
Permed Hair Not Curly Enough?

42 Questions

Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 30, 2017

My stylist gave me a perm today and it looked cute after he diffused it a bit with some mousse. But then he curled it with a curling iron. No hair spray, no setting spray, but curled it. Now the curls are falling out, but my hair is straight. Should I be concerned, or will they come back with my wash on Saturday?


He's an award winning stylist who has been doing perms since the 80s and it was hard to get an appointment in the first place because he's so popular. Not sure what to do, or whether this is normal. Thanks!

Permed Hair Straight After Being Styled with Curling Iron - hair not too curly


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 30, 20170 found this helpful
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Since the stylist did this, he is obligated to fix it. Go back immediately. I'm surprised he did this. You are usually told to leave your hair alone for a few days after a chemical treatment

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December 2, 2019

I'm a seasoned hair stylist who doesn't take any short cuts when it comes to hair. The other day I had done a perm on a client with fine hair. I followed the directions down to a T. When I checked the rod I saw the S pattern. The client left with wet curly hair.

I had asked her if she could take a picture for me when I dries. When I received the photo my jaw hit the floor. It wasn't very curly at all and it was frizzy! Not what I expected. Has this happened to anyone? And how soon should I wait to re-perm? I would refund her money, but it's not my shop and the owner would never. I am at a loss for words.
Shampooed lightly
Applied pre treatment
Rolled the hair
Saturated the hair with waving solution
Processed for 18 mins (max time was 20) S pattern was there after ten but kept it on longer for extra curl.
Rinsed with warm water for 5 mins (as directed)
Applied neutralizer for 5, then rinsed for 5.
Had her leave with wet hair.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
December 2, 20190 found this helpful
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Did she shampoo when she got home? Is she on medication? Those two things can affect a perm.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 3, 20190 found this helpful
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My grandmother had very thin hair and it was so hard to perm her hair. I know when she had her hair permed the perming gel could not stay on the whole 20 minutes and had to be taken out after 10 minutes.


It is hard to perm this type of hair and to do it again too son will really damage her hair. I do not think you did anything wrong it is just the type of hair and how fragile this hair really is.

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November 5, 2018

I just got my hair permed. I didn't wait 48 hours before washing it. So now my hair is frizzy and I don't have curls. What do I do to make it curly?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
November 5, 20181 found this helpful
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You should have waited. You will have to pay to have the salon fix this. Next time do what they tell you to do.

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June 15, 2017

My hair was one length just below my shoulder blades. I showed the stylist a pic of a shag. I needed a perm as I had straight hair. She first cut the length off, then permed, and then cut style. The neck fringe is poker straight and the fringe in front of my ears is uneven and poker straight. I had this style years before and they cut the style then permed and it came out great. Should I let them know or let it grow out and then go back and ask that they do it the way that worked for 5 years?


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
June 15, 20170 found this helpful
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Go back and let them know asap-- I would not wait on it

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August 26, 2018

I got a perm yesterday and it is not as curly as I expected it to be. It looks like my hair is just twisted sorta tightly instead of curled and I want to know how to make it curly without going back and asking her to do it again.

I want it curly in the same day. Is that possible?

New Perm Not Curly Enough - girl's permed hair


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 26, 20180 found this helpful
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I would go back to the salon and get it fixed. You will void any warranty if you do something yourself.

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November 26, 2018

This is a question about perms for men. What if my stylist told me to only put water on my hair after I got the perm, is it bad if I wet my hair after a perm? How can I get my hair to have more tight curls and have no straight hairs?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
November 26, 20180 found this helpful
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Hi and thanks for reaching out. I am not exactly sure what you are asking. It sounds like you are following your stylist's advice. He/she knows the type of perm you were given and post perm care. You have to follow what the stylist says to get the best outcomes.


You can always call back and check if you are not sure.

If you aren't happy with the curl, talk to the stylist ASAP and ask them to help you get it right!! They can tell you what can be done to get the curl the way you want it. You paid for the perm, you deserve to be happy with the outcomes!!

Post back what the person says and how he/she resolves it for you!

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October 6, 2019

I've been going to my hairdresser for years, and she knows I have been wanting to do a perm for months now. I have showed her photos over the past few weeks of what we wanted to achieve and also what we did not. I reiterated several times that I wanted proper curls (not waves, since my hair is already somewhat wavy).

We finally did the process yesterday, which took about 3.5 hours! I didn't see many curls, mostly big waves once she was done, and the top part is pretty much straight. I had mentioned this to her, but she and another stylist mentioned it's because of the paste or product they have put into my hair. They mentioned I could wash my hair the next day (today), and then use some mousse and the curls would be more prominent and fluffy.
Unfortunately, my hair is all waves today. Not a single curl, and it just looks like my normal wavy hair, but messier, because of all the layering.

