socks, etc in baskets from years past. Give what the child needs and likes-not just candy


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
March 14, 20080 found this helpful

my grandsons are 1 and 18 months. I bought the 100 calorie snack packs that had cheese its, and 2 different cookies in it. also bought snack size baggies and filled them with cheerios and cheese curls

Read More Answers

March 9, 2011

Any suggestions as to what to use instead of the traditional basket at Easter time for a boy? In the past I have used a dump truck, baseball helmet, small tackle box, childsize wheel barrow, small wagon, and of course the sand pail with shovel. I need some ideas appropriate for 6 and 8 year old boys.

By Helen from SC

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February 7, 2011

Any ideas for men's Easter baskets? I have done food, so I looking for something new I can purchase or make. We do an adult basket exchange and it can change hands 3 times before it is kept. With that said we have all size men from small to XXL. That makes it more difficult.

I have cuff links I am making for Christmas prizes, so I don't need that and that is the top gift I seem to find on the internet for gifts for men. I can't do sports as each person likes a different team, some golf and some don't. I need something generic. Please Help.

By Di from MT

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March 16, 2010

I'm making a small gift basket for my husband for Easter and am running low on ideas. We don't have the $ for me to go out and buy the video game he really wants, but I'd really like to get him some small inexpensive things. He's so hard to buy for.

His family is Hawaiian so that's a theme I could work with. He's 26 and a bit of a geek (loves video games and books, not sports or being outdoors as much). He also loves DVDs and cooking. Any ideas would be more than helpful. Thanks.

By Katrina from Baltimore, MD

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April 3, 2012

My son is 10 yrs old. He loves WWE wrestling more than anything. I need creative ideas on how to make him a wrestling Easter basket. Last year he didn't have a good Easter at all. I have a disabled daughter and I'm a single mother. I promised them I would make it up this year. It's really important because we have no other family. What I get is all they get. Please help me.

By Angela

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March 8, 2005

I am looking for duck bills/beaks. They are used for making baskets for Easter. I have searched the web and have not found any.



By (Guest Post)
March 8, 20050 found this helpful

Hi! I sell these in my craft shop! contact me off list @
beadlady @ (remove spaces) I have 2 sizes.

By Linda (Guest Post)
March 8, 20050 found this helpful

I bet you could make them easily out of fun foam!

Answer this Question

March 28, 2013

I am trying to find a pattern for an Easter basket made from a 2 liter bottle. The handles and ears are cut from the bottle. Holes are punched in plastic so you can crochet around the bottle. The bunny face is a large pom pom.

By Donna C.

Answer this Question

February 15, 2017

Gallon milk jugs can easily be cut down to make inexpensive Easter baskets. Decorate them to make each one unique. This is a page about recycled milk jug Easter basket.

An Easter basket made from a milk jug.

March 18, 2020

Tin tubs make wonderful Easter baskets and come in a variety of bright colors. They can be used after the holiday for storage in a bedroom or bathroom.

Tin Tub Easter Basket - add grass and filled plastic eggs

September 5, 2017

Gardeners love the spring time, so Easter is a perfect time to give them a gift of flower bulbs. Here are some Easter basket ideas for a gardener in your life.

Gardener's Easter Basket - Easter decorated flower pot with bulbs and two Easter plant pokes

Crafts EasterFebruary 19, 2012
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