
What Kind of Snake is This?

Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
January 8, 2018

What Kind of Snake Was This?I had a snake come into my garage, fortunately my husband was able to kill it (while I freaked out). Can anyone identify it?



Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
January 8, 20180 found this helpful
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It could be a water snake, which isn't poisonous. It would be helpful to know where you are located.

January 16, 20184 found this helpful
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That looks like a copperhead snake & they are dangerous venomous.

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September 8, 2017

We live in Escondido, California. I found this in our backyard last night and am curious as to what type of snake it is.

What Kind of Snake Is This? - very long light and dark colored snake, appears non-venomous
What Kind of Snake Is This?


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
September 10, 20170 found this helpful
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I do not feel this is a venomous snake but I'm not sure anyone has correctly identified your snake.

  • Garter snake? Probably not as garter snakes have long stripes down their body and your snake has bands around the body.
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  • Gopher snake? Probably not as the markings on a gopher snake are very "busy" (lots of markings).
  • Rat snake? Possibly but I could not find a similar rat snake photo.
  • Since snakes change within hours after death it is possible this is not the best photo to review but from the photo, it looks similar to the CA king snake. King snakes are found all over CA and they are harmless and nonvenomous. There are many colors/types of CA king snake but they are banded.

Here are some photos of black king snakes - please wait a few moments for an individual photo to appear.,+California+banded...:

If you still feel you would like more information you can contact your local county extension office and they should be able to help you. Here is a link to help you find your county office.


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August 20, 2015

My hubby found this snake mowing lawns, at work. We are in South Carolina. I'd like to keep it, but not if it is poisonous.

pretty green and black snake
What Type of Snake Is This?

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May 2, 2018

My buddy had this coming out of his attic. We are just curious what it is and the best way to keep them away.

Identifying a Snake - dark striped snake in a box


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 3, 20181 found this helpful
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Snakes enter an attic for warmth and food. Your friend probably has mice or rats in the attic. He may not see them because the snake is doing a good job of eating them.


This could be a rat snake, which is a good climber. Once the rat or mice problem is addressed, the snakes will find somewhere else to go.

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March 21, 2012

brown and tan snakeI found this snake in our garden shed and I don't want to kill it if it's not dangerous. It looks bigger than it is; it's just a baby. Please let me know. I Googled Arkansas snakes and there are hundreds of pictures, but none match this one!

By Linda W. F


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
March 22, 20120 found this helpful

Try your state extension office, you may be able to email the picture to the agricultural agent for identification:


The banding on that snake is very interesting. I was taught the way to identify a poisonous snake was two-fold: triangular head and colours:

"Red touches yellow- kill the fellow! Red touches black - happy Jack"

Meaning if the red banding bordered yellow banding the snake was poisonous and the advice was to kill him before he bit and killed you.

(Not saying I agree with this, btw, because snakes are beneficial-they eat rodents before the rodents can eat your electrical wiring or other important things; if at all possible it's best to let snakes live since they are helping keep your property pest population down)

If the red banding touched the black banding, Jack (you or whomever was deciding if the snake is dangerous) could be happy and let the snake go on it's way.


But that is one unusual looking and coloured snake! It even looks as though it has a rattle at the end, but it sure doesn't look like any of the rattlers I grew up seeing in the American desert southwest.

I'd check with the agricultural agent to be sure, and to get some good free advice on figuring out what attracted that snake to your property.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
March 22, 20120 found this helpful

Deleted for duplication. Sigh:)

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May 12, 2013

Snake with stripe above eye and along body.What kind of snake is this? Photo taken this morning.



May 12, 20130 found this helpful

I think it resembles the worm snake. I used to play with them all the time when I was a child.

Here is a video link that will work to show you what a worm snake looks like:


June 17, 20130 found this helpful

The "snake" in the photo is actually a lizard. It is a Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus sp.).

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What kind of snake is solid black with white stripes about an inch apart? It was roughly about 3 to 4 feet in length and about an inch in diameter, fast, and very aggressive.

By Rick


August 23, 20110 found this helpful

It may be a eastern king snake, non-poisonous.



Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
August 23, 20110 found this helpful

I do remember he is a good guy. Goes after rattlers. Was it a king? Don't quote me. Main thing, do not hurt him.

August 23, 20110 found this helpful This should help you out. He is harmless and just likes to be left alone. King Snake..great to have around if you don't want rattlers, same with Bull Snakes.

September 8, 20110 found this helpful

Kingsnake or Garter/Ribbon Snake, depending on whether the stripes run across the body(king) or down the body(garter).

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June 22, 2017

What kind of snake is this? I am in Madisonville, Louisiana.