Should I ask her for a refund or can they do anything to fix it? I have been going to her for years, and have even brought my family and friends, but I am extremely disappointed with the result, especially because we thoroughly researched and discussed it together. I don't want to sounds fussy, but I feel like I was ripped off :( Thank you for your help!

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January 12, 2020

I got a perm. The perm was not at all spirals and looks like I had braided my hair. My ends are ripping off and I must now get a haircut.

It has now been a day since the perm. Will putting in curlers while it continues to set help it get curlier?


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
January 13, 20200 found this helpful
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It sounds like you went to a salon to have your hair permed. If you have paid for this and are not happy you must go back to the salon and talk with the owner. It also sounds like they have really damaged your hair on the ends and this is very bad.


I would go back and ask for a refund and also see what they can do to help you out.

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September 28, 2019

I had a perm once before, and while not spiral, it was curly not just wavy. I apparently haven't figured out how to comb/pick them (LOL), so however often I would brush it right before I washed it, and after I washed it/got it wet, it would spring back.

Just over a week ago my friend gave me a spiral perm (and it looked awesome). I sprayed it with a squirt bottle and rinsed it when I showered, but I ended up waiting 5.5 days until I washed it with shampoo and conditioner, I also brushed it right before.

I know that brushing can break your hair off, but I never had an issue with it before like actually ruining or pulling my curls out (like I said I'd wash it and it'd bounce right back because I waited until it was set). Well after it dried it wasn't nearly as spiral and was kinda frizzy (Ugh!). I was like okay well it's always curlier before you wash it the first time. Then I realized I didn't get different shampoo and conditioner, I used the same cheap stuff I was using on my limp unpermed hair. So I haven't used that shampoo the last two days. I've just used a squirt bottle to get it wet and that has made it look better. My mom bought me a better quality shampoo conditioner and styling product, so I'm waiting to wash it again until I get those.

So basically the answer I'm looking for (LOL) is brushing didn't ruin or pull my curls out, it's probably a combination of the first wash and cheap shampoo? I don't want to ask my friend because if brushing did pull it out, I don't want her to know :(


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
September 28, 20190 found this helpful

I would use the recommended shampoo and conditioner. I would also get a wide-toothed comb to comb out the wet hair. Hopefully it will be better next wash

September 28, 20190 found this helpful

Be really careful brushing and combing curly hair if you want to keep the curls. Use shampoo and conditioner made specifically for wavy and curly hair also pick your curls instead of coming .This will help keep the curls longer!

September 28, 20190 found this helpful

I have shampoo and conditioner that is great for curls , it specifically brings the curls back and you can use a pic instead of a brush to hold the curls , this will enhance what you already have !

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January 16, 2022

I have fine hair layered short bob and I'm going to have an acid perm because my hairdresser says it will better for my hair. But she says she can do an acid without heat and I am reading a acid perm must have heat to produce best curl. Any advice please?

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April 8, 2020

I got my perm about two months ago. And I started to notice that I have what looks like a rat tail. Some parts of my hair are straight, but not all of it. How can I fix it?

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May 6, 2019

I did a curly perm yesterday. The rods used were larger because of my hair length and it came out wavy. That's not what I wanted so she did it over with smaller rods and it came out fine, but the front was more curly than the back. Then after a while the ends got straight and now it's wavy.

She also cut my hair ends bcuz they were really straight. Now idk what to do bcuz I had good natural hair and I have an event to attend tomorrow. She didn't tell me I had to wait before washing my hair. I read up and saw that. So now I'm willing to wait, but I wanna know if I can just wash my hair over and set it with smaller rods.

Help please.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
May 6, 20190 found this helpful

Since you had it professionally done, go back and have it fixed the way you like it.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
May 6, 20190 found this helpful

Oh gosh, no. Since you had a pro do it let them take care of it asap. Don't attempt to fix it or else they might not help you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
May 6, 20190 found this helpful

The stylist needs to give you info and take action so you are pleased. That is that person's job. If the stylist isn't responsive and isn't the owner, you can talk to the owner. If the stylist is the owner and is not responsive, politely let her know if you will not be back.


My fear for you is if you do anything on your own, they will "blame" you for it not turning out. Best to let them resolve it for you.

I hope you found a solution for your event. Post back with an update.

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February 25, 2019

I have hair slightly longer than ear length. I got a perm, but my hair isn't curly, it's straight, but kinky. How do I get curls? Using a product and scrunching it dry isn't doing it!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
February 25, 20190 found this helpful

So maybe I am not understanding, forgive me if I am not. If you got a perm from a salon and are not happy, the stylist (or better yet the owner) should make it right for you and since re-perming right away is not good for your hair, they should offer you tips for styling and a refund.


