
Treating a Dog's Ear Infection

62 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

February 3, 2014

My dog scratches her ear very hard. When I look in her ear she has some black particles inside. She also has some red dots in her ear. I would like to try the home remedies, but can you tell me how much of each product I should use in her ear?


By Nilsa


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 360 Feedbacks
February 6, 20140 found this helpful
Best Answer

Clean the ears with a Q-tip moistened with baby oil. Discard the Q-tips carefully because the mites will survive this. Don't go too deep into the ear! When the ear is as clean as you can get it, carefully put a dropper of 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar. Do this every day until she has no more symptoms. You may have to treat again so keep watch. It's O.K. if the vinegar/water runs out. Just going in is what is important.

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November 13, 2018

I have a 5 month old Lab/Rottweiler. I just recently found out my pup had an ear infection in one of his ears. At first I noticed he was scratching his left ear until he'd let out a tiny cry, but he'd continue and was constantly doing it. A day or two after that I noticed that he started to smell awful in his ear. I figured that can't be good. I've been cleaning it out every day or two as best as I could with Q-tips and a warm wash cloth and keeping it as dry as possible.Treating a Dog's Ear Infection


I googled it, Google brought me here and now here I am asking for the internet's help deciding what else I could do or if I should even risk tying one of the medicines in the picture. And I must mention, I'm not a rich person, and the vets in my area do not do payments. It was this site that gave me the idea to use people medicine if I can't afford a vet visit. Now, I love every single one of my pets. I've got 2 cats, 5 kittens, and my puppy, and I'd do absolutely anything for my little fur babies. So, if someone could help me out, it'd be much appreciated.

Thank you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 13, 20180 found this helpful

Please call your vet, explain your situation and ask what over the counter medicine or home remedies yo can try.

Your vet should know your dog and what will work best. No one on the internet should give medical or vet advice. This can cause more harm than good. I have seen it happen.


Any good vet will give occasional free phone consultations. If your vet won't do this try the vet at your local rescue.

Healing prayers for your pup!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 13, 20180 found this helpful

Contact the SPCA or the Humane Society. This dog may go deaf if the infection is not cleared up.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
November 15, 20180 found this helpful

Please dont use meds that may not work or could do harm. You need to see a Vet. Putting it off may really hurt your dog. You may be able to get low cost help from your local Humane society or aspca. Sometimes local rescue groups can point you in the right direction. No pet goes through life without a need for medical care. Part of being a responsible pet owner is preparing for those times.


Especially when there are several pets like you have. Start a fund, find some work that allows you to set aside some money. Get your dog seen asap. Ear infections are very painful for the dog and can get serious pretty fast. If not treated they can result in deafness. Good luck to you.

November 16, 20180 found this helpful


I am wondering if it is an ear infection or mites. Either way a solution of olive oil, oregano or garlic should do the trick, if the dog will let you put ear drops in.

The way to make this is to use 1/2 ounce of olive oil and mix it with one those gel vitamin E pills you can by at the store. Into this mixture goes one tsp of fresh oregano or one teaspoon of garlic cloves. When this mixture sit in a bottle for two days and then strain the mixture through cheesecloth.


An eyedropper should be filled half full with this solution. Put a half eyedropper-full of this in the dogs ear twice a day for six weeks.

Here is where I found the information:

And this is a great mixture for humans as well. Garlic and Oregano have strong antibiotic properties.

I wish you the best. Also you might try to see if you can switch over to a grain-free food, since grains are so bad for the immune system and so inflammatory.

Have a great evening!


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May 16, 2016

We've been to vet for antibiotics, drops, and even laser treatment, but my pup can't shake her ear infections! Can someone please help? There has gotta be some home remedy, something I'm missing.

woman and dog


May 17, 20160 found this helpful

When antibiotics aren't working, try probiotics in the food. This helps boost your dog's immunity so she can hopefully kick the infection on her own. Good luck.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
May 18, 20161 found this helpful

Abigail is right. Also be sure you are feeding a high quality dog food. It has a real impact on your dogs health. The Vet bills are never worth the small amout of money you save.


Be sure and have it checked for a yeast requires different treatment and different drugs.

June 13, 20161 found this helpful

Use unrefined coconut oil and garlic cloves. Take 2 to 3 garlic cloves simmer with coconut oil for 5 to 10 minutes then strain over cheese cloth into a bowl or jar then put in a medicine bottle with a dropper put two to three drops in infected ear twice a day for one week. You can Google recipes with coconut oil and garlic for dog ear infections if you want more of an explanation. Hope this helps. Oh and of course please make sure the mixture isn't to hot before putting in the infected ear.

