
Making a Bee Trap

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 418 Posts
September 3, 2008

Yellow JacketI saw this tip in "Country" magazine years ago and use it every year to trap yellow jackets and hornets. I have this one hanging in the grapevine. The yellow jackets like the apple juice better than the grapes. Lures them right in and they can't get out.


Take a gallon milk jug and cut an upside down V shape in the side 2/3 way up on the jug. Press the tab in. Pour fruit juice ( I use apple) 1 inch deep into the jug. Put the cap back on the jug and hang. Insects enter through the hole and can't get out.

By Betty from North Carolina

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Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
June 5, 2012

Punch a hole in a jar lid about as wide as your pinky finger. You want the bee to be able to get in but not crawl out as easy. Fill the jar half full of orange juice. Smear some jam under the lid.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 163 Posts
January 3, 2012

This past summer our hummingbird feeder was attracting more bees than birds. My husband cut the top off a regular sized soda bottle. He put it on the same rod that holds our humming bird feeder and it attracted a lot of bees.


Once the bees found their way in they couldn't get out.


6 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 20, 2007

Does anyone know how to make a bee and wasp catcher homemade? I'm looking for one to work like those in the catalogs which have a hole the bees go in and some sugar water and they can't get back out.

Hardiness Zone: 6a


March 21, 20070 found this helpful

I took a 2 litre soda bottle and i poked a few holes in the top, small ones so that they have sharp edges on the inside, about the size of a pea. I left some of the soda in it, and by the end of the day there were a dozen wasps trapped in there.

By (Guest Post)
March 22, 20070 found this helpful

Another trick with the 2 liter bottle is to cut the spout end of the bottle of about 2 -3 inches down and invert it into the remainder of the bottle. The spout will be pointing down into the bottle. Before you put the inverted spout into the bottle put 1/4 cup water mixed with 1 teaspoon of dish soap in the bottom of the bottle. The soap is what keeps them from flying back out because it sticks to their wings and they can't fly.


Then put the inverted spout into the bottle and pour in about another cup of juice, soda or sugar water. Be sure and pour the sugary stuff in thru the spout so that the outside is coated with the sweet stuff they like. This will attract a ton of wasps. When there are a good amount in there dump it out and start over.

By margaret Tx (Guest Post)
March 23, 20070 found this helpful

Hi i live out in the Country and what i do is take a Jelly Jar that has some jelly left in it add some water poke small holes in the lid just big enough for them to get in and when they have had there fill they cannot get out and you can set them anyplace or hang them in trees and when done cover the jars and dispose safely it works for me good luck

By ashlie . (Guest Post)
April 22, 20080 found this helpful

For the bee traps you take water bottles and put corn syrup in the bottom of them with a little bit of soda mixed in and hang them to your trees around your yard but away from child play areas it really works the soda attracts the bees and the syrup gets them stuck in the bottle

By Bee Gurlz (Guest Post)
June 7, 20080 found this helpful

Why not just catch them with your bare hands? Wasp and yellow-jacket stings are an excellent homeopathic remedy for arthritis -- and will lower your cholesterol too (from all the running you'll do when you mess with their nests).

August 5, 20091 found this helpful

There is a world wide decline in bees. IF this continues agricultural production will decline to catastrophic amounts unable to sustain human population. In other words if you kill bees humans will die, perish, become extinct, be destroyed. Do you understand this? If you don't like bees try using mosquito repellent on your body.


Do not wipe out plants because you don't like insects. Please tell this to a friend and maybe we can save the agricultural crops and more importantly plants nearing extinction whose only hope for survival is from bee pollination.

February 14, 20100 found this helpful

You can put about 6-8 shiny pennies in a clear ziplock bag, fill about 2/3 with water and hang it at door or window openings; wasps, bees, flys, etc. will NOT come near.

June 20, 20101 found this helpful

RE: Homemade Wasp and Bee Trap
By dear john (1) Profile Contact

There is a world wide decline in bees. If this continues agricultural production will decline to catastrophic amounts unable to sustain human population. In other words if you kill bees, humans will die, perish, become extinct, be destroyed. Do you understand this? If you don't like bees try using mosquito repellent on your body. Do not wipe out plants because you don't like insects. Please tell this to a friend and maybe we can save the agricultural crops and more importantly plants nearing extinction whose only hope for survival is from bee pollination.


Hi Dear John, I understand there is a decline in bees however my children and I are deathly allergic to bee and wasp stings so I can care less about killing them, survival of the fittest, lol. I am bigger and come equipped with raid! these ideas for traps are great! It's horrible that we can not enjoy the sunshine in our back yard when there are bees and wasps everywhere! We limit our outside time to evenings to avoid them and that's no fun at all. I will definitely try out some of these ideas and hopefully we can enjoy our yard again!

February 15, 20150 found this helpful

I want to know how to trap carpenter bees. They have been burrowing onto the 2/4's that hold up the roof of the barn.

August 26, 20171 found this helpful

Yellow jackets and wasps do not help with spreading pollen.

