
Chocolate Stains?

How do you get rid of a chocolate pudding stain that's been set into a comforter? It has been through the wash and dry cycle once already in cold water. My friend got it on my blanket and it makes me mad that she refuses to fess up to it, so I'd would really like to get it gone.


By Ally from Alta Loma, CA

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
December 9, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

Try 3% hydrogen peroxide. Lightly soak the area for a minute or two and then rub the fabric against itself, rinse and then wash with a gentle soap. You may have to reapply the peroxide an extra time or two. Test first in an inconspicuous spot for color fastness.

December 9, 20101 found this helpful
Best Answer

There isn't much Dawn dish liquid soap won't get out. Pre-treat it with Dawn, let it sit and wash.

February 21, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

Not to worry. Apply full fat milk/heavy cream (skimmed milk won't work) on stained part of the cloth with cotton/tooth brush. Keep aside for 2-3 minutes. Scrub again gently. Rinse with warm water and detergent.

February 13, 20140 found this helpful

I know all the responses are from women... Except mine. But I took a little advice from this post, little advice from that one... Wha la, my own solution. I took the pillow case (no judging, it's valentines day!) with the chocolate stain and rubbed 2% milk into it using small circles.


Then put about a dime size drop of Palmolive on it, small circles, little more milk and BAM!!! Gone! My girl was impressed with the night but I think she was even more impressed with my stain removal abilities! Lol


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