August 29, 20160 found this helpful

Is your dog a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, or a different breed all together? Reason for me asking is because I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and he has ear infections all the time!! I've brought him to the vet numerous times in the past and got the medication and cured it but then itll happen again, and going to the vet plus buying antibiotics gets extremely expensive and just isn't realistic with my income.


Does your dog experience any similar issues regarding his ears or sinuses?

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August 19, 2011

Waldo has an ear infection and has been treated twice in one month by the vet. It is much better. There is some infection still there and some puss. What else can I do?

By Tracie


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
August 20, 20110 found this helpful

My suggestion is as long as the medicine the vet is providing your pet works; continue using it until it is cleared up. Then, use Blue Powder Ear Wash on a regular basis. Right now while there is puss in the ear is not a good time to do the ear wash treatment. Never use this ear wash with other ear medicines at the same time.

You can do a google search on this ear wash and it's very inexpensive to make and lasts a long time. I use it regularly on my long eared dogs and none of them have any ear infections. Just pour into the ear and massage a minute and wipe excess with cotton balls. All you use is boric acid in powder form, isopropyl alcohol and gentian violet and always mix well before using each time. Directions are on TF and other websites.

August 20, 20110 found this helpful

When we took our dog to the vet for an ear infection, He gave us a bottle of Oxyfresh ear wash to use after we were done giving him his medication. He said to put the ear wash in his ear every week or two to prevent another infection. I googled Oxyfresh ear wash, and you can buy it online.

August 22, 20110 found this helpful

Talk to your Veterinarian about the problem.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 135 Feedbacks
August 23, 20110 found this helpful

Agree with FARSTAR -time for a callback to your vet. Meds may have to be adjusted.

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March 12, 2013

I've read the raves about how good this works, but I have not found how much of each to use. Do you use do you mix the vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and water together? I need some guidance please.

By Kathy P


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
March 13, 20130 found this helpful

Hi Kathy, This tip from dlginlove was posted yesterday. I saved it in a file and am pasting it below for you. It uses hydrogen peroxide, then switches to rubbing alcohol.

Ear Infection Treatment For Dogs
My dog had a constant ear problem (2 years) that even a round of antibiotics didn't cure. I tried every reasonable treatment recipe I could find on the net. I switched veterinarians and this guy knew the fix. People would come from the other side of the state to have him treat their dogs ears. It must be followed consistently, every day:

Step One: Put approximately one tablespoon (enough to fill their ear canal) hydrogen peroxide in their ear for seven days in a row. I used a long eyedropper.
Step Two: Put one tablespoon of rubbing alcohol in their ear for seven days in a row.

I cannot stress enough that this must be followed as written, do not combine both treatments at the same time. The hydrogen peroxide treats one type of infection and the alcohol treats another.

If your dog is yelping in pain take her to the vet and get antibiotics before starting this regimen. On the last day of treatment my dog actually wagged her tail. Pain free at last!
By dlginlove from MO 3-12-13


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
March 13, 20130 found this helpful

I looked back through my saved Pet Tips and found one from Stacy in GA from last year, which uses vinegar and rubbing alcohol with water. It's pasted below:

Homemade Ear Cleaning Solution
I am a professional pet groomer, I hated spending so much money on ear cleaning solution. I researched a lot and came up with my own mix ,and it works great. Not only does it save me a lot of money, but I know all the ingredients it has in it.
I use an old ear cleaning solution bottle and mix 2 parts water, 1 part rubbing alcohol, and 1 part white vinegar. Try it and you'll never waste money on store bought solution again!
Source: Online research and trials.
By Stacey from GA 8-21-12

March 17, 20130 found this helpful

I am a tech at a animal hospital and the best advice I could give you is seek a vet before it gets out of control. One other thing I would never ever mix the alcohol and vinegar. I understand the purpose of it is to bring the condition of the ear back to a normal PH level. I find that keeping the hair out of the ears (if they have any) by being plucked will keep infections done. Also I like alcohol best as it dries out the infected ear. But squeeze out the cotton ball first it's ok if some goes into the ear canal. But if ears were just plucked of hair wait at least 6 to 8 hours.

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July 20, 2014

Can I use Campho-Phenique for yeast infection in my dog's ear?

By Cori H.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
December 7, 20170 found this helpful

It is for cold sores, a virus, not for yeast. You would be better off using a small amount of monistat, or go to the vet as most sell the yeast creams and drops over the counter.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 7, 20170 found this helpful

Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar would be better

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April 19, 2011

Can you use Monistat in a dog's ear instead of Mometamax? I can't afford a vet.

By Dianne


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
April 19, 20110 found this helpful

Here is the link to make Blue Power Ear Wash for dogs that really works and keeps them fresh smelling.
You can get the boric acid powder at Family Dollar a great deal cheaper that is used for killing ants. It's pure boric acid; no additives.