August 26, 20170 found this helpful

You cut off the top of a 2 liter soda bottle, stick the top in upside down without the cap, punch some holes on the sides to hang it, and fill with sugar water. Complete instructions are


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 26, 20170 found this helpful

You take a 2 liter soda bottle, take off the top, insert the top into the bottle upside down without the cap, punch holes on the side for hanging, and fill with sugar water. Complete instructions are here:

April 6, 20180 found this helpful

Does this help with the little black nats that flog around in the kitchen

August 29, 20180 found this helpful

Because some people are extremely allergic to bee stings like my son for example who was stung three days before his wedding last week and was in the hospital with anaphylactic shock and his throat swelling shut.

May 13, 20190 found this helpful

Wasp eat their weight in mosquitoes everyday

April 5, 20200 found this helpful

take a 2 by 4 and drill a hole 3/4 in. through the end of the board then drill a hole 1in.half way through the board and take coke bottle cap & put it in the hole ,glue it in & screw the bottle in cap.

April 5, 20200 found this helpful

We do not need to be killing bees we need bees to pollinate our fruits and veggies dont you people understand that

April 5, 20200 found this helpful

Couldnt of said this better myself thank you for making some of these people understand the importance of bees

August 19, 20210 found this helpful

Please dont trap bees. They are a vital part of pollination for the planet. You can use bait thats attracts wasps and hornets only.

September 30, 20211 found this helpful

Bees are not yellow jackets. Bees travel from one flower to another he is gathering nectar to carry back to the hive to intern make honey or feed the Queen.


Yellow jackets do nothing along those lines. Yellow jackets are of the wasp family.
In U.S.A. Bees are on the same level more or less as cattle. If you were to say steel a hive you could be arrested for rustling.

April 21, 20220 found this helpful

I HAD A TERRIFYING Allergic reaction from bee stings when never before had reaction other than red itchy bump. Do not

assume you will not come to harm. EMTs said brother saved my life with his epipen . Said would have died before they could get to me. DO NOT HANDLE BEES OR WASPS OF ANY KIND.

May 29, 20220 found this helpful

When you have someone in your family that is allergic to stings and almost died from a yellow jacket sting last year you might think twice about killing them with your hands!

September 23, 20220 found this helpful

People are confusing bee's and wasps/yellow jackets. The traps in this article are targeting the wasps/yellow jackets. They are not the same and wasps yellow jackets do not pollinate crops of any kind and in fact some wasps kill bee's!
The less wasps/yellow jackets in the world the better off humans will be!

August 7, 20230 found this helpful

I rub the entrance hole with Vicks Vapo rub. The bees smell and leave the wood.

Answer this Question

September 1, 2004

What can I use to get rid of jellow jackets? Is there any one thing that would attract them so that they would go in a trap for yellow jackets? We bought 4 of the traps and put the liquid in but now that has lost its power.




Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
September 1, 20040 found this helpful

There are several inexpensive non-toxic bait traps available for yellow jacket control, including the Wasp Trap, the Oak Stump Farm "Yellow Jacket" Wasp Trap and the Yellow Jacket Inn. Visit your nearby garden center or check out a gardening mail order catalog to investigate the availability of these traps.

Traps should be placed around the perimeter of human recreational areas well in advance of outdoor activities. Traps may be placed along side dumpsters or restaurant loading docks. Most trap directions call for a reservoir to be filled with an attractant such as sugar water. Exhausted yellow jackets fall into the liquid and drown.

Traps should be serviced daily to remove dead insects because the odor can become very offensive. Wash the trap with soap and water after several days use. Monitor the traps, attractiveness to beneficial insects such as honey bees and alter the bait if necessary. Raw bologna has proven to be a very successful yellow jacket bait and it does not attract beneficial insects.

Homemade Traps: A crude yellow jacket trap is made by hanging a raw fish or piece of liver (slightly diced on the exterior) by string about 1 to 2 inches above a container of detergent and water. The detergent will act as a wetting agent and eliminate surface tension which will improve trap efficiency. Foraging yellow jackets are attracted to the raw meat and will often become overloaded with food and fall into the water and drown. This method of yellow jacket control is not as efficient as nest elimination but it may help reduce the population to acceptable levels.

"Bee Lining" for Fish Bait: Bee lining is a method by which a person may locate a yellow jacket nest by observing foragers as they return to their colony with food. A freshly caught small fish should be diced slightly on the exterior with a knife and hung in a tree about 5 to 6 feet off the ground. Foraging yellow jackets will be attracted to the raw fish and will chew off a tiny particle of the meat. By close observation, a person can follow the flight line of the yellow jacket back to her nest. The foraging yellow jacket will normally make a "bee line" straight to the nest which is often no more than 1,000 yards from the food source. Fishermen have been known to use this procedure to discover yellow jacket nests and use the grub as excellent fish bait.

They also have information about nests in the link above.

By teamleader (Guest Post)
September 12, 20040 found this helpful

If you have one of those traps where they fly in and can't get out,fill it about half full with orange pop and you'll be amazed at how many go in there.

October 16, 20110 found this helpful

I have the perfect, cheap, easy idea which I discovered quite by accident. I noticed that my hummingbirds stopped coming to the feeder which I fill with 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. When I dumped out the water, there were so many yellow jackets in it that I was absolutely amazed. Now I need a different feeder for my hummers but I know how to lure yellow jackets!

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May 23, 2017

Carpenter bees can destroy the wood in your home. Use this simple trick to capture carpenter bees. This is a page about making a carpenter bee trap.

Carpenter Bee Trap

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