
Cat Peeing in the Same Place

October 1, 2019

My family has 2 indoor/outdoor cats who are trained to use a litter box and are several years old. The younger of the two is a 6 year old cat that we found as a kitten and was mostly feral. She has been litter trained and used to go outside more often than she does now, however she has started to pee on towels that are specifically on the bathroom floor in one specific bathroom (we have 2 bathrooms in our house). Even though she knows where the litter box is, in the other bathroom.


She refuses to push the door to the master bedroom to get to the master bathroom (where the litterbox is) no matter how wide the crack in the door is. She also doesn't pee on anything in the master bathroom, just towels on the floor of the other bathroom.

Today there was an incident where she meowed only a few times, not asking for the outside door or help with the other door, just going straight for the towel in the one bathroom.

I'm sure this forum is dead, but I'm hoping for a little insight, because it's hard with animals, I'm already taking care of twin toddlers, and if this cat really is sick we can't do much about it. Our money is so far stretched out it's hard when one of the humans is sick, let alone our poor animals.

This cat in specifics; Momo, has become very used to the inside of the house, despite wanting to go outside from time to time. Now she over eats (a problem we have because we try to let them graze/come eat and go as they please) and hardly goes outside. It seems like a fight to get her to leave sometimes. She ends up magically back in the house after a few minutes (doublewide mobile, probably comes in from under the house). She's gained weight just by laying around and eating more than her share of food. Could this be warning signs to something bigger that's causing her to pee on the specific towel in specific place?

I feel like this is so unheard of, especially since cats tend to just go wherever when they decide they're gonna start peeing on things.
Thanks for any help I receive in the future.
Thanks again!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 1, 20190 found this helpful

Make sure you clean those towels with and enzyme based cleaner to remove the scent. Clean the floor too. Then try a new kind of litter, as they might not like the one you are using.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
October 2, 20190 found this helpful

I dont know what it is about laundry left on the floor. Cats just seem so drawn to it. It's their favorite target. Pick up the towels (and all other laundry on the floor) and your problem may be solved. It doesnt sound to me like your cat has any problems other than she is getting older.


She will want to be outside less and she may gain some weight. She may need a litter box closer to where she likes to hang out. That is all pretty normal. It is good of you to worry about your pets when you have a lot of responsibility. Good luck to you.

June 26, 20210 found this helpful

Pick up dirty towels!!!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 15, 2019

My kitten pees in the same 3 spots in the house outside her box. I am using enzyme cleaner. Any ideas as to why?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
September 16, 20190 found this helpful

Has she been checked for urinary/kidney problems? With a health issue comes urgency and they tend to return to the same spots to relieve themselves.


If she gets a clean bill of health, you may want to put a second litter box out in one of these other spaces and see if that resolves the issues. I know from the cats I sit for, sometimes they just like variety and many have several boxes around the house to accommodate this need.

Post back what you learn! Prayers for the fur baby!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
September 16, 20190 found this helpful

The litter may be hurting her paws. Switch to a softer litter, and put more litter boxes around your house.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
September 16, 20190 found this helpful

Sadly as we all know this is a common problem. I have a checklist to eliminate common causes of kitties that go outside the litterbox. First make sure the cat does not have a urinary tract infection. This means a trip to the Vet or at least a urine sample to the Vet. Make sure your cat has a litterbox she likes in a safe private place. Two boxes is better. Try a couple different styles of boxes many cats do not like covered boxes.


Try a couple different types of litter. Make sure it stays clean. Eliminate what household stress you can. Noise, aggressive pets, too much handling. Make sue she has a place to get away from it all. Preferably up high where she has a bed (a cat tree works well). There is a litter for kittens called Dr. Elseys Kitten Attract. It has worked well for me. Kittens seem to love it. I think you can get it from Chewy.

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March 6, 2011

We have an older indoor cat. She usually uses the litter box. She seems to keep peeing in the same area on a rug in the dining room. I keep smelling that urine odor and have to treat that carpet area. Any ideas on how to break her of peeing there?

By ANNETTE from Cocoa Beach, FL


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
March 7, 20110 found this helpful

You probably still have cat urine in the carpet or the underpadding that isn't coming out. Cat urine is strong and the odor lingers too.

March 8, 20110 found this helpful

I had a cat that was peeing outside the box. I found a cat litter called "Attract", you can get it at pet stores, comes in a red bag, a little pricey, but it did the trick. The cat never peed outside the box again. I also used Walmart's "Out" products (in the pet department) for getting rid of the smell. So far so good.


Hope this helps.

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

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