
Finding Free Yarn for Charity Projects

March 23, 2011

A group of friends knitting projects for charity.I am trying to keep my seniors busy and in the process address needs of needy communities. We are knitting and crocheting various items and for us to do this we need yarn. If anyone has left over yarn to donate l would be so grateful once again to have it. Thank you in advance.


By Nelly from Potomac, MD


March 23, 20112 found this helpful
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If you have a local e-newsletter or blog page, you can post a note there and will likely be inundated. I had yarn donated from teachers, scout leaders, people whose moms or aunts had passed away just about anywhere. You could also put a note in your church bulletin, or on bulletin boards in grocery stores, senior centers, etc.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

November 10, 2015

I just lost a bunch of my wool due to mold and water damage. I had it in storage due to moving into a smaller place. I have a few young ladies who wanted me to teach them how to crochet, etc. As well, I make hats, etc.

for those in need. Now I can't make any hats or teach the girls how to crochet without wool and hooks. I live out in Canada. Is there anyone who can suggest where I can get donations?


November 12, 20151 found this helpful
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I have a friend who has been knitting jumpers, hats & gloves to send to Nepal for the last 30+ years. As you can imagine, she can't afford to buy enough wool to keep her fingers knitting, so .... she told me that she buys knitted scarfs & jumpers from Op Shops/Thrift stores, then she washes them & pulls them apart.


She's been successfully doing this for years now ... I hope this helps you to find enough wool to keep your fingers moving & needles clicking ... :) Cheers, W.

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August 9, 2015

I am a board member of a non-profit, called Nassan's Place, in New Jersey. We help families who have autistic children/adults. I want to start crocheting classes for the parents and the children who are able to participate. I have 2 children of my own who are on the spectrum, but through B-complex vitamins, low sugar diet, no meds and a ton of consistency and love, both are becoming more self sufficient each day.

Crocheting helped me during those difficult times when I didn't know how to help my boys and I want to share the feeling of self worth with my parents because most are overwhelmed. Most children living with autism are fascinated with repetitive motion, so what better way to get them to use their hands and see themselves creating something? Can anyone share where I can find yarn or scraps that can be donated to us? Thanks in advance to all replies.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
August 10, 20151 found this helpful
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You can put out on Craigslist where you are what you are doing. Most people are very generous and can and will help.

Keep this in mind as well. I do a lot of yarn crafts and I am on a tight budget. So many people love that things are repurposed so I buy good quality scarves, afghans, etc and unravel them. You would be surprised at how many people love this idea that they are helping the environment and saving money.


Also, thrift shops can and have helped me when I was doing fundraisers so that is another idea.

What a wonderful thing you are doing. I hope this becomes beneficial to those you are helping.

August 16, 20150 found this helpful
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If you have senior centers in your area, you may be able to put a note on their bulletin boards or in their newsletters. Many seniors are downsizing and are more than willing to give their craft supplies if they can find a "good home" for them. Also yard sales may be an option for you. You have a heart of gold to pursue this project. My hat's off to you for all your effort. I hope it more than meets your expectations.

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April 8, 2015

I just started a group that gives elderly women yarn to crochet hats and blankets for the homeless. I am trying to get scrap yarn via Facebook, but no luck so far.

Anyone know of a place to get scraps?

By Sydney


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
April 12, 20151 found this helpful
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Look on Craigslist and even post that you need some yarn. I did a fundraiser in 2012 for a food bank and got tons. Also, for just a few cents on the dollar, thrift shops will be a good investment.


Along those lines, go to the manager and ask if they can donate some. If they can't, buying good quality mufflers and afghans are a great source too.
I once bought an afghan for 5.99 and it had about 25 skeins on it. You can imagine how much I saved!
I hope you do well. We do the same here in Salem OR with a wonderful group called the Sassy Stitchers.

November 18, 20162 found this helpful
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I know yarn corporations will give their scrap yarns to people for shipping cost or free if you come pick it up. Hope it helps..

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March 4, 2017

I work for a non-profit organization and we are currently putting together an event for Earth Day on April 22nd. One of the crafts that we want to do calls for a lot of yarn. Due to our limited budget as a non-profit sector, I am in desperate need of donated yarn.

Any ideas for me?



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 4, 20170 found this helpful
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Put a want ad on Freecycle or Craigslist. You could also go to yarn stores or Joanne's or Michael's and ask for donations.

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November 13, 2013

Blue, green, and black crochet star.I have a small circle of girls and we make chemo caps and baby blankets to donate, we are running really low on yarn and really need ideas on ways to come up with more yarn. We don't sell anything, only donate and with the holidays coming, all of our extra cash is low. If you know of any ideas to get yarn for extremely cheap or free, I would appreciate any ideas what so ever. Thank you so much and blessed be.

By Crystal


December 6, 20130 found this helpful
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I have never done this but someone told me awhile back to go to good will stores or thrift stores that sell sweaters real cheap and unravel them and reuse the yarn to make things.You hate to rip apart something but if it makes the yarn cheaper it might be the way to go.

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June 6, 2016

I am knitting 100 scarves for the children in the Salvation Army Shelter in Brampton Ontario. Last year I knitted 50 scarves. I am the Founder of Giving Hope to the Homeless Ministry. I have 2 ladies helping, me and I need to find out where I can get yarn donated to me.scarves



Finding Yarn Donations for Charity Projects
Finding Yarn Donations for Charity Projects
Finding Yarn Donations for Charity Projects


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 107 Posts
February 28, 20170 found this helpful
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I think you should try to get the attention of your local newspaper to do a profile on you and your cause. I am sure that donations would come your way.


Also contact local knitting and Stitch and bitch groups. They will help you out, no doubt.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
August 4, 20170 found this helpful
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Check with your local thrift shops, most of the time if it is not a full skein of wool they will not put it out for sale, it is possible that they would give you the odd bits

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September 11, 2015

As we all know winter is just around the corner and, then it is Christmas. I and a small group of homebound people are knitting and crocheting hats and gloves for the homeless. We are all on a fixed income and can only do so much. Where can we find free yarn for our projects?

Thank you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 145 Feedbacks
September 12, 20150 found this helpful
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You could try your local Free Use online community. Also, most local newspapers run a kind of "Community Happenings" column, and will let you get the word out that this is for the benefit of others and you'd like some help. This is usually a great way to help because others (who don't really want to do handiwork themselves) will want to do their part to help by donating extra yarn they have on hand.


Good luck on what sounds like a great project!

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March 19, 2015

I work for the National MS society. We have a group in our office that get together weekly to crochet or knit projects for people with multiple sclerosis. We are in need of yarn donations.

Thank you for any suggestions you can give.

By Donna D.


March 23, 20150 found this helpful
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How about a yarn drive, Donna? All the folk I know who knit or crochet or have done so in the past don't like to throw away their remaining supplies. You and your group could design and post ads in local grocery stores or - if you're feeling energetic - go door to door on nice days. Get the word out and you'll have all kinds of people getting in touch with you (both near and far). Yarn isn't heavy and people from neighbouring communities might also like to contribute by shipping their remnants to you.

Good luck!

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October 27, 2014

crocheted cat bedI am running a project where we are selling cat beds to raise money for a cat charity in New York. In the Big Apple it is hard to find yarn at garage sales or flea markets. Any yarn would be appreciated. Can anyone help?

By Tiffany


November 4, 20140 found this helpful
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Check with thrift stores in your area. Let them know what you are looking for and they might be able to help you.

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