
Dealing With Allergies

June 27, 2012

A woman suffering from allergies.If your nose gets dry and crusty, especially during allergy season, there is a simple cure. Using a cotton swab, wipe the inside of your nose with an antibiotic ointment. This also works great for someone on oxygen therapy.


Source: Dr. Michael Vidas, M.D. ENT specialty

By Susan E. from Peoria, IL

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March 14, 2008

A--Air-condition your home; B--Bathroom mold and mildew can cause allergy symptoms; scrub sinks and fixtures regularly.

Man With Allergies Blowing His Nose


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 519 Posts
September 13, 2006

It's allergy season for me and I have found that the ointment used for styes helps the area inside my inflamed eye lids (I also put petroleum jelly on my upper eye lid).


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 519 Posts
January 25, 2007

If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, both Nasonex and Claritin have allergy alerts that tell you the level of pollen in your designated area and even what they are.


March 29, 2012

Lots of people will suffer from seasonal allergies this time of year. I save more than half on the purchase of my allergy medicines.


I buy the generic, always! I purchase them at the Dollar General or at SAV-A-LOT.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 8, 2009

What is the best allergy medicine?

By jordan from Raleigh, NC


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
June 8, 20090 found this helpful

I purchased a box of 48 coated minitabs. The box reads: Family Dollar Allergy Relief. So much cheaper than at CVS Pharmacy. They work great!

June 8, 20090 found this helpful

Hello, I suffer from year round allergies and have been taking this medication for years. I'm a small lady 5'3 and 106 lbs. so I have to be very careful what I take as a lot of OTC meds knock me out.


I take "ALAVERT D-12" It's for Allergies, Colds and Sinus issues. It's 1 pill every 12 hours and works like a charm! Good Luck to you!

June 8, 20090 found this helpful

For runny nose and itchy eyes, I like Benydryl. Another one I like is Drixoral, works great too.

June 8, 20090 found this helpful

I tried all the allergy medicines on the market both by prescription and over the counter. The one I found best to work is AllergyMD. It is over the counter and herbal. This the last attempt at coping with my allergies. Up until then I was so congested I could not hear well, nose ran continually, eyes were itchy and watery, had headache, pain in sinus area and ached all over.


In two days from the start of this one I was feeling better and soon the symptoms were all much better. I did check with my doctor because I have a lot of medications I take for various conditions and ingredients seemed safe to take daily. I take it every day, one caplet. If all else failed you too try it. I get mine at Walmart.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
June 9, 20090 found this helpful

This isn't a medicine but if you use a Neti Pot with saline solution twice a day it will greatly help keep the allergies at bay because it cleanses pollens out from deep inside the sinus' cavities. You can get a Neti Pot and solution over the counter at just about every pharmacy and they are not at all expensive.

June 9, 20090 found this helpful

Check your stomach & digestion. I had really bad sinuses for over 40 yrs & tried everything, then started looking into my digestion cause my stomach was killing me for over 6 yrs. It helped my stomach & no more sinus issues. I used to get sinus infections on the rate of 2 to 5 a year. It took a couple of months but eventually they started getting cleaned out. It was painful, I think I had a low grade infection for decades. Anyway, here's a little food for thought. Histamine is one of the things your stomach produces to help digest food, when you are low or missing any of the other things, your body will produce too much histamine & whamo, u have what appears to be allergies.


It sure feels like it & all those prescriptions and over the counter meds do seem to help some, but the allergy symptoms always come back, which means you are not "CURING" it, but just masking the symptoms of the real issues. Typical for Doctors to do the same, it's insane. Read the book called "WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU" by: Dr. Jonathan V. Wright M.D, it's the 1st step to understanding how the body really works.

July 9, 20090 found this helpful

I think zyrtec works really well its better than claritin and benedryl.

July 9, 20090 found this helpful

The best med I have found is the Equate (WalMart) brand called Clor-Tabs. They work, they're cheap (100 for about $4), and they are safe for people with high blood pressure.