Gentian violet can be purchased at the pharmacy dept.
I like to use the green alcohol at Family Dollar because it smells fresh and has a pleasant scent.
I use this homemade recipe on my cocker spaniels and they have been ear infected clear; just follow directions. Scroll to bottom of page on this link to find the recipe. Good luck!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 121 Feedbacks
April 21, 20110 found this helpful

It also depends on what kind of ear infection your dog has. It could be a yeast infection or a bacterial infection, which means they would be treated differently.

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March 5, 2010

Every fall for 4 years my dog has gotten fluid in her ears and it's not mites. I had a vet look at her ears and he said there was no infection. You rub her ear and you can hear the fluid.

She tears at her ears all winter, but in the spring it clears up and is fine all summer. They don't smell, but there is a lot of build up that I clean out every other day, but it only works for a day or two. Any ideas?

By Melissa from Portland, OR


March 9, 20100 found this helpful

Melissa, I'm surprised your Vet doesn't offer any ideas. I am a retired nurse. For dogs, as with humans, leaving water in the ears can turn into "Swimmers Ear" or Otitis Media (middle ear infection). Your observation is correct in that if there is no odor - there's no infection going on. Infections need a dark, warm, and wet environment, and some bacteria to survive. Perhaps your dog is avoiding these conditions due to your stringent nursing care. Good girl!

My Molly is 11 and has had one infection in those years, however I have been prone to them and this is what I do for me. And like I said, works well on dogs too: If you are sure there is no smell (no infection going on), put a drop or 2 of hydrogen peroxide in each ear and allow it to "work" - bubble. When it stops (about 5 mins) I tilt my head to allow it to drain (you could swab his ear out with a cotton ball if that's easier) and then I put a drop or two of rubbing alcohol in each ear. I use a cotton ball and squeeze a drop or 2 of the alcohol in. It dries the ear up almost immediately, stopping the wet environment that causes infection to start up. You might want to skip the peroxide step if there is no smell since the peroxide tickles like crazy and your dog might hate this!

This method works extremely well and *knock on wood* I have avoided infection using this procedure the minute I felt a little twinge over the years. Good luck, hope it helps!

March 9, 20100 found this helpful

I would give your dog people benadryl pills 25mg. each, one per 10lb of weight. one every 4 hours, they will not hurt your dog just make it a little sleepy and it will dry up what is in the ear. I would not use peroxide it will drive your dog crazy in their ear. the vet will probably give u an ointment to use in their ear. the benadryl will help with pain and fluid. bettywickline 069 AT

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December 19, 2015

I have a 5 year old Shih Tzu and she constantly has this ear infection. I don't know what to do. I don't have any money to take her to the doctor. What can I do?


December 22, 20150 found this helpful

Hopefully you got my other answer as well.
Shih Tzus are one of those unusual breed of dog that were bred to be lap dogs. That means their purpose in life is to be pampered and cared for by people.
Their entire existence depends on their owners being able to provide for their care.
These pets require professional grooming and have frequent health problems that need to be addressed. They were literally made to be delicate and not hardy dogs.

It is necessary to have funds available if you are going to own this type of dog.

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March 31, 2015

What should I do? My dog is shaking her head a lot. I'm thinking her ear is bothering her. Please help.

By Danielle


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
March 31, 20150 found this helpful

You dog probably has ear mites or possibly an infection in her ears. Either way, your veterinarian will test for the cause of the problem and provide treatment and medications. This is not something to wait and hope she improves as it will only worsen. The website from PetMD has more information:

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January 12, 2015

I want to know how to get zymox. I read it would help my dog's ears.

By Nancy L. Lutz from Smithfield, NC


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
January 13, 20150 found this helpful

Has a vet checked your dog's ears, given you a diagnosis and recommended Zymox treatment? You can order thru Amazon or go to Petsmart, PetCo, etc. for Zymox.

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January 25, 2014

I've had enough too, been to the vet 3 times at a cost of $180.00 each time and she is no better. I'm done with the vet thing. The last time the vet told me if it got no better we needed to just take the ear off. OMG are you kidding me?

She is a 15 year old Jack Russell. It's only in 1 ear, it's swollen with puss and it itches so badly. We have been through rounds of antibiotics and ear ointments. Somebody's got to help me. I don't know where to take her; I've been to 2 different vets.

By Tammy


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 399 Feedbacks
January 28, 20140 found this helpful

I have a beagle who has had ear problems for about 2 years. I have spent a fortune on him, and he has been miserable. Finally the last new vet I saw suggested it could be a food allergy. I started him on Nutro diet about 2 weeks ago and I think it is the solution. He is better. I mixed the Nutro with his regular food and have slowly increased the amount of Nutro (available at Petco and I imagine other places).