If you did a home perm, contact the company and tell them you are not happy with the results, see if they will offer a refund, and find a good stylist to help you get your hair to do what you want it to do. Be careful with using a lot of product and devices as you don't want to make your hair fragile.

Hope it all works out. Post back what you learn!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
February 25, 20190 found this helpful

If you had it done at a salon, you should go back there and ask them to fix it or refund your money. The sooner you do this , the better.

February 25, 20190 found this helpful


I would try using those foam rollers, with damp hair, and either let it dry overnight, or blow dry them dry. This should work.




Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
February 28, 20190 found this helpful

It did not take. Go back to the salon asap

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October 21, 2019

I got a perm at a salon and it didn't take. I went back and she redid my perm. My hair is short and still is not holding curl; it looks like a scrunchy mess. I went to Sally's and got some leave in conditioner to hold the curl.

I don't understand why my hair did not take. I'm upset cause I spent a lot of money for hair that didn't turn out curly.

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August 7, 2019

I just got a perm done and I got home and without thinking I brushed my hair and now it's not as curly. It is more straight and really frizzy. Did I just lose my curls or will they come back after I wash it after I have a shower a couple days after?

Please help!

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I got a perm yesterday with the goal of curly locks. Well, after she took my hair down, only about three inches from the scalp was curled and everything else is straight.

She can't figure out what happened or why. Does anyone know what would cause that?

Permed Hair Only Curly at the Scalp
Permed Hair Only Curly at the Scalp
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June 3, 2019

So this is my first perm. I haven't dyed my hair in a year. I've trimmed half an inch every other month and made sure I got it to the healthiest place as possible. I have not dyed my hair in a year so most of my color is my natural hair color. I wanted to get a perm today and I told him I wanted to look like Marilyn Monroe. On the right side of my face it is straight and in the back it's curly. When he cut it I told him half inch and he cut 3 inches off so the front of my hair is straight and short in the back it is long and curly. Permed Hair Not Curly Enough - photo of failed perm


I noticed he cut my hair after the perm and he combed it out. Is there any way I can make it curly like I wanted to without doing the gel or curling with the straightening iron or with rollers? There has to be another solution for this. I usually wear extensions, but my boyfriend and I are trying to save money and I have to spend $400 on extensions each month.

What can I do to fix my hair? I cried for two hours in my car after I already got my money back, but that doesn't help the fact that I wasted my time for a whole year to be back where I was and my hair was healthy and longer. My hair had finally gotten to be the same length and now it's not.

Permed Hair Not Curly Enough
Permed Hair Not Curly Enough
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April 26, 2020

I have been reading your post onperms not being curly enough.I'm a guy with longer hair, but not super long. It's not even to the shoulder area. It's in great condition and I have lots of hair! Which is a blessing. It's straight as well as thick. I've had perms growing up and they were super tight and I looked like Shirley Temple. Obviously I had shorter hair then probably. My sisters would get perms and body wavesand they had longer hair and it always took and they had beautiful curls.

The guy who does my perms now is great. He knows his stuff, but I never leave with what I really wanted. I want curls and not waves from the root down. I know you can only do so much with perms. My perms take, but never at the top area? From like above the ear area and down I have curls, but never on the top area. It's frustrating to me. He wraps it perfectly and uses many rods, etc.

Could it be the chemicals he's using aren't strong enough? He is using the one that activates on its own with no heat required, if that makes sense. Back in the day we always had to go under the dryer to activate, etc. I feel like I need the old school one? Is there a difference with that?

I'm going back sometime in the near future to have him redo as it's not what I want and I always leave thinking, next time it will be different. It's been about 6 weeks and my hair is healthy and not damaged. I have always asked him if we need to leave the solution on longer and he says no. I am thinking he leaves on for about 20 minutes. He knows his stuff allegedly and wraps it great, but I'm confused. I don't have super long hair. Some females have way longer hair and it seems perms can take on them with curl from root down. Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance.

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March 27, 2019

I did my perm about 2 days ago and I noticed it wasn't that curly. Can I do another perm?


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
March 27, 20190 found this helpful

Usually you have to wait 1-2 weeks before doing another perm. But did you do this perm at home or a salon? If it was at a salon and they did not achieve the perm as you hoped - I would let them know and see what they'll do about it as it's only been 2 days!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 27, 20190 found this helpful

If you did it at a salon, go back immediately and have them fix it or refund your money.

If you did it yourself, I would wait at least 2 weeks before doing this or any other chemical treatment, including coloring.

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