What Kind of Snake Is This? - dark gray or black snake
What Kind of Snake Is This?

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October 7, 2013

Florida snake.We found this snake in our back yard yesterday. Our neighbor thinks it is a moccasin. It is red and black striped with a whitish belly. The head does have black lines from the eyes to lips and the head is a diamond shape. We live in Tampa Florida and there is a conservation area out back.

By Tara

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September 22, 2013

Small brown snake on door mat.Today I saw a snake just in front of the door of my terrace. Does anyone know the type? Is it dangerous? It was beautifully colored bronze and so attractive that for a moment I was thinking to catch it!

By Hossein

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April 24, 2017

I need to know what kind of snake is this? It was out side our house. I live in southwest Houston, TX. Is this poisonous?

What Kind of Snake Is This?

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September 30, 2013

Snakes in a white bucket.I found about 5 so far, coiled up, but know they are a little aggressive. They are about 6 - 12 inches long.

By David J.

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July 18, 2011

Can some one tell me what kind of snake this is?
It's about 13 inches long. Dark snake with side markings in bucket.


By Mark


July 19, 20110 found this helpful

Water Moccasin?

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May 22, 2009

SnakeMy father-in-law found this snake in his garden this morning. We are wondering what it is? I am researching but no success yet, any ideas? I have other pictures with its markings. Thank you.

Hardiness Zone: 8a

By APRIL from SC


May 22, 20090 found this helpful

it's hard to say, looks like a ground rattler maybe. Careful though it appears to have a diamond shaped head which is a good indicator of poison

May 22, 20090 found this helpful

It helps to identify the region where the snake was found. The photo was too low resolution to make a positive i.d., but I think one of these may be your snake --- good news, if so, because they are both non-poisonous. My bet is on the "rat snake" Your snake clearly lacks rattles, so is not a rattler.

May 22, 20090 found this helpful

This looks like a Water Moccasin or Cottonmouth, but it is actually a non-venomous species known as the Diamondback Water snake. They have evolved to resemble poisonous snakes so other, bigger predators will leave them alone. However, they are still very nasty, and when provoked, will take a hunk of flesh.

Notice how he arches his neck when provoked, and how the head itself is "diamond" shaped, closely resembling that of a viper. This is a much calmer Ribbon Snake. This one has green stripes, but they come in many different colors.
Columbia, SC

May 29, 20090 found this helpful

From the picture, I can not make a definate determination. Here are a couple of links to snake pictures. Since you or your father-in-law saw it close enough to take the picture, you would be the only ones that could definately determine.

I keep the second one handy as we live in the NE GA area and are surrounded by water and forest.

I hope this helps you. Sorry I couldn't help more.

May 29, 20090 found this helpful

Looks like the very rare but much feared rattleheaded copper moccasin to me.

May 29, 20090 found this helpful

I agree with the post about the head shape. I was always taught that the diamond shaped head of a snake means that it is poisonous. How worrisome!

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December 15, 2010

SnakeCan anyone tell me what kind of snake this is? I am sorry the pic is a little blurry.

By john becker from Plant C, FL


December 16, 20100 found this helpful

It is a type of rat snake. Google images Texas rat snake and you will probably see it.

December 17, 20100 found this helpful

Or maybe a corn snake?

December 19, 20100 found this helpful

I believe that this is a Florida Pine Snake, non venomous. Just google it...snakes of Florida, and it will be near the bottom of the page.

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March 8, 2017

I have heard people talk about a bull snake and was wondering what it is. It is from Florida.

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April 29, 2016

I live in Massachusetts. What kind of snake is this?

What Kind of Snake Is This?

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July 26, 2015

I found this snake in the Dominican Republic a couple of years ago in July/August. I've been wondering what kind of snake it is ever since.

Could anybody help? I don't have a better picture unfortunately.

dark snake
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May 10, 2011

Very dark photo of a snakeMy daughter lives in Eastpoint, GA and last night she found a snake on her porch. Can someone tell me what kind of snake this is? Thank you so much.

By Doc Doris from Inkster, MI

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August 11, 2019

Does anyone know what kind of snake this is? It keeps showing up in my pool. I live in SC. It's orange with black partial rings.

Identifying a Snake - orange snake with black markings in a swimming pool

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May 17, 2018

What kind of snake is this? I think black racer, but I just want to make sure. He's been in this spot for 3 days now and I have a toddler that can't play in the yard till he's gone.

What Kind of Snake Is This? <div class=
- black snake in weeds with its head raised" class="_im181569 art_img center" height="600" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" onerror="imgerr(this)" src="" width="450">
What Kind of Snake Is This?
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