Also, I had some luck with spraying hydrogen peroxide into his ear. He doesn't like medicine being put into his ear - it is a struggle. I hope this helps (often it is the corn dogs are allergic to).

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October 15, 2013

Does anyone know where to find the Daphne Oz recipe for a dog's ear relief? I believe it was for "garlic infused olive oil, but have not been able to find her article on this.

By Rita G. from Alfred, ME


October 18, 20130 found this helpful

Warm baby oil and add few drops at a time.

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March 2, 2012

i am interested in using a homeopathic remedy for a yeast infection in my dogs ears. How much vinegar and water, in what measurements, do I use for his ears?

By Nadine


March 4, 20120 found this helpful

Rather than mixing your own, I suggest a visit to They have an ear wash with tea tree oil that is safe for dogs.

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October 19, 2011

What is the exact formula of water, vinegar, and alcohol using cotton balls for yeast infected dog's ears? Is there a difference between apple cider vinegar and white vinegar?

By Pat


October 30, 20110 found this helpful

There is no way to treat an infection without antibiotics. Do not use vinegar or alcohol in your dog's ears. It will burn his ears and cause your dog a lot of stress and pain.

Your dog needs to see a vet. Changing the diet will help too. Give your dog lamb, duck and sweet potato. Stay away from grains, chicken and beef. Most dogs are allergic to chicken and beef cause of all the stuff the farmers give them then dogs eat the meat with all the junk in it, like antibiotics, hormones, corn just to name a few.

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November 20, 2010

Is there a home remedy for a dog's ear infection?

By kathy from CT


November 21, 20100 found this helpful

Please take your dog to a vet so that an ear infection can be properly diagnosed and treated. Untreated ear infections in dogs can lead to seizures, other serious health issues, and potentially, death.

While I am a fan of many home remedies for both people and pets, infections are not something to experiment with. Good Luck.

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October 4, 2012

My dog has a bad ear infection. It is swollen. I need a home remedy please?

By Sarah from Sumrall

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

April 19, 2011

Monistat for Dog Ear Infections. My beagle suffers from ear infections so often and it was getting to expensive to keep going to the vet, so I read that Monistat for women will work.


February 20, 2011

I have a 14 1/2 yr old Cocker. Her ear flap is covered again in black crud and the ear canal red and moist.


October 12, 2009

How can I get rid of fungal infections in dog's ears?


August 12, 2009

Looking for a treatment for dog ear infections.


July 16, 2008
Click to read more ideas from older posts on ThriftyFun.

January 22, 2008
Click to read more ideas from older posts on ThriftyFun.

February 19, 2011

For those of you looking for help with your dog's ear infections, it's probably yeast. It could be bacterial, but I'd treat for yeast first if dollars are short, and they always are at my house.


February 14, 2011

I have a 6 year old Lab/Pit mix. He has had chronic ear infections for about 3 years. I have taken him to multiple vets.


January 6, 2011

Anyone with a good treatment for Cocker Spaniel with chronic ear infection? I am using something new, from, called Vetericyn Wound Treatment.


November 29, 2010

My Cocker Spaniel has severe yeast infections in his ears. They are recurring. He is six years old and we have had him for three of those years.


August 28, 2010

What is the mixture for the vinegar and water to help with a ear infection?


June 17, 2010

My Cocker Spaniel has had a horrible yeast ear infection for 3 months. We have made many trips to the vet, spent $700+ and the ear is still stinky, draining, etc.


March 23, 2010

My 7 year old pug Butch has been having problems with yeast infections in his ears for about 2 years now.


January 4, 2010

Our Basset hound has an awful ear infection that keeps recurring. It is fungus/yeast based and the doctors just can't find the right medication for him. Any suggestions?


November 18, 2009

What is a home remedy for yeast infections in dogs ears?


October 5, 2009

I'm looking for a natural cure for ear infections in my two dogs.


September 28, 2009

How can I cure my dogs ear infections?


June 24, 2009

I have a 7 year old Basset Hound who has had chronic ear infection for the majority of his adult doggy life. I have taken him to the vet every time and they give me antibiotics and drops.


April 16, 2009

I have a chow mix with a bad ear infection. It has had antibiotics and they are not working. Does anyone know of a good home remedy I can try?


April 28, 2008

I came here for some natural healing advice for my dog who was going through a fungal skin problem. I tried a lot of the tips I received and it cleared up!


October 30, 2007
Click to read more ideas from older posts on ThriftyFun.

July 17, 2007

My dog has a painful ear infection, however I cannot use any anti-biotics to treat him because he has cancer and that would be like throwing gasoline on a fire.

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