Friends whom I've told keep them in their purse and in their desk drawers.

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July 2, 2007

I know this isn't a doctors office, or a medical website but I know what we eat can affect our health. And I really would like to know what is the vitamin or whatever that we need to take to settle allergies? I read somewhere, some kind of vitamin works with your system to better work with your allergies. If anyone out there knows this, I sure would appreciate the information. Thanks.

jamish from Ransom, Kansas


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
July 2, 20070 found this helpful

Vitamin C first thing in the morning is supposed to help. Research first -- high doses of C can cause mouth ulcers and is believed to raise blood pressure.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 188 Feedbacks
July 2, 20070 found this helpful

1 tsp of LOCAL honey a day works wonders for many allergy sufferers. Sort of the homeopathic approach that you give a little of the "disease, sickness" and let your body make itself immune. Seems to work well for some of my friends, I can't do it as honey has too much sugar for me, darn!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
July 3, 20070 found this helpful

It depends on exactly what kind of allergies you have. If you have allergies to POLLEN, then you can be greatly helped by taking a bit of LOCAL Bee Pollen... You will need to buy your local bee pollen from someone who sells at your closest Farmers Market... Or, find a bee keeper in your local area. If the bee pollen doesn't come from your local area it won't have the right pollens in it & it won't work!

---> USE CARE!

Start SLOWLY & take only a tiny bit of bee pollen at first (about 1/8 of a teaspoon) and SLOWLY work up to about a Tablespoon 2 or 3 times per day. STOP taking the bee pollen if your mouth, tongue or throat starts to itch, OR, you can try some from another supplier. (my boyfriend's mouth itches with one type of bee pollen, but not any others)

* NEVER give Bee Pollen to small children (kids over 5 with pollen allergies would probably be okay, if care is used & you gave them only a tiny bit to test, but I would first ask their doctor for an okay!)

---> The pollen works the same way Allergy Shots work, by slowly getting your body used to the pollen. If the Pollen isn't Local, it won't have the types of pollen you need in it & it won't work!

---> Bee Pollen needs to be refrigerated.

Another allergy option is Homeopathy. You could experiment with homeopathic remedies that sometimes are sold at health food stores, but FAR BETTER would it be, if you went to a Naturopath that specializes in Homeopathy. Homeopathy is no "mumbo jumbo" stuff, but a well recognized healing craft that helps millions of folks of all ages each year.
A Homeopath will mix a special Remedy JUST for YOU! This is what you want...
Here's a crazy story:

A friend of mine whose family grew all of their own organic food & raised their own meat & ate no "fake" or processed foods had such nasty allergies to a type of thistle that she couldn't function. Her eyes would turn Bright Red & tear up each spring & her nose would run & she sneezed constantly. I can't even begin go into just how miserable she was each year. Until she went to a well know Naturopath. (one that movie stars had gone to) The Naturopath surprised her by telling her to TOTALLY avoid 4 things:
-- Eggs & Dairy Products
-- Sugar (this includes any type of Alcohol & honey)
-- Oils of any type
-- Wheat products
+ Plus to eat Beef & meat very sparingly

She wondered just how changing her diet for those months when it was allergy season would help her allergies. But with nothing to loose, she gave it a try. And low & behold, IT WORKED! ... Nothing in the past had helped her allergies!... But this "Allergy Diet" did, and another thing happened too: She had never been able to loose weight, no matter how much she lowered her calorie intake. But while she was on this "allergy diet" she lost weight, even though she ate the same amount of calories daily & was never hungry.

I would also recommend avoiding Peanuts & use only a tiny bit or no salt. She are Corn Tortillas instead of Wheat or bread... She ate beans, veggies & brown rice. She found that she could drink an occasional Margeritta (lime flavor only) with no salt & it wouldn't bother her to badly, but NO beer!

