
Sugar, Booger, and Patches (Kittens)

Sugar, Booger and Patches are approximately 5 weeks old. These three kittens showed up in our backyard last week. Apparently they were born nearby and the mother came to eat here since we feed all the animals in the woods behind our home. Only this time, the little ones came too. There were originally four, but the mother must have taken the other one off in the woods. For some reason, she left these three. So now we are caring for them until they are big and healthy enough to get out on their own.


They love to play fight and climb up their cage. One of the babies, Patches, (she has a black patch over her left eye) has a short little stub of a tail and very fluffy fur. She is gorgeous! She is slightly larger than the other two but I have to encourage her to eat solid food.

The others eat frantically four times each day, but she doesn't eat quite as heartily as the other two. We have just begun to give them solid food. When we got them, they were wild, but now they seem very contented and gentle. All seem to be healthy, playful, and energetic.

I will surely miss them when we have to put them outside, however, I can't keep them since I already have a beautiful and loving cat named Xena. She most probably wouldn't tolerate having another cat in the house. But, hopefully they will stay near us and come back to feed each day. I wish I could find them a home.


By First Lady from Knoxville, TN

Kittens - Sugar, Booger and Patches

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September 12, 20060 found this helpful

They are sooo cute! It's wonderful that you are caring so well for them. Please keep in mind that if you put them outside without them being spayed / neutered they will create more stray cats. The same for the mommy cat. They can procreate at around 4 months of age although it's usually a bit later. Perhaps there is an organization that would help you spay / neuter them, often called a "spay & release". They can also assist in finding homes, as might vet offices.


If you advertise them be careful, there are people that will act very nice & even bring children with them, with the intentions of NOT keeping the kittens for pets. (labs, snake food). Be wary especially of someone asking for all of them or not staying around to converse with you or learn much about them. Enjoy them while they are there with you. Hope you can find them homes or that they will stay around & visit you.

By Grammie04 (Guest Post)
September 12, 20060 found this helpful

They are adorable. Please don't send them out on their own, contact shelters, advertise for homes,check spaying,neutering programs for your area. There are too many ferrel cats and we don't want to add to the problems. I am sure someone will adopt them. You are a blessing to them so let someone else be blessed.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
September 12, 20060 found this helpful

you might want to try getting them to a shelter
as now that they have been inside they might not
be ready to be on their own outside.
they are adorable and maybe taking them in a box to a walmart where sometimes people take stray kittens for adoptations with the volume of shoppers


someone might want to take home a kitty

September 12, 20060 found this helpful

How precious are your kittens. I have a baby named Patches too. and he is full of mischief 1 1/2 years old but plays like a kitten with his friend Bailey. Every day we have to play WOOLY BULLY. he drops on the carpet and i grab his rear legs and pull him around on the carpet (and sing wooly bully of course, lol) this goes on for a while and he sometimes acts like he is going to get ferocious and bite me hard, but he nibbles and then licks. He is so very good natured and even tempered. The other cat wouldn't dream of us playing that way with her, she is Miss Priss, lol. i just love my kitty. sorry to hear that Xena won't share the roost with them, awwwwwww. Hope they still visit ya.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
September 13, 20060 found this helpful

Whenever I find animals that someone has abandoned, I usually run an ad in the paper for FREE WHATEVER. When they come to the house, I screen them carefully, and have always managed to get good homes for the animals. Yes, I have turned people away for various reasons. For a while, I think the animals had an underground hotline about our house.


They all seemed to show up knowing that they'd find food, shelter, and a home. It takes a little time and trouble, but is well worth it. There really are lots of loving homes out there for our furry friends. I've even fostered animals from our local shelter so they wouldn't be put down and found homes for those too.

By rosa (Guest Post)
September 14, 20060 found this helpful

I am sure that if you want to and can keep them, your other kitty will come around and accept them. Please do not turn them out again in the cold cruel world

By First Lady from Knoxville (Guest Post)
September 14, 20060 found this helpful

Sorry, I guess I did not say exactly what I meant in my first post; We have no intention of letting the kittens just be "put out". We have a large acreage of land, filled with woods so they would be free to roam as they like. We will always feed and shelter them. We have become very attached to all three and couldn't bear to have one go hungry or be sick or, not protected. We are building a shelter at the back of our home that will be for them to get in out of the heat, the cold, the rain or the snow. They are so special that even though I would like to find them a good home, I hate the thought of separating them and not having them around. Remember, they are the offspring of feral cats, so they were very wild when we first got them. Now they climb into my lap and purr and seem so very happy here that I don't think I can let them go. We'll keep them inside with us until they are old enough to get outside and to protect themselves. Even then I have a feeling they will be coming back into the house daily, if nothing more that for us to just play with them and pet them. They will always have plenty of food, water, shelter, and most of all, love. We are talking about getting them all spayed in the next month or so. We will also be sure they have their proper shots. We are just plain old animal lovers! But I believe God put that instinct in us, so I know we are making Him happy by taking care of his creatures. Thanks to each of you for you helpful messages and encouragement.

By Willem (Guest Post)
September 14, 20060 found this helpful

Afrikaans for: sweet enough to eat!

By Judy (Guest Post)
September 15, 20060 found this helpful

Please don't put an ad in the paper for free kittens. Most of the people who respond to those ads sell the kittens to research labs. You can't just look at the people and decide they will not sell the kittens for research. Many people have been duped by nice old ladies and couples.


The kittens that are nutered or spayed are killed and the the kittens that are not nutered or spayed are subject ot painful experiments.

By Judy (Guest Post)
September 15, 20060 found this helpful

Please don't put an ad in the paper. Most of the people who respond to these ads will sell the kittens to research labs. Many people have been fooled by nice old ladies and couples.


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