* If you are allergic to any pollen, try totally avoiding the 4 foods above. My friend noticed that if she even fudged just a little & ate ANY of these things even just a bite, her allergies would come right back, right away! One more thing: stay away from fake, processed foods... that means boxed foods & NO fake sugars like "Splenda" & Nutrasweet & no diet pop either.... Just eat REAL, natural foods only! You will be pleasantly surprised after about 3 or 4 days... a week at the most. Your allergies should disappear! NO pollen allergies. You'll need to have a lot of willpower & a good cooking imagination to stay on this allergy diet for very long, but it's worth a try & avoiding those foods could very well make a big difference in your quality of life... & it's only for allergy season, so what the heck?!

If anyone tries taking the foods above out of their diet... write a post here & tell us how it worked for you. Did your allergies go away when you changed your diet?

By Bluepickle (Guest Post)
July 3, 20070 found this helpful

A yeast imbalance is common in anyone who has ever had antibiotics and eats the Standard American Diet (carbs and sugars.) Eventually this can lead to a leaky gut and allow particles to pass through intestinal lining and bring about reactions to foods we eat. Acidophilus from the refrigerated section of your local healthfood store needs taken for 3 months while also avoiding sugar and simple carbs. There are other supplements available to kill the yeast, just ask your health food store clerk. In some cases, people experience a yeast "die-off" in which yeast and toxins are dumped into the bloodstream and you can feel pretty sick for a few days, usually the first 4 days of beginning the regimen. Stick with it and drink LOTS of water and it will be worth it.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
July 9, 20070 found this helpful

Adelle Davis said to use B vitamins, if you can find a copy of "Let's Get Well" you will find it gripping reading. I have been taking extra Bs for years and the rest of my family gets massive allergies and I don't. If I sneeze or something, I'm glad, because it means my sinuses are getting rinsed and staying clean, rather than stagnant (don't some people claim allergies with every sneeze? Some 'allergy' symptoms mean that you are reacting to something as you should, it means your immune system is at work.)
I notice that everything I've ever read about a Naturopath, they ALWAYS tell people no eggs or dairy, automatically, probably even for a broken leg!

By Laura (Guest Post)
July 10, 20070 found this helpful

Over ten years ago, I was constantly getting sinusitis and bronchitis. I rarely would get a cold or be sick. I would go to the doctor, he would prescribe an antibiotic. I would get better but about two weeks after the medication was done, I would get sick again. He tried different medications but nothing seemed to work. So he advised me to go to an allergist.

I was tested for allergies and it showed that I was not allergic to anything. To my surprise, the doctor prescribed specific vitamins for me to take on a daily basis for a month. He explained to me that sometimes in a persons' life, their body requires extra nutrients or it could be due to me having young children at home and my body just needed more help.

When I told my husband this he thought the doctor was a quack because most doctors prescribe drugs. I followed the doctors advice and it worked. I have never ever gotten sick like that again.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
July 10, 20070 found this helpful

It depends what you are allergic to. Treating an allergy to cat dander is very different from treating a food allergy or a mold allergy. And not everyone responds to the same treatment.

There is a book called "Eat Right for your Type" that is absolutely wonderful. It suggests specific dietary changes for different blood types. While reviews for it aren't too good, I believe that's because most people take it for a lose-weight diet book, rather than a build-up-your-natural-immunities book. Everyone I've talked to that followed it had wonderful improvements. I was able to stop all my allergy shots and OTC meds, which is unusual because I have a rare congenital adrenal problem, and have few immunities. It takes quite a bit of committment to follow, since there is no easy cure-all, but was well worth it for me. If you're looking to pop a pill and get better, this book will not work for you. I had to quit eating all dairy, wheat, peanuts, and corn, along with several other stuff. It takes a lot of planning and work. I must make everything from scratch. I hope you find what works for you.

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April 14, 2016

This is a page about gardening with allergies. Having allergies does not necessarily mean you can't enjoy gardening.

Woman sneezing with flowers in the foreground.

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